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【精校版】人教版必修1 Unit4 Period 1 Warming up and Reading 優(yōu)質教學案

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【精校版】人教版必修1 Unit4 Period 1 Warming up and Reading 優(yōu)質教學案

人教版精品英語資料(精校版)Unit 4Earthquakes單元規(guī)則本單元的話題是“地震基礎知識(basic knowledge about earthquakes)”和“遇到災難時如何自救以及幫助別人(how to protect oneself and help others in disasters)”。具體涉及地震的成因、預兆、地震造成的損失、地震時的應急救生以及震后的救援等內容。語言知識和語言技能等各項語言活動都是圍繞這些話題展開的。為了圍繞話題開展聽、說、讀、寫活動,本單元安排了八個部分:“熱身(Warming Up)”“讀前(Pre-reading)”“閱讀(Reading)”“理解(Comprehending)”“語言學習(Learning about Language)”“語言運用(Using Language)”“小結(Summing Up)”和“學習建議(Learning Tip)”?!盁嵘?Warming Up)”部分通過兩張圖片引出話題“一旦大地震發(fā)生,將會造成怎樣的危害?”,為本單元的主題作了“熱身活動”。“讀前(Pre-reading)”部分設置了兩個開放性的問題,要求學生描述、討論與地震有關的話題。目的是增加學生的生活常識,提高他們的應變能力。這部分為接下來的閱讀作了很好的鋪墊。學生可通過討論,參閱有關地震的書籍,并運用一些生活常識來回答這兩個問題。“閱讀(Reading)”部分是一篇新聞報道,詳細介紹了1976年唐山大地震前的預兆、地震造成的城市建筑和人畜損失以及震后人們勇敢面對現(xiàn)實并及時實施搶救和重建工作的情況。文中關于地震的詞匯較多,教師可在課前布置學生查找新唐山的中英文資料和與地震相關的詞匯;文中還提及了很多孩子失去雙親成為孤兒,礦工在地震中的遭遇,救護人員和解放軍官兵不顧自身安危奮力搶險的事跡,災難無情人有情,感人至深。教師可將這些作為素材,設計多種任務,展開課堂教學活動。另外文中還出現(xiàn)了大量的定語從句,這對學生的語言閱讀能力提出了更高的要求。在閱讀教學中教師還可指導學生通過各種渠道如報紙、雜志、圖書館和網絡等資源查找有關唐山的資料,使學生進一步了解唐山大地震和如今的唐山,形成對比和強烈的震撼,從而更好地了解學習唐山人民勇敢面對自然災害,積極進行災后重建的精神。最后,通過對文章的學習,了解新聞的特點,為后面的寫作作準備。重點詞匯和語法的學習可結合文章進行,并配以適當的練習?!袄斫猓–omprehending)”部分包括五個練習:練習1要求連接句子的正確部分;練習2要求列出唐山地震中發(fā)生的事情和時間;練習3要求寫出文章的段落大意,并概括文章大意;練習4要求學生用自己的話解釋文章標題;練習5要求學生就課文某一段落作采訪活動。主要目的是為了幫助學生更好地理解“閱讀(Reading)”部分的文章,尤其是練習3更突出了培養(yǎng)學生整體把握文章的能力?!罢Z言學習(Learning about Language)”部分涉及本單元的重點詞匯和主要語法項目。詞匯部分設計了4個練習:練習1是從閱讀材料中為下面的每一項釋義找到正確的單詞或短語;練習2要求學生從閱讀文章中找出盡量多的單詞來分類描繪地震;練習3是用課文中的一些單詞完成段落;練習4要求完成句子,考查as if的用法。這部分的目的是要求學生在整體把握文章的基礎上,掌握重點詞匯的詞義及使用,注重培養(yǎng)學生運用上下文猜測詞義的能力。語法項目是定語從句,設計了三個練習:練習1要求找出閱讀文章中帶定語從句的句子;練習2要求用that, which, who和whose填空完成句子、翻譯成漢語并作比較;練習3要求通過游戲的形式造句并用定語從句擴展這些句子。該部分主要通過閱讀和句型練習幫助學生學習由that, which, who和whose引導的定語從句,培養(yǎng)學生自主學習的能力?!罢Z言運用(Using Language)”部分分“讀和說(Reading and speaking)”、“聽力(Listening)”和“讀和寫作(Reading and writing)”三個步驟:“讀和說(Reading and speaking)”訓練提供了一封邀請函,要求學生閱讀后寫一篇在地震紀念公園落成儀式上的演講稿,接著觀察新唐山紀念郵票然后以小組的形式討論地震后城市重建的問題,主要培養(yǎng)學生在實際生活中運用英語的能力。在隨后的“聽力”(Listening)部分里,一位美國人以第一人稱講述了他在1906年舊金山大地震中的可怕經歷,要求學生根據聽力材料進行正誤判斷和回答問題,旨在培養(yǎng)學生學會獲取聽力材料中的細節(jié)要點的能力,并通過聽來模仿標準的語音和語調,同時讓學生了解人們在自然災害中的經歷和感受?!白x和寫(Reading and writing)”部分要求學生先閱讀一篇新聞故事,然后為報紙寫一篇新聞報道,描寫家鄉(xiāng)的一件不同尋常的事件,旨在培養(yǎng)學生按照規(guī)范的步驟進行寫作,如選擇適當的標題、組織語言、清晰地表達等,學會擬定寫作提綱。 “小結(Summing Up)”部分幫助學生整理、鞏固本單元所學到的知識,其中包括學到的關于地震的知識、有用的動詞、名詞、表達方式和新的語法項目。一個單元學完后,鼓勵學生進行一番歸納和總結是非常有用的,這樣可以起到事半功倍的效果。“學習建議(Learning Tip)”部分要求學生重視聽的技能的訓練,并就聽英語方面給出了一些建議,建議學生多聽廣播或多看電視里的英語節(jié)目。多聽不僅能夠提高聽力水平,還能夠幫助學生改善語音、語調,從而提高說的能力。因此,聽不僅是吸收信息的重要渠道,也是學好英語的重要手段之一。教師可鼓勵學生常聽英文廣播或電視節(jié)目,以擴大視野和增加英語的詞匯量。知識目標:本單元需要學習的重點單詞為:shakewell (n. )risecracksmellypondpipeburstcanalsteamdirtruininjuredestroybrickdamuselesssteelshockquakerescueelectricitydisasterarmyorganizeburycoalmineshelterfreshpercentspeechjudgehonorprepareEurope本單元需要學習的重點詞組為:right awayat an endlie in ruinsbe trapped under sth. a (great)number ofput upgive outwake sb. upthousands ofdig outprepare sb. for sth. think little of sb. /sth.本單元需要學習的重點句型為:1. But the one million people of the city, who thought little of these events, went to bed as usual that night. (the Attributive Clause)2. It seemed that the world was at an end! (It seems/seemed that. . . )3. Bricks covered the ground like red autumn leaves. (Simile)4. The army organized teams to dig out those who were trapped and to bury the dead. (those who. . . )5. Workers built shelters for survivors whose homes had been destroyed. (the Attributive Clause)6. Never before in history has a city been so completely destroyed. (Inversion)7. Man himself had to make ruins of some of the citys best buildings so that they would not be a danger to those in the streets. (so that. . . )8. A list of buildings not destroyed was now only a few addresses. (the past participle used as attribute)9. Amazing as it may seem, Wednesday night was a quiet night. (predicative/adverbial+as. . . )10. Never in all San Franciscos history were her people so kind as on that terrible night. (Inversion)本單元需要掌握的功能用語為:敘述過去的經歷(Talking about past experiences)Strange things were happening in the countryside in Northeast Hebei. For three days the water. . . At about 3:00 am on July 28, 1976, people saw. . . At 3:42 am everything began to shake.本單元需要掌握的語法為:定語從句( I )(由that, which, who, whose引導的定語從句)A huge crack that was eight kilometers long and thirty meters wide cut across houses, roads and canals.The number of people who were killed or injured reached more than 400 000.It was heard in Beijing, which is one hundred kilometers away.Workers built shelters for survivors whose homes had been destroyed.能力目標:1. 能運用所學語言知識描述地震前兆、危害及震后援救。2. 根據已知信息推測將要聽取的材料的內容。3. 提高閱讀技能和用英語進行思維、推理、判斷的能力。4. 掌握演講稿的格式及新聞報道的寫作步驟和要點。情感目標:1. 使學生對災難有正確的認識,用積極的態(tài)度去面對它。2. 學習唐山人民勇敢面對自然災害,積極進行災后重建的精神。3. 在教學活動中培養(yǎng)學生的合作精神和互助精神。課時安排Natural disasters occur throughout the world, and China has a particular problem with earthquakes. This unit keeps a positive tone or outlook. It can make students not only understand the dangers people face in a quake, but also realize that there are things that can be done to minimize the damage caused by quakes. It includes exercises and tasks that enable students to think about how to avoid quakes, or at least some of the damage they can cause. This unit also lets them role-play community work that deals with disaster relief. Thus, based on the theme, contents and teaching objectives, the whole teaching procedures can fall into seven periods as follows:Period 1:Warming up and ReadingPeriod 2:Important language pointsPeriod 3:Grammar:the Attributive Clause (I)Period 4:ListeningPeriod 5:Using languagePeriod 6:Reading task and Speaking taskPeriod 7:Revision (Summing up, Learning tip and Project)Period 1Warming up and Reading整體設計從容說課This is the first teaching period of this unit. At the beginning of the class, the teacher can lead in the topic of the unit by showing students some pictures of natural disasters and talking about them.As to Warming Up, the teacher had better ask students to describe the two photos on Page 25. In a sense, the photos show two cities famous for their earthquakes during a period of calm. Students must imagine what an earthquake could do to the buildings, roads and bridges they see in the photos. When students try to express their ideas, they will probably have difficulty. This activity provides them with the chance to learn how to do this. It is also a good opportunity for the teacher to teach them the new words and phrases for the unit, such as cracks, cut across houses, roads and canals, fall down, lie in ruins and destroy.Before reading the passage A Night the Earth Didnt Sleep, the students should discuss the two questions in the part Pre-reading. For the first question, students must consider what is of most value to them materially. Perhaps the things students would take are expensive, or perhaps the things would have symbolic value. Would they take their camera or a photo album? Would they take their diary or a favorite sweater? The choices the students make and the reasons they give for making those choices should reveal something about them as people. The second question asks students to make guesses about what happens before an earthquake. Of course, the reading will describe to them what actually happened as the result of one terrible earthquake. So this question must precede the reading. Encourage students to think freely about the question and think of a reason why such and such might happen. This part prepares students for the reading passage.The reading passage titled A Night the Earth Didnt Sleep recounts the terrible earthquake that nearly destroyed the city of Tangshan in Hebei Province in 1976. The earthquake caused a greater loss of life than any other in the last century. The teacher can ask the students first to read quickly to get the main idea or topic sentence of each paragraph, then read carefully to locate particular information for exercises in the part Comprehending or some other exercises, and finally have a discussion of style in order to understand the passage better. During the course of reading teaching, the teacher can not only develop students reading ability, including skimming, scanning and other reading skills, but also get the students to learn about basic knowledge about earthquakes and learn from the bravery of the people in Tangshan to face the reality and rebuild the city. Because there are too many new words in the reading passage, in order not to let students feel much difficult, the teacher should deal with any language problems while they are reading.To consolidate the contents of the reading passage, the students should be required to retell the passage in their own words at the end of the class. In order to arouse the students interest, the teacher can hold a competition between groups.教學重點1. Get the students to know basic knowledge about natural disasters.2. Get the students to learn about Tangshan Earthquake.3. Get the students to learn different reading skills.教學難點Develop the students reading ability.教學方法1. Task-based teaching and learning2. Cooperative learning3. Discussion教具準備The multimedia and other normal teaching tools三維目標Knowledge aims:1. Get the students to learn the following useful new words and expressions in this passage:shakewell (n. )risecracksmellypondpipeburstcanalsteamdirtruininjuredestroybrickdamuselesssteelshockquakerescueelectricitydisasterarmyorganizeburycoalmineshelterfreshright awayat an endlie in ruinsbe trapped under sth. a (great)number of2. Get the students to know basic knowledge about natural disasters.Ability aims:1. Develop the students reading ability and let them learn different reading skills.2. Train the students ability to collect useful information from the Internet by themselves.Emotional aim:1. Get the students know damages earthquakes bring about and the ways to reduce losses of earthquakes.2. Get the students to know how to protect oneself and help others in earthquakes.3. Get the students to be aware of terrible disasters, meanwhile get them to face it, treat it in a proper way, and never get discouraged.教學過程設計方案(一)Step 1 Lead-inShow the students some pictures about natural disasters and ask them:1. Have you ever experienced any natural disaster? Look at the pictures. Can you name all the disasters? (volcano, fire, typhoon, flood, sandstorm, hailstone, thunderstorm, hurricane, earthquake)2. Have you ever experienced an earthquake? Can you describe how terrible an earthquake is?地震的破壞(The earth is shaking; all the buildings will fall down; the roads will be destroyed; many people will be killed or injured; a lot of children will become orphans. . . )Step 2 Warming upTurn to Page 25. Ask the students to read and look at the photos of Tangshan and San Francisco to describe what they see in the two photos to a partner.(beautiful cities; broad roads; tall building; large population. . . )Imagine there has been a big earthquake in these two cities, what might happen to all the things in the photos?(If a big earthquake happened, the whole cities might be in ruins. Large quantities of tall buildings might collapse. The broad and busy roads might be destroyed. Many people might be killed or injured. . . )Step 3 Pre-reading1. Imaging and sharingImagine there is an earthquake now. Your home begins to shake and you must leave it right away. You have time to take only one thing. What will you take? Is it money, water, fruits, mobile phones, a torch light, or anything else? Why?2. Talking and sharingWhat do you think may happen before an earthquake? Talk about the pictures on Page 25. (Cows, pigs and dogs become too nervous to eat. Mice run out of the fields looking for places to hide. Fish jump out of ponds. The water in the well will rise and fall. The well walls will have deep cracks in them. There will be bright light in the sky. . . )Step 4 ReadingTell the students:Today, we are going to read a news report about the strongest earthquake in Chinas history, which happened in Tangshan, Hebei, in 1976.1. Fast readingAsk the students to read the passage quickly and pay attention to the first sentence of each paragraph.1)Answer the questions.Question 1:In what order was the passage written?Question 2:What is the general idea of the passage?(The text is written in time order. The general idea is the mixture of the first sentences of each paragraph, that is, the text tells us something that happened before the earthquake, during the earthquake and after the earthquake. )2)Fill in the table.Type of writingTopic sentence of Paragraph 1Topic sentence of Paragraph 2Topic sentence of Paragraph 3Topic sentence of Paragraph 4General idea of the passageSuggested answers:Type of writingThis is a news report.Topic sentence of Paragraph 1Strange things were happening in the countryside in northeast Hebei.Topic sentence of Paragraph 2Everything began to shake and it seemed that the world was at an end.Topic sentence of Paragraph 3Everywhere they looked nearly everything was destroyed.Topic sentence of Paragraph 4All hope was not lost.General idea of the passageThe passage tells us something that happened before the earthquake, during the earthquake and after the earthquake.3)True or False?Ask the students to decide whether the following statements are true or false. If it is false, try to correct it.(1)People in Tangshan were warned of the earthquake and didnt go to bed that night.(2)People in Beijing also felt the earthquake.(3)More than 400 000 people were killed in the quake.(4)Many rescue workers and doctors were trapped under the ruins during the aftershock.(5)People tried to get fresh water from under the ground in Tangshan.Suggested answers:(1)FPeople in Tangshan thought little of the signs of the earthquake and went to bed as usual that night.(2)T(3)FMore than 400 000 people were killed or injured in the quake. (4)T(5)FFresh water was taken to the city Tangshan by train, truck and plane.2. Reading carefullyAsk the students to read the passage carefully to locate particular information.1)Do the exercises in the part Comprehending on Page 27.2)Fill in the following form.TimeWhat happenedResultBefore the earthquake:three days before the earthquakeat about 3 am on July 28Wells:Animals:Lights and sound:Water pipes:People of the city thought_ and_While the earthquake:At 3:42 amLater that afternoonHouses, roads and canals:Hard hills of rock:The large city:The people:Some rescue workers and doctors:More buildings:Water, food and electricity:_ was destroyed._ hospitals, 75% of_ and 90% of_ were gone. More than_ were killed or injured.After the earthquakeAll hope:The army:Workers:Fresh water:The city_.3)Choose the best answer:(1)What is the mood of this passage?A. Sad. B. Serious. C. Serious and a bit sad. D. Calm.(2)What can be inferred from the passage?A. If mice run out of the fields looking for places to hide, there must be an earthquake.B. If some natural signs had not been ignored, all the people in Tangshan city might have had a chance to survive.C. There wouldnt have been such a great earthquake, if people had paid enough attention to some natural signs.D. If some natural signs had not been ignored, more people might have had a chance to survive.(3)Which of the following statements can not be part of the main reasons for the heavy loss of life in Tangshan earthquake?A. The earthquake happened in the deep night and people were sleeping in bed at the very movement.B. There werent enough rescue workers.C. The buildings were poorly constructed and most of them were destroyed in the earthquake.D. People were not careful enough to notice some natural signs before the earthquake.(4)How do you understand the real meaning of the idiom “It is always calm before a storm”?A. It is unusually quiet before a thunderstorm or hurricane hit.B. One should not trust situations that seem peaceful since bad things may happen.C. The weather is fine before a storm comes.D. You should stay calm before a storm.Suggested answers:(1)C(2)D(3)B(4)B3. Language problemsWhile checking the answers with the whole class, deal with any language problems that the students cant understand.4. Reading aloudPlay the tape of the passage for the students to listen and follow. Then play the tape of Paragraph 1 of the passage once more; this time the students listen and repeat.Step 4 GameWork in pairs. Suppose you are a newspaper reporter, and the other is a witness of the 1976 Tangshan Earthquake. Now the newspaper reporter is interviewing the witness.Step 5 ExtensionShow the questions on the screen and have a discussion.1. From whose point of view are events described? How do you know?2. What is the mood of this passage? How is it created?3. Why do you think the writer chooses to express his feelings about the quake rather than simply report what had happened?4. Why does the writer use A NIGHT THE EARTH DIDNT SLEEP as the title?5. What does the sentence “Slowly, the city began to breathe again” mean?Suggested answers:1. A writers who didnt see the earthquake. He uses the third-person to describe the quake. His description is very objective. For example, in the second sentence of the third paragraph “Everywhere they looked nearly everything was destroyed. ”, the writer uses “they” instead of “we”.2. The mood is serious and a bit sad. It is created by giving details of how many people and animals were killed or injured and how many buildings were destroyed.3. Although the writer was not there, he felt sad for the people of Tangshan. He knows that giving some personal feelings will make the reading more interesting.4. I think the reason is that, as usual, night is the time to sleep, and night should be safe and quiet. But that night everything changed. The writer uses A NIGHT THE EARTH DIDNT SLEEP as a title to show how terrible and how unusual that night was.5. Here we can see that the writer compared the city to a person who suffered a lot in the disaster. He felt her pain, and he worried about her. So when he said that people came to help her, we can feel his feelings to her. The city will not die, she has hope and she can recover from the pain.Step 6 ConsolidationAsk the students to read the passage again and try to retell it.One possible version:Strange things happened in Tangshan. For three days the water in the village wells rose and fell. The well walls had deep cracks and a smelly gas came out the cracks. The chickens, pigs and mice were too nervous. Fish jumped out of bowls and ponds. At 3:00 am on July, 1976, people saw bright lights in the sky and heard the sound of planes even when no planes were in the sky. The water pipes in some buildings cracked and burst.At 3:42 am everything began to shake. It seemed that the world was at the end! One-third of the nation felt it. A huge crack cut across the city. In fifteen terrible seconds a large city lay in ruins. Two-thirds of the people died or were injured. Nearly everything was destroyed in the city. 75% of its factories and 90% of its homes were gone. Then later that afternoon, another big earthquake shook Tangshan. People began to wonder how long the disaster would last.All hope was not lost. The army sent 150 000 soldiers to help them. Workers built shelters for survivors. Slowly, the city began to breathe again.Step 7 Homework1. Learn the new words and expressions in this part by heart.2. Read the text again and again and write a summary of the text.設計方案(二)Step 1 Lead-inShow the students some pictures about natural disasters and as


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