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1 American LiteraturePart ThreeThe Age of Realism(1860-1910) 2Chapter 6New American Outlooks36.1.Mark Twain (18351910)45I. Life and Career: oFather of American LiteratureoForerunner of 19th Century American RealismoHumorist1.Local colorist 6I. Life and Career: oSamuel Langhorne Clemens omoved with his family to Hannibal, a port on the Mississippi River at 4oWorked as a printer, a steamboat pilot, Served as a volunteer soldier, reporter and writer1.an honorary doctorate from the University of Oxford in 1907 7Olivia Langdon Clemens,wife of Samuel Clemens 8Family 910oDont part with your illusions . When they are gone you may still exist , but you have ceased to live. o不要放棄你的幻想。當(dāng)幻想沒有了以后,你還可以生存,但是你雖生猶死。11oThe holy passion of Friendship is of so sweet and steady and loyal and enduring a nature that it will last through a whole lifetime, if not asked to lend money. 12oWrinkles should merely indicate where smiles have been. 13oTwenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didnt do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.14oGet your facts first, then you can distort them as you please.15I. Life and CareeroThree writing periodso 1. 1865-around 1880s oPeriod of highhearted, humorous description oRather confident and optimisticoCriticize the society with light-hearted humour and satire1.Believe in social reform. 16I. Life and CareeroRepresentatives: o The Adventure of Tom Sawyero The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County 1718oThis was the story that launched Mark Twain into national prominence. oTo this day, Calaveras County in California still holds a celebration of the jumping frog contest, their biggest event of the year. 19在一八七四至一八九一年間住在這座有十九間房間的大宅中。他寫出諸如湯姆索亞歷險記和哈克貝利芬歷險記這樣的經(jīng)典作品。他自己說過,那是他一生中最歡樂的歲月。 20I. Life and Careero 2. 1880s-1900soPeriod of bitter and sharper criticismoSociety turned deaf ear to his advicesoa combination of romanticism and realism.1.return to the pure and natural life21I. Life and CareeroRepresentatives:o The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn22Mark Twain and Dorothy Quick23I. Life and Careero 3. 1900-1910oPeriod of pessimism and fatalismoThe darkest period of Mark TwainoDisappointed in society oFull of miseries in his personal life24Mark Twain in New Hampshire, 190525II. Literary Workso艱苦歲月(Roughing It, 1872)o鍍金時代(The Gilded Age,1873)o湯姆索耶歷險記(The Adventures of Tom Sawyer,1876)o王子與貧兒(The Prince and the Pauper,1882)o密西西比河上(Life on the Mississippi,1883)o哈克貝利費恩歷險記(The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,1884)o傻瓜威爾遜(The Tragedy of Puddn head Wilson,1893),o自傳(Autobiography) 26湯姆索耶歷險記(The Adventures of Tom Sawyer,187627The Prince and the Pauper28The Gilded Age29The Tragedy of Puddn head Wilson30III. Writing Style:o ocreate a real and genuine American style oadventurous, humorousoCombination of realism and romanticismoCombination of humor and serious literature 1. 31III. Writing Style:o o informal, colloquial, rural, regional language: dialect, jargon, slang o sentence structure: simple, compound, a series of “than” and “and”, semi-colons. 32III. Writing Style :o from everyday lifeo from his own experience1. lower strata of society 33III. Writing Style : oIn late 1860s and early1870soAn important part of realistic movementoDifferences existed between different parts of the country. oEmphasis on local peculiarities of speech, dress and habits. oIdealize and glorify, give true color of local life34Characteristic of Mark Twains worko1,His works sum up the tradition of western humor and frontier realismo2,He writes about his people and his own lifeo3,His greatest achievement on literature is his use of dialect and his portray of the local (before him people tend to use elegant elite language on literature, but since him ,people tend to use colloquial language in literature. Thats his great contribution to American literature.)35 Mark Twain said: My language my words are like water, the great master s language is like wine but everyone drinks water36IV. Overview of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: o unpopulated wildness an a dense forest along Mississippi River37IV. Overview of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn:oIgnorant uneducated black slave Jim1.Uneducated outcast white boy Huck Finn383940Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Jim helps Huck slip into a dress, as the boy attempts to go out unrecognized.41IV. Overview of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn:oHucks inner waving struggle between what he was taught and what he thought out of good-heart and humanity. 42The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras CountyoA comic frontier western tale together with many tall tales which Mark Twain which he heard in the western mining camps in 1861oTheme: competition between the pioneers, selfishness and mercilessness of capitalismoColloquial style: in the general standard speech of the uneducated43The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras CountyStudy questionoA, what realistic elements can you find in this story?oB, what role does language play in the story ?oC, how is the story narrated?(narrated pattern of the story)44Realistic elements found in the story 1every language, dialect ,shows the people are so real and uneducated2, ordinary people 3,setting: mining factory Story told by a worker , a person associated with the experience rather than feel like the story made up by the writer.4,detailed description: how he dress themselves,how they talk,walk and behave.45Background of the story : Gold Rusho1, California was a world of men, isolated homesick and eager for entertainmento2,Gambling was one of the easiest and most popular ways to amuse themselves (you can see this clear in Hollywood movie)o3, the easterners had a reputation for being civilized, cultured, and advanced; whereas the westerner were considered to be less-educated, less refined and easy to be deceived46Name of the dog in the storyoAndrew JacksonoGive the name of a dog ,have surname and given name , oThe 7th president of the United StatesoThe first westerner to become presidentoHe is described as being determined and strongwilled (associated these characteristic with the dog)47The name of the frogoDaniel Webster oDaniel Webster(1782-1852) is a statesmanoHe embodies the very spirit of the nation (arrange the name of dog and frog ,Mark Twain try to carry certain messages)48IV. Notes of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: odasnt stop=didnt dare stop.oSpanish moss: 寄生藤,又叫“l(fā)ong-beard” 鐵蘭屬。一種產(chǎn)于美國東南部和熱帶美洲的附生鳳梨屬的植物,生有長長的密集成串的下垂的灰色線狀莖。othe frauds: 指書中的兩個冒充公爵和國王的騙子。oyellocution: from “elocution,” the art of public speaking. 哈克自己編造的字,暗指兩個騙子說話簡直就是在 “yelling.”odoggery: a cheap bar or saloon.ocussing=cursing.oshook the reefs out: let out sail on a boat to catch more wind and thus go faster.oSet her loose: 把木筏的纜繩解開。oSilas Phelps: 賽拉斯斐爾普斯,湯姆的姨父,騙子把吉姆賣給了他。oafeard/afeared: archaism. =afraid. 49IV. Notes of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn:oHe run off fm down South somers=He ran off from down South, somewhere.oNo-sirree-bob: =No, sir. sirree=sir, 用在yes 和no后面加強語氣。bob: 尾音沒有意義。oMiss Watson:華森小姐,吉姆的女主人。oornery=ordinary, 此處為含蓄的表達,意思是丟臉。ofix: difficult situation. oprovidence: God. 和下文的One,Him,he相同。oit was a close place: 這件事真是讓人犯難。oIll go to hell: 哈克決定不告發(fā)吉姆逃跑的事情,而是讓他獲得自由,當(dāng)時這種做法被認為是要下地獄的。ogo the while hog: do it thoroughly. okept my eyes peeled=kept my eyes open.oleft me aholt of: slang. =let me hold.otry the “Royal Nonesuch” another shake: 把“皇家奇物”拿出來再試試。othe next minute he whirls on me and says: 馬上他又猛轉(zhuǎn)過身對我說。obut mind you dont work your jaw between here and there: 可是你要記住不要在路上到處瞎說。50Question 1oExplain in detail the relation of the selection from Life on the Mississippi and The Celebrated Jumping Frog to Clemens own life. oAnswer51Question 2oIn the selection from Life on the Mississippi Twain mentions three transient or passing ambitions of the boys of Hannibal. (a) What were these transient ambitions? (b) What was Twains purpose in mentioning them? oAnswer52Question 3oIn what way does Twain introduce humor into the story of the local boy who became an apprentice engineer?oAnswer53Question 4 oTo capture the flavor of the oral yarn in writing, it is necessary for an author to make it possible for his readers to see the narrator and to hear him speak. (a) What parts of The Celebrated Jumping Frog are devoted to acquainting the reader with Simon Wheeler, the narrator of the yarn? (b) What kinds of information does Twain give about Wheeler? (c) Why does Twain use peculiar sentence patterns, misspellings, and grammatical errors in the yarn itself? oAnswer54Question 5oExplain why The Celebrated Jumping Frog was probably much funnier to readers a hundred years ago than it is to us today.oAnswer 55Question 6oAnalyze the following quotation: It was a close place. I took . . . up the letter Id written to Miss Watson, and held it in my hand. I was a-trembling, because Id got to decide, forever, betwixt two things, and I knowed it. I studied a minute, sort of holding my breath, and then says to myself: “All right then, Ill go to hell”and tore it up. It was awful thoughts and awful words, but they was said. And I let them stay said; and never thought no more about reforming. oAnswer 56Question 7 oHow did Mark Twain develop his theme of slavery in the story of Huck Finn? oAnswer 57Answer to question 1oThe selection from Life on the Mississippi is based on Clemens experiences as a boy in the river town of Hannibal, Missouri, when he, like every other boy in town, longed to be a pilot. The Celebrated Jumping Frog grew out of Clemens experiences in the gold-mining country of central California. Clemens probably told the story well because from boyhood on he had heard many stories told effectively. 58Answer to question 2o(a) To become clowns, to become minstrel-show performers, and to become pirates. (b) To contrast the transient character of these ambitions with the importance of the desire to become a steamboatman a permanent ambition. 59Answer to question 3oHe gives a series of details which show that although the boy is a great show-off, prodigiously envied by the other boys, he really is not very impressive and actually has not risen very high in the world. For example: “This fellow had money, too, and hair oil. Also an ignorant silver watch and a showy brass watch chain.” 60Answer to question 4o(a) The first three paragraphs. (b) He spent his time dozing by the stove in a mining-town tavern. He is plump, bald, mild-looking. He welcomes a chance to talk, cornering his audience so that it cannot escape. He tells his story with no sense that it is funny. (c) They represent the way Wheeler talks and therefore make him known as a character. Also they are comic because they contrast with proper ways of speaking 61Answer to question 5oPeople in that day had listened to many oral tales; storytelling for them was what TV, radio, and motion pictures are for us. They therefore could read a story and imagine better than we can how it would sound when told aloud. In addition, modern readers tend to wait for a “punch line” or a surprise ending, whereas the humor of a tale is meant to be savored throughout. 62Answer to question 6oHuck considers but then decides against writing Miss Watson to tell her the Phelps family is holding Jim, following his conscience rather than the prevailing morality of the day. Huck is willing to sacrifice his soul for Jims freedom, showing a tremendous amount of personal growth. This scene indicates how his relationship with Jim has changed over the course of the journey downriver, from companion, to respected friend, to the only family Huck will acknowledge. 63Answer to question 6oHuck decides to free Jim after remembering all the times Jim protected and cared for him, something which no one else has ever done for Huck. The logical consequences of Hucks action, rather than the lessons society has taught him, drive Huck. He decides that going to “hell,” if it means following his gut and not societys hypocritical and cruel principles, is a better option than going to everyone elses heaven. This moment of decision represents Hucks true break with the world around him. At this point, Huck decides to help Jim escape slavery once and for all. Huck also realizes that he does not want to reenter the “civilized” world: after all his experiences and moral development on the river, he wants to move on to the freedom of the West instead. 64Answer to question 7oThe theme of slavery is perhaps the most well known aspect of this novel. Twain uses Jim, a main character and a slave, to demonstrate the humanity of slaves. Jim expresses the complicated human emotions and struggles with the path of his life. 65Answer to question 7oHuck and Jim never debate slavery, and all the other slaves in the novel are very minor characters. Only in the final section of the novel does Twain develop the central conflict concerning slavery: should Huck free Jim and then be condemned to hell? This decision is life-altering for Huck, as it forces him to reject everything civilization has taught him. Huck chooses to free Jim, based on his personal experiences rather than social norms, thus choosing the morality of the “natural life” over that of civilization.


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