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仁愛版八年級上冊 Unit 4 Our world Topic 2 Section D導學案【精校版】

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仁愛版八年級上冊 Unit 4 Our world Topic 2 Section D導學案【精校版】

仁愛版精品英語資料(精校版) Unit 4 Our world Topic 2 Section D導學案1. 引導學生復習本話題的重點詞匯,并能根據(jù)音標正確地拼讀下列詞匯:million, whole, nation等。能正確地讀出句子的語調(diào)。2. 引導學生復習總結本話題的單詞,并能夠正確拼寫本話題的黑體詞匯。3. 引導學生復習形容詞的比較級和最高級的變化規(guī)則及其在句子當中的具體使用。4. 引導學生熟練談論有關地震的話題,能用英語自由地交流如何從自然災害中逃生。Skill aims:1. 能聽懂有關災難的話題,以及介紹如何在災難中逃生的短文。2. 能夠將本單元所學內(nèi)容和以前所學知識相結合,能用英語談論在生活中發(fā)生的有關災難的話題,如地震、火災、暴風雪等以及用比較級和最高級談論在災難中如何保護自己。3. 能夠讀懂跟課文水平相當?shù)奈恼?,如介紹火災、洪澇、旱災的文章等。4. 根據(jù)所學內(nèi)容用新聞的方式寫出介紹某種自然災害的文章,并能夠寫出如何在災難發(fā)生的時候好好保護自己。 Emotional aims: 1. 通過本課的學習,學會在遇到學習、生活方面的困難時候能夠冷靜面對。 2. 通過在地震中人與人之間的互相幫助,創(chuàng)造奇跡的事例,體會到愛和信任的力量。二、學習重點(Key points): 1. 復習形容詞比較級和最高級的用法以及本單元的功能句,如:I am sorry to hear that. 等。 2. 學習新聞的寫作方法。三、學習難點(Difficult points):根據(jù)新聞的要素寫新聞。四、學習策略(Learning strategies)1. 在看新聞的時候注意新聞的特點,可以幫助我們寫出標準的新聞。2. 在讀到有關自然災害的文章的時候,試著將它翻譯成英文,哪怕見一次翻譯一句都能提高我們的英語水平。五、知識鏈接一、自習(一)、閱讀教材(詞匯過關)I看第137頁P.95-96的新單詞,試拼讀,并小組內(nèi)相互拼讀。II熟記并默寫。 1.百萬 2.整體的,全部的;整個,整體 3.國家;民族 4.重建,重組;使復原 5.正常的,一般的 6.出現(xiàn);看來;好像 7.受傷的,有傷的 8.派遣;打發(fā);安排去 9.軍隊 閱讀教材一. 寫出下面動詞的過去式。 1. kill- 2lose- 3.die- 4. fall - (二)、 在文中劃出下列短語并翻譯 1.in the afternoon 2. fall down 3.with the help of 4. return to 5.be able to 6.over again (三)、 在文中找到下列句子并翻譯總結1.But with the help of the whole nation , people in Wenchuan are rebuilding their homes now and they are returning to normal life.譯:_ . (1)with the help of sb.=with ones help 在某人的幫助下。 (2)whole意為“全部的,整體的”,后面大多接單數(shù)名詞,一般不能與物質(zhì)名詞連用,所以不能說the whole money,應該說all the money 。all與復數(shù)名詞連用時,有“所有”的意思;與單數(shù)名詞連用時,有“整個的,全部的”意思。whole與all在名詞短語中的位置是不同的。whole用在冠詞、名詞所有格之后,而all則用在冠詞、名詞所有格之前。He was studying the afternoon.He was studying the afternoon.整個下午他一直在學習。 (3)return 歸還,返回。與go back/give back同義。因return本身已有回來(去)的意思,因此不能再與back或again連用。2.The people of Wenchuan are very brave,and they are starting their lives over there again.譯: . over again意為“再次;重新” 再讀一遍這篇文章。譯:Read the passage .3.Sent the army to help.譯: 。 send 派遣;打發(fā);寄。send for派人去請(?。?,send up發(fā)射,send sb. off給某人送行,send a message捎口信。 二、自疑:將預習中不能理解的短語和句子寫下來,等待課堂上與老師和同學探究解決。_ 家長簽字_預習等級_組長簽字_三、自主探究活動一:Read and understand活動二:Work alone四、自測(一)根據(jù)句意及首字母提示補全單詞。1. Hearing the good news, the w_ country were excited.2. Tomorrow is Tom's birthday. Im going to s_ him a birthday card. 3.My uncle joined the a_ last month and he is a soldier(士兵) now.4.Mike asked me to wait for him at school gate at 4:00 p. m. But he didnt a_ until 4:30 p. m.5. A l_ 9. 0 earthquake hapend in the northeast of Japan on March 11, 2011.(二)完成句子。1. 在英語老師的幫助下,我通過了英語考試。 _ _ _ _ my English teacher, I passed the English exam.2. 我告訴了他整個故事。 I told him_ _ story. 3. 他必須重新開始生活。He must begin living_ _.4. 海倫出生在2002年5月10日凌晨。 Helen was born on the _ _ of May 10, 2002.5.玉樹人民正回歸到正常生活之中。 The people of Yushu are _ _ normal life now. (三)閱讀理解。 An earthquake may happen at any time. But do you know what to do if you find yourself in an earthquake? If you are inside:l Quickly move under a strong desk or table, or along a wall. You can also go into a small room like the bathroom. This will protect you from falling things. Do not get into a lift.l Do not stand near windows, large mirrors(鏡子),heavy furniture or fireplaces(壁爐).If you are outside:l Move away from buildings and streetlights. These could fall on you.l Squat(蹲下)and protect your head until the shaking stops.After the earthquake:l Check, take care of injuries(傷) and help make sure people around you are all right.l Watch out for after shocks(沖擊)。l Protect yourself by wearing long pants, a longsleeved(長袖的) shirt and strong shoes.l Listen to the radio for the latest information.( ) 1. If you are in a tall building when an earthquake happens, youd better_. A. run into a life B. Not stay in the bathroom C. stand near large mirrors D. not stand near windows( ) 2. If you are outside during an earthquake, _. A. you must move into building B. you cant squat C. you must move away from streetlights D. you have to stop the shaking ( ) 3. After the earthquake, you should_. A. look after injuries B. not listen to the radio around you C. not help the others around you D. protect yourself without wearing shoes( ) 4. The underlined word “watch out” in the passage means “_” in Chinese. A. 向外看 B. 欣賞 C.當心 D. 瀏覽( )5. The passage is mainly about_. A . what to do before an earthquake happens B. what to do if you are in an earthquake C. how to escape(逃脫) from an earthquake when you are at home D. how to predict(預測) an earthquake in the open air五、自結 我想說:學了section D, 我的收獲有(從短語結構、重點句型、語法等方面總結) 1.本課主要學習了有關如何在地震、火災等突發(fā)事件中保護自己的話題內(nèi)容,進一步鞏固形容詞的 和 的用法。所涉及的重點詞匯和短語有whole,appear,send, 等;需要掌握并熟練運用的句型有Knowing some ways to protect yourself will help to keep you safe in an earthquake. 等。通過本課的學習,我能說出的英語句子及用英語談論的事情有 。2.通過本課的練習與測試,我覺得自己在 (詞匯、句型、語法等)方面掌握得很好,在 方面還有些不足,我將通過 來加強這方面的訓練。六、課后作業(yè)(一)用方框中所給的單詞完成下列句子。 Million, send, whole, appear, army 1.One is the number 1,000,000.2.My brother joined the last year.3.The nation helped people in Wenchuan rebuild their homes.4.Many tall buildings in the city of Beijing.5.I often e-mail to my pen pal in England. (二)根據(jù)中文意思完成下列句子。1.唐山地震比汶川地震嚴重得多。 The Tangshan earthquake is Wenchuan earthquake.2.聽到這個消息我很難過。 Im the news.3.我真的可以重新開始嗎? Can I really ?4.你應該讓孩子在安全的環(huán)境中玩耍。 You should let the children .5. 全班的同學都去鄉(xiāng)下旅行了。 Went on a trip in the countryside.(3) 根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容完成下面的表格。T和Tangshan Earthquake, also known as the Great Tangshan Earthquake, was a natural disaster (自然災害) that happened near Tangshan in Hebei on Wednesday, July 28, 1976. It was the largest earthquake of the 20th century. It killed about 240,000 to 255,000 people.The earthquake struck in the early morning, at 03:42 and lasted 14 to 16 seconds. It was a level 7.8 earthquake and followed by a level 7.1 aftershock some hours later. It make hundreds and thousands of buildings fall down and more people injured.The Chinese government (政府) sent medical team and the army to help rebuild the city of Tangshan. People in Tangshan made up their mind to start their life over again. Today Tangshan has come back to life. It is home to nearly three million people and is known as “Brave City of China”.TimeOn the early morning on ,July 28,1976.PlaceNear Tangshan in Hebei.Even(事件)Great Tangshan Earthquake- of the 20th century; a level earthquake with a level 7.1 aftershock.Result(結果) People died, hundreds of thousands of buildings fall down.Measure(措施)Our government sent medical team and to help rebuild the city.編 審陳艷、張偉、李紅枚、吳妮玲、周萍


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