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商務(wù)溝通技巧課程簡介課程編號12ITC105課程名稱商務(wù)溝通技巧課程性質(zhì)必修學(xué) 時32學(xué) 分2學(xué)時分配授課:32 實(shí)驗(yàn):上機(jī):實(shí)踐:實(shí)踐(周):考核方式閉卷考試,平時成績占50% ,期末成績占50%。開課學(xué)院國際教育學(xué)院更新時間適用專業(yè)財務(wù)管理(中澳合作)先修課程管理學(xué)、大學(xué)英語等課程內(nèi)容:商務(wù)溝通技巧是財務(wù)管理(中澳合作)專業(yè)的一門必修課,也是一門專業(yè)基礎(chǔ)課。該課程主要講授商務(wù)活動中的溝通技能,涉及到有效溝通中的自我、人際等因素。主要內(nèi)容包括:第一單元:溝通基礎(chǔ);第二單元:書面溝通技能;第三單元:口頭溝通技能;第四單元:商務(wù)溝通倫理;第五單元:利用信息通信技術(shù)進(jìn)行有效溝通。通過該課程的學(xué)習(xí),學(xué)生能夠掌握溝通的基本原理、基本技能和基本知識,從而能夠在今后的商務(wù)活動中熟練使用一定的信息技術(shù)進(jìn)行有效的溝通。Brief IntroductionCode12ITC105TitleBusiness CommunicationCourse natureRequiredSemester Hours 32 Credits 2Semester HourStructureLecture: 32 Experiment:Computer Lab:Practice:Practice (Week):AssessmentClosed book examination, usually results accounted for 50%, the final gradeaccounted for 50%.Offered byInternational Education CollegeDateforFinancial Management (Sino-Australian cooperation)PrerequisiteManagement, College English, etc.Course Description:This subject is designed to develop and refine communication skills within the workplace. Itfocuses on intra- and inter-personal factors which underpin effective communication. It providesguided practice in oral, written and electronic communication which includes skills of listening,speaking, reading, writing and use of associated technologies.Learning objectives of this course is:1. Be able to explain the fundamental concepts of the communication process.2. Be able to practise, develop and refine written language skills so students are able towrite clearly, correctly and concisely.3. Be able to develop and refine oral language skills so that students are able to speakclearly, persuasively and effectively in different contexts.4. Be able to discuss the impact of non-verbal communication.5. Be able to critically assess the main issues associated with ethical communication.6. Be able to select appropriate technologies available for business and social media商務(wù)溝通技巧課程教學(xué)大綱課程編號12TTC105課程名稱商務(wù)溝通技巧課程性質(zhì)必修學(xué) 時32學(xué) 分2學(xué)時分配授課:32 實(shí)驗(yàn):上機(jī):實(shí)踐:實(shí)踐(周):考核方式閉卷考試,平時成績占50% ,期末成績占50瞼o開課學(xué)院國際教育學(xué)院更新時間適用專業(yè)財務(wù)管理(中澳合作)先修課程管理學(xué)、大學(xué)英語等一、教學(xué)內(nèi)容Topic 1: Fundamentals of communication Interpersonal communication skills; listening, speaking, directing and instructing, response styles,conllicl resolution strategies, non-verbal communication, persuasive communication, inlerculluralvariations. Intrapersonal bases of effective communication; audience awareness, sendercredibility, self-concept, empathy, assertiveness.Topic 2: Written communication skills Functional writing techniques, everyday business writing tasks and special business writing tasksTopic 3: Oral Communication Skills Communication in small groups and large assemblies: meetings and oral presentationsTopic 4: Business communication ethicsTopic 5: Using Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for effective communication二、教學(xué)基本要求Topic 1 Oral communication skillsAddressing groups is generally considered a one-way communication process which can be seento ignore the speaker's responsibility to employ communication skills that facilitate anytransaction. Topic I addresses this issue and offers techniques of how to 'read' the audience,arranging and expressing the message to suit it, and using the situation to maximise interaction(even if feedback is unspoken).Professional development of group skills is a growing requirement for management andemployees alike. The range of skills and situations requiring them are vast and like allcommunication, the best way to learn is by practice and experience. Ways of developing expertisewith groups are numerous so remember; the notes in this unit are only an introduction.Learning objectives:Having successfully completed Topic i, you will be able to:1 explain how group dynamics will vary according to the groups' degree of formality,orientation and size;2 describe the most appropriate approach a chairperson should take to ensure meetings'efficiency and effectiveness;3 explain how preparation and practice are the pre-requisites to effective oral presentations;4 recognise and implement methods to enhance your presentation skills;5 explain why audience awareness is important in all communication, especially when directingand instructing:6 understand the importance of maintaining good personal hygiene and grooming skills;7 consider the interactive aspects of interpersonal small, and large group communication.Dificulties: Techniques of how to 'read' the audience, arranging and expressing the message tosuit it, and using the situation to maximize interaction.Key points: Preparation and practice are the pre-requisites to effective oral presentations.Topic 2 Functional writing techniquesWriting ability and its development is an ongoing task, and not one that is merely a means to anend. It also enhances the equally essential ability of reading. Clear lines of communication andmaterials, that arc not mysterious but lucid and well written arc in high demand. Writing providesus with editorial space and the freedom to reflect on our ideas. It is a completely different way ofcommunicating and within the broad category of written communication, there arc many forms.Each form has its own rules (generally unwritten), its own tones and conventions. For example,compare a Twilight novel with an academically written science textbook. There is no doubt thatthe skills of written communication are complex and require detailed attention. Prior to beginningTopic 2, take the following writing questionnaire to develop a clearer understanding of what skillsand areas you may need to focus on.Learning objectives:Having successfully completed Topic 2, you will be able to:1 recognise differences between academic, workplace, literary and functional writing;developstrategies to assist you to plan and organise the content of your material;2 understand different structures applied (o writing formats;3 recognise common faults of style and grammatical errors and be ready to remove or correctthese; and4 possess an understanding of the purpose of referencing sources of information andappropriately document your sources according (o the APA system of referencing.Dificuities: Differences between academic, workplace, literary and functional writing anddifferent structures applied to writing formatsKey points: The skills of written communication.Topic 3 Using Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for eiTectivecommunicationWc live in an age of multimedia where communication with your audience visually, and viadigital delivery methods, has become a growing field worthy of discussion. Communicationdelivered via electronic methods is designed not to place focus on the sender, hut rather is basedon the receiver. Graphical/digital techniques, and guidance with their usage, have expanded into adaily and ongoing requirement within any workplace environment, both domestically and globally.Global interconnections have been aided by advances in new media such as cable and satellitetelevision and the spread of the Internet, while national borders have been rendered meaninglesswith the development of huge global media corporations.Communication systems have now placed businesses in constant and immediate touch withdifferent viewpoints world-wide. Under electrate forms of communication, the globe has becomevisible with modem forms of digital communication allowing audiences to (ravel through spaceand time. For example, when we scan an online newspaper, we may be moving our eyes acrossstories from different parts of the world within (hat single newspaper, which contains articles,photographs, video downloads and podcasting. At any given time, multiple users cansimultaneously access the information contained in an eleclrale newspaper. That same newspaperdelivered via literate methods (print format) can only be read/viewed by one person at a time.Learning objectives:Having successfully completed Topic 3, you will be able to:1. understand the impact that the introduction of information technology has had uponbusiness communication;2. understand the differences between Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 convergent cultures;3. explain the role technological change plays in driving organisational communication;4. understand the consequences of using social media and social networking in today'sglobalised world;5. examine the variety of electronic communication options available when communicating inyour workplace, both domestically and globally; and6. develop an awareness that oral and literate channels of communication are becomingentwined with clcctratc means of communicating.Dificulties: The impact that the introduction of information technology has had upon businesscommunication.Key points: Digital communication.Topic 4 Fundamentals of communicationLearning objectivesHaving completed Topic 4, you should be able to:1. describe the wide variety of activities which arc encompassed by the termcommunication;2. interpret strengths and weaknesses of various communication methods and models;3. identify the key concepts of interpersonal and intrapersonal communication;4. differentiate between empathy and sympathy and explain how empathy can lead to areduction in receiver-defensiveness, thus facilitating communication;5. understand the importance of developing active listening skills;6. develop an understanding of limitations and barriers that can occur within thecommunication process;7. demonstrate how best to confront conflict and strategies employed for its resolution;8. explain (he advantages of being assertive;9. describe some of the techniques used to persuade and be able to identify them incontemporary communication;10. explain the meanings of verbal and non verbal communication; and11. describe an approach to intercuhural communication which acknowledges the vitalimportance of cultural differences and best ensures effective interaction.Dificulties: Two theories of communication, communication methods and models.Key points: Reading, writing, speaking,listening.Topic 5 Business communication ethicsIn considering ethical communication in organisations, il becomes obvious that conceptions ofright and wrong vary depending upon both an individuafs values and the situation or context inwhich they are acting with Mendonca (2001, p. 275) recognising that:It is a fact of human experience that we do not suddenly find ourselves engaging in grave andserious unethical practices. Rather, such grave practices are preceded by minor unethical lapsesthat we might rationalise as acceptable because they are so inconsequential or because "everyoneis doing it".However, in all areas of business study, there is the need to attend to ethics. This topic describesstrategies and tactics designed to be employed responsibly, and in accordance with ethicalprinciples that will assist you with facilitation of business communication.Few occasions arise where a professional communicator can be tested more so than during a crisis.Perhaps without wanting, they become (he conduit for communicating swiftly, accurately,honestly and ethically to a wide range of stakeholders clamouring for information - not least ofwhich is lhe media. Adding (o this intensity, all communication must maintain the correct balancefrom both a legal and an insurance position.Learning objectives:This topic aims to help you develop your own ethical perspective in relation to businesscommunication. Having successfully completed Topic 5, you will be able to:1. appreciate the different ways of understanding the term 'ethics'2. develop a preliminary understanding of the relationship between businesscommunication and ethics.Dificulties: Ethical principles that will assist you with facilitation of business communication.Key points: Business communication ethics.三、章節(jié)學(xué)時分配章次總課時課堂講授實(shí)驗(yàn)上機(jī)實(shí)踐備注Topic 188Topic 2s8Topic 388Topic 444Topic 544總計3232四、教材與主要參考資料教材:1 Eunson, B, (2008). C2I: Communicating in the 21 st century (2nd ed.). Millon, Qld: John Wiley& Sons Australia Ltd.2 Eunson, B. (in print). Social media. ITC105 Business and Technical Communication.Unpublished manuscript. Retrieved November 13, 2009, from Charles Sturt University website:http:/intcract.csu.cdu.au/portal.參考資料:Angell, P. A. (2007). Business communication design. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.2 Bovcc, C., & Thill, J. (2007). Business communication essentials (3rd cd.). Upper Saddle River,New Jersey: Pearson Education.3 Ceco(ti, L., & Crofts, D. (2005, Eds). Communication for IT. North Ryde: McGraw Hill.4 Dwyer, J. (2009). Communication in business: Strategies and skills (4th ed.). Frenchs Forest,NSW: Pearson Education Australia.5 Locker, K. O., & Kaczmarek, S. K. (2007). Business communication: Building critical skills(3rd ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Irwin.6 Mohan, T., McGregor, H., Saunders, S., & Archee, R. (2008). Communicating as professionals(2nd ed.). South Melbourne, Victoria: Cengage Learning Australia Pty. Limited.7 Samovar, L. A., & Porter, R. E. (2003). Intercultural communication: A reader (10th ed.).Belmont, CA: Thomson Wadsworth.8 Satlerwhile, M. L., & Olson-Sutton, J. (2(X)7). Business communication at work (3rd ed.). NewYork: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.9 Verderber, R. F., & Verderber, K. S. (2003). The challenge of effective speaking (12th ed.).Belmont, CA: Thomson/Wadsworth.lOJYoung, D. J. (2006). Foundations of business communication: An integrative approach. NewYork, NY: McGraw-Hill Irwin.執(zhí)筆:審核:批準(zhǔn):


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