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國家開放大學(xué)電大??凭C合英語(1)2022-2023期末試題及答案(試卷號:2158)At lh CANSWERI VcabulMry und StructureDlrectloa: ikneath cuch of the following sentences, there hfc four chukc* mnrkal undD. ChonM thr one that bwt cotnpleteN the NcntcrKe. Murk your unwcr on the SHEET. (20 points)Example i The old couple at la nt in finding a flu! hi rrn/A. managedB did*CtD>S rffU.Th,hfntrncr should read " Th. Md cowp/r auc rfdfd at lust in finding u /Zuf Thcreforf. yau nhtmld c/uwir I).L Pt! My it wz the ntcciit wcvr rvrt tnkt tuA. vocationK v/icfttionC indicationfloccupation2< As n nursery tcflchcft you miKtn11 bewith tbr childrctuA> impossible隊 impmcticwlC ImporuntD. impntient3. There wai more work than I could .A. handle withItcope withC work overDtake int They pmd n vimt to <hr new mwhbur.A. couneou*HcourtyardC> ctiurceMytlcournKrous5. . hr knew nothing about it#A. An matier of (uttIt A n muttrr of fwetC In a factIX As n (nd6. Could you tell me how thr machine?JV ! workBe workingw1 worked垸 to work7. bid you hdvein nund?A> Kpccml AnythingIt nothing apccialC unythinK RpcrinlIX pecial nothinK8. 1 have a car rnycH but 1 to work.A would drive rather not would rather not driveC. would rather driveD. not would rather drive9i I t nny good Tnovis recently<huve | .:A NatB. EithrrC SoD. Neither10. I don ft Are any aspirin in the medicine rnbinet.一-Itb<- used up. I here is nothing left tn the box.A conH. mustG mayI shouldD . Silualiona) DialofnicsDirectionv: ( Ikkjm1 A. B or C to complete each cnnvrrxHlinn. <1血只 the senlenceib below. Mark your sinswvr do the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)Exitniplr| - Ohi look. Joni Mitrhrll hi town. What? Sht、one of thr grrntest (oik singrrs in I hr world)A. Who、ihttt? rve never heard o( her.11 Sure* Im in fuwiuC Yc r(n ulod ahrcoming.Answer A ix correct hrcnir thr convrrHnon should rc/id "Oht look< Joni Mitchrll m in town.Who that I9 ur wnrr hrurd of h.r.What? Shes one of the greatest folk singers in the world!"11. Im <orry. there*n no morr pnntn. Wr junt rnn out of !(A. ()uld I have onother rI<4 winet plrnjic?B. Why(Junff you nend il bick unci get nomrtliinK elc7C. ()K. now. PH have the ptirnNvera.12. Wait! I won * 1 be nblc (o make i代 I have a dcntijii npponnmrnt m 3,3()on Friday.A. It took nir wrckA to Rrt thnt upfxiintmrnuB. Could you pQMsihly chmiKe it to nomr other dny?C. Wht-n arc you Koing to meet thnl tutor of your*?13. 一 Whnt would you do if you had all the time in the world?A. H I could (ind nnother joh you know Id take it in o mmute<K I would prnd two third* u my time with thune people who are in nreat need af help.C. I w)ll travel to other countries and do everything I likeI t. Ive Already mnde phns to go vinir my brother whoS nway wt rnllrgc but naw rm not mire PI) hr nblc toA. Thalfji too bad. Why not?K Which univenity did you oriRinitlly decide to go to9C. Shenot written 10 me xince lnt aummen15. Why arr you thinking of leaving your present job?A. 1 want to gel her HornethinR thnt shr,ll like-11 The new joh will give me plenty of ehnnres to UovrLC. I * vc lived in Ikijing my whole lifelfi< Whai n grrrti niovirfit funny when he forgai her rmrne?A. I KiitHs my mind wan somewhere cl<r<B. Ifm afraid he might have gotten stuck in fhr truffic(w. Ycnh> it win one ol the funtiicst parts of the niuvicn.17. Do you mind if I !/ikc oft my com?.A. Of ciHirr not mnkv youraclf At home.Ik Nd. thnnki. Ihrtl1 n rn/tlly mcr cif yuiL1 hi too kind ol you.(/niilfl you trll rnr which hu5 g(>e> to the Fine Art Muwcum?A. Sorry. Pvr never been therr.IL Yon rn Mwqyit rakr n tnxLC I ihink No- I6 in OK.Sh< cnllrd to remind you that you hnvc ticket* fi>r thr tennis tournamenr mo you fshould try to get hnmr bcforr six.At YenJ I carripletdy forgot about rhe flight! When it the phin leaving?B. (?ould you vail thr hAirniylist iin<l change thr uppoinfrnmt tr> larnorrow?C- ()h> no! I mudr nn Hp|xiintrnent to grt my hair cut then.2(L Jim decided xo mprty rhnt ftirl who hr rurt on virritiun last mutitha.A. You*rr kidding! Hninr* I hopt* hcf % not making a lerribk- miaMkcIt fhut f mock! nrwv I hopeII bt able to take part tn the journeyC Rr/illy? They nre k<>ing on holiday again?111. Clor lctDirections y For each numbernJ blank In the following paisiugc> there urr four chuices ntnrkcd A H. C Midi,ChooM? the l)csl one and mark your answer <n the ANSWER SHF E I. (20llw rnnnngcr of n Nmall buildinR company wojt vrry 2J io gel n bill (or two whnt micr which one of hin workmen had bou-hR Hr nmi for thr worknmn and aiikcd him why hr had had the bill 22 to the compAny>"WML” thr workman wnnwered. M you remember the hon?ic wu wvrr "3inNewbridge U&t week* don91 you? One of th<? thiuK?i we h”d io do there wa?i tu put Innew clretnc wiring. Wrlh in one piner wc hd to pa樸 omr wires ihrouwh n pipr aiul about nn meh nrroM. which wm built into wlid stone and hnd four Ihu Ix ihIm (仙)n n.25 could think how to do thin iinlrnw I lud a good i<l<n. I went tn u .hop and bought two white rnicce onu of Them male and thr other (rninir> Thm 1 tivd n thread <o thr body ol ihr mnlr tnouAe nnd put him itito thr pipe at onr end. 26 Bill held thr frrnnlc inotr ai ihr other mil and prewted her grndy to mke hrr M|uruk- When the mnlr mouse hrAtd hr feninlc mouNi?f tqueAkx* he rushed nlong thr pip< 10 help hrr. I <uppo*e he wot 、t nllmiith27 hr wda only a rnotmr. Anywqy.心 hr rwn through the pipe hr 28 ilir threcid behind hinu It wa thrn quite eany (oi un tn tir one <?nd of thr th rent I to tbr cle< tm wirvi* and pull them 29 the pipe. HThr mnnngcr 30 thr lull for I hr white ftner.2L A.iturprifirdKnorryC.atrnngv0.lenrlul22. A>to lie seniKto sentCsendI >.mnt23> A.mendingH.denningC.rcpainnKI),utiting21. A.thirty feel-long Kthirty foots lan|> C.thirty frvl longD.thirty fccru long25. A.None of u9No one inCNp o( ul>.None g26. A.AMBtwCwhiler>.whrti27. A.even thoughKas though匚in (actDsure enough23. A.pulledRpushedC<hftrdr>.brought29. A.nlongUthrough.Cinsider>.towAird:&30. A.receivedK/igrredC<pAidD.coAhcdIV. Rending ConiprchcnsicmIMnTtiont Hach <if thebdow 1% followed by wmc questiotu. For each question Ihrrcarc four an*wcrs marked B. C undD. Read the paMHgc CMrcfully and choose the best answer to ruch of (he qiwxtiont. Murk ynur answer <><i the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)31 - 35 are based on lhe following paisagt.For -vonir minutn, all wan quirt in thi? street. Th儼n. from ocrons the sirccG someone enme wnlking.It hxikcd hkv n man af niiddlr height clrrsrd tn a bin ramcont h Milt hftt and rublx r *olcd hoot or whoesi mid nmk”幟 hulc Round while walkingi At mom ao(1 sliding ROund> No one wn> in Mijjht. ii wiu n wtreef wilh two rows of nbout fifty small houses 4nd there were three lampN on either unit. The lamp neflrejii fhc child9 s house could be seen cltnrly> but the others were nitnuHt hidilrn by the nrnoke air. A car paired the rnd ol the street nnrl lighT* showed (ainvly hul clrnrly rnciuRh io xhow the nmooth ukin of n wnrwirT H (acc. The enr dKappr/irril an the womant wrapped up in hvr CLMitf reached the doorway of lhchild I hotiKc.Shr put key tn the lock quickly pushed the door open and stepped inide then closed thr daof without looking roundShr began lo brrathc hnr<L Shr IcAncd AgAiDKt the door for m tnament then b1 rai|:htenrd upif with an elfot* and walked <ownrd> the door of thr front room the passage IrAciing to thr knrhcn and the nnrrow stn)rcAjie She hcMiimed outride the door* then went up the MiiirMt |inckly but with hnr(Uy ti %ound> There wn> ennugh IirHi from the nnrrow hull to how ihe four doors Irddiiig off n bmnll landing. She pushed each door open in turn nnd ethoOe n torch mmdr. nrnl the light (rll upon btdui wnlht furniturr> a bathroom hand川in. a mirror which fhhed hriuhlnens bncki bin this wnM mil whm ih< woman w/im looknig fan She turned away and wvnt <lowntJHr*t nnd hcnitAied nKain ai the (rx< of thr lairf thrn turned mwnrrh rh( knehen* Clmrly ihrrr wjiji nathinK there# or in the ttmall wn>h-roomt妙 wnnted< Two rooms arniiinedi the front room and a smaller one next to it. She opened the front room doon After n moment# she MW the child bed And the child31. The light; of the enr passing ihr end of the street showed thatA. a woman wbn driving the carK somronr wns standing by a street lampQ a man and a woman were walking up the streetD a woman was walking by herwelf up the street32- When the woman had closed the front door, sheA. looked round quicklyB> Htartcd brenthing xRatn( rested Mure movingD. walked straight towards <he front room33. The woman went upMnirnt. tn complete silenceK after heAiuting for a moment( After looking imnde the kitchen D. os quickly as who could34. When wns upmars. the woman A- iuiw that there was a wash-hostn in each roomK noticed a mirror which she was looking forC. found a torch instdc one of the roomsk opened four different doors35. ()ncc she wab in the hounc. the woman behaved as il whai *he was looking forA. might be in the kitchenB> w> morr likely to be uptnrrsC. would be easily sren by the liftht Irom the hallD. would look fnhtening to a child(futtons 36VJ are based on fhr following passage.GrnciratiDns of men vans have been brought up to hrhrvc that a good brcnk(3t is otic ol life號 essentials Eating breakfast af the surf ol the dny. we have all bren told, and toldAgain< i,ra neccnMry as putting gasoline m thr family car before starting a trqxI Hit for many people thr thought of food hrt thing in the morning is by no means a pleasure< ao despite nil the efforts. they still rake no brrakfa&u Between 1977 and I983t the la!c*t year for which fiRures are avatlablef the number of people who didnt have breakfast increased by 33% from 8.8 million to IL 7 nulHon accorciing to the Chicagobased Market Research Corporation of AmericaFor fho5c who feel pnin ol guilt About not rating breakfast howrvert there is some good nrw Several studies in ihr hnt few VEiiris indjcute ihat> far ndults C5pedally9 there may be nothing wrong with omitting hrmkfasi. Going without brcitkfast doM no! affect perforrnancritM said Arrold E Bendtr former professor ol nutrition at Queen Elizabeth (Tollrge rn lx)ndon * nor d心 giving people brefiklnst improve performance ”Scientific evidence linking hrenkfast to het ter health ar better performance in surprisingly inndequatcr ind most of rvernt work involves children t not adults u The lilcrmun!.” my* one rrsrrirrhrr. Dr. Ernesto Pollitt at the University o( Tcxhs. poor.”36. he Ifttriit yeur for which figures could be obtained is.A. I he yenr the author wrote I he articleB. 1977C any yenr between 1977 and 1983Il M8337. For those who do noi take hreakfaM the good nrwji in that.A- several studies have been done in thr past few yearsB. the amission ol breskfaRt doe no Kann to odulise healthC. adultsi have especially mnde studies in This fieldI h rating little :n the fnorninK ts good for health3B.giving people bruakUnt improve h* pvrformoncc mran.A anyonr without hrrakfasT does improve htn fjvrfurrnnnceK. not givrng people hreAkfnt improves performanceC Khvihk brrakbt doesnet improve pcrformancet eitherII people having breakfast do improve their prrfurmflncct too39. The word litcr4iUirrH in lhe lal rntener triers toA utorit-t. pncinA. |>Uyn. etc.B. written wurku on |mrtj<:ulAf *ub)icl( any firinird mutrnn)U. I hr modern liicrRturr of Ainrricw40. Whut i implied but NOT STATED by the author iti fhm 一 A> brctiklnxl dtws nut nffret performanreH. I)n Pollitt inin rtrarch work /it itn inntituttun u! higher lc#trnitiHC not cAiHig brcAkluib! niiKht alfrrf thr hrnhh of childrenD. Profesnor Brndrr oner t/iught collrgr ccnirnrh in riutmton in LondonV < rrunNlMtlonDirectlonMi Put each of the fullnwin|> cnlcncew Into Knglhh or ( hincnct uing the word(t> Rhen In I he brBeket If any. Write your answer on thr ANSWER SHEET. (20 point*)4 L (;,nphuluxima behevr (hut you enn Icnrii m lul nbout people? p(dnnalnio by lookinK Mt the way they write12 W you hnvr io much person with etild or bnndk onn thinH thut ihr person Im UMedt wmh ynur handii immcdinicly nherwmd、.43> If the weather i cohl 1 pu! on iipnw wwnn clolhr* nnd go (or long wnlk> oh the *h(>rr with my <l<)gM. M帝中的他仗始博先制次那舛造成人們尢次叫1門的根素)問購(Mtuck)15.如泉晚Kit II ifJt的,以問卜你犯古可以帶鬼仆么.比W喝的成&種盅什么的.(bring)試題答案及評分標(biāo)準(zhǔn)(僅供參考)I (ZO% f ; |x>inls for meh Hrm.)1. H2. D3, BH. B4. C9. D5.B10. Bfi. D1. CII (2(1%. 2(nr meh Hem.)11. C12. 13. B14. A15. B0 C17. A18, C19. C20. A111 (20%, 2 point for each Item.)21. A22. D23. C24. C25. A27. A2& A 29. B26.30. CIV .(20籽,? for each Item.)31. r>32 C33. B34. D35< B36. b37. H38. C39. B40. C(20a, I ptlnU for cnch llrni.)偵m、地?r,F(xiàn)4: 定所愉答案光金一札也體準(zhǔn)墉南會句jft無仍法俐促m T分,介句血/巾大訥法靖誤.將3 2分8下t符仆句息.有明顯訥正情諛,招I 分;4、n 1句息句f無底誠tii.wo分.凡恤情況的悄扣分)。從為他們印以極1K人們"字的力式君出他們的個性.12.版果你必荊勺忠4捋口的人接觸成石*他川過的爾州時脂應(yīng)2叩洗r.43. 如球天,冷我就4 一地收瞄和的衣服,和我的啊住海邊長時間地敝巾44. 3 hr mot pruniiuinH HUHKcniiunn nr tho5r thnf will .ittnrk the prcibleni* llinl nindv IOplc homelcMS tn the firnt pUc645. 1( 1 hr dinner k in(ormnt nk il you enn bring tomethinitf uch ” Aonwthing to <lnnk or clrnncrtf


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