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2021-2022年人教PEP版英語四年級上冊Unit 4 單元測題帶參考答案

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2021-2022年人教PEP版英語四年級上冊Unit 4 單元測題帶參考答案

2021-2022年人教PEP版英語四年級上冊Unit 4 單元測題帶參考答案聽錄音,選出你所聽到的內(nèi)容。(_) 1. A. living room B. bedroom C. classroom(_) 2. A. find B. lost C. cute(_) 3. A. shelf B. sofa C. bed(_) 4. A. phone B. fridge C. table(_) 5. A. bathroom B. study C. kitchen【答案】B B A C C【解析】1. bedroom 2. lost 3. shelf 4. table 5. kitchen聽錄音,選出合適的圖片。(_) 1. A. B. (_) 2. A. B. (_) 3. A. B. (_) 4. A. B. 【答案】B A A B【解析】1. Go to the study. Read a book.2. Go to the kitchen. Have a snack.3. Go to the bathroom. Take a shower.4. Is the black cat on the bed? No, it isnt.聽錄音,給下列圖片排序。 (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) 【答案】2 6 1 3 5 4【解析】1. living room 2. study 3. kitchen 4. teachers office 5. bathroom 6. bedroom聽錄音,判斷下列句子是否正確,正確的打“”,錯誤的打“×”。(_) 1. Mikes study is big.(_) 2. There is a bathroom in his house.(_) 3. There are three bedrooms in his house.(_) 4. There is one big photo on the wall.(_) 5. There are six rooms in Mikes house.【答案】× × × 【解析】This is Mikes house. Its not very big. You can see a small living room, a small study, two bedrooms, one bathroom and one kitchen in it. There are many small family photos on the wall. The house is tidy and beautiful.聽錄音,選擇合適的答語。(_) 1. A. Hes in the study.B. Shes in the bedroom.(_) 2. A. Yes, she is.B. No, he isnt.(_) 3. A.Yes, it is.B. Yes, they are.(_) 4. A. They are on the table.B. Its on the desk.(_) 5. A. Yes, I do.B. No, it isnt.【答案】B B B A A【解析】1. Where is your sister?2. Is he in the study?3. Are the keys on the table?4. Where are my books?5. Do you have a study?選出每組中不同類的一項?!?】A.phone B.chair C.desk【2】A.kitchen B.classroom C.bathroom【3】A.fridge B.sofa C.study【4】A.he B.she C.they【5】A.where B.what C.this【答案】【1】A【2】B【3】C【4】C【5】C【解析】【1】A電話,B椅子,C桌子,BC都是家具,A是通信工具,故選A?!?】A廚房,B教室,C浴室,AC都是家里的房間名稱,B是學(xué)校里房間名稱,故選B?!?】A冰箱,B沙發(fā),C書房,AB都是家具名稱,C是房間名稱,故選C?!?】A他,B她,C他們,AB都是第三人稱單數(shù),C是第三人稱復(fù)數(shù),故選C?!?】A在哪,B什么,C這個,AC都是疑問詞,C是指示代詞,故選C。判斷每組單詞畫線部分的發(fā)音是(T)否(F)相同?!?】cute use (_)【2】excuse fun (_)【3】duck cut (_)【4】under study (_)【5】up bus (_)【6】milk side (_)【答案】【1】T【2】F【3】T【4】T【5】T【6】F【解析】【1】cute的畫線部分發(fā)音為/ju/,use的畫線部分發(fā)音為/ju/,兩者畫線部分發(fā)音相同,故答案為T。【2】excuse的畫線部分發(fā)音為/ju/,fun 的畫線部分發(fā)音為/,兩者畫線部分發(fā)音不同,故答案為F?!?】duck的畫線部分發(fā)音為/, cut的畫線部分發(fā)音為/,兩者畫線部分發(fā)音相同,故答案為T?!?】under的畫線部分發(fā)音為/,study的畫線部分發(fā)音為/,兩者畫線部分發(fā)音相同,故答案為T?!?】up的畫線部分發(fā)音為/, bus 的畫線部分發(fā)音為/,兩者畫線部分發(fā)音相同,故答案為T?!?】milk 的畫線部分發(fā)音為/, side的畫線部分發(fā)音為/a/,兩者畫線部分發(fā)音不同,故答案為F。你想讓大家去客廳,可以說:( )A.Go to the bedroom, please. B.Go to the living room, please.【答案】B【解析】A選項請去臥室。B選項請去客廳。根據(jù)題目要求可知B選項符合,故選B。你想請別人開門,可以說:( )A.Close the door, please! B.Open the door, please!【答案】B【解析】A請關(guān)門!B請開門。題干說的是請別人開門,故選B。你想知道它是不是在桌子上,可以說:( )A.Is it on the table? B.Are they on the desk?【答案】A【解析】A它在桌子上嗎?B它們在桌子上嗎?題干問的是它在不在桌子上,故選A。你想知道對方的老師在哪里,可以說:( )A.Who is your teacher? B.Where is your teacher?【答案】B【解析】A你的老師是誰?B你的老師在哪里?根據(jù)題目要求可知B選項符合,故選B。選擇題Is this your bedroom? ( )_A.Yes, they are. B.Yes, it isn't. C.Yes, it is.【答案】C【解析】一般疑問句用yes/no來回答,而從問句可判斷主語是單數(shù),所以選C。選擇題Where are your pens? _.A.It's on the deskB.Yes, it isC.They are on the desk 【答案】C【解析】根據(jù)題意。句意:你的鋼筆們在哪? pens是復(fù)數(shù)所以用are。A,B錯誤。選擇題- Are the boys in the classroom?- _( )A.Yes, they are.B.Yes, it is.C.No, it is. 【答案】A【解析】問句主語為復(fù)數(shù),故選A。Where is your mother? ( )_A.Yes, she is. B.She is in the study. C.He is in the kitchen.【答案】B【解析】問句句意:你媽媽在哪?問句主語是your mother,答語主語用she代替,且要回答媽媽在哪,故選B。選擇題Are the keys in the door ? Yes, _.A. they aren't B. it isn't C. they are 【答案】C【解析】主語the keys為復(fù)數(shù),答語中應(yīng)用人稱代詞they代替。因為是肯定回答,所以答案為C。選擇題Where is your sister? She _ in the study.A.isB.amC.are 【答案】A【解析】根據(jù)題意。she是第三人稱,后面用be動詞is。匹配題。 A. Its in the study.B. Yes, it is.C. No, he isnt.D. Yes, they are.E. They are under the table. 【1】Is this your key? (_)【2】Where is your schoolbag? (_)【3】Where are your books? (_)【4】Is he in the kitchen? (_)【5】Are they near the phone? (_)【答案】【1】B【2】A【3】E【4】C【5】D【解析】所給各項漢語意思:A. 它在書房里。B. 是的,它是。C. 不,他不是。D. 是的,它們是。E. 它們在桌子下面?!?】句意:這是你的鑰匙嗎?答語用yes或no回答且主語是it,選項B符合,故選B?!?】句意:你的書包在哪?答語回答地點且主語是it,選項A符合,故選A?!?】句意:你的書在哪?答語回答地點且主語是they,選項E符合,故選E?!?】句意:他在廚房嗎?答語用yes或no回答且主語是he,選項C符合,故選C?!?】句意:它們在電話旁邊嗎?答語用yes或no回答且主語是they,選項D符合,故選D。閱讀短文,完成下列各題。Hello, Im Mike. Welcome to my home. This is my study. My schoolbag is on the chair, and my pens are on the desk. My glasses are near my pens. This is my living room. It has a green sofa, a fridge and a table. Where are my keys? Look! They are on the table. They are near the phone.【1】判斷下列句子正(T)誤(F)。(1) Mikes schoolbag is on the desk. (_)(2) Mikes glasses are near the pens. (_)(3) There is a green sofa in the living room. (_)(4) The desk is in the living room. (_)【2】根據(jù)短文,回答下列問題。(1) Where is the fridge?_(2) Are the keys near the phone?_(3) Is the phone on the sofa?_【答案】【1】 F T T F【2】 Its in the living room. Yes, they are. No, it isnt.【解析】短文大意:介紹邁克的家中的房間及物品?!?】(1) 句意:邁克的書包在課桌上。根據(jù)My schoolbag is on the chair.可知書包在椅子上,故該句是錯誤的,故答案為F。(2)邁克的眼鏡在鋼筆旁邊。根據(jù)My glasses are near my pens. 可知,故該句是正確的,故答案為T。(3)客廳里有一個綠色的沙發(fā)。根據(jù)This is my living room. It has a green sofa.可知,故該句是正確的,故答案為T。(4) 課桌在客廳。根據(jù)This is my study. My schoolbag is on the chair, and my pens are on the desk.可知課桌在書房。故該句是錯誤的,故答案為F?!?】(1)問句句意:冰箱在哪里?根據(jù)This is my living room. It has a green sofa, a fridge and a table. 可知冰箱在客廳里。故答案為Its in the living room.(2)問句句意:電話旁邊有鑰匙嗎?根據(jù)Where are my keys? Look! They are on the table. They are near the phone.可知鑰匙在電話旁邊,故做肯定回答。故答案為Yes, they are.(3)問句句意:電話在沙發(fā)上嗎?根據(jù)Look! They are on the table. They are near the phone.可知電話在桌子上。故做否定回答,故答案為No, it isnt.補(bǔ)全對話根據(jù)圖片提示,選詞補(bǔ)全短文。This is Mikes living room. His schoolbag is on the 【1】, and his keys are on the 【2】. His 【3】 is on the 【4】. His glasses are near the 【5】. They are on the table.A.desk B.sofa C.fridge D.book E.phone【答案】【1】B【2】C【3】D【4】A【5】E【解析】【1】句意:他的書包在沙發(fā)上,他的鑰匙在冰箱上。圖片是沙發(fā),B. sofa沙發(fā),故選B?!?】句意:他的書包在沙發(fā)上,他的鑰匙在冰箱上。圖片是冰箱,C. fridge冰箱,故選C?!?】句意:他的書在桌子上。圖片是書,D. book書,故選D?!?】句意:他的書在桌子上。圖片是桌子,A. desk桌子,故選A?!?】句意:他的眼鏡在電話旁。圖片是電話,E. phone電話,故選E。第 8 頁 共 8 頁


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