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2019-2020年北師大版高中英語必修2 Unit 6《Design》完形填空專項講練.doc

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2019-2020年北師大版高中英語必修2 Unit 6《Design》完形填空專項講練.doc

2019-2020年北師大版高中英語必修2 Unit 6Design完形填空專項講練No.1 Warm-up短文填空,做到看漢語用英語敘述“繪畫風格”這一話題,并且默寫。 【我喜歡抽象畫<因為我們得用自己的想象<去理解畫家試圖表現(xiàn)什么>>?!俊疚乙蚕矚g油畫 “更大的水花”里筆直的線條和波紋狀的水。<在畢加索的Guernica里>,線條和形狀都是矩形的,粗獷的,表現(xiàn)出戰(zhàn)爭的暴力和痛苦?!俊綢 like abstract paintings <because we have to use our own imagination <1._ (understand) what the painter is trying to do>>.】【I also like the straight lines | 2._ the wavy water in the painting, A Bigger Splash. <3._ Picassos Guernica> the lines and shapes are square and hard, 4._ shows the violence and pain of the war. 】No.2 Lesson 1短文填空,做到看漢語用英語敘述“品味名畫”這一話題,并且默寫。 <在一次畫展中>,我了解了許多關(guān)于一些著名的中國畫家(的知識)。【徐悲鴻發(fā)展了將詩歌與油畫結(jié)合在一起的傳統(tǒng)。<在他的“奔馬”中>,我們可以看到一匹馬<快速>奔跑,<像導(dǎo)彈一樣劃過天空>?!俊舅嫕饽?lt;來表現(xiàn)馬鬃和馬尾上飛揚的毛>,| 也用不同的灰色陰影<來表現(xiàn)順著馬身(流下)的汗水>?!俊君R白石<早年年輕時>做過木雕活。<在他的“白菜”里>,一個小蟲子的眼睛盯著白菜(看),<表現(xiàn)出這小生物對白菜的興趣>。】【陳逸飛是一個非常成功的藝術(shù)家。他的美女軟筆肖像畫非常有價值。那幅名為“罌粟”的畫是陳派風格的典型例子?!俊?lt;在這幅畫中>,女子的手優(yōu)雅地擱<在膝上>。<為了更多地強調(diào)這個女子>,陳<在扇子和她的衣著布料上>添加了許多細節(jié)。那衣著上的皺褶也(被)畫得非常優(yōu)美。】【<在另一幅畫中>,一個視力不好的女孩正站<在淺淺湖水的岸邊上>。】<In an exhibition>, we 1._ (learn) a lot about some famous 2._ (China) painters. 【Xu Beihong developed the tradition of combining the poetry 3._ painting. <In his Racing Horse>, we can see a horse 4._ (run) <at high speed> <like a missile 5._ the sky>.】【He drew in black ink <to show the 6._ (move) hair on the mane and tail> | and also used different shades of grey <7._ (show) the sweat along the horses body>.】【Qi Baishi worked with wood <8._ his early youth>. <In his Cabbage>, the tiny insects eyes 9._ (fix) on the cabbage, <10._ (show) the creatures interest in the cabbage>. 】【Chen Yifei was a very 11._ (success) artist. His soft portraits of beautiful 12._ (woman) are very valuable. The painting 13._ (name) Poppy is a typical example of Chens style.】【In the painting, a 14._ (woman) hand is elegantly positioned <above her knee>. <To emphasise the woman even 15._ (much)>, Chen adds a lot of detail <16._ the fan and the cloth of her dress>. The folds of her dress are also very 17._ (beautiful) painted.】【<In another painting>, a girl with bad eyesight 18._ (stand) <on the shore of a shallow lake>. 】No.3 Lesson 2短文填空,做到看漢語用英語敘述“偉大建筑”這一話題,并且默寫。 這里是一些由世界著名建筑師設(shè)計、具有不同特色的偉大建筑。【<在威尼斯總督官邸>,你可以看到白色的大理石墻體| 和兩旁有雕像的陽臺?!?lt;紐約的克萊斯勒大樓是頂樓有咖啡館的最漂亮的摩天大樓之一?!俊?lt;在布達佩斯郵政儲蓄銀行大樓的屋頂>,有奇異的裝飾物<象征波浪、鮮花和天使>?!俊玖钊梭@奇的蘇格蘭Eilean Donan城堡在廢墟中<(度過了)200年>。它于1932年<用混凝土和花崗巖>重建,座落<在湖畔小島上>,<看起來有點像來自童話(的感覺)>?!縃ere are some great buildings with different features 1._ (design) by world famous architects. 【<At the Palace of the Doges 2._ Venice>, you can see the white marble walls | and the balcony with statues 3._ either side.】【The Chrysler Building in New York is 4._ of the most beautiful skyscrapers 5._ a caf on top floor. 】【<On the roof of the Post Office Saving Bank Building in Budapest>, there are fantastic decorations <6._ (represent) waves, flowers and angels>.】【The amazing castle of Eilean Donan in Scotland was in ruins for 200 years. It 7._ (rebuild) <with concrete and granite> in 1932 | and it is now located <on an island near the loch>, <8._ (look) sort of like something from a fairytale>.】No.4 Lesson 3短文填空,做到看漢語用英語敘述“中國剪紙”這一話題,并且默寫。 【動物剪紙已在追溯到南北朝時期的墓穴中被發(fā)現(xiàn)?!俊掘?、公雞和鳳凰剪紙被張貼<以求好運>。有漢字雙喜的剪紙常被用來<慶賀婚禮>。】【用于宗教目的剪紙常見于寺廟。與死者有關(guān)的人往往在特別的日子制作這些祭品。作為設(shè)計式樣的剪紙在珠寶盒上經(jīng)常見到?!俊?lt;如果你對中國剪紙藝術(shù)感興趣>,你可以自己嘗試剪紙?!俊綪aper cuts of animals 1._ (find) in tombs which date back to the time of the Northern and 2._ (south) Dynasty.】【Paper cuts of bats, roosters and phoenixes 3._ (put) up <to bring good luck>. Paper cuts with the Chinese character for double 4._ (happy) are often used <to celebrate weddings>. 】【Paper cuts 5._ (use) for religious purposes are often found in temples. People 6._ are related to the dead would make these offerings 7._ special days. Paper cuts used for design patterns are often seen on a jewel(le)ry box.】【If you 8._ (interest) in Chinese paper cuts, you can try out paper cutting for 9._ (you).】No.5 Lesson 4短文填空,做到看漢語用英語敘述“理想的房子”這一話題,并且默寫。我們不得不很快離開Loomis的小屋<因為木板墻上有蠕蟲>。水管破裂,地面潮濕,| 我們用著隔壁(鄰舍)的盥洗室。房東對我們毫不憐憫,| 因此我們不得不搬家。芒果街上的房子不是我們理想的房子<盡管我們不必付房租>。它后面有一間小小的車庫,| 前面是窄窄的臺階。窗子是如此之小<以致于你認為它們透不過氣來>。總之,我們理想的房子會有自來水、浴缸和地下室。【<當我們想洗澡時>,我們不必告訴任何人。我們的房子會是一所有個大院子,| 周圍全是樹,<沒有柵欄>?!俊疚覀円蚕氚岬绞袇^(qū)地鐵旁的一所公寓,里面有窗簾和空調(diào)。每天早上有卡車<來收垃圾>。】We had to leave the cottage on Loomis quick(ly) <because there 1._ (be) worms in the wooden walls>. The water pipes broke, the flat was damp | 2._ we were using the washroom next door. The landlord had no mercy, | 3._ we had to move. The house on Mongo Street is not our dream house <4._ we dont have to pay rent>. It has a small garage on the back | and narrow steps 5._ front. The windows are so small <that youd think they were holding their breath>. In conclusion, our dream house 6._ (have) running water, a bathtub and a basement. 【<7._ we wanted to bathe>, we wouldnt have to tell anybody. Our house 8._ (be) one with a great yard | and trees around it, <without a fence>. 】【W(wǎng)e also wanted to move into 9._ apartment in a downtown area near the subway, 10._ which there are curtains and air-conditioners. And there is a lorry <11._ (collect) the garbage every morning>. 】參考答案:No. 1 1. to understand 2. and 3. In 4. which No. 2 1. have learned 2. Chinese 3. with 4. running 5. across 6. moving 7. to show 8. in/during 9. are fixed 10. showing 11. successful 12. women 13. named 14. womans 15. more 16. to 17. beautifully 18. is standing No. 3 1. designed 2. in 3. on 4. one 5. with 6. representing 7. was rebuilt 8. looking No. 4 1. have been found 2. Southern 3. are put 4. happiness 5. used 6. who 7. on 8. are interested 9. yourself/yourselves本資料配有電子真人發(fā)聲文本朗讀MP3音頻和配套字幕,用千千靜聽播放有窗口字幕滾動供單人觀看和桌面字幕滾動供課堂教學兩種模式。


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