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譯林版英語四年級下冊第四單元教學設計方案 NO:課題Unit 4 Drawing in the parkPeriod 1Story time教學目標1. 能聽懂、會說、會讀單詞:draw, picture, park, flower, boat, river, easy, difficult. 2. 能聽懂、會讀、會說日常交際用語:Good idea!Sure, its easy. Its difficult, but I can try.3. 能初步用以下句型What can you see? I can see 來對看到的事物進行交流;初步用句型Can you ? 詢問交流會做的事。4. 能正確理解課文內容。5. 能夠較準確的朗讀課文并在教師的指導下嘗試表演。重點1. 能聽懂、會說、會讀單詞:draw, picture, park, flower, boat, river, easy, difficult. 2. 能聽懂、會讀、會說日常交際用語:Good idea!Sure, its easy. Its difficult, but I can try. 3. 能正確理解朗讀課文內容。難點能夠較準確的朗讀課文并在教師的指導下表演。教學準備CAI教學過程教學過程設計思考與調整精選文檔教學過程精選文檔教學過程Step 1. Warming up & Free talk1. T: Today, we will begin Unit 4. In this unit, we will go to some interesting places. Look! Here they are. (出示Park, Theatre, Amusement park, Zoo四個場景圖) Which one we will go first? Lets listen to a song. 2. Enjoy the song: Its a beautiful day in the park.3. T: Which one we will go first? Teach: parkT: What parks in Nanjing do you know? S: Xuanwu Lake Park, Bailuzhou Park, Baima park, Step 2. Presentation1. Talk about the things in the park.T: We know so many parks. I will draw a picture of it. 邊畫邊問:What can you see in the park?S1: I can see a T: Yes, it a tall tree. 依次教授詞語:tree, flower, boat, river,注意每個詞語教授時和學生拓展交流:What colour are the flowers? I can row a boat, can you? Can I draw well? Yes, its easy for me. May its difficult for me, but I can try.2. Chant T: Is it a nice park? Lets chant about it. Listen to me, first. (節(jié)奏聲)Chant: In the park, I can see.See some trees, over there.In the park, I can see.See some flowers, under the tree.S: Chant together. 3. Change some words and try to make a new chant.4. T: What can you do in the park? I can row a boat. S: I can fly kites/ play football/ride bike/ Step.3. Enjoy the story:1. T: Good, Mike and Tim are in the park now. What do they do? Lets have a look! (出示圖1)T: 出圖局部,讓學生猜測。S: They are drawing pictures in the park. Teach: draw, picture (揭題)2. Watch and choose.T: What do they draw? (出示選項:a tree, some flowers, a boat, a river)Lets watch the story and choose.Check 3. Read and judge. T: Yes, Tim can draw a tree, some flowers and a boat. Can Tim draw all of them very well?Read and judge. Tips: 快速瀏覽故事并判斷。(學生自己在書上畫一畫,如果Tim 能畫得好則畫星,畫得不好畫三角。)4. T: Tim can draw the tree and flowers very well, so theyre easy for Tim. Teach: easy So Tim says: Sure. Its easy. 出示圖2. T: 引導學生有感情地朗讀該句話。Can you read it? What else can you say? S: So easy! Its easy for me. T: But he cant draw the boat, so its not easy, its difficult for him. Teach: difficultT: So Tim says: Its difficult, but I can try. 出示圖4. T: 引導學生有感情地朗讀該句話。5. T: You read very well. Listen and repeat 6. Read in pairs7. Read the story togetherStep 5. Act the story Read fluently 流利的朗讀Read fluently and beautifully 流利、有感情地朗讀Act it out emotionally 有感情地表演Step 6. Consolidation1. Make a new dialogue. 你和朋友也來到了一個美麗的公園。你們看到些什么?試著模仿今天學的故事,編一段對話吧。 課件出示一幅公園圖片,有秋千、滑梯、放風箏、騎自行車等。以及參考句型:What can you see? I can see Can you draw / ride/ fly a ?Yes, its easy.Its difficult, but I can try.Step 7. SummaryT: Today, we go to the park. Do you like the park?From the learning of this lesson, what can you do now?引導學生用I can 總結今天的學習。S: I can say/ read/ chant/ 作業(yè)設計1. 聽磁帶,有感情地模仿熟讀課文并嘗試背誦。2. 試著將課文復述并寫下來。3. 和同桌編一段在公園里的對話。板書設計譯林版英語四年級下冊第四單元教學設計方案NO:課題Unit 4 Drawing in the parkPeriod 2Vocabulary & Fun time教學目1. 能夠熟練說出公園里的一些物品詞匯tree, flower, boat, river, hill, lake等。2. 能用句型What can you see? I can see a 談論所見。3. 能用句型What can you do? I can 進行調查會做的事情,能用句型He/She can 對他人進行描述。精選文檔標4. 能編寫完整小故事:Lets be friends.并試著表演。重點1. 能夠熟練說出公園里的一些物品詞匯tree, flower, boat, river, hill, lake等。2. 能用句型What can you do? I can 進行調查會做的事情,能用句型He/She can 對他人進行描述。難點能編寫完整小故事:Lets be friends.并試著表演。教學準備CAI,故事填寫學習單教學過程教學過程設計思考與調整精選文檔教學過程精選文檔教學過程Step 1. Warming up & Free talk1. Enjoy the song: Row your boat 歌詞: Row, row, row your boat, gently on the stream, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is interesting.2. T: Life is interesting. Last lesson, we went to the park. Today, we will go to another interesting place Dream Theatre. Lets go.3. T: Look! They need some actors for the new play. Do you want to have a try? T: And we should pass four tests. 出示招聘演員條件: 1. 表演力測試關。 2. 表達力測試關。 3. 記憶力測試關。 4. 有一定的特長。 T: Lets have a try.Step 2. Revision1. Test 1- Good performance ability. T: To be an actor, you should have good performance ability. T: Do you remember this story? Drawing in the park (課件出示課文圖片) Can you act this story? First, lets dub for it. Dub in groups. 2. Act in pairs.3. T: Good job. I think you have good performance ability. Lets go into the next test.4. T: To be an actor, you should have good expression ability.Try to retell the story according. 小組討論,試著復述該故事,看誰說得完整。 Mike and Tim are in the . They can see , and a on the . Tim can draw very well, its easy. But he cant draw , its . Step 3. Learn the vocabulary1. Test 2 - Good memory. T: To be an actor, you should have a good memory. Look, here is a picture. Look carefully. You have 15 seconds to remember what you can see? Are you ready? Go! (15秒的倒計時,記住圖中的事物,越多越好!)2. T: What can you see in the picture? S: I can see a T: How many can you see? What colour is it? Where is it? S: I can see Check the answer. (熱區(qū)出現學生所說的東西:boat, flower, tree, river, hill, lake, 補充:bridge, bench, fountain等)3. T: Now, we know whats in the park? They are (指圖學生齊說詞) T: But how to spell them? Look! How to remember them? Lets discuss in groups. (小組討論記憶每個詞的方法,教師可以舉例,如river-over) T: 請同學來說說記憶的方法。4. T: Can you remember these words? Lets play a game, Quick response. 課件快速閃現新學的單詞或圖片,學生要很快說出。5. T: Good job. I think you have good memory. Lets go into the next test.Step 4. Fun time -Do a survey.1. T: Look!There are four characters in this play. You can choose one, but you should have the same speciality with the character.課件出示角色要求:Amy is good at drawing. Ben is good at sports. Cindy is good at cooking. Dan is good at singing and drawing.T: I can make a cake, but I cant play football. So I think I can act Role Cindy. Which one can you act? 2. T: Can you draw? S1: No, I cant. T: What can you do? S1: I can play basketball. T: S1 can play basketball, so he can act Role Ben.3. T: Take out our survey table. Lets do a survey in groups. 要求:1. 同桌先互相問并完成。2. 告訴組內其他同學同桌會做的事情,請他們完成表格。4. Report. T: So in your group, who can act Role Amy? Can he draw? 請學生根據表格的內容來匯報。Step 5. Writing and Act 1. T: I think we all have the right role to act. Now lets act the short play in groups. The title is: Lets be friends. 2. 圖1:Amy can draw very well. She is looking for a friend in the park. 圖2: Amy meets Ben near the river. 圖中氣泡中句子不夠完整。 Amy: Can you draw? Ben: Sorry, I cant. Amy: What can you do? Ben: I can play football.圖3: Amy meets Cindy under the tree. 圖中氣泡中句子不夠完整。Amy: Can you draw? Cindy: No, I cant draw . Amy: What can you do? Cindy: I can make a cake.圖4: Amy meets Dan on the boat. 圖中氣泡中句子不夠完整。Amy: Can you draw? Dan: Yes, I can. Amy: I can draw, too. Lets be friends. Dan: Good. (出示故事圖片4幅) T: But the play is not complete. Lets complete it first. 請同學一次讀一讀,小組討論將每幅圖中的句子補充完整。2. T: Act in groups. 四人一組上臺表演時,其他同學一起說旁白。Step 6. Summary1. T: Today, we go to the Dream Theatre. Do you like the park?引導學生用I can 總結今天的學習。S: I can say/ read/ act/ 2. We can act a short play, we can be a good actor. And we can also be a good writer, too.作業(yè)設計1. 畫一幅公園圖,并給圖中的物品配上單詞,如有不會的詞,可以查找資料。2. 小組表演短劇Lets be friend.3. 試著寫下這個故事。精選文檔板書設計譯林版英語四年級下冊第四單元教學設計方案 NO課題Unit 4 Drawing in the parkPeriod 3Revision & Cartoon time 教學目標1. 復習上節(jié)課所學的關于公園物品的單詞,能進一步熟練拼讀。2. 復習上節(jié)課所學的句型,能進一步熟練運用。3. 能夠閱讀并理解卡通部分的幽默,并能表演故事內容。4. 能夠模仿卡通部分的故事內容續(xù)編故事。重點1. 能夠閱讀并理解卡通部分的幽默,并能表演故事內容。2. 能夠模仿卡通部分的故事內容續(xù)編故事。難點能夠模仿卡通部分的故事內容續(xù)編故事。教學準備CAI、頭飾教學過程教學過程設計思考與調整精選文檔教學過程精選文檔教學過程Step 1. Warming up & Free talk1. Enjoy the song: Row your boat (課前就可以播放繼續(xù)讓學生熟悉)2. T: Life is interesting. Last lesson, we went to the park and the theatre. Today, we will go to another interesting place Amusement park. Lets go. 課件出示圖片3. T: If you can get stars when youre playing. Lets see which team can get more stars. (學生分成兩組) Ready? Go!Step 2. Review the vocabulary1. T: Look! Its a Fun house. We can play games in it. Lets play Finding Differences first. T: You should find the three differences in these two pictures. 大家來找茬游戲 課件出示規(guī)則:兩圖中有三處不同,十秒中之內必須找到并說出,才能獲勝! 一共兩組圖片。復習詞匯:hill, tree, river, lake, flowers, boat.2. T: Lets play another game. Riddles: Things in the park每組選擇一個序號,如果猜對并準確拼出則可以得到相應的星數。1. Theyre colourful. Bees and butterflies like them very much. 2. You want to go across the river(過河), but there is no bridge. What do you need?3. It is a large area(一大片) of water, surrounded by land.(被陸地包圍) .4. It is a large stream(一股水流) of water. You can catch fish in it. 3. T: 得星,評價。Step 3. Review the sentences. 1. T: Lets go to the music bus. Listen! T: Which picture is the song about? (從四個圖中來選一個:操場、公園、教室、廚房)2. Sing with the recording.3. T: Can you make a new song like this? Choose one, discuss and sing in groups.4. 一組唱,其他組猜是哪個場景。猜對雙方都加星。Step 4. Cartoon time1. T: Look! There is a big box. Sam, Bobby are looking at it. In fact, we call this big box:Peep show. 簡單介紹西洋鏡的一些知識。 (出示圖4) Look, is Bobby happy? No, Bobby is frightened. Why? Whats in this box? Lets guess. 學生猜的同時,老師說:Try again.Lets watch the cartoon and check.2. T: Whats in it? S: A boat, a tiger.3. (出示圖4) 指導閱讀,Its a tiger! T: If you are Sam, What will you say?4. Listen and repeat. 5. Try to read together emotionally. 6. Set an example for Ss to act the cartoon. Try to act it in pairs, you can add some new sentences. 根據表演情況,評價給星。Step 5. Rewrite a new story1. T: Sam is naughty, but bobby is naughty, too. He wants to make a joke with Sam too. Look! 課件出圖:Bobby告訴Sam他在盒子里看見了魚。Sam最喜歡魚了,一聽口水都要下來了,結果一看,是一條鯊魚,嚇了一大跳!2. 你還有其他的創(chuàng)意嗎?也可以編一編。Tips:模仿書上的故事,小組內續(xù)編新故事,并把它演出來。3. 根據表演情況,評價給星。Step 6. Summary and Evaluate1. Today, we are playing in the amusement park. How do you feel now? From the learning of this lesson, what can you do now?引導學生用I can 總結今天的學習。S: I can say/ read/ chant/ 2. 總結得星的情況。作業(yè)設計1. 將你在音樂巴士上編的歌曲寫下來,唱一唱。2. 小組合作,將改編的新故事,配上圖片和文字,并表演出來。板書設計精選文檔譯林版英語四年級下冊第四單元教學設計方案 NO:課題Unit 4 Drawing in the parkPeriod 4Sound time, Song time, Checkout time &Ticking time 教學目標1. 能夠熟練說出有關公園類的物品詞。2. 能熟練地運用本單元所學句型進行交際。3. 能夠掌握元音字母e在單詞中的讀音。4. 能夠完成故事A new friend的閱讀。s5. 能在教師的引導下客觀地對自己的學習情況做出評價。重點1. 能熟練地運用本單元所學句型進行交際。2. 學生能夠掌握元音字母e在單詞中的讀音。3. 能夠完成故事A new friend的閱讀。難點1. 學生能夠掌握元音字母e在開音節(jié)和閉音節(jié)單詞中的不同發(fā)音。2. 學生能在教師的引導下客觀地對自己的學習情況做出評價。教學準備CAI,補充閱讀材料教學過程教學過程設計思考與調整精選文檔教學過程精選文檔教學過程Step 1. Warming up & Free talk1. Enjoy the song: Row your boat (課前就可以播放繼續(xù)讓學生熟悉)2. T: Life is interesting. Last lesson, we went to the park, the theatre and the Amusement park. Today, we will go to another interesting place Zoo. Lets go. Step 2. Revision1. T: In the zoo, what can you see? Lets play a game. Non-stop talking. 要求:10秒內小組輪流說:兩個關鍵詞:Animals in the zoo, the other things in the zoo.S: I can see2. T: Lets go and have a look. (手偶出示Ken) K: Hi, can I go with you? T: Can Kan go with us? S: Sure.T: OK. Lets go.Step 3. Checkout time and song time1. (和手偶互動)T: Look, this is a picture of a zoo. How beautiful! What can you see in this picture? K: I can seeT: Can you ? How many can you see? K: Yes, I can. T: Look at K: How beautiful! .2. 結合所給句型,談論圖片。Pair work.教師用手偶Ken給出評價:Good job! Well done! 3. T: The picture is beautiful, but there is no animals. Lets draw some animals on the grass, in the river, in the sky or 讓學生拿出筆在圖中添畫一些動物.4. 教師在樹上畫一只猴子。 What can you see in the tree now? S: I can see a monkey. T: Yes, and I can sing a song. Listen to the song: What can you see?5. T: Can you sing the song? Lets try together.6. T: Can you make a new song according to your picture? Lets try.小組內編唱歌曲。一人根據自己的圖片問,其他三人回答。教師用手偶Ken給出評價:Good job! Well done! Step 4. Reading time1. T: Animals are very clever. They can do a lot of things. Lets enjoy some pictures. 課件出示一些動物做某事的圖片。邊欣賞,教師邊帶著學生說說: can 最后一圖:They can help the others. 2. T: Now well read a interesting story. The animals in it can also help each other. Lets enjoy it. 出示圖片,老師說,學生聽。Who is the new friend?3. Read and match. 組內讀故事,將圖片和文字匹配。 逐圖呈現,校對答案。4. Read and answer.Q. Who can see the Kitten on the top? Cow? Pig? Dog? Bird? Why?5. Read the story in five.教師用手偶Ken給出評價:Good job! Well done! Step 5. Sound time1. T: Ken, do you like the zoo? T: Oh, whats the time? (看表) Oh, Ken, its ten to ten, go to bed before ten. K: OK. See you.3. T: Look at the sentence. These words all have the letter e, what does e pronounced as? S: /e/ T: Look at my mouth, open it big or small. Try to imitate. (根據Tips: P58的要求) S: Read one by one. T: Read the sentence.4. T: Can you read these syllables? en, et, eg, es el T: Can you read these words? hen, wet, leg, nest, belt. (在讀同時出圖釋意)5. T: Last unit, we have learnt another pronunciation of e, what is it? /i:/ T: Whats the difference between them? When is it pronounced as /e/, when is it pronounced as /i:/? 出示:me, he, she, these bed, pen, red, ten, T: 教師講解:開音節(jié)中,發(fā)/i:/, 重讀閉音節(jié)中,發(fā)/e/。6. Enjoy a song. E的發(fā)音Step 6. Summary & Evaluation1. T: What can we learn from this lesson? S: I can 2. T: Good, we can do so many things. T: Discuss in groups, see how many stars have you got together?作業(yè)設計1. 聽錄音,跟讀復習Unit4的內容,模仿語音語調;2. 尋找更多字母e發(fā)音為/e/的單詞,記在書上;3. 根據圖片,把今天在課堂中學到的故事說給爸爸媽媽聽。板書設計譯林版英語四年級下冊第四單元教學設計方案 NO:課題Unit 4 Drawing in the parkPeriod 5Practice & Revision教學目標進一步復習鞏固本單元知識點,通過練習查漏補缺。重點難點對知識點的拓展與運用。教學準備提前了解練習中的重難點題型與學生的主要錯誤。教學過程設計思考與調整精選文檔教學過程建標練習:Lets talk.What can you see in the park?I can see探標練習: Fill in the blanks. 1. Lets _ some pictures here.2. What can you see _ _?3. I can see a _ and some _.4. Its _.(容易的)5. On the r_, there is a b_.Its _.(困難的)驗標練習:Make a new dialogue. 你和朋友也來到了一個美麗的公園。你們看到些什么?試著模仿今天學的故事,編一段對話吧。What can you see?I can seeCan you see?Yes, I can.Its easy/difficult.驗標練習:連詞成句.1. difficult, it, I, try, can, but, is(,.) 2. I, see, an, fridge, in, egg, the, can(.) 3. she, Mary, sing, can, and, make, cake, a, can(.) 板書設計 (注:可編輯下載,若有不當之處,請指正,謝謝!) 精選文檔


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