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短語歸納surro und的短語歸納:surro und sb/sth (with sb/sth) be surro un ded with (by)measure的短語歸納:take measures to do sth:mix的短語歸納:mix upmix A with B:be(get) mixed up in sth:4. confirm Vt證頭;證明;加強(決心、意志等);使鞏固;批 準;任命等Please write to confirm your order.請來信確認一下您的訂單。I was confirmed inmy opinions by what you (had) told me. 你的話更堅定了我的意見。The new mi nister will be confirmed in office by the Quee n. 新的部長將由女王批準任職。It has been confirmed thatwe will have three days off. 已經(jīng)證實我們將擁有三天的假期。5. terrify vt使恐怖;恐嚇Her husband ' s violeiteerified her.她丈夫的暴力使她感到恐懼。 Do n't terrify the kids with ghost stories 別講鬼故事嚇壞了孩子們。 I'm terrified of sn akes.我對蛇怕得要命。拓展terrified adj.恐懼的;受驚嚇的 terrifying adj.(令人)可怕的 terrible adj;討厭的;糟糕的 terror n驚恐;恐懼6. impress vt.使印象深刻;使銘記What impressed me mosts his funny appeara nee. 給我印象最深刻的是他的滑稽的外表。We were deeply impressed with/byyour hard-work ing.我們對你的勤奮努力印象很深刻。Father impressed on methe value of hard work.父親使我銘記了辛勤工作的價值。One can didateimpressed us with her knowledge 一個候選者讓我們對他的學識印象深刻。拓展impression n c 印象; 感想impressive adj給人印象深刻的You made/left an excellent impression on/upon us 你讓我們對你有很不錯的印象。7. rather than.是而不是;與其不如;不愿,通常連接兩個并列成分,可單獨放在句首。He ran rather than walked.他是跑的而不是走的。It is a telegram rather than a letter. 這是一圭寸電報而不是一圭寸信。Rather than allow the vegetables to go bad, he sold them at half price 與其讓蔬菜爛掉,他半價把它們賣掉。注意:rather than匕連接的并列成分可以是名詞、代詞、形谷詞、 介詞(短語)、動名詞、分句、不定式、動詞等。接不定式時, rather than后面通常接不帶to的不定式,即動詞原形confirm的短語歸納:con firm sth: con firm sb in sthIt has bee n con firmed thatterrify的短語歸納:terrify sb with sthbe terrified of sthimpress的短語歸納:sth impress sbimpress sb with sthbe impressed withimpress sth on /upon sb (sb's mi nd/memory)make /leave an impressi on on sbrather than的短語歸納:do A rather tha n do B:A rather than B:1 would rather do A tha n do Bprefer to do A rather than do BUnit5 Canada- The True North”Period 2 Language learningClassGroup Name: Score:Teaching aims1. To master the usage of 6words and 4 phrases.2. To use them flexibly through self-directed study and cooperati on.3. To be passi on ate and enjoy the pleasure of lear ning.Instructions:1. Solve problems and recite examples and Ianguage points crazily.(15 minutes)2. Have a one-to-one checking of the words and phrases.(5 minutes)3. Discuss the usage of Ianguage points. (15 minutes)4. Consolidate. (10 minutes)Words and phrases:(方法引導:自學詞匯解釋和例句,根據(jù)例句 梳理單詞的用法,然后背誦例句)1. surround vi & vt 包圍;圍繞Troops havesurrounded the town 咅E隊已將該城包圍。The housewas surrounded with/byhigh walls.房子的四周有高墻。拓展surro unding: adj 周圍附近的 the surro unding sce nery 周圍的風景 surro un di ngs:指周圍具體的、物質(zhì)性的環(huán)境。en viro nment:指對人的發(fā)展產(chǎn)生影響的自然環(huán)境或生活條件。2. measure vi & vt測量;衡量;判定 n.計量制;計量單位;措施Educati on should n be measured purely byexam in ati on results. 教育不能單純地用考試結(jié)果來衡量。We measured the distance.我們測量了距離。We must take measures tostop the spread of AIDS.我們必須采取措施阻止艾滋病的蔓延。Measures should be taken t(stop the spread of AIDS.必須采取措施阻止艾滋病的蔓延。拓展measureme nt n.測量,尺寸3. mix vt.& vi混合;調(diào)配The chemist mixed (up) some medici ne.藥劑師配了些藥。Don' tnix work with pleasure不要把工作和娛樂混為一談。The families who lived in Canada for a long time are usually all mixed up.那些在加拿大住久了的家庭通常被混淆。I don ' t want be mixed upin the affair.我不想與這件事扯上關(guān)系。拓展mixture n. u,c混合(物)& settle down舒適地坐下或躺下;(使)安靜、安頓、安心于新的 生活方式/工作等She settled downin an armchair to read her book. 她舒適地坐在單 座沙發(fā)上看書。They fin ally decided to settle (down) to a discussi on of the main issues.他們終于開始討論一些主要冋題。拓展 settle a dispute/an argument/an issuer決一爭端 /爭論 /冋題9. catch sight of 看見;瞥見I caught sight ofmy former teacher just now, but very soon he turned a corner and I lost sight olhim.我剛才看見了我以前的老師, 但是很 快他轉(zhuǎn)了一個拐角,我就看不到他了。Be sure to keep sight ofyour luggage while you' re at the airpor當你在機場的時候要確保你的行李在你的視線之內(nèi)。At the sight of his mother, the boy stopped crying.一看到他的媽媽,小男孩停止了哭泣。She watched the train un til it went out of sight她看著火車直到它離開視線。At first sight this seems crazy乍看上去這似乎就是瘋了。10. have a gift for=have a talent for 對有天賦She has a gift /talent for music.她有音樂天賦。拓展be gifted/tale nted in 在方面有天賦She is gifted/talented inmusic.她有音樂天賦。a man of many gifts 多才多藝的人聯(lián)想:有關(guān)down的詞組?sight的短語歸納:lose sight of.keep sight ofat the sight of at first sight out of sight in (withi n) sight預習自測I.單項填空:1. Australia isthe same size as the USA in area, but has on ly on e-fourtee n as many people.A. pers on allyB. approximately C. slightly D. actually2. We'll have the meet ing in the classroomin the auditoriurtt 堂).A. other tha n B. rather tha nC. better tha n D. more tha n3. He told me he just caught sight of an old frie nd of ours in the middle of the crowd, but I sawno friendssight. A. withinB. onC. out ofD. by4. After he came back from abroad, he decided toin his hometow n.A. set dow nB. break dow nC. put dow nD. settle dow n5. They said goodbye to him as he gotthe train the day before yesterday.A. abroadB. broadC. boardD. aboardII.請從下面方框中選擇適當?shù)膯卧~或短語并用其正確形式填空。chat baggage sceneryslighttradition terrify impressivein the dista nee be pleased to do sthman aged to do sth1. I fin allyfind what I was look ing for.2. , we can see the city clearly.3. The two frie nds sat in a corner andaway about the price of stocks and shares.4. We passed through some beautifulon our journey through this district.5. Weoffer my assista nee you n eed.6. Our pare nts always tell us that we should be cautious whe n making a decisi on becauseamistake in thought may result in a life-long (終身的)regret.7. In many coun tries people still keep up ato honor their an cestors on a special day.8. To my terror, I saw atiger stari ng at me in the dista nee.9. The performa nee was quite. We all enjoyed it.10. You should watch over yourwhe n at the airport.課內(nèi)探究I.根據(jù)自己預習所學的詞匯和語法知識,完成下面的句子。要求:認真、規(guī)范書寫。1. Most of the rural rich live in the mansions. (surro und)大部分土豪們都住在四周都是美麗花草的豪宅里。2. The world has failedtheost Malaysian Airlines plane .(sight)全世界到現(xiàn)在為止還未能看見馬航失聯(lián)飛機。3. Heari ng the shock ing n ews, the family.(rather tha n)聽到這個令人震驚的消息,家人們哭了而不是笑了。4. The factremai ns to be con firmed gift)他是否在音樂方面有天賦這個事實尚待證實。5. that he ha settled his pare ntsdown in Can ada.(c on firm)已經(jīng)證實他把他的父母定居在加拿大。6. Though the problem was difficult, heat last.(ma nage)雖然這個問題很困難,他最終還是設(shè)法解決了。7. It is saidto be in search ohe lost MH370 pla ne.(measure)據(jù)說已經(jīng)采取措施在搜尋馬航失聯(lián)飛機。8. The first time the first lady Michelle Obama visited China, sheitsbeautiful sce nery.(impress)美國第一夫人米歇爾第一次訪問中國,中國美麗的風光給她留下了深刻印象。


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