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國家開放大學電大本科管理英語42023-2024期末試題及答案試卷代號:1389一, 交際用1剖共計10分.督小SS 2分:選擇正確的語句完成下面對話.并將答案序號寫在答湖紙上1. h H poHRihlr m ynii to wnrk nut the plnrtonight?A< I think11 Til do th"( Pil love io,Donfi foigci io conic io uur purty thtt* weekend!A< Not hi nILK You arc wdcomv.(L Sur( Sec you3. Wu couhl h t borne of the Hinfi wuik from home.?Thnl W h 皿ml IdmA. Do you Kavi any good idmsR Whnt do you think of il( Ih there anything riseL 1 low did your tTieliui: 腫 yrstrnhiyiciu)illyf it wa rertlly (nisitrrtiing.A Very goodB> Not so gond(/ Noihmg peoiil& Will yiMi go r)ii n picnic with us tomorrow?.A. Ym hiif PH hnvt Enghsh clftscBIt Sorry. 1 huvr un appotnlrneni with l)r brownC lfm idrnid I havu no idea二、訶匯與構造(我計K)分,每小明2分)6M題:便讀下面的句子,從AJKC三個逸功中逸出一個能增入空白處的正確選項.并將答 案序號寫在答1B紙上.6. ( ornpnn <1I Jighwlu Chinvnr ir genmilly believed io be more iliffirult toh arn<A. with11 from7. ch it ly rnnirniiiHrnh wil h .hhI m lively h dm lo vmployres I、 r inentinl !<>nupnivi- thru prrfonnflru r.& Beinii ableA. Br ulile tn( BcitiK ublr i(i8. When the message hnalfy reached the Comm*nd renter# it *mutatcdtobecome - *Send three und (our pence* wef re going to dancr *A- waiEL hadhve9. mnagerg spend most of ihexr time tn faartcrface coniaci with othefSt butthey spend much of it obtuminK and during infcrmAiiotA. Not onlyB. I Jo not onlyC. Not only do!0< AT&T found tint cmplnyrr% with brttcr planning and decision rnki幻& skills were to be promoted info managcmmi job%A- more tike* mon? likelyC more unlikelyIL Witlioui hi,asaiunce> I <hr reenri:h Inst monikA would not have completedH could not finishshould not finish2. They have come to the conclusionihn winter will be even colder itunbeforeA> i ho!K forG which13 My leather shoe* coal! methe last pairs 1 baughtaA. three times asK three time asC three umeti a much asI L Aftrr Ly of invr5tigAtinnt thr polirr were rrality.A lookinc intoK appmachtngC. fimfing15. All the gur<t* ire yraicci in the front row.A difttinguifthingK rxtinguohtnxC< distinguished16. How do wr Hjirrl to rnmprir with a rompnny that hy. -mi h i huge nmlhu* rcMnurcrn?A. rtfductidnIt recnmtnrndai>on( n|Hilrttinn17. I think the prinmryhn tnr is hrrn s muchIntcly./. contribiitmuB. causingA(frrtiri|18. Ynti hflvr n lol n( rrcniivr thoughu rtnd your rnlhiMiArn work pmjrt Is 人very much npprerirned.A. regarded wiihI,rcgnrding with(二叫"汕叩19. All I he ti;am mrniher% tried llicif ImM. W< lot tbr kaiihs _ A. howeverHL thereforeC Mnc20. Tliu workttirn tnilir nurnhrr of working lionr mid to increase pny>A# deletrIt derrtm#(d叩rr分.<6 小 BH 分)21-25 IB:閱誠短文,從AJkC三個選瑣中說出一個正詞答案,并構答窒序號寫在答J紙上。If there S one word fhnt cupturen the w 心 of what in occuirinit in I he world today > it f HchnngcM I kiwnsi/inRt rcorKni/ihg. innl cutting cnstRt nr< now the nnrm for survivaL No industry in exempt- Kwn the rnoM confervmiivc insiituiioiis arc undergoing signiheani ihnngr jUAi tr> Mirvivr.(5ty nlrrt in tht xvorkpbirr: know wiiat is h3pp<?nmg nround yau> When you come ncroKs clues that him rhinic on ih<- vvnyt ncknnwlrdge rht m| Mnint/itri nn communicniiori chnnfirls: Donf I hiy hrk and expect things to pass you by smoothly. You ncr<l n> nrquuinted with the occurring chang Seek u:c)rc drtfliU Irani your ninnagernent nil pttn. tci form an arxuratc undersUTidin af the r Hi- transparent anti hnnr<l ahaut your fcnr5: druling with the unknown is often 心and (hiunliug. Mzikc I he picture as clear as you caru Assess yourself: ( hnngi is n time when nnr e > rnnlKlcnce about one s skills Htid cApalitlities gets mhxky. RmOMniz< your 5trenRth> and where you could bntig ihrm into pbiv> At the me timrt stay aware of your(kwlopmenrl nreas fl nd work on imjiruving those, Don* i hr stiff: It will mnkc tin change process murh lurder if you nre ngL BehwtKc nuinagenicni hn, a!wmv<. Ihtu /in )f ilrlutit nnwingi -ch(ilnr?i; haw rnn cn)ployrrM crcaiv MiHrthlv rondhinn lor n Miccr5>lul rlvmgc provchs f And whnt enn rtnploycc il(> m get throuph H FI ip* lor clritling with rhnnur in the workplace M/ikr yniir<rll ;wari I hat c hnnue luppvrihi il lM|ip<eh5 in prrbtHhil lifri it hhpprn> in your profrMManril h(c, You rniifini hv< in the poi so <lvnying ihnt chnnKv vould oevur mily rnnki < thin* hhmv rotnplicHiMl for you.lit xihlc nmigh m look m Uh- dillt rt nt nnl< J ihr chnnwr n<! g whvtr you could;tpply your M xi dinM .kill a mid kfic/xvlrdgct /Hid wlnii rirwn nkilk you iu e<i toMcquirte Stay oplirmstH f K收 " t |/hmIivp unindr mil du "" let yourself drown in unccridiniy. Involve yotnftrlf n I hr new pfixsi baitr youru lf jirorly in lhe new scennna A<I)um!MYon enn 11 Rfi to ih- lop ol Everest by jumpjn up 山r munlAin. Yau grl to ihr rnmiritrnnlop by fnkiriH ificrrenmi/d Step hy Mlrp< you gri in iIh gonlMt miva Robin Slihrxtnie chic cif fhr wnrldS iiiom mhirIh nftrr lndrrhip .md pcrsonnl siktcba rxpcrbh2L KnhJipnrivt* rorry nut <lovvr|/3nge rmrnniring and ruttiriK comh in arilrr tn.A. aurvivcK riH down on thv number n【 worker。C. rmhtilflv thr nrgAinxMiirn22. "f> industry in trxrfnptw tnu/HH " 七A. Na niduntry k n xmnplrK industry in m eMcrpuanC Not evrry induMry v/in In rirmplcd23. f lit lnllnwmHurr oftenufiimiH cholnm EXCElrl A. I low run borheti crmU1 (nvornblt comlition* hr iIt I low cun |inxlu<Mivity In inrrmt ilWInti rjin workrrb do m grirhnngv2L I luw many iggrsn<m?i 山心 ihr ninhor phi (orward9A* 414 62亂 iTnni iM w電e svv kntiw tluii Rfliin Sluinna i、A. un expT( oh hvulrr%hi【)mu! |>ri$<iiinl MjcirrIt n great IrAiIrrC. ftonircHjr who likt-4 io piny ihc gmiw af I Ink nnd Srrk26-3。SS:滑根據(jù)蛆文內(nèi)卷判斯雄出的ifi句畏否正確正碑的寫叫七銷仗的有卜。并將答寥 3在答amoWhi-n you think of Irnni huihling du you iniinc<hAttly piciuri ynur group nl! u a report phyinK K<irnr> or Ivhimhiu fruni fopv% I rcHdoiuiUy< niny oruaiiu/aitioh?. apprcuich tmtn huihlinK in ihir w,y hill > ihvru lu y Wvimlri why thiil w(inilrtful m n?a ul Iramwork ihui lum hren ili&plnycd ai the rcimii or th- "muun IaiK to irnpA< t lon u rrn bvlirf atid nctiori Irnck m work.Im not m rulrvni-> phinnHiji 他mw -tiiiiHucn ind lron hmldinx nrtivincs m Im i | (hrni but they htvr iu lonii part of a much hrvr ti in work efforh You will nnf build trAtnvvnrk by f vsli叩 " e a nrimp for - <roiipl< of 山ty、 ai h v<nt. itmteftd you n?el 10 think ol tenm hmkhnH 戲e MOfUHlhlhK ynn vw)?dr電k, ibiy, I mi. iv.inr- ip m)Ivc rrnl Wark ihkuv. .hi. i l*,Eiraiiiting in 3yrHrmniK; ni( f hc>ih the ten in < xp< rnU Hh vurruy n Hie |m/ " mH nn trvtnit h> work util how ro work lOfirllicr ns n h um tn npproanh ihe prphlrnt I lo|<i dr|hirimrttl rniMHitih tn fevivw iirojvclh >irhl proyn i?it io obtain hriwd inpiH.and i<> rcioriiiiuitv !hArccl work prtKcsc Hi> kein Ijciwvcn ivnnitnrmlicf-t <!h< tvntk, thry nuiii-udly own the problem IB notipuinlly fhipcr-<nnalittrsi n i、ofhn仆山 山砒 *u< trntii mernlirrviwi "J J on hnw ilwy will drbvvr,pTr-tlin I w ,八"r Uu:卜 m|uired to "I <nnirihiiiM iloms iiuild fun and .hurftl Maoris in In ihr otgninzHtinn 1 n iiKrnd/i liohl pol link h田hr、1k< I hr ti ahi u* i sport mg event t *pon?<nr ilinncrw nt a rrAtaunini t go hiking <ir go n> an nriunvinrrii prk. Hold n nionihly cornpnny rnretint panM>r $port* trnrn> <ihti rrirnuraH1* rhrring I ch tn funs. Use lev brcAkvrs nrui leninwork rwiw m nicrltnM* - ihre hrlp ic/irn mrmbtrs gel tn know varh otht r Mharr ilrinilti i<boui c/h h Olhc:f x hvz. nnd have n Inuh togethrr. C<4fbndr trnrn wrwc、pubhcly> Thtnc tire iimtiy wny> you could do th)st far iitnnrc by huying evvrydtir tlif nd me T nhirl or Kai < puitnig Icahi inrinbrr riarnrs in a <lrow for campnny m< rrlvitwItM- and kHi crrhfienit I hr only thing limiting you in your itiiaginntinrhIf yon dn ilir type* 況 n nmwnrk buildniK listed nbovc> yenll he tnimmd m rho pro骸海 you will nuikc in( reeling h ccninwurk cuhinct " ridturr ihnt qwhh imlivitfunh to contributr more than flicy ever tbnuhi pohmIiIp ingvihrr.26. Tram hi.iililiri|! rvcnt ia tr/Hlitinn/illy "IaeI tn plnyinn gnm ni rcbori-27. 1 hr nuihnr rlnin ihnl pUylmr nmr% (father li* n* im|X>ri/int m fmmir電 tram* in ftolvr rrnl work 心 nwl in imprnvt rnil work prnrr心 for mm Innhl28. uRtHrrnTM in rhe lirsi pnrnRnfph means wnhdniwul nf inwips nhrr n clcfcrti.29. Ire breaking mcHiVAtttenni niembers in compctr with each other. t30. A irnm%vnrk cullurc i nAhlrs ihdivitlu/ih to mnkr ttiore cffbrla tngrthrr.四、寫作(共20分)31. 根伽要求。櫛文.Wnir a rnrnpnoition with ni Irnt Kill word?! nn My l)r< ahi Jnb. Your wriilnK shouldinclude I hr folhiwtugj(I Jpoilidn i-uMnrnrr 5rrvicr rrpnmtfiliv(2) nhtlity i rommunicntion a nd euntnnwr *ervirt >kilk.(3) reason> an rxprri in the product line and strong rchtlnnRhips with customer試題答案及評分標準:一、交際用語共計10分.佝小她2分正確的俏句完成下面對話,并將答案序號寫在I. A2. C3. B4. H5. C二, :與靖構共計分,伺小BI2分620 M :閱讀下面的句子,從AJI.CH個選項中選出一個儺填入空白處的正確選項,并將等 案序號寫在答尊嫌上。6. AI. c8. H9. B10. B11. A12- A13. C14. 1115. CI6e C17. AIK.(:19. A20. B三. 閱a理解共4。分,每小U 4分21-25 :讀短文,從AJkCS個選項中逸出一個正牌答案.并將答案序號寫在答1S嫌上21. A22. H23. B24. C 25, A2G3。題:謂根據(jù)9文內(nèi)壽判斷恰出的清句能否正確,正確的嗎 "T,帶謖的耳尸.并枸答案 弓在答26. T27, E28. F29. F30. TBL寫作共2。分31.根最根*耳作文.Wntt* n coni iiohi non with nt Irnsl 100 wurk on My Dr ph in Jab. Y<iin wrilitig should inclndr the followings*1position! customer &*rvice reprrscniativr.2nliiliiyt coniinunirdiioti mut ctHtonirr srrvicr skill*.3rrnsutu nn txpTl in I hr prdclutf lint And Nirong rrliiiiunslii|> with eucoim 作文怦分標準Cl if分域鯽本IS總分為如分.按6個咨次始分.也評分時,先根斯史身的內(nèi)容和語 WJ少納定K所K n次.然后以諛尚次的要水* Hi B 確定成調(diào)票檔次最后維分,評分時應住敏的L要wn為:內(nèi)容C點3U烈變化同it ifiJIlfnifl傾向的部確ft .義 的旌貿(mào)性卜:以枚*m化的式耍求a>件分那么,苦餅寫m迎較名.h寫校荏.以龍畛響交際那么將分散降低一丁白次.2各檔次的稔分范圍和要求完全完成了試題規(guī)定的任務,慢亞所右內(nèi)壽要點 16-20 分語法構造、句型和詞匯有變化>店法構造和JH間準確,語義連貫、邏W性強;應用文寫作格式現(xiàn)范.11-15 分 牧好地兜成ruuH覘定的任務1田隊所有內(nèi)徉段點,甸型初冏匯肖變化, iA法結杓枷心*木冷確.許糟苗主?;鹩蓢L試儻用的侶法靖 的成WI匯所致4 ift義觸本連時.有一定的世析性, 能用文耳件:格式較為觀也.G-10 分 K本充試曲埠定的任務8留曲所角內(nèi)妾點J 而法構造和如【i&川力血的旭力俯慵足任斗的 ( 些ih依的的或即fl/A ifti的Hi混.仇不彬響刑IW , 訥義汽羽性及沮轍性方而。在一型何購, 應用丈召作格式站本規(guī)血.35分批瑯力但不焙以兜成成婚城定的任務,僅(X部分主耍內(nèi)祥.或吁丁一此無關何 m校綃恂利訶忙返用械力很 fl 11蜘松tn構成訶匯方M的VIW.影響r <11 ;件內(nèi)H的J9W1 卅義不iliW.ffiW性方問踮較大8: 應川文寫作格式不tL2分未完成試題說定的任務8切r不尤整成無松攻虬 沼法佰由叫財方mi仙時 篇也響中州內(nèi).的rrwnfiHfenjiife力躬,諂義不清班無迎f由川女島件格式不規(guī)般.。分 未答肱.成m作揮佰H人不如fHH.


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