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畢業(yè)論文/開題報告 2019英語專業(yè)開題報告范文 中英文題目the contrastive analysis of conversational characteristics between chinese and american tv talk shows中美電視談話節(jié)目會話特點的對比分析選題依據(jù)(選題經(jīng)過,國內(nèi)、國外研究現(xiàn)狀)reasons for choosing the title1. tv talk show has gained great popularity at present society and it has huge influences on our life and society.2. the author is strongly interested in the tv talk shows.3. the contrastive analysis of the conversational characteristics between chinese and american tv talk shows is of great value to direct our communication and provide us with more conversational strategies.general introduction of the research on this title at home and abroada number of linguists have been working on the study of conversations and made their achievements. as tv talk show is recently-developing, it has attracted many scholars attentions and studies at home and abroad. based on the turn-taking system proposed by sacks、schegloff and jefferson, the cooperative principle by herbert paul grice、 principle by leech and the relevance theory by dan sperber and deirdre wilson, these scholars have all made amazing studies and discoveries. however, there is still potential and vast space for the study of conversational characteristics of tv talk shows, especially a contrast between chinese and american tv talk shows.選題依據(jù)(初步設想及突破點等)main ideas of my thesisthe thesis aims to show the common and different conversational characteristics between chinese and american tv talk shows through the contrastive analysis under the viewpoints of conversational principles and cultural value system, which fatherly can be productive to gain better understanding of english and direct our communication. thereafter, the thesis is intended to provide some conversational strategies that may help us enhance conversational ability.breakthrough points of my thesisthe comprehensive contrastive analysis including macro and micro analysis based on conversational principles and the conversational strategies provided in the last are the creative points of my thesis.理論和實踐的意義及可行性論述significance of my research1. tv talk show is gaining everlasting popularity and welcome. its language is sure to has exerted huge influences on our life and society. this thesis is intended to give a comprehensive contrastive analysis of the conversational characteristics between chinese and american tv talk shows.2. with rapid integration of the world, the understanding and flexible usage of language have taken significant place in our communication. the thesis can be productive to gain betterunderstanding of english and direct our communication.3. conversations are very important in our communication. however, a number of people are not quite good at conversation skills. the thesis will provide some conversational strategies to help get these problems solved.feasibility or the foundation of my researchas english major, the author has always been interested in the language study and communication. during her study of the course of language in use, the author realized that the analysis of the language in context and its application are where shed like to devote her attention to.with her learning of linguistic knowledge from linguistic course, the author have acquired some conversational principles, such as relevance theory by dan sperber and deirdre wilson、politeness principle by leech and the cooperative principle by herbert paul grice, upon which the author is able to construct the theoretical framework of my thesis. in order to get a deeper understanding of the conversational characteristics of tv talk show, the author has also searched the internet for much more information about tv talk show from which the author gained more confidence and interest in the study.at the same time, the author also constantly went to the beijing national library and read many relevant books and the author learned the turn-taking system proposed by sacks、schegloff and jefferson, which added my theoretical basis and valuable means for the study. the author has watched many tv talk shows at home and abroad and she also collected the conversations of some typical ones of them as the corpus that can help me to fulfill her thesis.論文撰寫過程中擬采取的方法和手段methods and approaches to be used in my researchto accomplish her thesis, the author arranged the analytical procedures as follows:1.collect data and corpus of conversations of tv talk shows in chinaand america;2.make macro contrast of the corpus according to the relevant conversational principles and different cultural systems;3.make micro analysis of the conversations of specific structural settings according to the relevant conversational principles and different cultural systems;4.analyze the cultural and social functions of the language of tv talk shows according some relevant social phenomenon;5. summarize the experiences and theories of the predecessors to give some practical conversational strategies.論文撰寫提綱1. introduction1.1 definition of tv talk show1.2 history and development of tv talk show1.3 features of tv talk show1.3.1 comprehensive feature1.3.2 the role of the host1.3.3 participation feature1.4 conversational influence2. contrastive analysis of conversational characteristics2.1 macro analysis 2.1.1 conversational freedom degree2.1.1.1 pattern of thinking2.1.1.2 topic choosing2.1.1.3 the phenomenon of interruption2.1.2 humor2.1.2.1 historical and cultural background2.1.2.2 linguistic features2.1.3 host2.1.3.1 personality2.1.3.2 knowledge background2.1.3.3 humor sense2.2 micro analysis2.2.1 the opening2.2.2 the closing3. conversational strategies3.1 to show politeness3.1.1 direct words in winding ways3.1.2 polite interruption3.1.3 evasive answer3.2 to achieve humor sense3.2.1 intentional misunderstanding3.2.2 over- praise and over-harm3.2.3 rhetoric strategy3.2.4 exaggerated applications of the others language3.3 to show power3.3.1 be authoritative3.3.2 be briefconclusionsummary of the studylimitations of this study and suggestions for further research論文參考文獻1cohen, a. the television news interview m. beijing: foreign language teaching and research press, XX.2halliday, m.a.k. language as social semiotic: the social interpretation of language and meaning m. beijing: foreign language teaching and research press, XX.3greatbatch, d. a turn-taking systems for british news interviews m. language in society, 1988.4aries, e. men and women in interaction: reconsidering the difference m. new york: oxford university press, 1996.5koestler, a. the act of creation m. london: hutchinson, 1964.6attardo, s. linguistic theories of humor m. berlin: mouton de gruyter, 1994.7richard j, watts. politeness (key topics in sociolinguistics) m. u.k.: cambridge university press, XX.8brown, g. and yule. m. beijing: foreign language teaching and research press and cambridge university press, XX.9yule, george. pragmatics m. shanghai: shanghai foreign language education press, XX.10levinson, s.c. pragmatics m. cambridge: cambridge university press, 1983.11劉娜.中美電視談話節(jié)目會話結(jié)構(gòu)的對比分析 d.山東師范大學英語語言文學專業(yè)碩士論文,XX.12劉虹.會話結(jié)構(gòu)分析 m.北京:北京大學出版社,XX.13曹可凡,王群.節(jié)目主持人語言藝術(shù) m.上海:上海人民出版社,XX.14申智奇.刻意曲解:言語交際中的語用策略d.廣東外語外貿(mào)大學博士學位論文,XX.15胡文仲.跨文化交際學概論 m.北京:外語教學與研究出版社,1999.計劃進度及其內(nèi)容XX年9月 確定論文題目,完成開題報告;XX年10月 確定論文細綱,開始論文初稿;2XX年2月 完成論文初稿;XX年3月 中期審查;XX年5月 定稿,開始論文答辯。


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