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2019-2020年牛津小學英語2A Unit6 A picnic教案.doc

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2019-2020年牛津小學英語2A Unit6 A picnic教案.doc

2019-2020年牛津小學英語2A Unit6 A picnic教案一 教學內(nèi)容牛津小學英語2A第六單元,第一教時(Learn to say) 二 教學目標1 能聽懂、會說、初步認讀單詞:an ant,a tree2 能聽懂What are those?并能根據(jù)情況用They are .回答。三 教學重點1 能正確朗讀單詞an ant , a tree.2 能聽懂What are those?并能根據(jù)情況用They are 回答。四 教學難點1 those的讀音2 了解并運用英語中的復數(shù)形式。五 課前準備1 教具準備 公園的圖片、 水果等實物、一個籃子、一只放大鏡2 教學準備自制課件3 板書準備預先寫好課題Unit 6 Picnic六 教學過程A Warm up(約2分鐘)1 師生之間用Good morning/afternoon.相互問候。2 Sing a song: 牛津小學英語2AUnit 5 At the market (唱歌的時候,學生可加手勢和動作)B Presentation and practice(約18分鐘)1 T:(出示一個籃子,籃子上用布蓋著) Its a sunny day today. Lets have a picnic. Ss: OK/All right.出示公園圖片Ss:理解picnic的意思,并學說have a picnic.教師出示課題Unit 6 Picnic教師領讀課題Picnic學生跟讀Unit 6 Picnic2 T: Theres some fruit in the basket. What are these in the basket?Ss: They are bananas/apples/pears/oranges.教師通過讓學生猜一猜、摸一摸、嘗一嘗等形式把籃子里的蘋果、香蕉、梨都展示在學生的課桌上。S1: (桌上有水果的學生) What are these?S2: Theyre apples/bananas/pears/oranges.在學生的對話練習中,要注意孩子的復數(shù)單詞的發(fā)音,以上幾個單詞結尾的“s”都念/z/,糾正孩子的讀音。3 T: (遠離學生課桌上的水果,邊問邊用手指向水果)What are those?Ss: (引導學生說)Theyre apples/bananas/pears/oranges.學生通過教師的位置,理解What are those?的意思。Ss學習those用個別讀,小組讀,齊讀等方法操練those. 教師出示新句型What are those?Ss:學習What are those?用個別讀,小組讀,齊讀等方法操練What are those?,并讓學生拿出手指指向遠處。C Say a rhyme (約5分鐘) (根據(jù)教師的手勢用Whatre these/those? Theyre 來說歌謠) 1 出示實物或圖片,教師先來領讀歌謠。These, these, Those, thoseWhatre these? Whatre those?Pens, pens, Carrots, carrotsTheyre pens. Theyre carrots.2 學生根據(jù)教師所指的東西的遠近來說歌謠。先請學生齊說,在操練熟練后,可請孩子個別表演。S1: These, these, Those, thoseWhatre these? Whatre those?Books, books Rubbers, rubbersTheyre books. Theyre rubbers. D Learn to say(約7分鐘)1 T: (在剛才的公園圖片配上人物)Whos he? Ss: Hes Mike/Dad.T: Whos she? Ss: Shes Helen/ Mum. 在這一過程中可復習Unit 1中的對話。T: Theyre in the park. They re having a picnic.3 師生用What re these/those?來問答圖片上的東西。T: What are these/those?S1: Theyre birds/bees.學生間用What re these/those?來問答圖片上的東西。S1: What are these/those?S2: They are birds/bees/學生在1B的兒歌中學過tree,因此在這里只需要出示單詞,讓學生認讀及拼讀。學生學習單詞tree.4 T:(用放大鏡突出圖片上的螞蟻) What are these? Ss: 學說Theyre ants. 教師出示單詞卡片an ant/ants,糾正學生“ts”的發(fā)音。用個別讀,小組讀,齊讀等方法操練an ant/ants. Ss:數(shù)圖上的螞蟻one ant, two ants, three ants . 出示“ts”結尾的單詞,讓學生讀cats, carrots.5 看圖聽錄音,理解對話內(nèi)容。6 邊聽錄音邊朗讀對話,并指讀單詞和句子。7 師生表演對話。8 教師請幾組學生表演課文對話。E Consolidation(約6分鐘)1 教師出示圖片,領讀自編的歌謠Pigs, pigs, those are pigs.Pigs, pigs, they are big.教師請學生編歌謠,學生可根據(jù)教師出示的圖片來編,也可以自己指物品。S1:Ants, ants, those are ants. Ants ,ants, they are small.這首自編歌謠為單元的兒歌作準備。2 教師出示公園和動物園的圖片讓學生來對話S1: Lets go to the zoo.S2:OK/All right.S1:What are these/those?S2:They are pigs/tigers/cats/S1: Lets go to the park.S2: OK/All right.S1: What are these/those?S2: They are birds/bees/ants/trees/F Assign homework(約2分鐘)1 聽磁帶,跟讀第六單元的對話。2 試著用What are these/those? They are 來和同學說說身邊的 東西。七 板書設計 Unit 6 Picnic What are those? They are ants.an ant圖a tree圖課文圖片Unit 6 Picnic一 教學內(nèi)容牛津小學英語2A第六單元,第二教時(Learn to say Look and learn)二 教學目標1 能聽懂、會說、初步認讀單詞:a flower, a butterfly2 能聽懂What are those?并能根據(jù)情況用They are .回答。三 教學重點1 能正確朗讀單詞a flower, a butterfly2 能熟練運用What are these/those?并能根據(jù)情況用They are 回答。四 教學難點1 能熟練運用What are these/those?并能根據(jù)情況用They are 回答。2 了解并運用英語中的復數(shù)形式。五 課前準備1 教具準備1 牛津小學英語1BUnit 8Say a rhyme的圖片。2 把教室布置成農(nóng)場,在四周墻壁上貼上各種動物和樹木,花的 圖片(有單復數(shù)形式)3 以前學過的各種單詞圖片(動物)4) 課文磁帶2 板書準備預先寫好課題Unit 6 Picnic六 教學過程A Warm up(約6分鐘)4 師生之間用Good morning/afternoon.相互問候。5 Say a rhyme出示牛津小學英語1BUnit 8 Say a rhyme 內(nèi)容及相應的畫面,引導學生一起朗誦歌謠。Daddy, Daddy, can you see?A star, a star above the tree. (唱歌謠的時候,學生可加手勢和動作)6 教師在圖片上貼上風箏,教師領讀歌謠Daddy, Daddy,.Can you see?A kite, a kite.Above the tree.教師在圖片上貼上氣球,請學生來改編歌謠Daddy, Daddy,.Can you see?A balloon, a balloon.Above the tree.B Presentation and practice(約26分鐘)1 教師在黑板上畫四棵樹,把全班分成四組,每組對應一棵樹進 行比賽,答對一題就在樹上貼朵花,在說明游戲規(guī)則的時候,還教學單詞a flower。Ss學習a flower用個別讀,小組讀,齊讀等方法操練a flower.(教師在黑板上畫樹的時候,可引導學生一起數(shù)one tree, two trees, three trees, four trees)1) 教師請一位學生做動作或模仿聲音,請其他學生猜是什么動物。在游戲過程中,教學a butterfly.,然后再請幾個學生一起來模仿蝴蝶的動作,教學butterflies.出示單詞卡片時,可把單詞結尾的“ies”用紅筆突出。2) 做“Whats missing”的游戲在投影上出示含本單元單詞的六張圖片(trees, butterflies, flowers, ants, tomatoes, carrots),比比學生的眼力,看看少了哪一個。Ss: trees/butterflies/學生在回答的時候要用單詞的復數(shù)形式。3) 在上個游戲的基礎上,出示單詞,讓學生進行單詞和圖片配對。4)完成練習冊上P23的Read and match。這些游戲結束后,教師可總結每組得到的花的數(shù)量,引導學生一起數(shù)one flower, two flowers, three flowers, four flowers,2 Sing a song At the market3 教師出示公園的圖片,讓學生用At the market的旋律來改編歌 詞In the park, we can see, butterflies, flowers, ants and trees.Butterflies, flowers, ants and trees.Butterflies, flowers, ants and trees.In the park, we can see, butterflies, flowers, ants and trees.4 教師出示農(nóng)場的背景圖片,然后告訴學生We are on the farm now.引導學生看教室墻壁上的圖片。使用句型Whats this/that? Its a What are these/those? They are 進行對話練習。先在座位上兩兩對話或四人對話,然后學生可在教室里和任意同學對話。在對話中,教師要注意巡視。T: Whats this/that?S1: Its a cow/pig/S1: Whats this/that?S2: Its a dog/cat/S3: What are these/those?S4: They are ducks/cows/5 請學生表演對話,可把墻上的圖片作為獎品獎勵給孩子。C Listening exercise(約6分鐘)1 教師出示練習冊P21的圖片,讓學生觀察圖片T: Lisa, Lisa, what can you see?Ss: Butterflies, butterflies, in the park.2 讓學生模仿這個句子進行chant.S1:Helen, Helen, what can you see?S2::Trees, trees, in the park.S3: Mike, Mike, what can you see?S4: Ants, ants , in the park. 比一比,看看哪幾組說得多。3 Listen and number.D Assign homework(約2分鐘)1 聽磁帶,跟讀AB兩部分。2 課后與同桌表演對話。七 板書設計 Unit 6 Picnic Whats this/that? Its a What are these/those? They are 兒歌圖片a flower圖a butterfly圖Unit 6 Picnic一 教學內(nèi)容牛津小學英語2A第六單元,第三教時(Say a rhyme Find and say)二 教學目標1 通過復習,能聽懂、會說、認讀單詞an ant, a butterfly, a flower, a tree. 2 能熟練運用What are these/those?并能根據(jù)情況用They are .回答。3 能誦讀歌謠Sing in the trees.三 教學重點3 能聽懂、會說、認讀本單元單詞。4 能熟練運用What are these/those?并能根據(jù)情況用They are 回答。四 教學難點能熟練運用What are these/those?并能根據(jù)情況用They are 回答。五 課前準備1 教具準備4 牛津小學英語2AUnit 6 Say a rhyme的圖片。5 圖片2 教學準備 自制課件3 板書準備預先寫好Unit 6 Picnic六 教學過程A Warm up(約5分鐘)7 師生之間用Good morning/afternoon.等相互問候。8 Play a game請一位學生做動作,其他學生猜動作單詞,復習run, swim, sing, dance在復習單詞的時候,教師可加上sing in the tree, dance at the market等B Presentation(約6分鐘)1 教師出示牛津小學英語2AUnit 6 Say a rhyme圖片,學生跟隨教師有節(jié)奏地誦讀自編歌謠。Trees, trees ,those are trees.Trees, trees, they are green.Birds, birds, those are birds.Birds, birds, they are singing.在誦讀歌謠的時候,可加上動作和手勢。2 教師放本單元歌謠錄音,讓學生隨著錄音有節(jié)奏地朗誦,創(chuàng)設 濃厚的學習英語的課堂氣氛。Trees, trees,Those are trees.Birds, birds,Singing in the trees.教師和學生邊誦讀,邊做動作。3 改編歌詞,教師可做動作,讓學生領悟Trees, trees ,Those are trees.Birds, birds, Dancing in the trees.4 在圖片上貼上幾只猴子,讓學生改編歌詞Trees, trees ,Those are trees.Monkeys, monkeysJumping in the trees. C Revision(約15分鐘)1 復習單詞1) Flash cards圖片在學生面前閃一閃,讓學生猜猜該單詞。S1:Its an ant.S2:Theyre flowers.出示的圖片上的物品既有單數(shù),又有復數(shù),讓學生能分辨出Its和They are 2) 教師出示剪紙,讓學生說單詞,然后再把剪紙拉開,給孩子呈現(xiàn)出多個該物品,復習了單詞的單復數(shù)形式。T:Whats this/that?S1:Its a/an T:What are these/those?S2:They are 2 Practice教師出示圖片,讓學生看圖,編對話T: Lets go to the park. S1: OK/All right. T: What are these/those? S1: They are bees/birds/flowers/ T: I like bees/birds/flowers/教師出示超市和動物園圖片,讓學生看圖模仿并自編對話S1: Lets go to the market. S1: OK/All right. T: What are these/those? S1: They are beans/pencils/bananas/ T: I like beans/pencils/bananas/ 在此對話過程中,教師補充了I like 的句型,可用動作讓學生理解,還可以補充一些有關于動物、文具和水果的單詞。D Find and say(約6分鐘)1 教師出示圖片,與一位學生示范。T: Ants.S1:圈出圖上的螞蟻,然后同時說Those are ants.2 學生打開書本,四人一組進行游戲。S1:Flowers.Ss: 圈出圖上的花,然后同時說Those are flowers.E Colour and say(約6分鐘)1 教師出示練習冊P24上的圖片,讓學生涂色2 學生兩人一組看圖說: What are those? They are birds/ What colour? Yellow. 學生也可直接用They are yellow birds.來回答What are those?F Assign homework(約2分鐘)1 復習本單元單詞,句型和歌謠,跟磁帶朗讀。2 畫公園或動物園的圖畫,用學過的語句和同桌對話。七 板書設計 What are those?動物園圖片公園圖片超市圖片附送: They are 2019-2020年牛津小學英語2A Unit7 Here you are教案一、單元目標: 1.能聽懂、會說A pie, please. Here you are. Thank you.2.能使用正確的語音語調(diào)讀好本單元對話。3.能聽懂、會說、初步認讀a pie,a cake,a hamburger和a hot dog,發(fā)音準確。4.會說歌謠“At a snack bar”。5. 鼓勵學生在日常適當?shù)膱龊现羞\用本單元日常交際用語進行交流對話,從而體會英語學習的快樂。二、單元重點:1.能聽懂、會說A pie,please. Here you are. Thank you.2.能使用正確的語音語調(diào)讀好本單元對話。3.能聽懂、會說、初步認讀a pie,a cake,a hamburger和a hot dog,發(fā)音準確。三、單元難點:1.能熟練認讀a pie,a cake,a hamburger和a hot dog,發(fā)音準確,并能在句型中熟練運用。2. 鼓勵學生在日常適當?shù)膱龊现羞\用本單元日常交際用語A pie,please. Here you are. Thank you. 進行交流對話。四、教學安排:三課時第一課時:復習和新授(復習水果類單詞; 新授A部分課文以及B部分pie,cake兩個單詞)第二課時:鞏固和新授(復習B部分pie和cake兩個單詞,新授B部分hamburger和hot dog兩個單詞,鞏固A部分課文)第三課時:檢測和提高(新授拓展C部分,操練A部分,情景運用)第一課時:一、教學內(nèi)容:牛津小學英語2A第七單元,第一課時(A Learn to say B Look and learn的pie,cake兩個單詞)二、教學目標:1、能聽懂和基本會說A pie, please. Here you are,并且會使用Thank you進行對話交流,語音語調(diào)正確。2、能聽懂并初步認讀pie ,cake,做到發(fā)音準確。三、教學重點:1、能聽懂A pie, please. Here you are,并且會使用Thank you進行交流,語音語調(diào)正確。2、能聽懂并初步認讀pie ,cake 發(fā)音準確。四、教學難點:1、能簡單運用A pie, please. Here you are. Thank you音語調(diào)正確,特別是here的發(fā)音。五、課前準備:1. 教具準備課件、詞語卡片、錄音機。2 板書準備預先寫好課題Unit 7 Here you are六、教學過程:A. Warming-up (約2分鐘)1. Sing a song “Apple song”B. Presentation and consolidation(約24分鐘)1. 教授 Here you are. Thank you. 1)Game: Follow me T: Boys and girls, Lets play a game:Show me your hands, please. Follow me. This is an apple. A big apple. A small apple. (with gesture)Ss: (Do the action.)T: (Take out an apple) Whats this?S1: Its an apple.T: I like it very much. Do you like the apple?S1: Yes.T:Here you are.S1:引導 Thank you. T: (Take out three apples) Do you like apples? Ss: Yes. 2)T: 分蘋果給3個學生,并說Here you are. S: 引導Thank you.3) T: (Take out another fruit) An apple?S2: No. A pear.T: Good!T: Here you are. S2: Thank you.4)(Take out the word cards) Read: Here you are.Thank you. 5)T: (Show the topic) Today, we will learn Unit7 Here you are. Please read after me. Ss: Unit7 Here you are. 2讓學生在水果店的場景中,讓學生學會簡單運用購物對話A,please. Here you are. Thank you.1) 出示一張水果店的圖片T: Look ! Its a fruit shop. What can you see?S: I can see(復習學過的水果)T:I want to buy an apple .Who wants to be a shop assistant?(選一位學生為營業(yè)員)T:An apple, please.S1:Here you are.T: (聞)Oh, its nice. Thank you.2) 選2位學生和老師示范操練3) (T-S)老師扮演購物者, 學生做營業(yè)員,學習:A,please.T: A pear, please .S1: Here you are.T: Thank you. (S2S3)3.學習課文,并在購物場景中學習單詞pie。1)T:OK. You did a good job. Lets enjoy a flash. T:Who is he? Ss: Hes Wang Bing. T: And she is Wang Bings mother. T: Now they are shopping. Heres a question .Please watching it carefully.(twice) Q: What would Wang Bing like to buy? 2) After watching it, and answer the questionT: What would Wang Bing like to buy? Ss: A pie.2)教學單詞讀音,帶領學生觀察口形并模仿朗讀 (team, row, indiviual)3)(高低音訓練)讓學生多次練習。5) Read the passage: T: Now, open your books. Lets read it after the tape. (twice)T:Boys you are Wang Bing . Girls you are the shop assistant.6)Read it in roles. 請男、女學生分別扮演售貨員和Wang Bing.S1: Hello.S2: Hello. A pie, please.S1: Here you are.S2: Thank you.(23groups)4. 在購物場景中學習單詞cake.首先畫一個扁扁的圓圈。1)T:Whats this? Guess. Is this a ? S: No. T:(慢慢完善圖片) Whats this?Look! Its a cake. 2)教學單詞讀音,帶領學生模仿朗讀,3)開“小火車”操練,以加深學生對單詞的印象。注意糾正學生的錯誤讀音,完整準確讀出cake. 4)Chant: (with music) (twice)Pie, pie, A pie , please. Here, here, here you are. Cake, cake, A cake , please. Here, here, here you are. 5)使用圖片,與學生進行交流。引導學生使用購物對話。T:A pie,please. S1: Here you are.T: Thank you.6) SSS2:A cake,please.S3: Here you are. S2:Thank you .在這個過程中將食物寫在黑板上。 CPractice (約12分鐘)1. 單詞練習pie 和cake1) Magic eyes圖片2) 利用黑板上的圖片引申出 apple pie, banana cake請學生發(fā)揮想象力造詞。3) 利用黑板上的水果單詞和事物單詞,畫成一個商店,請同學們進行買賣。S1:A,please.S2: Here you are. S1:Thank you .4) Group work: 利用學生有的圖片、文具、水果進行買賣。 D. Assign homework (約2分鐘)1. 聽錄音,跟讀A部分五遍,并注意指讀。2. 認讀B部分2個單詞: cake,pie。七、板書設計shopUnit 7 Here you are Apple pear orange mango peach A, please.cake pie Here you are. 圖片 圖片 Thank you. 第二課時:一、 教學內(nèi)容:牛津小學英語2A第七單元,第二課時(Learn to say, Look and learn, Play a game)。二、 教學目標:1 通過復習,能聽懂、會說、熟練認讀兩種食物類單詞:pie cake ;2 能聽懂,會說初步認讀hamburger hot dog 3 會熟練用句型:, please. Here you are . Thank you. 進行對話交流。三 教學重點:1. 能聽懂,會說 hamburger , hot dog.2. 會熟練運用句型:, please. Here you are . Thank you. 并在適當?shù)膱龊现羞M行對話交流。四 教學難點:1. 準確認讀hamburger, hot dog , snack bar2. 會熟練用句型:, please. Here you are . Thank you. 進行對話交流。 五 課前準備:1. 教具準備圖片、多媒體、實物、一頂售貨員帽子。2. 板書準備預先寫好課題Unit 7 Here you are六 教學過程A Greetings(約3分鐘)1 (T S)Good morning.Good morning. How are you?Im fine, thank you.And you? Im fine, too.B Revision (約7分鐘)1. 復習pie1)首先畫一個扁扁的圓圈。1) T:Whats this? Guess. S1: An apple? T: No. (慢慢完善圖片) Whats this? S2: Its a pie.2)(示實物)T: Pie, pie, A pie , Here you are. S3: Thank you.(把pie給一學生)2. In the same way, review “cake”3. Review : A pie, please. Here you are.Thank you.1)(教師分別走到剛得到pie,cake的同學面前) T: A , please.S3: Here you are.T: Thank you.2) Work in pairs.C Presentation(Look and learn ) (約8分鐘)1 教授新單詞hamburger1) 畫簡筆畫,讓學生猜物品 T: Whats this? S1: Its aT: Oh,sorry.(T再畫一筆,)S2.:Its aT: O,no.(T邊畫邊問,讓學生發(fā)揮想象,直到猜對為止,可先請學生用中文表述漢堡包這一詞)2) T:How to read it?(示圖片和單詞卡片) hamburger(分音節(jié)教學生準確朗讀,burgerhamburger(team, row,indiviual)(高低音訓練,注意輔導) 2 新授單詞hot dog1) Game:Touch and guessing: (將hot dog 放在包子里,讓學生摸一摸,聞一聞,再猜一猜)T: Whats this? Is this a cake/a hamburger/?S: Its a .T: Its a hot dog.T: Here you are.S: Thank you. 3) T:a hot dog (出示圖片和單詞)S:a hot dog(學生跟讀)教學生準確朗讀hotdoghot dog,單獨請學生讀,注意糾正讀音。D Consolidation(約12分鐘)1. 復習單詞:1) Game2. Look and match:出示a pie, a cake, a hamburger, a hot dog四張圖片,讓四位學生把單詞和圖片配起來,配對的獎勵。2) Game3. Magic eyes:在屏幕上快速閃過一個單詞,讓學生認讀單詞,答對的獎勵(做四組)在屏幕上快速閃過二個單詞,讓學生認讀單詞,答對的的獎勵(做四組)2. 復習句型: (在屏幕上出示一張snack bar的圖片的一部分,讓學生猜)T: What place is it?S: Its a (學生猜)T: Now let me tell you. Its a snack bar(出示單詞,朗讀a snack bar)S:A snack bar(跟讀) (開火車操練詞組)T:This is a snack bar. Im a shop assistant(拿出一只售貨員帽子,扮演店員。并在桌子上擺上四樣食品。)1) (TS)(先由老師扮演店員,讓一位學生扮演顧客)T: Good morning. Can I help you?S:A hot dog, please.T: Here you are.S: Thank you. 2) ( S1S2)(請S1扮演售貨員,讓S2扮演顧客)S2:A hamburger, please.S1: Here you are.S2: Thank you.3) Repeat with 2-3groups 3. 活動手冊P25、261)指導學生認真仔細觀察圖片,了解圖片大意。2)聽錄音完成練習。3)(P.26頁) 引導兩人一組操練對話并表演圖片內(nèi)容E. Assign homework (約2分鐘)1 聽錄音,模仿朗讀A部分對話.。2 鼓勵學生和家長模擬情景進行角色表演。3 預習C部分。七 板書設計Unit 7 Here you are .圖片1 圖片2a hamburger a hot dogA pie, please.Here you are . Thank you.第三課時:一、 教學內(nèi)容:牛津小學英語2A第七單元,第三課時(Part C)。二、 教學目標:1 進一步能熟練掌握本單元所學的單詞和句型;2 能用正確的語音語調(diào)熟讀rhyme At a snack bar,適當改編歌謠三、 教學重點:1能使用正確的語音語調(diào)朗讀表演好本單元對話。2能使用正確的語音語調(diào)朗讀Rhyme:At a snack bar四、 教學難點:1能使用正確的語音語調(diào)朗讀rhyme At a snack bar五 課前準備:錄音機、面具、實物、PPT六 教學過程A. Free talk and revision: (約5分鐘)1. T: Whats your name ?S: My name is T: How are you?S: Im fine, thank you .2. Revision:(在屏幕上出示一張snack bar的圖片的一部分) (Its a snack bar) Read: a snack bar3.Now lets play a game: Look and guess:(引導學生看小詩 At a snack bar中的物品:cake, a pie, a hamburger, a hot dog, 先逐一看每張圖片的一部分,進行猜的游戲)T: Whats this?S1: BPresentation of Part C (約20分鐘)1. Enjoy a rhyme “At a snack bar ”2.1) Heres a snack bar,too. Now Im a shop assistant. Whod like to e here ?T: What would you like ?S1: ,please.T: Here you are.S1: Thank you.(Repeat with 2 Ss)2) T: Here I have more sweets. Would you like some? The red one is for (一學生名). S2:Thank you.T: Whod like to have another one?The green one is for (另一學生名) S3: Thank you.3)Read: for (Ss 跟著老師一起讀)4)請 S4 來分發(fā)物品,操練 for( 學生名)(Repeat with two groups)5)T: And the last one is for me. Read: me for me 3. OK. Mary , Tom, and Jack are at the snack bar,too.1)Watch the cartoon.(CAI) Read: for Mary , for Tom, for Jack 4. Learn:with cheese T: Boys and girls, look at me ,there is a hamburger in my left hand ,there is some cheese in my right hand .T: Watch me carefully. Now I put some cheese in the hamburger.Now I have a hamburger with cheese. Read: a hamburger with cheese Read after the teacher, 可分層朗讀:cheesewith cheesea hamburger with cheese(若學生有一定困難,只要學生了解意思,基本會說就可以了)C. Practice (約10分鐘)1. 1)Listen to the tape,read after it sentence by sentence.2) 分小組練,有節(jié)奏的朗讀。3) Read it in roles2.老師指導并給學生的創(chuàng)作以肯定設置場景 The teacher acts as Mr. Lee.鞏固練習對話 2-3個同學)3. 在熟練掌握的基礎上,鼓勵學生運用本單元所學對小詩中的人名或hamburger with cheese進行改編或替換。(可用水果或蔬菜等替換)4活動手冊P27D. Act and say拓展練習(約4分鐘)1. 用實物設置supermarket場景,讓學生模仿書上的購物場景,兩人一組準備購物對話,并進行表演。EAssign homework( 約1分鐘)1. 能用正確的語音、語調(diào)熟練朗讀C部分。2. 鼓勵學生平時用本單元所學的日常交際用語交流。3. 預習第八單元。七、板書設計Unit 7 Here you are a pie a hot dog a cake a hamburger.,please.For * Thank you.And a hamburger with cheese.


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