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國(guó)家開(kāi)放大學(xué)電大專(zhuān)科英語(yǔ)語(yǔ)音2021期末試題及答案(試卷號(hào):3949) 盜傳必究I. Which did you hear? (I point for each correct answer)Choose from lhe following groups uf words the one you hear. Mark the corresponding letterwith 7 " in yuur answersheeL Euch of lhe words be read once only.LA. sale511C suitD. seal2. A. lifeB. rife仁 knifeD. wife3. A> teamB.TimC. ternD> tam4. A. monthB. mouthU mouseD. Morr5> A. cleanB. greenC cloneD> grain6. A. phinK planC plumFX plate7. A. lawB. rawC warD. rnnw8.A. veryB. wellC varyD. weary9. A. capB. capC. cupFl cape10> A. gladB. glowedG glideD gladeIL LiMcn and responds (2 points for each correct answer)Choose the correct answers responses tn the questions you hear. Mark the corresponding letter with 7 3 your answersheeL Each of lhe sentences will he read twice.1A. Ycs of course It look heavy but im'i really.Be Yes. of course. I can put them in several2.A. Not nowt it's mill very hot<B. Noi I'm afraid it "m out of ink.3.A. i1 ve no idcae P vc never been to his place.B. Most of them «rr very good.4.A M-E-TB. MAT5.A. Ym. Ell take this Saturday's train.& Ye*. 1 live there for nearly three ycm.111. How <lu you pronounce the word? (2 points for tach correct word'Listen to lhe rolhmlnx wnunc and Mrllc d<n lhe phmictk *ymh<>h <>f lhe undcrHnrd wordse Each of lhe Mntencci will be read twice.Examples I bought a iww rAincant the othrr dny, /rmikoiH/L We were allowed to my for another hour.2. New noluuoHA Tn thi problem riiuwl bv (ouncL3. Hnvr you been fo( )x(ord before?L Hr、h“wtd un ftround the cMrnpu«>5. Huv< you got your teaching pinion< Lury?6. Whui vritcriH should be unccI to mAk< <ircislon»?7. hS one of the mmd himDS、h叩ping plmm in thr world.8. Ifvr joined the vollcybnll dub bui I*vc only plnyvd oner no (nr.9. fhnnk lor your kind irivinHion<|Qt rhnt provuicii need (or lhe further reMenrch,IV. Intonation unitw« (I point Cor each sentence)Listen In the follfiwinu Mntrnccs mid niurk out the Intonation unltx< Kach nf I he srnlcnn* will be rrud once only.Examplet Those who sold quiekly/ mftde n pro(»hL A rnmioni pnu»c on ihc other hnnd mny drtrnct from rhv meanings2. Wr oil have a habit uni rate of pcakitiK And【hw rate hcl" cluiracteriz«- enrh of u。f tndividuHln.3. Am nn intcrprctcre your iiHervst ought to be f(»cuscil on thcr bitHir <(HnpunrniML For ihr nnswerst you'll Imvc to ftu to :he librnry to look (or rcfrronrrt5. h i,gcncrnliy ncknuwlwlKtxl tlnil any wrhhhy Hinglr rn/tn is in wnnt o( n hvninifnl wife,.6. You fihoulcin't touch someone for more thnn Irw Mccondji il yon ito ihh know ih< m very wcllt7. Mont ncrident» happen because people drive toornpettally when thr ro,!、arc Wrt>8. 1 didn11 like rhr rxr when I wa» o Hmoll child# hut flow I du.9. You »hauld hftvr told her you didn't nerd niuch Ennllah.ID. You nuiy hnnil in your usrtignrnrht next week irZwul uf tomorrowV. Nurlcu«e (2 points for each sentence)Lhten to the following yiteng and mark out the nucleus of eMeh of the intonntion unlls.Ilie diaktgues will be rend twicctExampleWould you like ( or ()coffcc?1*11 have ()cof(cc« (/)ple«ie,()Mdk and (/)Mugar?一 No ( 4)rnilk. I have it ( ' 4)black9 with onr ()uKnr. (X4)*rhanki.Ai What do you like to watch on C )TV» (Hgl love quit ( )«how<k. Whnt nbout you< () Alice?Ail like nnture ( )movir!i and I like nituntion ()comedies.HjSo du( > L Do your mom nnd dnd watch much ( TV?AiNot () much. They ' re ton () busy. When they wutcb() TV. theyprefer the ntwn ( )and ( )docurncntAnc». You ( )know< (innncct ()politiciie B: Boring!A: Boring!VI. Dictation (3 points for ciich correct phrase)Listen to the following passage and fill in the missing words or phrases. The passage will be rend three times. During the sccnnd reading» a short pause will be given after each of the sentences with missing wordin the world r sMirny people today are greatly concerned by the ( I )population, and Chinn has taken the lend in trying to solve the (2) Howfast is the population of the world growing? At the moment> the population of the world is increasing by about a quarter of a (3)people each day. That means thfit about 94 million people extra live on the Earth each (4).Phe world's population has been increasing for (5)o( Tn the year 1700. it is estimated that the population of the world was about (6) million people. The world population (7)the billion mnrk in The year )880. By the year (8) this figure had increased to 2. 5 billion. It (9)oin (10)oxdy 37 years for this figure to double io 5 billion. On present trends we the world1 s population to reach 10 bilhon by rhe year 2020.試題答案及評(píng)分標(biāo)準(zhǔn)(僅供參考)2. CL Which did you hear? (10 polnlx. 1 point for chcIi correct unwwer)5. D6. R7. C8. A9. AIL Lhtrn und respond. (10 point*>2 points for rach correct Mnswerl4. B5. A1. AIII. How do you pronounce the word7 (20 points>2 points for meh correct word)I. /a*laud/2. /sa'lui/onx/$. poi/an/7. / fctmoti/4. /'ktrmpE/6. /kraftiona/9. /jnv/tcijon/& /'volibod/10. /r而ti7IV. Intonation unitx< (10 points. I point f(»r each itcnUncc)Example i I hose who nold quickly/ made a profii.h A rnndom paiifie on the other hnnd / may dctrncl from (he nirnnmg.2,We nil have fi hnbitunl nite of speaking / nnd th浦 rntr helpn chnntctcnxc each of u* 相 indlvkliuh.3. Am nn intcrprctrrt / your intrrejii ottghi to be focunrd on thcuc bn.mc componrntHe4 For the nnswm. /you'll have to «(> to (he lihrnry to look for reference.5. It is generally nrknowledged /that any wenlthy tingle man /is in want of a beautiful wife.6. You shouldn't touch someone for more than a lew seconds/ if you do not know Them very well.7. Most accidents happen /because people drive too fast /especially when the roads are wet.8. I didn't like cheese /when I was a small child./ but now I do.9. You should have told her /you didn't need much English.10. You may hnnd in your assignment next week/ instead of 旭morrow.V. Nuclease (20 points92 points for each sentence)Examplci Would you like (/X)tea or ()coffee?1*11 have ()coffeet </*)plea5e.<)Milk and </)nugar? No (、)milk I have it ()black, with one ()sugar. ()Thinks.A:What do you like to watch on (、)TV,B:1 love quiz )shows. Whai about you./ ) Alice?A: 1 like nature ( / )movies and I like «&>tuation ( 4 )comediesB:So do( ) 1. Do your mom and dad wntch much (/ )TV?AiNot ( )much. They're too ( )busy. When they wotch( 廠)TV. they prefer the new» ( / )and ( )documentaries. You ( / )knowt finance> ( )politics< B: Boring!A: Boring!VI. Dictution. (30 points>3 points for each correct phrase)L increase2. problem3. million4. year5. hundreds6. 2507. reached8. 19509. took10. expect(Five minutes1 prcpiiralion Iwforc the tent.)(h:分忡準(zhǔn)備時(shí)IM. fi分忡正式口城.Tusk I Rradinn aloud (50%)Krsd aloud the (ollowirig eonvrrjinlion with correct pronunciutinn nhcI intonntion<At Hey. look Al nil theMr rvrnmKRohic<B|Oh< Mfory writing. 1 like writinK. Whnt nbout you?A,No. I dun11 like writing In Engliifth. h S difficult for me. But dancing yen. I like ihnt And phoiogruphy too.BiMtn. I wrnctirncR rnnkc vidro fi with a fnc!id canirra. It' rrnlly uood (uil Ernu . WhiH chc in there? PumtinH - no. I donfl like pninfing. Do you?A iNot rchllyt Actually# you know. BritiRh irlrviion inn11 horinx. ItB» good (or my Knjilinh.1h、k U . Oral pmcntatlon (50%)(h(H)w U lopu from tin following and «ivr « prrNcntJitinri in two minuter Try to a peak (lucndy and nmundly.My Best TeacherMy daily routine*l"hc Importance of EnxllsbWhat nm be done to hMucc the unvmphninvnf rate(Five minute*1 prcpnrntlon before the test.)(五分仲席備時(shí)n l五分仲正式art.)task L KtAdlns aloud (50%)Rend aloud the following ton ver nnf ion with correct pronuncintion nnd mtonniton.ReerptioniRt|Cnn I help you?Travelleri Yes» I'd like a room. pleuMuRt Single or double?I t Single t pirns.RiFor one night?r|Not two nightn.RiWith bath or with shower?With bathf picnic. How much i» the room?Ri £68 a niKht« including brcnkfnM.TtCun I pay by credit card?Rt Yv5. uf course Wr !/ikc /Xrnrnrnn I'xprrM*. Access ar Visa, ( ould y°“ rrgiwlrr. plenuc?Pardon?R(Could you fill in ihr fornii plow?TiOh. yea.R i Your riKitn nunibrr、403, Hmvc a good day.Ti Thunk you.Iiuik U Oral presentation (50%)ChociMv 4 topii from thr followiriK nnd «ivc a prrMcntntion in two minuten. Try io Mpenk (Jucntly ond nnturAlly.The book I like read I ng bcMMy plun for 2020My K(MMi friendrhe city I would like Io visil boil(Kvc minutc»e preparation before the 頑.)(五分忡準(zhǔn)備時(shí)間.五分鐘正式口試)Ta.*k 1 . Reading uloud (50%)Read aloud the following conversation with correct pronunciation And intonationSmaihcri And whut *s your nnme?RichardssStelhk Stella Richarch.St Hello Strlh.Rr Hello.Si Wrllt here at Find Your Partner wef re rcnciy ro help you find your ideal husband.Whnt does he look likev StellaRiMrnm. wtdlejinft he luve a bcurd?St A bciird?R: And nlaAMcseS: And Kla»ncitR j And hcfd better be short,Si()K< So your ideal husband would be a short mnn with * beard And KlassenRt Ycb.Task I!. Orul prescnUlion (50%)C hoose fl topic from the following und Rive n presentation in two minuter Try to speak fluently and nAturally.I hr imporluncc of InternetWhat cun he done to reduce air pollutionThe TV programme I like bestHow I study EnglishPsirt |仲一5。分正確無(wú)誤.諂調(diào)正確.湖讀流餉.30伯分.訥在惘俱較少.訛調(diào)幕本正納.朗讀筆本流暢.20 30分,培&侑很不太多.訥調(diào)多半符分耍來(lái),期淀不太流暢.20分以卜.語(yǔ)音惜誤校多.誥調(diào)勉強(qiáng)符合要求.朗讀不流場(chǎng).Part |10-50分.沼音正確無(wú)謖.沼調(diào)正確,語(yǔ)言特體.語(yǔ)流自然浪暢.30-W分訥齊怕很較少,沼調(diào)果本正蜥.語(yǔ)育柘本但體浴說(shuō)探本占然儺暢.20 30分.訥音例誤不太多.謂調(diào)多半符合要求.滸育能夠傳達(dá)主要信息.2。分以以辨認(rèn)分言很雌識(shí)別.


本文(國(guó)家開(kāi)放大學(xué)電大專(zhuān)科《英語(yǔ)語(yǔ)音》2021期末試題及答案)為本站會(huì)員(東***)主動(dòng)上傳,裝配圖網(wǎng)僅提供信息存儲(chǔ)空間,僅對(duì)用戶上傳內(nèi)容的表現(xiàn)方式做保護(hù)處理,對(duì)上載內(nèi)容本身不做任何修改或編輯。 若此文所含內(nèi)容侵犯了您的版權(quán)或隱私,請(qǐng)立即通知裝配圖網(wǎng)(點(diǎn)擊聯(lián)系客服),我們立即給予刪除!


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