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1389國開電大本科管理英語4歷年期末考試(第三大題閱讀選擇題題庫(排序考試版)說明:可以根據(jù)試題首字母音序查找試題及答案。短文A team of about 35 employees had come together for a team building event. They were a young,bright and enthusiastic team. However, one of their chief problems was the fact that they wouldn,t share information or solutions with each other, and the team leader thought they were too focused on themselves and not on the team. As a result, she brought them all into the cafeteria. All of the tables and chairs had been stored away, and fun decorations and hundreds of different colored balloons had been placed around the room.內部資料In the center of the room was a big box of bal loons that hadn* t been blown up yet. The team leader instructed everybody to pick a balloon, blow it up, and write their name on it,but they had to be careful not to burst the balloon.Although they were given a second chance if their first balloon popped, they were out of the game the second time round. In the end, about 30 team members wrote their names without their balloons popping. They were then asked to leave the room and, after five minutes, the team leader brought them back in and asked them to find the balloon with their name on it amongst the hundreds of other balloons in the room. After 15 minutes of searching, no one had found their balloon, and the team were told that they were then going to move on to the third round of the activity.In this round, each team member was instructed to find any balloon with a name on it and then give that balloon to the person whose name was on it. Within two minutes, everybody had their own balloon. The team leader summarized the activity thus: We are much more efficient when we are willing to share with each other and much better at problem solving when we are working together,not individually.Sometimes, members of teams create obstacles by focusing solely on their own pursuits and goals. Every member of the team should ask themselves on a regular basis what they are doing and what they can do for the team.操作提示:通過題目后的下拉選項框選擇正確答案。1. This team building event was aimed at.答案making the team members know how to share information or solutions and cooperate with each other2. This event was held in.答案a self-service restaurant3. About how many team members were out of the second round of the activity?答案5.4. Which statement below is correct?答案In the third round, everybody had their own balloon with help from others within 2 minutes.5. What was the event going to teach these employees?答案Sharing and cooperating with other team members is more efficient when they are working together.短文Have you noticed the courage buried in the word encourage? To create a culture in which innovation flourishes takes courage.Determined innovators are always courageous enough to establish a culture in which innovation is greatly encouraged and rewarded. Here are three ways to do that.內部資料Put innovation at the heart of strategy, and persist it in every message. Think of innovation strategy as a pyramid: big bets at the top, a few projects in development in the middle, and a broad base of continuous improvements, lasting contributions, and early-stage new ideas at答案It is still great effect on current management courses.23. Which step of managing refers to bring staff together and tell them what to do? 答案Organizing.24. Which item in Chinese below has not mentioned as things needed to take care for people management?答案住房公積金25. In the step of, managers need to find out obstacles in the course of achievingcoinpany,s objectives and goals.答案control ling短文The meaning of "communi cat ion "goes a lot deeper than people often think. Communication is about conceiving, sending, receiving, and interpreting messages as well as confirming reception of these messages. A failure at any point in this chain can result in ineffective communication. 2020 年 9 月試題Ineffective communication can be disastrous. There is a famous story of a British Army Commander who sent the messageSend reinforcements, we' re going to advance, "back to his Command Center, through along chain of subordinates. When the message final ly reached the Command Center, it had "mutated "to become uSend three and four-pence, we' re going to a dance. "The reinforcements never arrived.You can demonstrate this same principle, albeit on a less dramatic scale, by trying to play Chinese Whispers with more than 20 people. It is highly unlikely the same message you started with wi11 be the one you end with.In a business, there are three main types of communication failure. Each has its own indicative signs. The first type is known as allocative failure. This occurs when a firm is not gathering enough intelligence about its market or (most often) , the information is not reaching the right points. The firm will not be allocating resources in step with the shifts in demand.If demand is rising but the firm is suffering from allocative communication failure, then stocks will fall and there will be under staffing. If the inverse happens, there will be a surplus of stocks and over staffing. The second type is executive failure , where communication to trigger specific events/actions is either late, lacking or in error. The symptoms of this area general loss of direction in the company or departments, a loss of co-ordination and an increase in complaints from customers as things happen late or not at all. The final type is human failure. This occurs when the general culture of a business or the relationships between particular individuals or departments do not foster effective communication. This leads to alienated staff, an increase in staff turnover, an increase in absenteeism and general frustration among staff. Creativity, especially that which takes place across departmental boundaries, is likely to suffer hugely as team synergy slips.21. Confirming reception of the sent messages means答案the messages are correctly understood by right receivers22.In the famous British Army Commander story, which step probably did NOT go wrong in the communication chain?答案Conceiving.23. What is Chinese whispers?答案A game to pass message around in a whisper.24. Allocative failure does NOT happen when答案the right information goes to the right place25. According to the passage, which of the following cases does NOT belong to human failure? Increasing customer complaints.短文The meaning of " communication "goes a lot deeper than people often think. Communication is about conceiving, sending, receiving, and interpreting messages as well as confirming reception of these messages. A failure at any point in this chain can result in ineffective communication. 2018 年 1 月試題Ineffective communication can be disastrous. There is a famous story of a British Army Commander who sent the messageSend reinforcements, we' re going to advance, "back to his Command Center, through along chain of subordinates. When the message finally reached the Command Center, it had" mutated "to become - "Send three and four-pence, we' re going to a dance. "The reinforcements never arrived.You can demonstrate this same principle, albeit on a less dramatic scale, by trying to play Chinese Whispers with more than 20 people. Tt is highly uni ikely the same message you started with will be the one you end with.In a business, there are three main types of communication failure. Each has its own indicative signs. The first type is a known as allocative failure. This occurs when a firm is not gathering enough intelligence about its market or (most often) , the information is not reaching the right points. The firm will not be allocating resources in step with the shifts in demand. If demand is rising but the firm is suffering from allocative communication failure, then stocks will fal 1 and there wi 11 be under staffing. If the inverse happens, there wi 11 be a surplus of stocks and over staffing. The second type is executive failure , where communication to trigger specific events/actions is either late, lacking or in error. The symptoms of this area general loss of direction in the company or departments, a loss of co-ordination and an increase in complaints from customers as things happen late or not at all.The final type is human failure, This occurs when the general culture of a business or the relationships between particular individuals or departments do not foster effective communication.This leads to alienated staff, an increase in staff turnover, an increase in absenteeism and general frustration among staff. Creativity, especially that which takes place across departmental boundaries, is likely to suffer hugely as team synergy slips.21. Confirming reception of the sent messages means.答案the messages are correctly understood by right receivers22. In the famous British Army Commander story, which step probably did NOT go wrong in the communication chain?答案Conceiving.23. What is Chinese whispers?答案A game to pass message around in a whisper.24. Allocative failure does NOT happen when.答案the right information goes to the right place25. According to the passage, which of the following cases does NOT belong to human failure?Increasing customer complaints.短文The meaning of " communication "goes a lot deeper than people often think. Communication is about conceiving, sending, receiving, and interpreting messages as well as confirming reception of these messages. A fai lure at any point in this chain can result in ineffective communication.內部資料Ineffective communication can be disastrous. There is a famous story of a British Army Commander who sent the message Send reinforcements, we* re going to advance, back to his Command Center, through a long chain of subordinates. When the message finally reached the Command Center, it had mutated to become-Send three and four-pence, weJ re going to a dance. The reinforcements never arrived.You can demonstrate this same principle, albeit on a less dramatic scale, by trying to play Chinese Whispers with more than 20 people.It is highly unlikely the same message you started with will be the one you end with.Tn a business,there are three main types of communication failure. Each has its own indicative signs.The first type is known as allocative failure. This occurs when a firm is not gathering enough intel 1 igence about its market or (most often), the information is not reaching the right points. The firm will not be allocating resources in step with the shifts in demand. If demand is rising but the firm is suffering from allocative communication failure,then stocks will fall and there will be under staffing. If the inverse happens, there will be a surplus of stocks and over staffing. The second type is executive failure, where communication to trigger specific evcnts/actions is either late,lacking or in error.The symptoms of this are a general loss of direction in the company or departments, a loss of co-ordination and an increase in complaints from customers as things happen late or not at all.The final type is human failure. This occurs when the general culture of a business or the relationships between particular individuals or departments do not foster effective communication. This leads to alienated staff, an increase in staff turnover, an increase in absenteeism and general frustration among staff. Creativity, especially that which takes place across departmental boundaries, is likely to suffer hugely as team synergy slips.操作提示:通過題目后的下拉選項框選擇正確答案。1. Confirming reception of the sent messages means.答案the messages arc correctly understood by right receivers2. In the famous British Army Commander story, which step probably did NOT go wrong in the communication chain?答案Conceiving.3. What is Chinese whispers?答案A game to pass message around in a whisper.4. Allocative failure docs NOT happen when.答案the right information goes to the right place5. According to the passage, which of the following cases does NOT belong to human failure? 答案Increasing customer complaints.短文Working for Google is a dream of many, not just because of what this company has achieved in the last 15 years, but because of its enviable work culture. With about 37,000 employees in 40 countries,you might wonder how Google maintains a motivating work experience throughout its entire company.Working for Google comes with perks that most other organizations can't provide bowling alleys,free haircuts, gym memberships, and shuttles to and from work. The company's secret to success is putting the same amount of time and effort into keeping employees happy as it does into innovating products.Back when the company was just a start-up, co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin had the goal of making Google a place the most talented people wanted to work at. Their idea was simple: creating a work culture that keeps employees happy will motivate them to do their best and will keep them loyal to the company.It* s less about the aspiration to be No. 1 in the world, and more that we want our employees and future ones to love i t here,because that's what's going to make us successful, sai d Karen May,the Vice President of people development at Google.Google also makes its employees want to work because managers provide tasks that are inspiring and challenging.Every employee at Google has the opportunity to spend 20% of his or her working time on a project they choose. This freedom takes employees out of their routine and away from the mundane tasks that often make workers feel uninspired about their jobs. Lastly, Google shows each employee just how important he or she is to the company. Each employee, regardless of her spot on the totem pole, has an influence on how Google perforins.Tf you value people, and care about them as whole people, one thing you do is giving them a voice, and you really listen, May said.Google does just that by hosting employee forums every Friday, where they discuss the 20 most-asked questions.Employees have access to all company information, adding a sense of trust,and employees and leaders work together to solve problems.操作提示:通過題目后的下拉選項框選擇正確答案。1. How would you describe Google?答案Large global enterprises2. Which one does NOT belong to the methods that Google motivate its employees?答案Promoting the employee who has more influence on Google the higher job position.3. Who founded Google?答案Larry Page and Sergey Brin4. If you are a normal employee of Google,what could you do EXCEPT?答案Only work for the project you choose.5. What is Google,s secret to success?答案Valuing the happiness of its employees as much as innovating good products.the bottom.Define jobs around innovation. Make it a job prerequisite. Consider 3M' s move to become one of the first companies to tel 1 professionals that they could spend 15 percent of their time on projects of their own choosing. Now many high-tech companies know that they can, t get the best talent without providing this kind of flexibility. And some of those self-selected, self-organized projects might even result in a blockbuster product or line of business. For 3M, it was the Post-it note.Recognize innovation in every part of the company. To build a culture of creativity and innovation, Gillette developed an innovation fair in which every unit could show off its most promising new concepts. It shows that everyone has a role to play in a culture of innovation. To go from idea to successful i nnovation requires a great deal of support and col laboration. When people are surrounded by constant communication and encouragement, they can find the courage to try, fail, redo, and try again.操作提示:通過題目后的下拉選項框選擇正確答案。1. What is necessary in creating innovation culture?答案courage2. How docs 3M create its innovation culture?答案define jobs around innovation.3. The word prerequisite in Make it a job prerequisite means.答案required as a prior condition4. How does Gillette create its innovation culture?答案Recognize innovation in every part of the company.5. The formation from idea to innovation needs.答案support and cooperation短文HOW TO HANDLE A BAD PERFORMANCE REVIEW 內部資料Getting a bad performance review can make you feel angr), unappreciated, defeated, and hopeless. But it's not the end of the world. Remember that the way you respond to this appraisal can make all the difference in the next one. Even if you believe that the review is inaccurate and that your boss is completely wrong, you will benefit by reacting in a mature, adult manner. Here are some suggestions:Stay calm. Relax. Breathe. Do not overreact and be objective. Especially, do not say things that wi11 likely be regretted later. Besides,the person giving the performance review may or may not be the one who has written the bad review.WHAT TO DO WHEN RECEIVING A BAD PERFORMANCE REVIEWIt's best to listen attentively.And make comments or remarks only when asked for them. Besides, during the performance review,you will be given the chance to respond and may disagree.WHAT TO DO AFTER RECEIVING A BAD PERFORMANCE REVIEWDon* t be intimidated by the bad performance review and want to quit the job; instead, learn from it. Also, if the organization allows their employees to make a written statement on their own behalf, do make one. It is important for the worker to show why she does not agree with the bed performance review; for instance, an employee may express their different understanding and, at the same time, a willingness to comply with any constructive suggestions.WAYS TO IMPROVE A BAD PERFORMANCE REVIEWA way to improve a bad performance review is to set self-reviews, that is,establish performance standards. Another way to improve a bad review is to learn more about what the manager, supervisor, or boss wants or expects from his/her employees. Learning what it was thatcaused a bad performance review helps to improve professional growth and encourages as well as motivates the worker to do better in order to receive a good review next time.操作提示:通過題目后的下拉選項框選擇正確答案。1. What should you do when you are given a bad performance review? 答案Stay calm and listen carefully.2. What should you do答案Learn from the3. What should you do答案Make a written4. How do you improve答案Understand theafter you review.if you do statementare given a bad performance review?not agree with the bad performance review? on your own behalf if it is allowed.a bad performance review? established performance standards.5.Why should we understand the cause of a bad performance review?答案Because it encourages and motivates the worker to do better.短文If there's one word that captures the essence of what is occurring in the world today, it' suchange. "Downsizing, reorganizing, and cutting costs, are now the norm for survival. No industry is exempt. Even the most conservative institutions are undergoing significant change just to survive. 2021年7月試題Change management has always been an issue of debate amongst scholars: how can employers create suitable conditions for a successful change process? And what can employees do to get through it?Tips for dealing with change in the workplace. Make yourself aware that change happens: it happens in personal life, it happens in your professional life. You can not live in the past, so denying that change could occur only makes things more complicated for you. Stay alert in the workplace: know what is happening around you. When you come across clues that hint change is on the way, acknowledge them!Maintain open communication channels: Don't lay back and expect things to pass you by smoothly.You need to get acquainted with the occurring changes. Seek more details from your management and peers to for man accurate understanding of the matter. Be transp


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