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2019-2020年人教版高中英語必修三教學案:Unit 4 Section 2(含答案).doc

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2019-2020年人教版高中英語必修三教學案:Unit 4 Section 2(含答案).doc

2019-2020年人教版高中英語必修三教學案:Unit 4 Section 2(含答案)一、這樣記單詞記得準寫得對記得快記得多.基礎詞匯1.astronomyn天文學2.systemn. 系統(tǒng);體系;制度3.theoryn. 學說;理論4.atomn. 原子5.globen. 球體;地球儀;地球6.atmospheren. 大氣層;氣氛7.fundamentaladj. 基本的;基礎的8.multiplyvi.&vt. 乘;增加9.oxygenn. 氧10.puzzlen. 謎;難題vt.&vi. (使)迷惑;(使)為難 .拓展詞匯1.unlikeprep.與不同;不像like vt.喜歡 prep.像;如同likely adj.可能的2.violentadj.猛烈的;激烈的;強暴的violence n暴力 violently adv.暴力地;猛烈地3.harmfuladj.有害的harm n&v.傷害 harmless adj.無害的4.existvi.存在;生存existence n存在;生存1.harmful adj.有害的記法harm(損害) ful(形容詞后綴)harmful(有害的)聯(lián)想盤點ful后綴形容詞carecareful小心的 hopehopeful有希望的helphelpful有幫助的 useuseful有用的2.unlike prep.與不同;不像聯(lián)想un前綴形容詞集錦usualunusual不尋常的 ableunable 不能夠fairunfair不公平的 fitunfit不健康的 happyunhappy不高興的 3.multiply vi.&vt.乘;增加聯(lián)想數學運算小聚add v. 加;增加,添加subtract v. 減;減去,扣除divide v. 除;(使)相除4.oxygen n氧聯(lián)想常見氣體小結carbon dioxide 二氧化碳nitrogen 氮hydrogen 氫二、這樣記短語記牢固定短語多積常用詞塊1.solar_system太陽系2in_time 及時;終于3cool_down 冷卻下來;變涼4be_fundamental_to 對(來說)是基本的5lay_eggs 下蛋6give_birth_to 產生;分娩7in_ones_turn 輪到某人;接著8prevent_.from_. 阻止;制止1.according to 根據2begin with 從開始;起源于3in all directions 朝四面八方4a cloud of dust 一團塵埃5a chain reaction 連鎖反應6as well as 也;還;與一樣好7as a result of 由于結果8depend on 取決于;依靠三、這樣記句式先背熟再悟通后仿用1.What it was to bee was uncertain until between 4.5 and 3.8 billion years ago . 隨后它變成什么沒人確定,直到4538億年前what引導主語從句并在從句中作主語。What_we_cant_get seems better than what we already have. 我們得不到的東西似乎比我們已經擁有的東西好。2.The earth became so violent that it was not clear whether the shape would last or not. 地球(開始)變得如此激烈動蕩,以至于不知道這個固體形狀是否會繼續(xù)存在下去。so .that .“如此以至于”,引導結果狀語從句。He worked so_hard_that he made great progress.他學習如此努力以至于他取得了巨大進步。3.This produced a chain reaction, which made it possible for life to develop. 這就產生了一個連鎖反應,使生命的發(fā)展成為可能?!癿ake賓語賓語補足語”復合結構。George made_it_clear_that he disagreed.喬治表示得很清楚了,他不同意。4.So whether life will continue on the earth for millions of years to e will depend on whether this problem can be solved. 所以,在未來的數百萬年中,生命能否在地球上延續(xù)取決于這個問題能否得到解決。第一個whether引導主語從句。Whether_we_will_hold_a_meeting is not decided.我們是否要開一個會,還沒有決定。1(教材P25)The earth became so violent that it was not clear whether the shape would last or not.地球(開始)變得如此激烈動蕩,以至于不知道這個固體形狀是否會繼續(xù)存在下去。violent adj.猛烈的;激烈的;強暴的(1)a violent attack/storm猛烈的攻擊/暴風驟雨(2)violently adv. 猛烈地;兇猛地violence n. 暴力;暴行;激情with violence 猛烈地;強有力地take . by violence 強奪He was caught in a violent storm yesterday.他昨天碰上了暴風雨。The wind blew violently (violent) and the climbers had to give up.風刮得很猛,登山隊員們不得不放棄。The young man was charged with robbery with violence.這個年輕人被指控暴力搶劫。語境串記Tom was in violent pain. As a result, he behaved violently and treated everything with violence.湯姆處于極度痛苦之中,因此他表現得很粗暴,一切都以暴力對待。2(教材P2526)They were in time to produce carbon dioxide, nitrogen, water vapor and other gases, which were to make the earths atmosphere.它們最終產生了二氧化碳、氮氣、水蒸氣和其他氣體,從而形成了地球的大氣層。in time及時;終于;遲早(1)in time作“終于;遲早”講時,常單獨使用,作狀語。(2)in time作“及時”講時,后常跟for sth.或to do sth.。You will succeed in timeas long as you dont give up.只要不放棄,你總有一天會成功。The doctor came in time to_save (save) his life.醫(yī)生及時趕到并搶救了他的生命。Lucky for him, he was just in time for the bus.幸運的是,他及時趕上了公共汽車。名師點津time 相關短語薈萃:from time to time有時;偶爾at a time 每次in no time 立刻;馬上at the same time 同時at one time 一度;從前at no time 絕不(置于句首時,句子常用部分倒裝語序)3(教材P26)What many scientists believe is that the continued presence of water allowed the earth to dissolveharmful gases and acids into the oceans and seas.很多科學家相信,由于地球上長期有水存在,使地球得以把有害氣體和酸性物質溶解在海洋里。harmful adj.有害的(1)be harmful to .對有害(2)harm n. &vt. 傷害;損害do harm to sb. do sb.harm 對某人有害(3)harmless adj. 無害的Your smoking can be harmful to the health of your children.你吸煙會危及孩子的健康。Its harmful (harm) to your eyes to read books in the bus.在公共汽車上看書對你的眼睛有害。The medicine is harmful to children but harmless (harm) to adults.這種藥對兒童有害,卻對成年人沒有什么害處。語境串記This object gives off harmful gases which may do harm to our health. You must make the object harmless before you use it.此物會散發(fā)出有害氣體,這些氣體可能會損害我們的健康,你必須在使用它之前使它無害。4(教材P26)They laid eggs too andexisted on the earth for more than 140 million years.它們也生蛋,在地球上存在了1億4千多萬年。exist vi.存在;生存(1)exist in存在于中exist on 靠生活/生存There exists . 存在;有(2)existence n. 存在;生活in existence 現存的;現有的e into existence 產生;成立;開始存在Nothing exists on the moon as there is no water and no air.月球上沒有東西生存,因為那里沒有水和空氣。He finds it hard to exist on the money hes earning.他發(fā)現靠他掙的那點錢無法維持生活。Nobody knows when the earth came into existence.沒人知道地球是何時形成的。名師點津exist是不及物動詞,沒有被動語態(tài),也沒有進行時。5(教材P26)Thus they have, in their turn, bee the most important animals on the planet. 于是,它們接著成了這個行星上最重要的動物。in ones turn輪到某人;接著in turn依次;輪流;轉而;反過來by turns 輪流;交替take turns to do sth. 輪流做某事Its ones turn to do sth. 輪到某人做某事It will be in Toms turn to be on duty tomorrow.明天輪到湯姆值日。They took turns to_look (look) after their parents.他們輪流照顧他們的父母。Its my turn to_deliver (deliver) a speech in public.輪到我在公眾面前發(fā)表演講了。名師點津by turns 是“交替;輪流”的意思,多指兩個人或兩個行為之間的交替進行;如果表示“按順序”則應該用in turn。6(教材P26)They are putting too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which preventsheat fromescaping from the earth into space.他們把過多的二氧化碳排放到大氣層中,這使得地球上的熱量不能釋放到太空中去。prevent . from阻止;制止stop .from (doing) sth. .制止keep .from (doing) sth. . 阻止protect .from/against (doing) sth. . 保護免受傷害No one can prevent this plan (from) being carried out.誰也不能阻止這個計劃的實施。They were stopped from entering (enter) the burning building.他們被攔在了燃燒著的大樓外面。Soldiers have been sent to protect the crew against/from attack.已經派出士兵保護船員免遭襲擊。名師點津短語prevent/stop/protect . from .中的from可以省略,keep . from .中的from不能省略。但在被動結構中,from均不可省略。7(教材P27)How life began on earth is one of the biggest puzzles that scientists found hard to solve.地球上生命的起源是科學家們難以解決的最大疑惑之一。puzzle n謎;難題vt.&vi.(使)迷惑;(使)為難(1)in a puzzle感到困惑;不知如何是好(be) a puzzle to sb. . 對某人來說仍是個謎(2)puzzle about/over 冥思苦想;苦苦思索(3)puzzling adj. 令人迷惑的puzzled adj. 感到迷惑的be puzzled about 對迷惑不解Im in a puzzle as to how to get along with him.對于如何和他相處使我感到困惑。Their reason for doing it is still a puzzle to me.他們?yōu)槭裁锤赡羌氯匀蛔屛屹M解。The student was puzzled about what to do next.這個學生對下一步做什么傷透了腦筋。語境串記The puzzled look on her face suggested she was puzzling over the puzzling math problem.她困惑的表情暗示了她正在思考那個令人困惑的數學問題。1This produced a chain reaction, which made it possible for life to develop.這就產生了一個連鎖反應,使生命的發(fā)展成為可能。句中made it possible for life to develop屬于“v.(動詞)itadj./n.(賓補)to do/that從句”結構。該結構中,it作形式賓語,真正的賓語是后面的不定式或that從句。(1)在“make賓語賓語補足語”結構中,賓語補足語可由名詞或形容詞、不帶to的不定式、過去分詞或介詞短語充當。Praisemakes good men betterand bad men worse.諺語表揚能使好人更好,壞人更壞。The police made them stand against the wall. They were made by the police to_stand (stand) against the wall.警察強迫他們靠墻站著。名師點津當“make賓語do sth.”變?yōu)楸粍诱Z態(tài)時,不定式符號“to”要還原。(2)當該結構的賓語是不定式短語或從句時,多用it作形式賓語,而把不定式短語或從句后置。即:makeit賓語補足語不定式短語或從句(賓語補足語由名詞或形容詞充當)。常用于此結構中的動詞還有:think, believe, find, consider, feel等。I find it hard to_remember (remember) these words in a short time.我發(fā)現在短時間內記住這些詞很難。I must make it clear that Ill always support you. 我必須說清楚我會一直支持你。2The earth became so violent that it was not clear whether the shape would last or not.地球(開始)變得如此激烈動蕩,以至于不知道這個固體形狀是否會繼續(xù)存在下去。(1)句中whether .or not引導主語從句,it為形式主語。It matters littlewhether he likes it or not.他喜不喜歡并沒有什么關系。(2)whether.(or not)引導的從句還可充當賓語、表語、同位語、狀語等。Ill see whether_shes_at_home.我來看看她在不在家。A person has the right to vote, whether_he_is_male_or_female.一個人,無論他是男是女,都擁有選舉權。.單句語法填空1I should be back in time to watch the football match.2Smoking too much does harm to your health.3When it is in my turn, I am too excited to speak.4Their son was prevented from going to college last year because of their low ine.5I was unaware of his existence (exist) until today.6We cant deal with it with violence (violent).補全句子1Where the missing plane has gone still remains_a_puzzle_to_us.失聯(lián)飛機去了哪兒對我們來說仍是個謎。2I wonder whether_or_not_you_can_e_in_time.我不知道你能否及時趕過來。3We have made it_a_habit_to_walk after supper. 我們每天晚飯后散步已成習慣了。一、全練語言點,基穩(wěn)才能樓高.單詞拼寫1What puzzled (迷惑) me was why they didnt take his advice.2It is impossible to prove the existence (存在) of God.3I felt my heart beating violently (猛烈地)4As is known, lack of sleep does great harm (傷害) to us students.5Three multiplied (乘) by six is eighteen.6He chained (拴) the dog for the night.7The shortage of water has bee a global (全球) problem.8Therere many theories (理論) about the origin of life.單句語法填空1It is uncertain whether hell succeed in passing the driving test or not.2His decision made it possible for us to finish the work by four oclock this afternoon.3Each of us in turn had to describe how alcohol had affected our lives.4The situation in that country should be prevented from being (bee) worse.5You neednt worry because this snake is harmless (harm)6My relationship with the actors is fundamental to my work as a director.7If you give up this chance, youll regret it in time.8Look at the pictures and take turns to_tell (tell) the story.選詞填空do great harm to, give birth to, in time, puzzle about, protect .from ., lay eggs, prevent .from ., in ones turn1As we know, laying_eggs is the ant queens fulltime job.2The other day my pet cat gave_birth_to a new little cat. 3These factories have done_great_harm_to the environment.4Some measures have been taken in_time to protect the environment.5The new measures are designed to protect the public from people like these.6We were prevented_from attending Professor Lis lecture by the heavy rain.7I have been puzzling_about this question for weeks. 8All the five daughters, in_their_turn,_took care of the sick father in hospital.課文語法填空The earth was just a cloud of dust after the “Big Bang”The earth 1.exploded (explode) loudly with fire and rock. They were in time 2.to_produce (produce) many things, which were to make the earths atmosphere. 3.As the earth cooled down, water began to appear on its surface. It allowed the earth to dissolve 4.harmful (harm) gases. Then life began to develop.The first small plants multiplied and filled the oceans and seas 5.with oxygen. This encouraged the 6.development (develop) of early shellfish and fish. Land animals such as insects, reptiles 7.and dinosaurs and so on appeared after green plants appeared. Small clever animals spread all over the earth. They 8.are_putting (put) too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which prevents heat from 9.escaping (escape) from the earth into space. Whether life will continue on the earth for millions of years 10.to_e (e) will depend on whether this problem can be solved.串點成篇微表達這條河流的兩岸有(exist)許多工廠,有些已經對環(huán)境造成損害(harm)。去年,有家工廠曾經發(fā)生劇烈(violently)爆炸。因此,當地人們都陷入到巨大的恐慌中。聽到已經及時(in time)采取措施阻止(prevent .from)污染的進一步惡化,他們都感到非常高興。There_exist_many_factories_along_the_river,_some_of_which_have_done_great_harm_to_the_environment._Last_year,_one_of_them_exploded_violently;_as_a_result,_the_local_people_got_into_a_great_panic._Hearing_that_some_measures_had_been_taken_in_time_to_prevent_the_pollution_from_getting_bad_to_worse,_they_were_all_more_than_glad._二、勤練高考題型,多練自能生巧.完形填空I had thought today was going to be an ordinary day. However, by 9 am., I realized it was something very _1_.For the past week, Ive been a bit _2_. My kids are scattered (分散) around the world, and I miss them being part of our _3_ life you know, dropping in for dinner, being able to meet the girls on a Saturday and go shopping, that sort of thing.I must _4_ feeling a bit sorry for myself. When I told my kids that it was important for them to _5_ and leave home to follow their dreams, I didnt think they would _6_ because they always paid little attention to what I said.But today was a reality check.Firstly, I _7_ a message from my youngest daughter this morning, which _8_ me she got a new job. Five months ago, she _9_ her things and moved to Vancouver alone. _10_, she had no where to live and had no job. _11_, she has found a place to live and has found a job now. Shes feeling right at home in her new city.The next _12_ was from my son, who has been _13_ in Montreal for two years. His _14_ is going from strength to strength. He _15_ out as a video editor and now a producer. His videos _16_ get over 1 million hits and some of them over 10 million.Then to top it off, I was listening to my oldest daughter reading breakfast news for DriveTime, one of the countrys most popular breakfast radio stations. Today _17_ to be the anniversary (周年紀念日) of the day six years ago when she first started in radio in a small regional radio program, which _18_ she also had to move away from home.So _19_ Im sad that theyre living away from home, Im also _20_ of the way theyve created their success.語篇解讀:本文為記敘文。作者的孩子們都遠離家鄉(xiāng)外出工作,作者為此感到有些難過??删驮谕惶炖?,她收到了關于三個孩子在外工作小有成就的消息,為此作者感到很開心。1A.strangeBfunnyCdifferent Dmon解析:選C作者原以為今天會像平時那樣平淡,卻在同一天里得到三個孩子在外工作的消息,即今天與平時不一樣。2A.sad BfrightenedCexcited Dhappy解析:選A根據最后一段的“Im sad that theyre living away from home”可知答案。3A.hard BpoliticalCsocial Ddaily解析:選D根據“you know, dropping in for dinner, being able to meet the girls on a Saturday and go shopping, that sort of thing”可知,此處應指作者與孩子們一起度過的日常生活。4A.avoid BadmitCimagine Dcontinue解析:選B作者因孩子們遠離家而不開心是事實,因此她不得不承認這一點。5A.wander BrelaxCtravel Drun解析:選C根據“l(fā)eave home to follow their dreams”可知,此處應指外出,故選C項。6A.listen BrefuseCbelieve Dmind解析:選A根據“they always paid little attention to what I said”可知,孩子們不怎么聽作者的話。7A.delivered BsentCspread Dreceived解析:選D根據下文可知,此處指作者收到小女兒的信息。8A.ordered BtoldCurged Densured解析:選B該信息告訴作者她的小女兒在新的城市找到了工作。9A.looked at Bput awayCpacked up Dmade up解析:選C五個月前,小女兒打包好行李,獨自一人去了溫哥華。10A.In the beginning BIn totalCAs a result DOn the contrary解析:選A起初,作者的小女兒沒有住的地方,也沒有工作。11A.Therefore BOtherwiseCInstead DHowever解析:選D現在小女兒找到了住的地方和工作。前后兩句表示轉折,因此選D項。12A.present BmessageCsupport Dstage解析:選B第二條信息來自作者的兒子,故選B項。13A.touring BstudyingCliving Dteaching解析:選C根據下文內容可知,作者的兒子在蒙特利爾已經生活了兩年了。14A.job BmarriageChobby Dpower解析:選A根據下文可知,作者的兒子事業(yè)越做越好。15A.turned BworkedCcame Dstarted解析:選D作者的兒子從當一名視頻編輯起家。16A.rarely BregularlyChardly Dnever解析:選B作者的兒子事業(yè)越做越好,由此可推斷他的產品深受顧客的青睞,因此選B項。17A.happened BpreparedCplanned Dexpected解析:選A今天恰巧也是大女兒初入播音事業(yè)的六周年紀念日。18A.concluded BmeantCquestioned Dinferred解析:選B六年前大女兒為一家小小的地方播音節(jié)目,這意味著她也不得不遠離家鄉(xiāng)。19A.because BifCbefore Dwhile解析:選D盡管作者因為孩子們不在家而難過,但也為孩子們能在外立足而感到驕傲。20A.sick BproudCafraid Dtired解析:選B參見上題。.短文改錯Dear Sir,My name is Li Hua. Id like take the chance for the Twoweek Ecotravel Round Australia. Im a senior two student of 17 in Xian. I have a great many of hobbies, such as music, drawing or playing chess. Especially Im fond of sports and travel. Thats because Im quite strong and healthy. Australia has long been my dream countries to visit. Therere plenty of interesting plants and animals in that magic country, which were what I want to learn personal. The travel will for sure help increase my knowledge of protect the environment and broaden your horizons. It maybe very tired, but I still apply for the travel. Yours, Li Hua答案:第二句:like后加to 第四句:去掉of; orand第六句:becausewhy 第七句:countriescountry 第八句:wereare; personalpersonally 第九句:protectprotecting; yourmy第十句:tiredtiring


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