List of compositi ons by Alexa nder Scriab inContents 1 List of works by genreo1.1 Orchestral workso1.2 Piano works1.2.1 Etudes1.2.2 Fantasies1.2.3 Impromptus1.2.4 Mazurkas1.2.5 Nocturnes1.2.6 Po e mes (Poems)1.2.7 Preludes1.2.8 Sonatas1.2.9 Waltzes1.2.10 Miscellaneouso 1.3 Other works 2 List of works by opus number or date of compositiono2.1 Works without opus numberso2.2 Early (Opp. 1-29)o2.3 Middle (Opp. 30-58)o2.4 Late (Opp. 59-74) 3 External links1. List of works by genre1.1 Orchestral works Symphonic Poem in D minor (1896) Piano Concerto in F sharp minor, Op. 20 Reverie, Op. 24 Symphony No.1 in E major,Op. 26 Symphony No.2 in C minor,Op. 29 Symphony No.3 in C minor,TheDivinePoem , Op. 43 Symphony No.4, The Poem of Ecstasy,Op.54 Prometheus: The Poem of Fire , Op. 60 Mysterium (unfinished)1.2 Piano works1.2.1 Etudes Etude in C sharp minor, No. 1 from Trois morceaux , Op. 2 12 Etudes, Op. 8 (1894)o Etude in D sharp minor, Op. 8, No. 12 8 Etudes, Op. 42 Etude in E flat major, No. 1 fromTrois morceaux , Op. 49 Etude, No. 4 of Quatre morceaux , Op. 56 3 Etudes, Op. 651.2.2 Fantasies Fantasy for two pianos in A minor (1889) Fantaisie in B minor, Op. 281.2.3 Impromptus Impromptu a la Mazurin C major, No. 3 from Trois morceaux , Op. 2 2 Impromptus a la Mazur Op. 7 (1892) 2 Impromptus, Op. 10 (1894) 2 Impromptus, Op. 12 (1895) 2 Impromptus, Op. 14 (1895)1.2.4 Mazurkas Mazurka(1884) Mazurka(1886) Mazurkain F major(1889) Mazurkain B minor(1889) 10 Mazurkas, Op. 3 (1889) 9 Mazurkas, Op. 25 (1899) 2 Mazurkas, Op. 401.2.5 Nocturnes Nocturne in A-flat major (1884) 2 Nocturnes, Op. 5 (1890) Prelude and Nocturne for the Left Hand, Op, 9 (1894)Poe me-Nocturne, Op. 611.2.6 Po e mes (Poems) 2 Po e mes, Op. 32 Poe me Tragique, Op. 34 Poe me Satanique, Op. 36 Poe me, Op. 41 2 Po e mes, Op. 44 Poe me fantastique in C major, No. 2 from Trois morceaux , Op. 45 Poe me Ail , No. 3 from Quatre morceaux , Op. 51Trois morceaux , Op. 52 Trois Morceaux, Op. 52o Poem in C major and Poe me languide in B major, Nos. 1 and 3 from Poe me, No. 1 from Deux morceaux , Op. 59 Poe me-Nocturne, Op. 61 Two Po e mes, Op. 63o Masque o e tranget e Two Po e mes, Op. 69 Two Po e mes, Op. 711.2.7 Preludes Prelude in B major, No. 2 from Trois morceaux , Op. 2 Prelude and Nocturne for the Left Hand, Op, 9 (1894) 24 Preludes, Op. 11 (1896)o Prelude No. 9 in E majoro Prelude No. 10 in C sharp minor 6 Preludes,Op. 13(1895) 5 Preludes,Op. 15(1896) 5 Preludes,Op. 16(1895) 7 Preludes,Op. 17(1896) 4 Preludes,Op. 22(1897) 2 Preludes,Op. 27(1901) 4 Preludes,Op. 31 4 Preludes,Op. 33 3 Preludes,Op. 35 4 Preludes,Op. 37 4 Preludes,Op. 39 Prelude in E flat major, No. 3 from Trois morceaux , Op. 45 4 Preludes,Op. 48 Prelude in F major, No. 2 from Trois morceaux , Op. 49 Prelude, No. 2 from Quatre morceaux , Op. 51 Prelude in E major, No. 1 from Quatre morceaux , Op. 56 Prelude, No. 2 of Deux morceaux , Op. 59 2Preludes,Op. 67 5Preludes,Op. 74oDouloureux,dechirantoTr e s lent,contemplatifo Allegro drammaticooLent, vague, inde cisoFier, belliqueux1.2.8 SonatasScriabin wrote twelve sonatas for piano, ten of which he published. The first four are in the Romantic style. Initially the music is reminiscent of Chopin, but Scriabin's unique voice, present from the beginning, becomes fully present even in these early pieces. With the brief fourth sonata, Scriabin explored more complex, chromatic harmonies. Each of the following sonatas are often highly dissonant and have a new form of tonality that some describe as atonal and others describe as simply different from conventional tonality. Vers la flamme was intended to be the eleventh sonata, but he was forced to publish it early due to financial concerns. Beginning with the fifth, Scriabin's published sonatas consist of only a single movement.Sonata-Fantaisie in G sharp minor (1886) Sonata in E-flat minor (1889) Sonata No. 1 in F minor, Op. 6 Sonata No. 2 in G sharp minor, Op. 19 (also known as Sonata-Fantasy )Sonata No. 3 in F sharp minor, Op. 23 Sonata No. 4 in F sharp major, Op. 30 Sonata No. 5, Op. 53 Sonata No. 6, Op. 62 Sonata No. 7 "White Mass", Op. 64 Sonata No. 8, Op. 66 Sonata No. 9 "Black Mass", Op. 68 Sonata No. 10, Op. 701.2.9 Waltzes Valse in D-flat major (1886) Valse in G-sharp minor (1886) Waltz in F minor, Op. 1 (1886) Waltz in A flat major, Op. 38 Quasi Waltz in F major, Op. 471.2.10 Miscellaneous Canon in D minor (1883) "Egorova (Egoroff) Variations" (1887) Feuillet d'Album de Monighetti in A-flat major (1889) Fugue in E minor (1892) Feuillet d'Album in F-sharp major (1905) Allegro Appasionato in E flat minor, Op. 4 (1892) Allegro de concert (Concert Allegro) in B flat minor, Op. 18 (1896) Polonaise in B flat minor, Op. 21 (1897)Album Leaf in E flat major, No. 1 from Trois morceaux , Op. 45 Scherzo, Op. 46Re verie in C major, No. 3 from Trois morceaux , Op. 49Quatre Morceaux, Op. 51 (1906)Fragilit ePreludePoe me Ail eDanse LanguideoTrois Morceaux, Op. 52Poem in C majorEnigma (no definite tonality)Poe me languide in B majorQuatre Morceaux, Op. 56Prelude in E majorIronies in C majorNuancesEtudeDeux Morceaux, Op. 57 o De sir o Caresse dans eeAlbum Leaf, Op. 58Deux Morceaux, Op. 59oPoe meo PreludeVers la flamme , Op. 72Deux Danses, Op. 73o Guirlandeso Flammes sombres1.3 Other worksRomance for horn (1890)Romance for voice (1894)2. List of works by opus number or date of composition2.1 Works without opus numbers Canon in D minor (1883) Nocturne in A-flat major (1884) Mazurka (1884) Mazurka (1886) Valse in D-flat major (1886) Valse in G-sharp minor (1886) Sonata-Fantasy (1886) Egorova (Egoroff) variations (1887) Fantasy for two pianos in A minor (1889) Mazurka in F major (1889) Mazurka in B minor (1889) Feuillet d'Album de Monighetti in A-flat major (1889) Sonata in E-flat minor (1889) Romance for horn (1890) Fugue in E minor (1892) Romance for voice (1894) Symphonic Poem in D minor (1896) Feuillet d'Album in F-sharp major (1905)2.2 Early (Opp. 1-29) Opus 1: Waltz in F minor (1886) Opus 2: Trois Morceaux (1889)Etude in C sharp minorPrelude in B majorImpromptu a la Mazur(C major)Opus 3: Ten Mazurkas (1889)Mazurka in B minorMazurka in F sharp minorMazurka in G minorMazurka in E majorMazurka in D sharp minorMazurka in C sharp minorMazurka in E minorMazurka in G sharp minorMazurka in E flat minorMazurka in B flat minoroAllegro Appasionato (E flat minor) (1892)Opus 4:Opus 5: Two Nocturnes (1890)oNocturne in F sharp minoroNocturne in A majorOpus 6: Sonata No. 1 in F minor (1892)Opus 7: Two Impromptus a la Mazur(1892) oG sharp minoroF sharp minorOpus 8: Twelve Etudes (1894)Etude in C sharp minorEtude in F sharp minorEtude in B minorEtude in B major Etude in E majorEtude in A majorEtude in B flat minorEtude in A flat majorEtude in G sharp minoro Etude in D flat major o Etude in B flat minor o Etude in D sharp minor Opus 9: Prelude and Nocturne for the Left Hand (1894)o Prelude in C sharp minoro Nocturne in D flat major Opus 10: Two Impromptus (1894)oImpromptu in F sharp minoroImpromptu in A major Opus 11: Vingt quatre Pr e ludes (1896)0PreludeinA minor0PreludeinG major0PreludeinE minor0PreludeinD major0PreludeinB minoroPreludeinA major0PreludeinF sharpminor0PreludeinE major0PreludeinC sharpminor0PreludeinB major0PreludeinG sharpminor0PreludeinG flat major0PreludeinE flat minor0PreludeinD flat major0PreludeinB flat minor0PreludeinA flat major0PreludeinF minor0PreludeinE flat major0PreludeinC minor0PreludeinA flat major0PreludeinG minor0PreludeinF major0PreludeinD minor Opus 12: Two Impromptus (1895)0 Impromptu in F sharp major0 Impromptu in B flat minor Opus 13: Six Preludes (1895)0PreludeinC major0PreludeinA minor0PreludeinG major0PreludeinE minor0PreludeinD major0PreludeinB minorOpus 14: Two Impromptus (1895)0Impromptu in B major0Impromptu in F sharp minor Opus 15: Five Preludes (1896)0Prelude inA major0Prelude inF sharp minor0Prelude inE major0Prelude inE sharp minor0Prelude inC sharp minor Opus 16: Five Preludes (1895)0Prelude in B major0Prelude in G sharp minor0 Prelude in G flat major0 Prelude in E flat minor0 Prelude in F sharp major Opus 17: Seven Preludes (1896)0Prelude in D minor0Prelude in E flat major0Prelude in D flat major0Prelude in B flat minor0Prelude in F minor0Prelude in B flat major0Prelude in G minor Opus 18: Allegro de concert (Concert Allegro) in B flat minor (1896) Opus 19: Sonata No. 2 in G sharp minor (also known as Sonata-Fantasy ) (1897) Opus 20: Piano Concerto in F sharp minor (1896) Opus 21: Polonaise in B flat minor (1897) Opus 22: Four Preludes (1897)0PreludeinC sharp minor0PreludeinB major0PreludeinB minor Opus 23: Sonata No. 3 in F sharp minor (1898) Opus 24: Reverie for orchestra (1898) Opus 25: Nine Mazurkas (1899)oMazurka in F minoroMazurka in C majoroMazurka in E minoroMazurka in E majoroMazurka in C sharp minoroMazurka in F sharp majoroMazurka in F sharp minoroMazurka in B majoroMazurka in E flat minor Opus 26: Symphony No. 1 in E Major (1900) Opus 27: Two Preludes (1901)oPatetico in G minoroAndante in B major Opus 28: Fantaisie in B minor (1900) Opus 29: Symphony No. 2 in C Minor (1902)2.3 Middle (Opp. 30-58) Opus 30: Sonata No. 4 in F sharp major (1903) Opus 31: Four Preludeso Prelude in D flat major/C majoro Prelude in F sharp minoro Prelude in E flat majoro Prelude in A flat major Opus 32: Two PoemesoPoeme in F sharp majoroPoeme in D major Opus 33: Four PreludesoPreludeinE majoroPreludeinF sharp majoroPreludeinC majoroPreludeinAb major Opus 34: Poeme Tragique Opus 35: Three PreludesoPrelude in D flat majoroPrelude in B flat majoroPrelude in C major Opus 36: Poeme Satanique Opus 37: Four PreludesoPrelude in B flat minoroPrelude in F sharp majoroPrelude in B majoroPrelude in G minor Opus 38: Waltz in A flat major Opus 39: Four Preludeso Prelude in F sharp majoroPrelude inD majoroPrelude inG majoroPrelude inA flat majorOpus 40: Two MazurkasMazurka in D flat majorMazurka in F sharp majorOpus 41: PoemeEight EtudesEtude in D flat majorEtude in F sharp minor0 Etude in F sharp major0 Etude in C sharp minor0 Etude in D flat major0Etude in F minor0Etude in E flat major Opus 43: Symphony No. 3 "Le Divin Poeme"仃 he Divine Poem) Opus 44: Two Poemes0Poeme in C major0Poeme in C major Opus 45: Trois Morceaux0 Album Leaf in E flat major0Poe me fantastique in C major0 Prelude in E flat major Opus 46: Scherzo Opus 47: Quasi Waltz in F major Opus 48: Four Preludes0PreludeinFsharp major0PreludeinCmajor0PreludeinDflat major0PreludeinCmajor Opus 49: Trois Morceaux0Etude in E flat major0Prelude in F major0Re verie in C majorOpus 50 was not used by Scriabin Opus 51: Quatre Morceaux (1906)0 Fragilit e0 Prelude0Poe me Aile0 Danse Languide Opus 52: Trois Morceaux0Poem in C major0Enigma (no definite tonality)0Poe me languide in B major Opus 53: Sonata No. 5 Opus 54 The Poem of Ecstasy (Symphony No. 4)Opus 55 was not used by Scriabin Opus 56 Quatre Morceaux0 Prelude in E major0 Ironies in C major0 Nuances0 Etude Opus 57 Deux Morceaux0De sir0 Caresse dans e e Opus 58 Album Leaf2.4 Late (Opp. 59-74) Opus 59 Deux Morceaux0 Poe me0 Prelude Opus 60 Prometheus: The Poem of Fire Opus 61 Po e me-Nocturne Opus 62 Sonata No. 6Opus 63 Two Po e mesMasqueEtrangete Opus 64 Sonata No. 7 Opus 65 Three Etudes Opus 66 Sonata No. 8 Opus 67 Two Preludes0 Andante0 Presto Opus 68 Sonata No. 9 Opus 69 Two Po e mes0 Allegrettoo Allegretto Opus 70 Sonata No. 10 Opus 71 Two Po e mes(Poem) Opus 72 Vers la flamme (Towards the flame) Opus 73 Deux Danseso Guirlandeso Flammes sombres Opus 74 Five Preludeso Douloureux, d e chiranto Tr e s lent, contemplatifo Allegro drammaticooLent, vague, inde cisoFier, belliqueux