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七年級英語上冊 Unit 7 Shopping課件 (新版)牛津版.ppt

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七年級英語上冊 Unit 7 Shopping課件 (新版)牛津版.ppt

Unit7Shopping Revision 錢包 皮夾子主意 想法分鐘值 花費(fèi)昂貴的與 相配漂亮的美麗的 足夠的等候書店貧窮的 可憐的 walletideaminutecostexpensivematch es pretty enoughwait ing bookshoppoor 地區(qū) 區(qū)域尺寸 大小合腳 合身便宜的牛仔褲 大的筆記 便條 注釋收集也許口袋零頭郵票 areasizefitcheapjeans largenotecollectmaybepocketchangestamp Somephrases 想讓你和我一起去購物跟我來需要你拎所有的購物包為Simon買禮物稍等看一下去年的卡片 wantyoutogoshoppingwithme comewithme needyoutocarryalltheshoppingbags buyapresentforSimon just waitaminute have takealookatsth lastyear scards 和她粉紅色的外套相配有足夠的錢做某事和 相配有一個高的價格和 不一樣書店里不同種類的書去超市為生日聚會買些食物 matchherpinkcoat haveenoughmoneytodosth gowellwithsth haveahighprice bedifferentfrom differentkindsofbooksinabookshop gotoasupermarkettobuysomefoodforthebirthdayparty 幫助貧困地區(qū)的孩子多大尺碼試穿它 它們另一雙在公交車站五層店鋪在頂樓對 感興趣集郵 whatsize anotherpair tryit themon atthebusstop fivefloorsofshops helpthechildreninpoorareas onthetopfloor beinterestedindoingsth collectstamps A 根據(jù)句意 首字母或中文提示完成單詞 1 Theshoesarenotlargeorsmall Theyf meverywell 2 ThisT shirt gowellwith mybluejeansverywell 3 Thisbasketballisvery costingalotofmoney 4 Mycousinhas asmuchasonewantsorneeds timetowatchTVeveryday 5 Wecangotoa 超市 tobuythefoodforthebirthdayparty it matches expensive enough supermarket 根據(jù)解釋及句意寫出單詞1 Shelooks withlonghairandinshortskirt nicetolookat 2 Thereisa shoppingmallnearmyhome verybig 3 Youneedtowearfootball 靴子 whenyouareplayingfootball 4 Ineedamuch 便宜的 one 5 Whyishe 躺 there Maybeheissleeping pretty boots large cheaper lying cost值錢 主語是物 spend花費(fèi) 主語是人 spendon in doingpay付錢 主語是人 payfor Ispendtenyuanonthisbook Ispendtenyuanbuyingthisbook 我花了十塊錢買這本書 Thisbookcostsme10yuan 我每天通常用半小時抄寫生詞 Itusuallytakesmethirtyminutestocopynewwordseveryday Thehairclip 35 butshehasonly 20to A spends spendB takes spendC costs spendD costs pay C 試穿tryonthecoat trythecoatontryit themon Thosejeansarenice Wouldyouliketo tryitonB tryonitC trythemonD tryonthem C enough enoughmoneytallenoughSheis 足夠聰明 tofind 足夠的人 tohelpherfinishthetask cleverenough enoughpeople 形前名后 match匹配AmatchesBwelleg Thistiematchestheshirtwell fit適合 合身 befitforeg Thispairofshoesfitsmewell Thebrightred thepeacefulwhitewell A matchB fitC matchesD fits C 我認(rèn)為書房是個學(xué)習(xí)的好地方 Ithinkthestudyis study 點(diǎn)撥 Agoodplacetodosth 意為 做某事的好地方 此處 todosth作定語修飾place 如 Theparkisagoodplacetotakeawalk 公園是個散步的好地方 agood placeto 句型 Simon sbirthdayiscoming Doyouhaveanygoodideas That sagoodidea Goodidea IwanttobuysomepresentsdifferentfromAmy s Simon的生日就要來了 你有一些好主意嗎 那真是一個好主意 我想買和Amy不一樣的東西 HerecomesMrWu Theshoppingmallisagoodplacetomeetfriends 5 吳老師來了 6 購物商場是一個約見朋友的好地方 購物用語 A Hello Ihelpyou Whatareyoufor B youhaveanycards A Yes aminute Pleasehavea Theyarepretty B Howdothecardscost A They re 10 B Oh really That squite A Whatthosecards B Great I llthem Herethemoney A Thankyou can looking Do just look much expensive about buy take is S CanIhelpyou canIdoyou M Iamfor Itobuya 短裙 S Wouldyouliketoalookatthis 灰色的 one M Itlookspretty CanI 試穿一下 S Ofcourse What syoursize M I masizeA S Please 稍等片刻 skirt waitamoment minute 購物用語 What for looking have take grey tryiton want Aftertryingiton S It 合身 youwell It 和 相配 yourwhiteshirtwell M Howmuchit Howmuchit What stheofit S It s1000yuan M It stoo Thepriceistoo Idon thavemoneytobuy forit Doyouhaveaone Isthereaonit S Sorry thereisdiscountonit butthereisanothergreyskirtlikethisoneanditonly500yuan M Great ThenIwillit fits matches does cost is price expensive high enough cheaper discount no costs take buy some any既可以修飾可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù) somegifts 又可以修飾不可數(shù)名詞 somechicken some使用于肯定句中 any使用于疑問和否定句中 Wouldyoulikesomevegetable Wouldyoulendmesomemoney 當(dāng)表示主動給別人提供幫助或想得到別人肯定回答時 疑問句用some Anystudentcanplaythisgame 注意 any表示 任何的 之意時 也可用于肯定句 表示 任何一個 Exercises 用some和any填空A DoyoulikeWangfei ssongs B Yes Ilike ofthem A Doyouhave ofherCDs B Sorry Idon thave ButIhave ofhertapes A MayIhave B Ofcourse some any any some some 一 用some any填空 1 Isthere paperonyourdesk 2 Hedoesn thave brothers 3 Weneed fruitattheparty 4 Doesshehave friendsthere 5 Wouldyoulike bread 6 Therearen t pearsinthebasket 7 CouldIhave snacksnow any any some any some any some Therebe 的構(gòu)成 Therebe 某物 某人 某地表示 某地有某物或某人 1 Thereisagirlandtwoboysinthepicture 2 Therearetwoboysandagirlinthepicture 就近原則be動詞單復(fù)數(shù)形式要跟therebe之后的主語保持一致 如果主語是單數(shù)或不可數(shù)名詞用is 如果主語是復(fù)數(shù)用are 用therebe或have has填空 Look somecatsinthetree Heanewbike MybrotherandIfournewstamps acaronthehill Ianewpen butnoinkinit Doyouanysisters Yes Ionlyone somebananasonthetable anykitesinthesky Thereare has have Thereis have thereis have have Thereare Arethere 1 教室里有很多桌子和凳子 2 樹上有兩個風(fēng)箏和一只鳥 3 房子附近有三棵樹 語法大練兵 Therearemanydesksandchairsintheclassroom Therearetwokitesandabirdinthetree Therearethreetreesnearthehouse 4 這條河里有魚嗎 5 桌上沒有任何蔬菜 6 書房里有一張書桌和兩張椅子 Arethereanyfishintheriver Therearen tanyvegetablesonthetable Thereisadeskandtwochairsinthestudy Thereisaradioonthedesk Therebe 的否定句及一般疑問句 Thereisnotaradioonthedesk Therearesomeshoesunderthebed Arethereanyshoesunderthebed Yes thereare No therearen t Presentation What sinthepicture aboy Thereisaboyinthepicture What sinthepencilbox Therearetwopencilsinthepencilbox apencilbox What s 介詞短語 地點(diǎn) 的問句 用therebe來回答 A Howmanybirdsarethereinthetree B Therearethree A Howmanycatsarethereinthetree B Thereisonlyone Howmany 名詞復(fù)數(shù) arethere 介詞短語 用therebe來回答 6 MayIhave cola Sorry Butwedon thave cola Whataboutsometea some someB some anyC any someD any any7 Thehousehasovertenrooms 改為同一句 thantenroomsinthehouse 8 Joanisnot torideabiketoschool A toooldB tooyoungC oldenoughD enoughold B There remore C Grammar Presentcontinuoustense be V ing Totalkaboutthingsthatarehappeningnow Weoftenusenow atpresent atthemoment look listeninpresentcontinuoustense Let stry changeintoV ing answercomeborrowrunbeginchangebuycelebratechatcutkeepdrinkcarrythinkwritepractisewinshopexercisedanceswim lie see ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ing ning ning ning ting ting ming ping ying ing 1 TheClass1Grade7students have lessonsatpresent 2 AmyandSandy watch TVrightnow 3 What he do atthemoment He talk withhisfriends 4 What you do now I have mysupper 5 Look TommyandLisa talk aboutmathsproblemsintheplayground They notchat 6 Listen Simon sing intheroom No heisn t He watch afootballgame arehaving arewatching isdoing istalking aredoing amhaving arenotchatting aretalking issinging iswatching Fillintheblanks It shalfpastfourintheafternoon Simon footballwithsomeboysinthefootballfield 2 Kittyisintheclassroom She alettertoherfriend 3 MillieandSandywanttobemembersoftheschoolbasketballteam They intheplayground 4 DanielisinMrWu soffice He MrWutocometoSimonandSandy sbirthdayparty 5 I withHelenintheclassroom We forourfriends Wewanttogoshoppingtogether is iswriting arerunning isinviting amchatting arewaiting practising B 選用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空 countrysheyearshoelate1 Therearesome shopsinthecitycentre 2 Betty sbirthdayiscoming Wewillbuy apresent 3 Seeyou Daniel 4 Thesestudentsarefromdifferent 5 There sadiscountonlast cards year s countries later her shoe 選用所給動詞的適當(dāng)形式填空 beliespendplaysing1 Listen Amy asonginthenextroom 2 Howmuch therecorderandthetape 3 It sseveno clock Dad onthecouchandwatchingTV 4 He 2yuanonsnackseveryday 5 Somepeople gamesonthebeachnow are spends areplaying islying issinging 二 用所給單詞的正確形式完成句子1 Hewants visit hisparentsonSaturday 2 Who read newspapers Mymotheris 3 Please nottalk inclass 4 Lethim walk toschool 5 Myuncle fly toShanghaionceaweek walk flies don ttalk isreading tovisit 1 Iwanttoborrow Walkman frommyfriends 2 Tom sshoesarethesameasthosefootball play 5 Ifyouwanttogetbetter youshouldeatmore healthy food 6 Whichofthe stick doyoulikebest Theoneoverother 8 How theyarelistening care 10 Whatabout donate someclothesandfoodtothepeopleinneed carefully donating stickers heathier players Walkmans 1 Simonnever stay outtoolate 2 LiLeiisn tin He wait forhismotheroutside 3 Nowtheboylikehisparents notlike fastfoodatall 4 TheGreens plan togoonholidayinHawaiiatpresent 5 Don tforgettoclosethedoorafteryou leave theclassroom leave areplanning doesn tlike iswaiting stays 6 AtthemomentMr Fox think I mright 7 Wouldyoulike cut theappleintotwohalves 8 I mhungry Isthereanything eat 9 Babiesneedtheirmother look afterthemwell 10 Becareful Infrontofourbikes lie abigblackdog islying tolook toeat tocut isthinking 動詞填空1 Where Mike run atthemoment 2 Tom eat eggsforbreakfasteverymorning 3 It snineo clock TomandI chat ontheInternet 4 Heusuallyhaveaglassofwaterbefore have dinner 5 Mymotheroftenasksme do housework 6 Wedon thaveenoughpeople pick somanyapples 7 Howmuch theyo yo cost running is eat having Does arechatting todo topick cost does 1 Theblindwomanneedsthedog lead theway 2 Suzhouisagoodplace live infortheold 3 Heusuallymakesus get upquiteearly 4 Youshouldworkhard make ourcountrystronger 5 Eachoftheboys carry abagofbooksatthemoment 6 whoseturnisit be ondutytoday 7 Mymothertellsme notwatch toomuchTV tolead tolive tomake get iscarrying toturn nottowatch 句子改寫1 Youcan tforgettoclosethewindows 改為祈使句 2 Helikesplayingcomputergames 提問 3 TheT shirtcostshim100yuan 同義句 4 Heoftenliesinbedreadingbooks 用now改寫 5 DanieloftenchatswithhisfriendsontheInternet 對劃線部分提問 Don tforgettoclosethewindows Whatdoeshelikedoing Hespendsmorethan100yuanontheT shirt Hepaysmorethan100yuanfortheT shirt Heislyinginbedreadingbooksnow WhatdoesDanieloftendoontheInternet 翻譯句子1 我們想要幫助中國貧困地區(qū)的孩子 2 學(xué)生們正在為希望工程捐款 3 Amy每月在衣服上花多少錢 4 這條牛仔褲很漂亮 我能試穿一下嗎 5 杭州是個旅游的好地方 六 本單元專題作文訓(xùn)練 假如你是Amy 你媽媽的生日快到了 你想為媽媽買個漂亮的發(fā)夾 售貨員向你推薦了一個綠色的 但是它要值60多元 太貴了 你只有35元 后來 售貨員又向你推薦了一個藍(lán)色的 只要30 你決定買下它 因?yàn)樗梢愿銒寢尩陌咨r衫相配 Homework DoPartsA1andA2onpage96inyourworkbook ReadPartAfirstandthendoPartBinthewritingsectionofthisunitonpage103inyourworkbook Thankyou


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