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高考英語一輪復習 Module6 Unit 3 Understanding each other課件 牛津譯林版(湖南專用)

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高考英語一輪復習 Module6 Unit 3 Understanding each other課件 牛津譯林版(湖南專用)

Module6Unit 3Understanding each other1、 expectation n. 預料,期望預料,期望have expectations (1)(與of 連用)對抱有希望(2)(與from 連用)有繼承遺產(chǎn)的希望in expectation of 期望(待)live up to ones expectations 不辜負某人的期望She ate a light lunch in expectation of a good dinner. 她午飯吃得很少, 期待晚飯時飽餐一頓。He has great expectations from his uncle. 他渴望從叔叔那繼承大筆遺產(chǎn)。according to expectation 如所預料against expectation 出乎預料beyond (ones) expectation 出乎意料(之外), 較預期的更好contrary to (ones) expectation 與所預料的相反For some time he lived he was going to die.有一段時間, 他預測他要死。with the expectation that2、 celebration n. 慶祝,慶典慶祝,慶典His success deserves a huge celebration. 他的成功值得大大地慶祝一下。 in celebration of 慶祝My mother promised me that she would hold a party in celebration of my birthday. 媽媽答應我會舉行一個派對來慶祝我的生日。 celebrate v. 慶祝,贊頌On October 1st, we celebrate our National Day. 在10月1日,我們慶祝國慶節(jié)。This is a movie celebrating the life and work of Martin Luther King. 這是一部頌揚馬丁路德金生平事跡的影片。celebrate的意思是“慶祝生日 / 節(jié)日 / 勝利 / 成功等事件”,其后不接人或that從句充當賓語。congratulate表示“慶賀”時,常構成句型congratulate sb. on (doing) sth.。congratulation n. 慶賀。口語中常用 Congratulations!以表示對他人的慶賀。 The three sisters decided_ their parents silver wedding. 這三姐妹決定舉行家庭聚會慶賀她們父母的銀婚紀念。to hold a family party to celebrate3、 adjust vt.調(diào)整,調(diào)節(jié),校準;使適合調(diào)整,調(diào)節(jié),校準;使適合 adjust to 適應,調(diào)節(jié)You can adjust the desk to the height of any child. 這張桌子可以根據(jù)小孩的身高進行調(diào)整。 adjust oneself to 使某人自己適應于He soon adjusted himself to her way of life. 他很快地使自己適應了她的生活方式。 adjusted adj. 調(diào)整過的adjustable adj. 可調(diào)動的,可調(diào)節(jié)的adjustment n. 調(diào)整,適應He soon and has lived happily ever since.他很快地適應了那種生活方式, 從此快樂地生活在那里。 adjusted himself to the way of life4、 prohibit vt. 禁止,妨礙禁止,妨礙Smoking is prohibited here. 這里禁止吸煙。Rainy weather and fog prohibited flying. 雨天和大霧妨礙了飛行。Some areas prohibit dogs or require them to be on a leash at all times. 一些區(qū)域禁止狗或者要求一直拴住它們。其同義詞有:forbid, ban, bar, rule out 其反義詞為:allowprohibit sb. from doing sth. (prohibit sb.s doing sth.) 禁止某人做某事Family finances prohibited his going to college. 他的家庭經(jīng)濟情況不容許他上大學。 The law _ tobacconists _ cigarettes to children. 法律禁止煙販向兒童出售香煙。prohibits; from selling1、 the same(in the same way; similarly)一樣地一樣地The paintings may look the same, but ones a forgery. 這些畫看起來一樣,但其中有一幅是假的。(1)(the) same adj. & adv. 相同的(地),一樣的(地);通常和as連用。He has the same experiences as I. 他和我有著同樣的經(jīng)歷。(2)當定語從句的先行詞被the same修飾后,若前后指的是同一物,則用the samethat的句型;若只是類比,并不指同一物,則用the sameas的句型。I am using the same dictionary (that) I used yesterday. (同一物)I have the same dictionary as you bought yesterday. (不指同一物,有兩本字典) I couldnt find the same house _(他所提到的), for every one looked just the same.that he referred to2、 get accustomed to 適應,習慣于適應,習慣于I get accustomed to working inside the room of noise and excitement. 我習慣于在喧鬧的房間里工作。 You will soon get the climate here. 你會很快習慣這里的氣候的。accustomed to3、 let alone 不打擾,不打擾, 不驚動,不驚動, 更不用說更不用說The baby cant even walk, let alone run. 這小孩連走路都不會,更不用說跑了。 He hasnt enough money for food, let alone amusements. 他連溫飽都無法解決,就更不用說娛樂了。 I never thought of it, let alone did I do it. 我想都沒有想到它,更談不上去做了。 I havent decided on the menu yet, let alone bought the food. 我還沒決定吃什么菜呢,更不必說買好了。disregard vt. 不顧, 忽視not to mention 更不用說 There isnt enough room for us, six dogs and a cat. 連我們的地方都不夠,更不必說6條狗和1只貓了。let alone4、belong to 屬于;歸屬于;歸所有。所有。 表示事物存在的狀態(tài),to是介詞,其后接代詞或名詞類詞組及從句等,表示所歸屬的對象。belong和to不能分開來用,并且沒有被動語態(tài)和進行時態(tài)。I dont know whom the toy car belongs to. 我不知道這玩具汽車是誰的。He was only a year older than me but seemed to belong to a different generation. 他只比我大一歲但似乎是不同代的人。 belong with 和在一起belong in 適合待在(某處)A child belongs with its mother. 孩子應該和母親在一起。You dont belong in the beginners class. 你不適合在初級班。 My mother keeps telling me that the future _ (屬于) the hardworking people.belongs toPut the book back _ it belongs. 把書放回它的所歸處。where5、辨析辨析attend, join, take part in(1)attend指“參加或出席”各種會議,如音樂會、追悼會、演出、培訓班、典禮、上課以及聽報告等,只說明主語“參加”這一事實,并不強調(diào)主語所起的作用。(2)take part in指“參加”會議或各種活動,含有積極參與并發(fā)揮作用之意,其后不接賓語時要省略介詞in,part之前有形容詞修飾時,形容詞前面要加a或an。(3)join指“參加”某個團體或組織并成為其中一員,如參軍、入團、入黨等,含義相當于become a member of。join in 參加,加入(活動)。Did you attend the show last night? 你昨晚觀看演出沒有?How many of you are going to take part? 你們多少人準備參加?The press takes an important part in the life of a democracy. 新聞界在民主國家的生活中起著很重要的作用。When did you join the army? 你是什么時候參軍的?She listens but she never joins in. 她只是聽,從來不發(fā)表意見。They dislike it when people do not look at the cards, so remember not to just put them in your pocket without looking.他們不喜歡人們不看名片,所以要記住,不要看都不看他們不喜歡人們不看名片,所以要記住,不要看都不看就把名片塞進口袋。就把名片塞進口袋。句中dislike是不及物動詞,it是形式賓語,真正的賓語為when引導的從句。可以將dislike it when作為句型來記憶。類似的詞有enjoy, like, love, hate, prefer, appreciate等表示喜好的動詞。CI dislike _ when others laugh at me in public or think poorly of me behind. A. that B. those C. it D. themCI would appreciate _ very much if you could give me some suggestions. A. this B. that C. it D. youAWill you see to _ that my child is taken good care of while I am away? A. it B. me C. yourself D. themB本題考查時態(tài)。根據(jù)時間狀語every few years,可判斷本句應為一般現(xiàn)在時,因此答案選B。 Every few years, the coal workers _ their lungs Xrayed to ensure their health.(2010上海) A. are having B. have C. have had D. had had如何增加亮點如何增加亮點()()要想把一篇文章寫好、寫完美,并列句、復合句的使用固然給文章潤色不少,但是高效詞匯和復雜句型的使用更能給文章增加亮點。具體說來,可以嘗試以下方法:1. 交叉使用長句與短句根據(jù)實際情況在文章中交替使用長句與短句,使文章顯得錯落有致,這樣不僅使文章在形式上增加美感,而且使文章讀起來鏗鏘有力。 例中午我們在太陽下吃野餐。休息一會兒后,我們唱歌的唱歌,跳舞的跳舞,還有的講故事、下棋,大家玩得很開心。一般句At noon we had a picnic lunch in the sunshine. Then we had a short rest. Then we began to play happily. We sang and danced. Some told stories. Some played chess.優(yōu)秀句At noon we had a picnic lunch in the sunshine. After a short rest, we had great fun singing and dancing, telling stories and playing chess. 2. 避免同一詞語的重復使用為了使文章更生動、更富表現(xiàn)力,同學們在寫作時應盡量避免重復使用同一詞語來表示同一意思,如有的同學一看到“喜歡”二字,就會立刻想起like,事實上,英語中表示類似意思的詞和短語很多,如love, enjoy, prefer, appreciate, be fond of, care for等。例我喜歡讀書,而我的弟弟喜歡看電視。一般句I like reading while my brother likes watching television.優(yōu)秀句I like reading while my brother enjoys watching television.3. 適當使用短語代替單詞例他已決定長大了當老師。一般句He has decided_to be a teacher when he grows up.優(yōu)秀句He has made_up_his_mind_to be a teacher when he grows up. 4. 恰當套用某些固定表達例他太累了,不能再往前走了。一般句He was very tired. He couldnt walk any farther.優(yōu)秀句He was too tired to walk any farther. 5. 靈活改變句子開頭在通常情況下,英語句子的排列方式為“主語謂語賓語”,即主語位于句子開頭。但若根據(jù)情況適當改變句子的開頭方式,比如使用倒裝語序或以狀語開頭等,就會增強文章的表現(xiàn)力。 例只有這樣你才能把它做好。一般句You can do it well only in this way.優(yōu)秀句Only in this way can you do it well. 6. 合理使用省略句合理恰當?shù)厥褂檬÷跃?,不僅可以使文章精練、簡潔,而且會使文章更具文采和可讀性。例他可能很忙,要是這樣,我以后再來拜訪。要是不忙,我現(xiàn)在可以見他嗎?一般句He may be busy. If hes busy, Ill call later. If he is not busy, can I see him now?優(yōu)秀句He may be busy. If so, Ill call later. If not, can I see him now? 限制性定語從句限制性定語從句定語從句主要用于修飾句子中的名詞、代詞,充當定語。而定語從句的位置常常是緊跟在被修飾的名詞、代詞的后面。在被修飾的名詞、代詞與定語從句之間往往有一個關系詞將其前后兩部分聯(lián)系成一個整體,或是構成一個名詞短語;或是構成一個代詞短語。但從結構上說,關系詞與從句是一個整體。定語從句中的關系詞只有兩類:關系代詞和關系副詞;沒有連詞。也就是說,定語從句中的所有關系詞不但都有具體的意義而且都在從句中擔任一定的成分。1關系代詞:who, whom, whose, which, that 等。(1)who用于代替“表示人的意義”的先行詞,并且在從句中作主語;在現(xiàn)代英語里,也可取代whom在從句中作動詞的賓語。I have no idea about the man who wrote the article.我不認識寫這篇文章的那個人。(2)whom 用于代替“表示人的意義”的先行詞,并且在從句中作動詞或介詞的賓語。在現(xiàn)代英語里,如果whom在從句中作動詞的賓語,它與who可以通用;但是如果whom在從句中作介詞的賓語,那么就只能用whom而不能與who通用了。Who is the girl whom ( who ) you talked to just now?剛才和你說話的那個女孩子是誰?They are looking for the patient on whom doctors just performed an operation. 他們正在尋找那位醫(yī)生剛剛給他做過手術的病人。 (句中的關系代詞whom代替the patient ,在從句中作介詞on的賓語,而且介詞on提到關系代詞的前面,所以who 和whom就絕不可以通用了,此處只能用whom。)Who is the girl to who (whom) you talked just now? (錯誤)(句中的關系代詞whom(who)代替the girl,在從句中作介詞to的賓語,但是由于介詞to已提到了關系代詞的前面,who 和whom就絕不可以通用了,所以如果還繼續(xù)使用who句子就錯了。此處只能用whom 。)(3)whose 用于代替“表示人或物意義”的先行詞,在從句中作定語,往往與它所修飾的名詞一起構成一個名詞短語在從句中擔當成分。whose常表達“某人的、某物的”之意。Do you know the name of that girl whose brother is your roommate?你知道她的哥哥與你同寢室的那位女孩的名字嗎?Water whose boiling point is at 100 degree Centigrade has no color, no flavor. 沸點在攝氏100度的水無色、無味。(4)which 用于代替“表示事物意義”的先行詞,在從句中作主語、賓語。Views which are entirely new or foreign may also be hard to accept.那些全新的或是來自國外的觀點或許也很難被接受。Ive got a novel which you may like to read.我弄到一本你或許想看的小說。(5)that 既用于代替“表示人的意義”的先行詞,也用于代替“表示事物意義”的先行詞;在從句中既可以作主語,也可以作謂語動詞的賓語,但是不能作介詞的賓語。在一定范圍內(nèi),that who / whom / which。2關系副詞:when, where, why等。在定語從句中,關系副詞介詞which。(1)when 代替表示時間的名詞,而這個名詞在從句中又與介詞構成了短語,在從句中充當狀語。He came at a time when we needed help.他在我們需要人幫忙的時候來了。We dont know the exact time when the English Evening will be held. 我們不知道英語晚會舉行的確切時間。(2)where 代替表示地點的名詞,而這個名詞在從句中又與介詞構成了短語,在從句中充當狀語。The place where were to have the Speech Contest has not been decided yet.我們舉行演講比賽的地點還未定下來。That is a beautiful campus where I made a lot dreams.那是一座我曾經(jīng)在那兒有過許多夢想的美麗的校園。(3)why代替表示原因的名詞,而這個名詞在從句中又與介詞構成了短語,在從句中充當狀語。He didnt tell her the reason why he was so happy.他沒有告訴她為什么他那么高興的原因。The reason why she was late is not so acceptable.她遲到的原因不那么令人接受。高考湖南卷的單選題中定語從句必考,每年一題,總計1分。但是,在閱讀理解等題型中大量存在著對定語從句句意理解的考查。1定語從句中作賓語的關系代詞可以省略。This is the book ( which ) you were looking for yesterday.這就是你昨天找的那本書。I dont like the novel ( that ) you are reading.我不喜歡你看的這本小說。2定語從句中,關系代詞的單復數(shù)取決于先行詞的單復數(shù)。Those who are in their forties are required to have a physical examination this afternoon.請那些40多歲的人于今天下午去進行體檢。This is the magazine which was sent to me by post.這是通過郵局寄給我的雜志。3關系代詞that 和which的區(qū)別 that 和which在一般情況都可以用于代替“表示事物意義”的先行詞,在從句中作主語、賓語。但在下列情況下一般只用that而不用which:(1)先行詞本身是all, everything, something, nothing, anything, little, much等不定代詞或被這些詞所修飾時。Anything that can burn is a source of heat energy.任何能夠燃燒的東西都是熱能源。There must be something that happened to you.你一定出了什么事。(2)先行詞已有序數(shù)詞或形容詞的最高級或the last, the only等作定語時。This is the most impressive TV theater that has never been put on show before. 這是以前從未上演過的最有感染力的電視劇。That is the only way that leads to your success.那是通向你成功的唯一之路。(3)先行詞既指人又指物時。We talked about the persons and things that we remembered.我們談到了我們記得的人和事。(4)句中已經(jīng)有who或which時,為了避免重復時。Who is the man that is making a speech?誰在發(fā)言?然而,在下列情況卻只用which而不用that:當先行詞表示事物意義,并且在從句中作介詞的賓語,那么就只能用which。當然,如果在口語或非正式文體中,介詞沒有提前,也就沒有這點要求了。The world in which we live is made of matter.我們生活于其中的世界是由物質(zhì)組成的。Ocean currents affect the climates of the lands near which they flow. 洋流影響其流經(jīng)的附近地區(qū)的氣候。4介詞關系代詞引導的定語從句。在這種結構中,關系代詞若是表示人的意義,就只能用whom;關系代詞若是表示事物的意義,就只能用which。(1)動詞與介詞的搭配He has found a good job for which he is qualified.他找到了一份他能勝任的工作。( qualifyn. for “使具有資格” )The man to whom you talked just now will chair the meeting tomorrow. 你剛才與他談話的那個人明天主持會議。( talk to 名詞 “與某人談話” )(2)名詞與介詞的搭配They are still living in the little house in which theyve been lived for 15 years. 他們現(xiàn)在還住在他們已住了15年的那個小房子里。( in the house “在屋子里” )She didnt realize the extent to which she had been distracted. 她沒有意識到她心煩意亂的程度。( to extend “到某種程度” )(3)形容詞與介詞的搭配Ive found the job for which Ive been eager for a long time.我已找到了我渴望已久的那份工作。( eager for “渴望得到” )He is a learned man with whom we are familiar.他是一位我們熟悉的有學識的人。(familiar with 熟悉)5as與which在限制性定語從句中的區(qū)別。(1)as通常和such, the same連用,代指物在從句中作主語或賓語 This is the same pen as I bought yesterday.這種筆和我昨天買的筆一樣。(同樣的但不是同一個) This is the same pen that I used yesterday.這就是昨天我使用的那一支鋼筆。(指的是同一個)。 I want to have such a dictionary as he has.我想要一本和他的一樣的字典。 (2)which是關系代詞,在從句中作主語或賓語,作賓語時通??梢允÷?直接作介詞的賓語時除外,不能省) The radio (which) he bought yesterday doesnt work now. 他昨天買的收音機現(xiàn)在壞了。 Can you lend me the book which was written by Lun Xun?你能借我那本由魯迅所寫的書嗎? 1. The film brought the hours back to me _ I was taken good care of in that faraway village. A. until B. that C. when D. where C此題容易誤選B,誤認為 that 引導一個賓語從句。其實此題應選 C,when 引導的是一個修飾 the hours 的定語從句,該題的難點是定語從句與先行詞 the hours被分離了。2. When you read the book, youd better make a mark _ you have any questions. A. at which B. at where C. the place where D. whereD此題正確答案選D,where 在此意為“在的地方”,用以引導地點狀語從句,全句意為“當你讀這本書時,你最好在有問題的地方作一個記號”。但是有的同學卻根據(jù)試題所提供的選項想當然地認為這是一道考查定語從句關系詞的選擇與辨析的試題,于是在A、B、C 3項中絞盡腦汁,當然最終不可能得出正確答案。3. He said he would never forget the day _ he spent with his girlfriend in the country. A. that B. when C. how D. whereA此題容易誤選B,有不少學生總是機械地認為:時間名詞后用關系副詞when,地點名詞后用關系副詞 where。其實時間名詞和地點名詞后既可能用關系副詞也可能用關系代詞,主要看它們在定語從句中充當什么句子成分,原則上說:作主語或賓語,用關系代詞;作狀語,用關系副詞。此題從句中的spent缺賓語,故應用關系代詞(that),而不能用關系副詞,即此題應選A。


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