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研究生基礎(chǔ)英語課后答案Unit1-5 - - - - - - 單詞詞組互譯- - - - - - - - 英譯漢 communication satellite 通訊衛(wèi)星 mobile telephony 移動通訊 intelligent robot 智能機(jī)器人 clone 克隆 telecommunications 遠(yuǎn)程通訊 stock holder 股東 taxing authority 稅務(wù)機(jī)關(guān) charitable organization 慈善機(jī)構(gòu) nonprofit firm 非盈利公司 sales forecast 銷售預(yù)測 economic forecast 經(jīng)濟(jì)預(yù)測 tourist resort旅游勝地 landscape scenery 山水風(fēng)光 virgin forest 原始森林 hitchhiking 沿途免費(fèi)搭乘他人便車旅行 outdoor adventures戶外冒險活動 a camper 野營者 antibiotic 抗生素 gene 基因 El Nino 厄爾尼塔 marine 海產(chǎn)的,海運(yùn)的,艦隊,海運(yùn)業(yè) vitamin 維生素 humility 謙遜 endeavor n & v 努力嘗試 sincerity 真誠 真摯 patriotism 愛國主義 faith 信仰,信念 divine 神圣的,非凡的,崇高的 reconcile 調(diào)和,和解 self-observation 自我審視ethics class 道德教育課 computer-aided cheating 利用計算機(jī)作弊failing grade 不及格 plagiarism 剽竊 mandatory penalty 強(qiáng)制懲罰 junk email harassment 垃圾郵件騷擾 漢譯英 文學(xué)literature 科幻小說science fiction 空間旅行space traveling 外星人 alien 人類社會 human society 高技術(shù) high-technology 信息時代information age 信息產(chǎn)業(yè)information industry 管理 management 協(xié)調(diào) coordinate 運(yùn)作operate 人力資源 human resources 經(jīng)費(fèi) funds 決策make decisions 政府部門governmental agencies 金融機(jī)構(gòu)financial institution 遠(yuǎn)足hike 兜風(fēng)go for a ride 觀光sight-seeing 探險explore, exploration 交游go outing 滑雪 skiing 沖浪surfing 睡袋sleeping bag 導(dǎo)游圖 tourist map 夏令營summer camp 羊羔lamb 山羊goat豬崽piglet奶牛cow 牛犢calf家禽fowl 哺乳動物mammal 家畜 domestic animals 善意goodwill, good intentions 高尚noble 成就achievement, success, accomplishment 抱負(fù)ambition, aspiration 原則principle 奉獻(xiàn)dedicate 平等equality 忠誠sincerity, loyalty, faithfulness 抄襲 copy / plagriarise 作弊 cheating 道德準(zhǔn)則 ethics 校行政人員 school officials 開除 explusion 學(xué)年 school year 讀書報告 book report 校園社區(qū)服務(wù) on-compus community sevice- - - - - -單詞、時態(tài)填空- - - - - - - - Unit1 II Vocabulary study 詞匯學(xué)習(xí) 第6頁A) Complete each of the following sentences by choosing the right word or expression fron the box and make changes where necessary.完成下列句子從方框中選擇正確的單詞或短語并進(jìn)行必要的變形。 predict reveal dominate in search of play a major role in預(yù)料 揭露 支配、占主導(dǎo)作用 搜尋 在方面起主要作用call for in reality speculation a wide range of respect號召 實際上 推測 廣泛的 尊重1、They got there in the late afternoon and went around in search of a place to stay. 他們在下午晚些時候到達(dá)那里并四處尋找棲身之地。2、The astronomers were questioned on a wide range of subjects from physics to psychology. 宇航員被問到廣泛的問題,從物理學(xué)到心理學(xué)。3、As people spend more time watching TV and reading the newspapers, the media plays a major role in influencing their opinions. 注意復(fù)數(shù)加s因為人們花大量的時間看電視、看報紙,媒體在影響他們的觀點(diǎn)上發(fā)揮了主要作用。4、There was a strange silence about what was happening, but the details of the murder were finally revealed by the local paper. 人們對于關(guān)于當(dāng)時發(fā)生的事情表現(xiàn)出奇怪的沉默,但是謀殺的細(xì)節(jié)最終被當(dāng)?shù)貓蠹埥衣冻鰜怼?、After another round of negotiations, they finally signed a declaration calling for an immediate ceasefire. 經(jīng)過又一輪談判之后,他們終于簽署了號召立即?;鸬男浴?、Xiao Ling always seems so self-confident, but in reality she is extremely shy. 小玲看起來總是很自信,但實際上她十分害羞。7、I have to admit that she is very nice as a hostess, but she dose tend to dominate the conversation. 我不得不承認(rèn)她是個非常好的主持人,但她確實試圖在整個談話占主導(dǎo)作用。8、Out of respect for the whishes of her family, the accident was not reported in the local media. 為了尊重她家人的愿望,這個事故沒有在當(dāng)?shù)孛襟w中報道。9、The companys expansion was predicted on the assumption that sales would rise.曾經(jīng)有人預(yù)料假設(shè)銷售量上升這家公司就會擴(kuò)張。10、Any suggestion of an imminent crash in stock market is pure speculation. 股票市場即將崩潰的任何建議都純粹是推測。 Unit2 II Vocabulary study 詞匯學(xué)習(xí) 第21頁 require acquire operate comprehend motivate maintain 要求 獲得 操作、經(jīng)營 理解 激勵 維持adapt to be certain access to coordinate component convert 適應(yīng)于 肯定 進(jìn)入 協(xié)調(diào) 組成部分 轉(zhuǎn)變 1、As an excellent manager, he is very good at motivating his employees. 作為一名杰出的經(jīng)理,他非常善于激勵他的員工。2、Their principal activities are to serve the French corporations operating abroad. 他們的主要活動是為法國公司的國外經(jīng)營服務(wù)。3、The two rival companies maintained close relations for ten years. 兩家競爭公司維持了10年的密切關(guān)系。4、A large complex organization can be slow to adapt to changes. 一個大型的復(fù)雜組織適應(yīng)變化可能比較緩慢。5、The ability to use a language can be acquired only by the act of using the language. 使用一門語言的能力可以通過僅僅使用這門語言就能夠獲得。6、A password is needed to get access to the computer system. 加入電腦系統(tǒng)需要密碼。7、Good records are required for the preparation of complete and accurate tax documents. 為了準(zhǔn)備完整有精確的稅收文件需要完善的記錄。8、They read the story, but only a few fully comprehended its meaning. 他們讀了這個故事,但是只要少數(shù)幾個人完全理解它的意思。9、They converted the medieval castle into a beautiful theater. 他們把這個中世紀(jì)的城堡變成了一座美麗的戲院。10、The doctor was certain after examining his wounds that he could not possibly live. 在檢查完他的傷勢之后,這個醫(yī)生確定他不可能存活。Unit3 accessible to push off at a price a craving for 能接近的 啟程 昂貴的 渴望negotiate accommodate unique consistently談判 留宿 獨(dú)特的 一貫1、Housing could be obtained at a price . 高價才能獲得住房。2、Medicine should not be kept where it is accessible to children. 藥物不能放在孩子們能夠接近的地方。3、Patrick is not sure whether he can ( negotiate the turn)at the bottom. 帕特里克不能肯定在底端他是否能夠拐彎。這是一個固定詞組-拐彎4、The hungry beggar had a craving for food, any food left by the guests.這個饑餓的乞丐非??释澄?,客人留下的任何食物。5、Lets push off early so that well get there before nightfall. 我們早點(diǎn)啟程吧,那樣我們就能在天黑之前到達(dá)那里。6、John and Armstrong maintain consistently a high standard. 約翰和阿姆斯特朗一貫保持高水平。7、Those foreign students are accommodated in Canadian homes near the campus for a three-week orientation program. 這些外國學(xué)生在校園附近的加拿大人的家里住宿為了進(jìn)行三星期的迎新活動。8、Each persons signature is unique and that will help us to find out if this document is a forgery. 每一個人的簽名都是獨(dú)特的,這將幫助我們查明這個文件是偽造的。Unit4 clone donation donor transplant cattle recipient克隆 捐款 捐贈者 移植 牲口 接受者 mammal initiate reverse at intervals light up 哺乳動物 發(fā)起 顛倒 斷斷續(xù)續(xù)、時而不時 照亮1、The cost of feeding fully grown cattle for a period of time can be significant.一段時間內(nèi)喂養(yǎng)完全成熟的牲口的成本是很大的。2、Nonsexual reproduction from a single parent is already possible and every clone produced in this way is absolutely identical to the parent.來自單親父母的無性繁殖已成為可能,每一個用這種方式制造的克隆人和他的父母完全相同。3、Former students collected money for scholarship fund. We are very grateful to the donors for their generous donations. 以前的學(xué)生籌錢用于獎學(xué)金基金。我們非常感謝這些捐贈者慷慨的捐款。注意加S,復(fù)數(shù)。4、Baby animals of mammals such as mice, cows and monkeys get milk from their mothers breasts. 哺乳動物的幼仔如老鼠、奶牛和猴子從它們的母親胸脯汲取奶水。注意加S,復(fù)數(shù)。5、We transplanted the small peach tree from the back of the house to the front because it did not get enough sunlight there. 我們將小桃樹從房子后面移植到前面,因為在那里它得不得足夠的陽光。注意過去時6、Shall we reverse the order and put Z at the beginning of this dictionary? 我們能夠顛倒秩序,并將Z放在這個字典的開頭嗎?7、The searchlight lit up the whole area. 探照燈照亮了整個地區(qū)。 過去時 不規(guī)則動詞變形 lightlit.8、The government initiated a large-scale campaign to eliminate illiteracy. 政府發(fā)起了大規(guī)模掃盲戰(zhàn)役。注意過去時 直接加d9、The recipients of Nobel Prize are honored at special ceremonies in Sweden and Norway. 諾貝爾將的接受者在瑞典和挪威榮幸地參加特殊典禮。注意加S,復(fù)數(shù)。10、Rain fell at irregular intervals throughout the night.雨斷斷續(xù)續(xù)下了一個晚上。Unit5 evolve confine corrupt endeavor account mixture 演變 限制 腐敗 努力 描述 混合物depression at risk to the full insight into蕭條 處于危險當(dāng)中 完全地 洞察1. Jane was confined to bed due to illness for three months. 簡由于生病困在床上三個月。注意過去時 直接加d2. Many women lost their jobs during the economic depression .許多婦女在經(jīng)濟(jì)蕭條時期失去了工作。3. The corrupting effects of complete power ruined many politicians 完全權(quán)力的腐蝕作用毀了許多政治家。現(xiàn)在分詞作定語 加ing.4. Her first reaction to the news was a mixture of grief and comfort. 她聽到這個消息的第一反應(yīng)是悲傷和欣慰混合在一起。 5. The journalist wrote an article in which police corruption was exposed to the full . 這個記者寫了一篇文章,文中警察腐敗完全暴露。6. Shop assistants are asked to make every endeavor to provide the customer satisfaction. 售貨員被要求盡最大的努力使顧客滿意。 7. He argued that the British legal system was derived from Roman law and has evolved into a complicated system . 他辯稱英國法律體系從羅馬法引申而來,并且已經(jīng)演變成一個復(fù)雜的體系。8. The disease is spreading quickly in the city and people ,especially children and the aged ,are at risk . 這種疾病快速在城市蔓延,人們尤其是孩子和老人處于危險當(dāng)中。9. The book gives readers a deeper insight into European culture. 這本書使讀者深入洞察歐洲文化。 10. The witness gave the police a full account of what had happened in the courtyard . 證人給警察完整地描述了院子里發(fā)生的事情。- - - - - -近義選詞填空,兩個詞中選適合意思。- - - - - - Unit1 B) Choose the appropriate word for each sentence,using the proper form. 第7頁選擇適當(dāng)?shù)脑~填句子,使用正確的形式。culture/ culrural 文化/文化的1. The students attended a class entitled “Beyond Tradition ”,in which they discussed the effect of technology on traditional culture . 學(xué)生們上了一堂名為“超越傳統(tǒng)”的課,課上他們討論了技術(shù)對傳統(tǒng)文化的影響。2. China has a vast territory and abundant resources .She is a large country with a long history and a rich cultural heritage . 形容詞,后加名詞中國領(lǐng)土寬廣,資源豐富。她是一個歷史悠久文化遺產(chǎn)豐厚的大國。sponsored/sponsoring 贊助、資助 第一個是動詞/ 現(xiàn)在分詞+名稱3. At the conference , the minister accused the organization of sponsoring terrorism . 會上,部長指控該組織資助恐怖主義。 介詞后面要加ing 變成動名詞4. The research program is sponsored by a large computer company. 該研究項目由一個大計算機(jī)公司贊助。 表示被贊助complication/complexity 復(fù)雜/復(fù)雜性5. The drop in student numbers added further complication to the situation. 學(xué)生數(shù)量的減少使得情況更加復(fù)雜。6. Now he was getting a lesson in the complexity of diesel engines. 詞組現(xiàn)在,他從柴油發(fā)動機(jī)的復(fù)雜性中得到了教訓(xùn)。dominate/prevail 支配、占統(tǒng)治地位/流行、取勝、占優(yōu)勢7. Being a member of Animal Adoration Society, she seems to think that animal rights should prevail over everything else . 詞組作為一個動物崇拜會的成員,她似乎認(rèn)為動物的權(quán)利應(yīng)優(yōu)于一切。8. It was obvious that her husband completely dominated her. 顯然,她的丈夫完全支配著她。 注意 過去時加dinvestors/supporters 投資者/支持者9. As one of the leading candidates for the presidency, he still needs the help of his supporters to win the election . 作為一名主要的總統(tǒng)候選人,他仍然需要他的支持者們幫助他贏得選舉。注意加S,復(fù)數(shù)。10. In most cases, investors are entitled to a reasonable return on their money . 大多數(shù)情況下,投資者有權(quán)得到他們投資的合理回報。 注意加S,復(fù)數(shù)。Unit2 Process/procedure 過程、步驟/程序1. John did not follow the correct procedure in applying for the job. 約翰在申請工作時沒有遵循正確的程序。 2. The firm is now on the process of moving the machines to a new factory . 詞組 該公司現(xiàn)在正在將機(jī)器搬往新工廠的過程中。Coordinate/cooperate 協(xié)調(diào)/合作3. The scientists from the two medical schools are cooperating in the attempt to find a cure for the disease. 注意進(jìn)行時加ing來自兩個醫(yī)學(xué)院的科學(xué)家正合作試圖找到治愈該疾病的方法。4. They appointed a new manager to coordinate the work of the team. 他們?nèi)蚊艘晃恍陆?jīng)理來協(xié)調(diào)該團(tuán)隊的工作。 Objetive/objection 目標(biāo)/反對5. He set an objective for the new organization to provide free legal aid to the poor. 他為新組織設(shè)立了目標(biāo),為窮人提供免費(fèi)的法律援助。6. The main objection to program was that it would cost too much . 該項目的主要反對是它可能花費(fèi)太大。 effctive/efficient 有效的/高效的7. They used a new drug in the treatment that is effective against the cancer . 他們在治療過程中使用新藥物,該藥物對付癌癥非常有效。8. A successful manager needs an efficient secretary. 一個成功的經(jīng)理需要一名高效的秘書。 Productive/productivity 高產(chǎn)的/產(chǎn)量9. The installation of the new machinery has doubled the productivity of the factory .安裝新機(jī)器使得該工廠的產(chǎn)量翻倍增加。 10. The new training program made the workers highly productive .新的培訓(xùn)計劃使得個人生產(chǎn)力提高。Unit3Accessible/available 可到達(dá)、可接近的/提供的、可用的1. Since 1978, the amount of money available to buy books has fallen by 17% .自1978年以來,可以用來買書的錢減少了17%。2. The building has been made accessible to disabled people . 這棟大樓能夠讓殘疾人可以進(jìn)入。 Consistently/constantly 始終、一貫地/不斷地3. She is constantly changing her mind . 她不斷地改變主意。4. He has consistently stood firm on the side of the oppressed people . 他一貫堅定地站在被壓迫人民的一邊。 Convert/reverse 轉(zhuǎn)變、變換/顛倒5. They convert an old stable into a little comfortable house . 他們把一個舊亭子變成了一個舒適的房子。6. Because the normal word order is reversed in passive voice sentences, they are sometimes hard to follow. 因為在被動語態(tài)里正常單詞的順序被顛倒了,它們有時很難理解。Outdoor/outdoors 戶外的/在戶外 7. If you enjoy outdoor activities, this is the trip for you . 如果你喜歡戶外運(yùn)動,這個旅行很適合你。8. I reckon its warm enough to eat outdoors this evening . 我承認(rèn)今天晚上足夠溫暖在戶外吃東西。Sky/skies 天空/天空的狀態(tài)9. The Tibetan highland is a land of blue skies and warm sunshine. 形容天空的狀態(tài)。西藏高原是藍(lán)天和溫暖陽光的土地。10. She looked out over the rooftops and the open sky . 死記下來。她越過屋頂和廣闊的天空向往看。Unit4 II Pronun 代詞 第4單元第54頁The use of pronoun is rather confusing for many English learners.Some more revision will help you use them correctly.Study the following sentences and then complete each of them with the best answer.代詞的使用對于許多英語學(xué)習(xí)者來說相當(dāng)混亂。更多的復(fù)習(xí)將幫助你正確使用它們。學(xué)習(xí)下列句子并使用最佳答案完成它們。1. Nobody can help but be fascinated by the world into which he is taken by science fiction. A. Everybody每個人 b. Anybody 任何人 c. Somebody 某些人 d.Nobody 沒人沒人能夠忍住不對科幻小說將他帶入的世界著迷。2. He claimed to be an expert in astronomy , but in fact he is quite ignorant on the subject , what little he knows about it is out of date and inaccurate . 需要what做引導(dǎo)詞A.what little 多么少的東西 b. so much 那么多 c. how much 多少 d. so little 那么少他聲稱是天文學(xué)的專家,但實際上他對該問題一無所知,他所知道的那么少的一點(diǎn)東西是過時的且不準(zhǔn)確。3. The managjng director refused to accept any of the four proposals made by the contractors. A. either兩者之一 b. neither 兩者都不 c. some 一些(肯定) d. any 任何一個(否定)管理主任拒絕締結(jié)合同方的四種建議中的任何一種。4. Professor Smith implied ,but did not directly say , that Americans are more concerned with making money than anything else . 任何其他的事情 A. everything else b. something else c. nothing else d. anything else史密斯教授暗示但沒有直接說美國關(guān)注賺錢勝過任何其他的東西。5. There is every possibility of our winning the game. A. none 一個都沒有b. all 所有復(fù)數(shù) c. every 每一個單數(shù) d. each每一個 要加of我們有贏得這場比賽的每一個可能性。就是完全有把握,但不能用all,因為句子是單數(shù),前面有is.6. There people spoke at the meeting ,one was a lawyer ,another a teacher ,and the third was a social worker . A. other b.another 另一個,三者之一 c. the other 另一個,兩者之一 d.others 其他的復(fù)數(shù)那里,人們在會上發(fā)言,一個是律師,另一個是老師,第三個是個社會工人。(一共三個人)7. I have been to the doctors about my backache , he says there is nothing serious ,but I must ile up for a few days . A. something某事 b. anything 任何事情 c. nothing 沒什么事 d.everything 每件事我已經(jīng)去醫(yī)生那里看過我的背痛,他說沒啥嚴(yán)重的,但我必須躺幾天。8. The New York Times will soon carry colour advertisements; none of this will matter if newspapers eventually disappear . A. no b. either c. none 加of 沒有任何 d.neither紐約時報將很快刊登彩色廣告,如果報紙最終將消失的話,這沒有任何關(guān)系。9. We stood up , thinking through the possibilities ,There werent many . 前面有否定詞 A. some 一些 b. much 很多不可數(shù) c. few 沒幾個 d.many許多我們站起來,考慮這件事的可能性,可能性不大。10. Melton Brown was the only salon producing its own shampoos and hair-care products, all based on herbal recipes. A.all b. everything c. something d.much梅爾頓布朗是唯一一家生產(chǎn)自己的洗發(fā)水和護(hù)發(fā)品的廠家,所有產(chǎn)品都根據(jù)草藥配方制造。Unit5 B) Choose the appropriate word for each sentence,using the proper form.選擇合適的詞填句子,使用正確的形式。Practice/exercise 實踐、實踐場所/鍛煉、演習(xí)1. An aircraft carrier and nineteen warships left the naval base today for exercises at sea . 一架航母和十九只戰(zhàn)艦今天離開海軍基地進(jìn)行海上演習(xí)。2. He returned to South Carolina in 1966 and established his own legal practice . 1966年,他回到南加利福尼亞并建立起他自己的律師事務(wù)所。Threat/threaten 威脅 名詞 / 威脅 動詞3. The kidnappers threatened to kill the hostages unless they received a ransom of $500,000.綁架者威脅要?dú)⑺廊速|(zhì)除非他們受到50萬贖金。 注意過去時加ed.4. In his inaugural address Lincoln repeated that his government posed no threat to slavery in the states . 在他的就職演講中,林肯再三說道他的政府對美國的奴隸制沒有任何威脅。War/warfare 戰(zhàn)爭 / 戰(zhàn)爭狀態(tài) 通常表示確切的化學(xué)戰(zhàn)、大戰(zhàn)等5. If they had negotiated a peace earlier they could have avoided this terrible , bloody war . 如果他們早先談判達(dá)成和平,他們本來可以避免這場可怕的血腥的戰(zhàn)爭。6. He flew nine special missions in that area in 2003 and has experience with biological warfare . 生物戰(zhàn)固定詞組2003年,他執(zhí)行了九個特殊任務(wù),并掌握了生物戰(zhàn)的經(jīng)驗。Restore/recover 恢復(fù)、重建/身體康復(fù)7. The object of the war to restore the Union ; but the cause of the war was slavery . 戰(zhàn)爭的目標(biāo)是恢復(fù)聯(lián)盟,但戰(zhàn)爭的起因是奴隸制。8. It took her three months to recover her spirits after that unexpected blow . 在那個意外的打擊之后,她花了三個月的時間來使得精神康復(fù)。Reflect/deflect 反映/轉(zhuǎn)移9. The newspaper aims to reflect the views of the middle class. 這家報紙的目的在于反映中產(chǎn)階級的觀點(diǎn)。 10. Their main purpose was to deflect attention from the opponents criticism . 他們主要目的是轉(zhuǎn)移對手批評的注意力- - - - - -介詞填空- - - - - - Uint2 III Prepositions and adverbs 介詞和副詞Fill each blank with an appropriate preposition or adverb. 用適當(dāng)?shù)慕樵~或副詞填空。1. He said that they should examine all the costs involved in the project first. 他說他們應(yīng)該首先檢查這個工程涉及的成本。固定詞組,涉及 2. Dealing with this diversity of human resources in the 2010s and beyond will be a significant challenge to managers. 固定詞組,對挑戰(zhàn)在2010年和之后處理人力資源的多樣性并將對經(jīng)理們是個重大的挑戰(zhàn)。3. Smiths Tuesday morning experiences are typical of managerial work, which is varied, fragmented, and difficult to plan and organize. 固定詞組,典型的史密斯星期二早上的經(jīng)歷是典型的管理工作,這種工作是多樣的、散碎的并且很難計劃和組織。4. Effective managers may be one of a developed countrys most valuable resources, and they are one of the most needed resources in less developed countries . 效率高的經(jīng)理可能是發(fā)達(dá)國家最有價值的資源之一,他們在不太發(fā)達(dá)的國家是最需要的資源之一。 less 副詞,修飾形容詞,表示較少的 5. The specific tasks of a manager in a college or university department differ from those of people managing in other organizations .大學(xué)部門經(jīng)理的具體任務(wù)不同于在其他組織中從事管理工作的人的任務(wù) 固定詞組,不同于6. Bad management results in poor employee morale, poor quality, low productivity, and unnecessary employee-employer conflicts . 固定詞組,導(dǎo)致劣質(zhì)的管理導(dǎo)致職員士氣不佳,質(zhì)量差,產(chǎn)量低以及不必要的雇主和員工之間的沖突。7. Errors in judgement for job hunting can prevent even the finest candidate from landing the job she or he wants . 固定詞組,在方面的錯誤。求職的判斷錯誤會阻止最好的候選人得到他或她獲得想要的工作。8. The business plan is a written document that clearly defines the goals of a business and outlines the methods for achieving them . 固定詞組,的方法商業(yè)計劃是一份書面文件,該文件明確規(guī)定了商業(yè)的目標(biāo)并列出了實現(xiàn)目標(biāo)的方法。9. Rapid technological developments in transportation and communications have brought the peoples of the world closer together in a physical sense. 固定詞組,在意義上交通和通訊方面的快速的技術(shù)發(fā)展已經(jīng)使得全世界的人們在物理意義上更加接近。10. A recent survey revealed that 54 percent considered a foreign language necessary for doing business abroad . 副詞,在國外最近的調(diào)查顯示54%的人們認(rèn)為一門外語是在國外做生意所必須的。Unit3 1. He said that they sh


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