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宏觀經(jīng)濟分析課程簡介課程編號12EC0220課程名稱宏觀經(jīng)濟分析課程性質(zhì)必修學 時48學 分3學時分配授課:48實驗:上機:實踐:實踐(周):考核方式閉卷考試,平時成績占50% ,期末成績占50% o開課學院國際教育學院更新時間適用專業(yè)財務(wù)管理(中澳合作)先修課程微觀經(jīng)濟學、宏觀經(jīng)濟學課程內(nèi)容:宏觀經(jīng)濟分析是我校國際教育學院財務(wù)管理(中澳合作)專業(yè)的一門必修課,也是一門專業(yè)基礎(chǔ)課。本課程是宏觀經(jīng)濟學的擴展課程,主要在學生己經(jīng)學習基本經(jīng)濟學原理的基礎(chǔ)上,介紹諸如澳大利亞這樣的開放型國家的宏觀經(jīng)濟運行的基本原理,源于內(nèi)部和外部的各種沖擊對國民經(jīng)濟和金融市場的影響,政府宏觀政策制定的依據(jù)和評價。本課程的主要內(nèi)容包括在封閉經(jīng)濟與開放經(jīng)濟條件下,宏觀經(jīng)濟運行的國民收入核算和總收入與總支出模型、對實際經(jīng)濟與虛擬經(jīng)濟相互關(guān)系描述的IS-LM模型、勞動力市場及其均衡、總需求總供給模型、菲利普斯曲線、通貨膨脹與失業(yè)的關(guān)系、預(yù)期對宏觀經(jīng)濟的影響、開放條件下的宏觀經(jīng)濟均衡和宏觀經(jīng)濟政策的制定與評價。.Brief IntroductionCode12EC0220TitleMacroeconomic AnalysisCourse natureRequiredSemester Hours48 Credits 3Semester HourStructureLecture: 48 Experiment:Computer Lab:Practice:Practice (Week):AssessmentClosed book examination, usually results accounted for 50%, the finalgrade accounted for 50%.Offered bySchool of International EducationDateforFinancial Management (SinoAustralian cooperation)PrerequisiteMicroeconomics, macroeconomicsCourse Description:Macroeconomic Analysis is the compulsory subject for the students majored in FinancialManagement (Sino-Australian cooperation), and it is a basic course for this major. This subjectextends the study of macroeconomics to encompass a comprehensive model of an open economysuch as Australia. Emphasis is placed on the relationship between real and financial sectors of theAustralian economy and the impact of various internal and external shocks to the domesticeconomy and its financial markets.The mission of this course is:Understand the operation of the open macroeconomy and the problems associated withachieving simultaneous external and internal balance.Understand the relationship between macroeconomic and financial market activity.Develop a comprehensive macroeconomic model of an open economy such as Australia.Apply this model to an analysis of macroeconomic problems to analyse the impact ofmacroeconomic forces on Australian financial markets.Analyse and evaluate the policy prescriptions to deal with these problems.宏觀經(jīng)濟學分析課程教學大綱課程編號12EC0220課程名稱宏觀經(jīng)濟學分析課程性質(zhì)必修學 時48學 分3學時分配授課:48實驗:上機:實踐:實踐(周):考核方式閉卷考試,平時成績占50%,期末考試占50%開課學院國際教育學院更新時間適用專業(yè)財務(wù)管理(中澳合作)先修課程微觀經(jīng)濟學,宏觀經(jīng)濟學一、教學內(nèi)容Module 1 The basics of macroeconomic analysisChapter 1 Introduction1.1 A tour of the world1.2 A tour of the bookDificulties: to understand the digitals figures of the macroeconomicsKey points: recent global macroeconomic activity, national output, unemployment andinflation.Chapter 2 The basic macroeconomic model2.1 The goods market2.2 Financial markets2.3 Goods and financial markets: the IS-LM modelDificulties: Financial markets, the IS-LM model tKey points: basic aggregate expenditure model, interest rates and financial markets, IS-LMmodel.Module 2 Medium run macroeconomic analysis (The supply side)Chapter 3 The labour market3.1 The labour market and unemployment3.2 Wage determination3.3 Prices determination3.4 Wage, prices and unemploymentDificulties: The wage-setting relationship, price-setting relationship.Key points: The wage-setting relationship, price-setting relationship, The mark-up rate, theequilibrium level of unemployment, and how it is identified.Chapter 4 Aggregate supply and demand in the macroeconomic model4.1 Aggregate supply4.2 Aggregate demand4.3 Putting all markets together: the AS-AD model and its applicationDificulties: The aggregate demand, and how to get it, The Aggregate supply, and how it isidentified.Key points: The aggregate demand, and how to get it, The Aggregate supply, and how it isidentified, The role of price expectations, the medium run equilibrium in the macroeconomics.Chapter 5 The Phillips Curve 一 the natural rate of unemployment5.1 Inflation and unemployment5.2 The Phillips curveDificulties: The Phillips Curve, inflationary expectations augmented Phillips curve.Key points: The Phillips Curve, inflationary expectations augmented Phillips curve. Thenaturel unemployment in the medium run.Chapter 6 Money growth and economic activity6.1 Output, unemployment and inflation6.2 The effects of a monetary policy disinflation6.3 Expectations, credibility and nominal contractsDificulties: The different equilibrium between short run and long run.Key points: The different equilibrium between short run and long run, Okun's law,inflation target, normal growth rate , dynamic aggregate demand relation, disinflation.Module 3 Expectations and open economy macroeconomicsChapter 7 The role of expectations7.1 Expectations: the basic tools7.2 Financial markets and expectation7.3 Expectation, consumption and investment7.4 Expectation, output and policyDificulties: Explain how real and nominal interest rates impact on the IS and the LMcurves, relate the impact of expected future income, interest rates and taxes to the IS-LM model.Key points: distinguish real from nominal interest rates, calculate real interest rates,Explain how real and nominal interest rates impact on the IS and the LM curves, relate the impactof expected future income, interest rates and taxes to the IS-LM model.Chapter 8 Open economy macroeconomics8.1 Openness in goods and financial markets8.2 The goods market in an open economy8.3 Output, the interest rate and the exchange rateDificulties: Analyse the impact of changes in demand on output and trade balance,understand the difference between closed and open economy multipliers.Key points: Understand and apply the interest parity relationship, Analyse the impact ofchanges in demand on output and trade balance, understand the difference between closed andopen economy multipliers. Ananlyse the joint impact of exchange rate and fiscal policy on outputand net exports, understand the open economy version of the IS-LM model.Module 4 Macroeconomic crises and economic policyDificulties: Apply macroeconomic theory to the analysis of a financial crisis, the concept ofliquidity trap.Key points: Understand the cause of a financial crisis, apply macroeconomic theory to theanalysis of a financial crisis, the concept of liquidity trap, the cause of a recession, liquidity trap.Chapter 10 Macroeconomic policiesDificulties: The response of governments to a financial crisis, the response of governmentto a recession.Key points: The response of governments to a financial crisis, the response of government toa recession.二、教學基本要求Module 1 The basics of macroeconomic analysisChapter 1 IntroductionThis chapter aims to revitalise our focus on macroeconomic issues and principles. It isassumed that students have completed a first course in macroeconomics and hence this topic isexpected to be both a revision and a stepping stone to the rest of the subject. It is anticipated thatstudents should not find this topic difficult nor should they need to spend much time on it.Chapter 2 The basic macroeconomic modelTopic 2 introduces the basic tool for macroeconomic analysis used in this subject. This is theIS-LM model which links the goods and money sectors of the macroeconomy. Much of our studyin this topic will review concepts and macro modelling first studied in principles courses inmacroeconomics. Students should ensure that they are able to recall and master the basics ofmacroeconomic theory from their principles course. In addition to introducing the IS-LMsynthesis model of basic macro theory, this topic also adds some more sophisticated extensions toour previous understanding of the basics.Module 2 Medium run macroeconomic analysis (The supply side)Chapter 3 The labour marketThis topic provides a brief examination of the labour market. Its prime focus is the linkbetween real wages and the level of employment (or that is unemployment). The approachadopted in the prescribed text is different to that presented in most texts.Chapter 4 Aggregate supply and demand in the macroeconomic modelThe Aggregate Demand Aggregate Supply (AD-AS) model should be familiar to moststudents of macroeconomics from their first course in economics. It has become increasinglypopular for principles textbooks to introduce macroeconomics with a simplified explanation of theAD-AS model. In this subject the model follows the development of the IS-LM model andprovides an important final link to provide an overall or general equilibrium model. That is onewhich links goods, financial and labour markets. We will also combine the well known Phillipscurve which provides a link to inflation in our model.Chapter 5 The Phillips Curve 一 the natural rate of unemploymentThis topic provides a close look at the relation between inflation and unemployment. Thisrelationship, known as the Phillips Curve has been modified over the years. It highlights theissue that if unemployment rate goes below the natural rate, the inflation goes up.Chapter 6 Money growth and economic activityThis topic explains the role of money growth in changing the levels of output, employmentand inflation. In the short-run, growth in money supply increases output, reduces unemploymentand puts pressure on inflation. But, in the medium and long-run, output and unemploymentcome back to their original levels. Only inflation goes up 一 in the same proportion as in moneygrowth.Module 3 Expectations and open economy macroeconomicsChapter 7 The role of expectationsThis is an important topic which extends previous studies in economics and sets thefoundations for analysing global macroeconomic behaviour and its impact on financial markets. Intoday's highly integrated global financial markets expectations about future movements inmacroeconomic variables can have as much impact on financial market (and subsequently, goodsmarket) behaviour as can actual movements in economic variables. Australia has a highlydeveloped, open financial system, with a floating exchange rate and a heavy dependence oninternational trade in price competitive commodities. It is typically referred to as a small openeconomy. As such it is heavily dependent on global macroeconomic and financial marketactivities.Chapter 8 Open economy macroeconomicsThis topic introduces the us to the global macroeconomy by adding international trade ingoods and services and financial markets. Previous studies in macroeconomics would haveintroduced students to the important concepts such as exchange rates and the balance of payments.In this topic these concepts will be extended to include the distinction between real and nominalexchange rates and interest parity. The IS-LM model will also be extended to accommodateinternational tradeModule 4 Macroeconomic crises and economic policyChapter 9 Macroeconomic problemsThe aim of this topic is to apply the theories and models studied to an understanding ofmacroeconomic problems and crises. The text contains an analysis of a number of historicalepisodes of economic crisis such as the Great Depression of 1930s and cases of hyperinflations.More recent and ongoing cases such as the Japanese slump are also considered. In studying thesecases, one should be equipped to analyse crises such as the 1997 Asian currency crisis.Chapter 10 Macroeconomic policiesThis topic is, as its name suggests, an overview of the economic theory studied and theeconomic policy issues arising from these theories. A reflection on the different interpretations ofeconomic theory and its associated policy conclusions is also expected. In this one is expected tofocus on the critiques of theory and the evolving nature of theoretical and policy schools.三、章節(jié)學時分配章次總課時課堂講授實驗上機實踐備注1222663444665666667448669441044總計4848四、教材與主要參考資料教材:Olivier Blanchard & Jeffrey Sheen, Macroeconomics: Australasian edition. PearsonAustralia (a division of Pearson Australia Group Pty Ltd) 2009參考資料:1 曼昆,經(jīng)濟學原理(第五版),梁小民譯,北京:北京大學出版社,2009, 4.2 邁克爾帕金,經(jīng)濟學(第8版),張軍等譯,人民郵電出版社,2009, 7.執(zhí)筆:審核:批準:


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