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高中英語總復習 part1 M8Unit 1 The written word課件 牛津譯林版 新課標

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高中英語總復習 part1 M8Unit 1 The written word課件 牛津譯林版 新課標

【1】 pressure vt. 強迫做 n. 壓力;壓迫;強制I have been pressured into helping with the decorating.我被迫幫忙裝修。You can stop bleeding by applying pressure close to the injured area.你可以按壓受傷附近部位來止血。pressure sb. into (doing) sth. 強迫某人做某事lose ones pressure 緩解某人的壓力under pressure 在壓力下;處于緊張狀態(tài)Can you work well under pressure? 在緊張狀態(tài)下你能好好工作嗎?put pressure on sb. (to do sth.) 迫使某人(做某事)press v. 按,壓,熨燙We dont want to _ pressure _ you to make a decision, but we havent much time left.A. put; to B. place; onC. put; on D. place; toLife is tough in the city. In order to lose their _, some people drink alcohol.A. temper B. moodC. consciousness D. pressuresCput pressure on sb. (to do sth.) 向某人施壓,迫使某人(做某事)。Dlose ones temper 發(fā)脾氣; lose ones consciousness 失去意識,不省人事; lose ones pressures 緩解壓力。【2】 threat n. 威脅He says hell tell the authorities but its just an empty threat ( it will not happen)他說他將告知當局,但是這只不過是個虛張聲勢的威脅。a storm threat 暴風雨的預兆be under threat of sth. 在的威脅之下threaten v. 威脅,恐嚇;預示的兇兆threaten sb. with death 用死威脅某人threaten to do sth. 威脅做某事She left the country under threat of arrest.在逮捕的威脅下,她離開了這個國家。 Her brother _to leave her in the dark room alone when she disobeyed his order.A. declared B. threatenedC. warned D. exclaimed B【3】 resist v. 抗拒;拒絕;擋開The soldiers resisted the enemy attacks.士兵們抵抗了敵人的進攻。cannot resist sth./doing sth. 忍不住,按捺不住I can never resist the urge to laugh.我克制不了大笑的沖動?!?】 fortune n. 財富;運氣,好運I have the good fortune to be invited to stay in Rome.我有幸被邀請去羅馬。fortunate adj. 幸運的,僥幸的have a good/bad fortune 運氣好/壞come into a fortune 繼承一大筆財產make a/ones fortune 發(fā)財He went to the west to make his fortune.他到西部發(fā)財去了。seek ones fortune 尋出路,闖天下try ones fortune 碰運氣tell sb.s fortune 算命marry a fortune 與有錢人結婚He can tell your fortune by looking at lines on your hand.他能通過看手紋替你算命。have a good fortune to do sth. 有運氣做某事What _ ! Hes found _ job in Beijing.A. a good fortune; such a goodB. a good fortune; so a goodC. good fortune; such good aD. good fortune; so good aThe millionaire passed away, leaving his children with a large _. A. fortune B. luckC. money D. amount A多好的運氣!他在北京找到了這么好的一份工作。前面是what引導感嘆句,中心詞是名詞,第二空job是可數(shù)名詞,用such a good修飾。Afortune 財富,大量財產,好運;luck 運氣,幸運;amount 數(shù)量。句意為“那個百萬富翁去世以后給他的孩子們留下了大量的財產”?!?】 prejudice n. 偏見;成見 vt.有偏見的,歧視的She has a prejudice against modern music.她對現(xiàn)代音樂懷有偏見。A judge must be free from prejudice.法官必須不抱成見。prejudice sb. against sb./sth. 使某人對產生偏見Newspaper gossip had prejudiced her against him.報紙上那些不三不四的文章使她對他抱有偏見。We must treat every naughty student _.A. without doubt B. without prejudiceC. without difficulty D. without mercy B我們必須毫無偏見地對待每一個調皮的學生。without prejudice毫無偏見地;without doubt毫無疑問;without difficulty毫無困難;without mercy毫不留情地。 【6】 settle vi. 定居,安定下來 vt. 解決,決定,算賬,付賬We were soon comfortably settled in this place.我們不久就在這個地方舒適地住下來了。Many people want to settle in the country after retirement.很多人想退休后在農村定居。Let them settle the problem themselves.讓他們自己來解決這個問題。Thats one thing settled anyway a big load off my mind.總算解決了一件事,我也去掉了一件心事。The account is settled at the end of the year.每年年底結賬。settlement n. 解決辦法;定居點;授予財產;美部落,村落settler n. 移居者,開拓者settle down 坐下來;定居、安定下來;習慣于settle in 安頓好;住進新居settle on 就達成協(xié)議settle up 清賬;了結I owe you some money for the drinks. Well settle up after lunch.我欠你一些飲料錢,飯后我們結賬吧。With lots of problems _, the newlyelected president is having a hard time.A. settled B. to settleC. settling D. are settledB由于有很多問題有待解決,這位新選的總統(tǒng)日子不好過。to settle不定式表示將來,在with的復合結構中作賓語補足語。 【7】 master n主人,雇主,大師,名家 v. 精通,掌握He wanted to be his own master.他自己想當老板。French was a language he had never mastered.法語他一直沒有學好。be your own master 獨立自主Master of Arts 文學碩士Master of Science 理學碩士masters degree 碩士,學士be bent on 下定決心(做)相當于 be determined to do;專心于;埋頭于He seems bent on success at all costs.他好像下定決心,不惜一切代價一定要成功。Shes bent on becoming an actress.她一心要成為演員。bent n. 嗜好,傾向He has a natural bent for repairing things.他天生喜歡修理東西。follow ones bent 隨自己之所好to/at the top of ones bent 盡心盡力have a bent for sth. 有的天分He has a bent for painting.他愛好繪畫。(其他表示專心于埋頭于的短語參見M5U1)John _ getting the first place in the following competition.約翰一心想在接下來的比賽中取得第一名。Jack used to _ law as a profession, but he was an expert on literature later.杰克過去一心想成為一名律師,但后來他成了文學專家。He _ watching TV that he didnt notice my coming into the room.他全神貫注地看電視,沒有注意到我走進來。_ finding out who is responsible for the accident.我決心弄清楚誰應該對這起事故負責。A moment, please. The manager _ preparing the speech at the moment.請稍候,經(jīng)理正在忙著準備演講稿。He _ the peoples liberation before liberation.解放前,他把自己獻給了解放事業(yè)。is bent onbe bent onwas so absorbed/lost inIm determined onis engaged indevoted himself to/was devoted to【1】 Many people do not read them because they think they are oldfashioned and boring, and have nothing to do with life today.許多人不讀經(jīng)典文學作品是因為覺得他們過時了,枯燥乏味,與今天的生活沒有任何關系。這是一個復合句,其中because引導原因狀語從句。be/have nothing to do with 與無關。Go out! Its nothing to do with you.出去!這根本就不關你的事。be/have something to do with 與有關for nothing 免費;平白無故地nothing but 只不過anything but一點也不,除外都We could have got in for nothing nobody was checking tickets.我們本來不花錢就能進去沒人查票。That has something to do with what we are discussing.那與我們正討論的問題有關。 Is he content to accept our price? Yes. He cares more about the quality. Money is _ to him.A. everything B. noneC. nothing D. something C句意“他更在乎質量,錢對他來說不算什么”。此處nothing才是最合適的。 【2】 Pips sister seldom has a kind word to say, but Joe is a kind and simple man, who would rather die than see any harm come to Pip.皮普的姐姐幾乎沒有什么善言好語,但喬是一個淳樸善良的人,他寧愿死也不愿意看到皮普受到傷害。此句的句式“would ratherthan”意為“寧愿而不愿”、“與其不如”。用以表達主語的意愿,強調經(jīng)過選擇后做其中一件事,而不愿做另一件事。than 后應接動詞原形,但如果該句型前后連接的兩個動詞相同,則than之后的那個動詞可省去。He would rather play than work.他寧愿玩也不愿工作。I would rather you told me the truth now than (you told me) tomorrow.我寧愿你現(xiàn)在而不是明天告訴我事實真相?!咀⒁狻縲ould ratherthan也可改寫成 “wouldrather than”,其用法及含義仍不變。 She would listen to her classmates rather than her parents.她寧愿聽同學的話,也不聽父母的。 有時,為表示語氣上的強調,可將rather than置于句首。 Rather than get money in such a dishonest way, he would beg in the street.與其以這種不誠實的方式掙錢,他不如上街去行乞。(1)“would rather動詞原形”是英語中常見的一個慣用句式(美國英語中多用had rather)。 d rather為would(或had)rather的縮寫形式。would (had)在此決無“過去”之意,且無詞性、時態(tài)變化,它是一個情態(tài)助動詞。該句式常用來表示選擇的意愿,意謂“寧可”、“寧愿”、“最好”。Which would you rather have, tea or coffee?你寧愿喝哪一種飲料,茶還是咖啡?(2)would rather后面跟從句時,其從句謂語動詞常用過去時來表示現(xiàn)在或將來的動作。Id rather you forgot the unpleasant experience in the city.我寧愿你把在城市不愉快的經(jīng)歷忘掉。(3)would rather后還可接動詞的完成式,表示主語要做某事,而結果卻事與愿違。We ourselves would rather have left on December 16th, but we didnt because of the bad weather.我們本想在12月16日動身的,但因為天氣原因沒有離開。 Will you join us in the game? Thank you, _A. but why not?B. but Id rather not.C. and I wont.D. and Ill join.B由問句“你愿意參加我們的游戲嗎?”及答句“謝謝”可知應填入表示轉折的詞,而A表示“但是為什么不參加呢?”,不符合語境。只有B“但是我不想?yún)⒓印辈排c問句吻合。怎樣寫好描寫文怎樣寫好描寫文一、描寫文概述描寫(Description)就是用生動、形象的語言把人物、事物、景物等的特征和性質活靈活現(xiàn)地刻畫或描繪出來,使讀者如見其人,如聞其聲,如臨其境。為了使人或事物的特征躍然紙上,我們往往在寫文章時把敘述和描寫結合起來。描寫就是形象化的敘述。1. 描寫文的分類就描寫對象而言,描寫可分為人物描寫、景物描寫和場面描寫等。 (1)人物描寫:指描寫人物的肖像、語言、動作、心理活動及生活細節(jié)等,旨在塑造活靈活現(xiàn)的人物。(2)景物描寫:是指對山川風光、鳥樹魚蟲、風花雪月等的描寫。(3)場面描寫:指對一個特定時間和地點發(fā)生的事情的描寫,如勞動場面、會議場面、戰(zhàn)斗場面等的描寫。2描寫文的語言描寫文的語言特征就是大量使用動詞和具有定語性質的形容詞進行描述,使我們所接觸的人或事物能夠具體、形象地表現(xiàn)出來。為了使文章更生動,要適當?shù)剡\用形容詞、同義詞或派生形容詞、副詞等,避免重復、單調。3描寫文的具體寫法 (1)描寫文的寫法多種多樣,可以先從具體描寫某一事物開始,然后再泛寫與之相關的其他事物;也可以先寫不重要的事物,最后重點突出所要描寫的事物;也可以按照事物所處的空間順序,如前后左右等,來描述事物。(2)靈活運用各種修辭手法根據(jù)需要恰當?shù)剡\用比喻、擬人、夸張等修辭手法,使描述更生動、形象,更好地說明問題。如:He says he is almost as busy as a bee. 他說他忙得團團轉。(比喻)My heart is like a singing bird. 我心情舒暢。(比喻)(3)要寫好描寫文,既要有豐富的想象力和敏銳的觀察力,還要具有語言描寫能力。因此,我們在中學階段應該有意識地努力培養(yǎng)這兩種能力。在日常生活中多觀察周圍的事物,并在英語學習中,進行廣泛的閱讀,多積累詞匯、素材,多做練習。二、寫作模板第一段:導語,揭示核心內容。 如:On May Daywent to第二段:描述主體,對事件的詳細描述。 如:Upon their arrival Then they started When it was time第三段:結束語,概括總結。 例如:What they did has三、典例分析1試題要求寫一篇短文,簡述Green School受歡迎的原因。要求包含以下內容:(1)歷史悠久;(2)校園美麗;(3)設備良好。教學樓、實驗樓、語音室、計算機房、圖書館及體育館都是全市最好的;(4)收費合理;(5)教師出色,大部分畢業(yè)于名牌大學。他們有耐心,有經(jīng)驗,熱愛學生。注意:不要逐條翻譯。不少于150詞。Why is Green School so popular? Green School is a beautiful school with a long history, in which trees and flowers are growing here and there. Having the best facilities such as the classroom buildings, the experiment labs and the sound labs, the computer rooms, the library as well as the gymnasium, the school is equipped very well. Whats more, it is less costly than other schools. Even so, teachers in the school are excellent, and most of them graduated from famous universities and colleges. These experienced teachers who are devoted to their teaching are patient with students and have deep love for the students as well. 3佳作賞析4滿分揭秘:要點齊全,表達準確,層次清晰,行文連貫,給人一氣呵成之感。文章足以顯示作者扎實的語言功底和駕馭語言的能力,是一篇名副其實的滿分作文。四、小試牛刀你校正在開展“創(chuàng)建文明班級,共建和諧校園”活動,請根據(jù)下面內容,以A Meaningful Activity 為題寫一篇短文,向英語輔導報投稿,介紹有關情況。主題同陋習告別,與文明握手目的1. 根除亂扔、亂吐、男生留長發(fā)、吸煙、喝酒等現(xiàn)象;2. 提倡穿校服、講禮貌。 內容舉辦圖片展,進行教室、宿舍美化評比等。注意:1詞數(shù):不少于150詞;2參考詞匯:文明civilization;和諧的harmoniousOne possible version:A Meaningful Activity Our school has now started an activity called “Build Civilized Classes and a Harmonious Campus”. The slogan is “Get Rid of Bad Habits and Greet Civilization” Bad habits do exist. Some students throw rubbish everywhere or spit in public. Some boys wear long hair. Others are even addicted to smoking and drinking. We require that students get rid of these bad habits. We urge students to wear their school uniforms and be polite to others. During the activity, well hold a picture show, a competition for classroom and dormitory decorations and some other events. We all hope that we can turn each class into a civilized one and our campus into a harmonious place.


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