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2020高中英語人教版必修2同步練習:unit 1 section 1【含答案】

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2020高中英語人教版必修2同步練習:unit 1 section 1【含答案】

2020學年人教版英語精品資料Unit 1 Section .單詞拼寫1No _(懷疑) he meant to help, but in fact he just got in the way.2It _(使驚訝) us that we won the first prize.3Mary and Jane are sisters. The _(前者) is a singer; the latter is a dancer.4They were_(挑選)from many schools.5Do you_(喜歡)walking in such weather?6I wouldn't tell lies to you; that's not my_(風格)7The work that must be done before building a house is to make a good _(設計)8_(除去) the mud from your shoes before you come in.答案:1doubt他確實是想幫忙, 然而事實上卻只是幫倒忙。no doubt 表示“無疑;很可能”。2amazed真不敢相信,我們竟然得了第一名。3former瑪麗和簡是姐妹倆。前者是歌唱家;后者是舞蹈家。4selected他們是從眾多的學校中被挑選出來的。5fancy你喜歡在這樣的天氣散步嗎?6style我決不會向你撒謊;這不是我的風格。7design蓋房屋前必須做的工作是搞好設計。8Remove進來以前把你鞋上的泥弄掉。.句型轉換1I don't doubt that my deskmate will be able to pass the 2010 National English Test._ _ _ _that my deskmate will be able to pass the 2010 National English Test.2As a reward for passing her exams, her parents bought a new bike for her._ _ _passing her exams, she got a new bike from her parents.3All the people went out to look for the lost child.All the people went out_ _ _the lost child.4Social class used to matter a lot more than it is now.Social class matters a lot_ _ _it used to.5This is my uncle's house.This house_ _my uncle.答案:1.There is no doubt2.In return for3.in search of4.less now than5.belongs to.完成句子1Tom went off _(尋找)some branches.2Don't take things _(屬于) others.3He has given me so much help that I really want to do something for him _(作為回報)4_ (毫無疑問) he can do the job well.5The whole house went up in smoke _ (在不到一個小時內)6The country has been _ (與處于交戰(zhàn)狀態(tài)) its neighbor for two years.7Many people hate _ (她對待同學的方式)8It's said that the movie _ (很值得看)9The route _ (為而設計) reduce traffic jams.10_(讓人感到詫異) he knew nothing about the event.答案:1.in search of2.belonging to3.in return4.There is no doubt that5.in less than an hour6.at war with 7.the way she treats her classmates 8.is well worth seeing9.was designed to10.It was amazing that.單項填空1(2014·寶雞高一檢測)I don't think it is _ taking the trouble to explain the question to him.AworthBworthyCworth ofDworthwhile答案:D句意:我認為那么麻煩地去給他解釋這個問題不值得。It is worthwhile to do/doing.“做是值得的”;be worth doing“值得做”。2(2014·邯鄲高一檢測) The purse was given back to the passenger when she proved that it_ her.Areferred toBadded toCbelonged toDpointed to答案:C考查動詞短語含義。句意:當那位乘客證明錢包屬于她時,就把錢包還給了她。refer to“指出,涉及”;add to“增加”;belong to“屬于”;point to“指出”。3(2014·南京高一檢測)Do you think you will give me a hand in time of trouble?I'd like to do something for you _ everything you've done for me.Ain exchange forBin charge ofCin return forDin terms of答案:C考查介詞短語意義。答句句意:我想為你做些事情來回報你為我做的一切。in exchange for“交換”;in charge of“掌管”;in return for“作為回報”;in terms of“鑒于;就來說”。4(2014·南寧高一檢測)After the floods, the survivors went out _ what had been left.Ato searchBin search forCin search ofDin the search of答案:C考查search短語搭配。句意:洪水之后,幸存者出去尋找留存下來的東西。in search ofin one's search for;若選A項,則需要加介詞for。5(2014·唐山高一檢測)Do you still doubt _ we can overcome the difficulties by ourselves?AhowBwhetherCthatD/答案:C考查doubt后賓語從句的連接詞。句意:你還在懷疑我們能自己克服困難嗎?doubt用于疑問句后接賓語從句時,用that引導賓語從句。6Teenagers shouldn't be _ from school although they don't do well in studies.AdisappearedBgoneCremovedDbeaten答案:C考查動詞的辨析。句意:盡管他們學習不好,也不應該把青少年從學校開除。remove sb.from school“把某人從學校開除”;disappear“消失”;go“離去”;beat“擊敗”。7(2014·杭州高一檢測)Old as she was, she still _ herself to be young and beautiful.ApicturedBregardedCfanciedDhoped答案:C考查動詞詞義。句意:盡管她年紀大了,她仍舊認為自己還很年輕很漂亮。picture vt.“認為;想象”,但沒有picture oneself to be結構;regard.as,但此時as不能換成to be;hope一般不用于hope sb.to do結構。fancy sb./sth. as/to be“認為某人/物是”。8(2014·商丘高一檢測)Do you need any help,Lucy?Yes. The job is _ I could do myself.Aless thanBmore thanCno more thanDnot more than答案:B考查短語含義。答句句意:這工作我自己做不了。less than“低于,少于”;more than“超出;勝過”;no more than“僅僅”;not more than“至多,不超過”。9(2014·鶴崗高一檢測)Visitors are all very _ to hear about the _ love story in Lijiang.Aamazing; amazedBamazing; amazingCamazed; amazingDamazed; amazed答案:C考查形容詞詞義。句意:觀光的客人們聽到麗江的那個令人驚訝的愛情故事時個個都驚詫不已。第一空用amazed(驚異的,驚奇的)來描述人(visitors);第二空用amazing(令人吃驚的)來描述物(love story)。10(2014·南昌高一檢測)The father went to the bookstore to _ a reference book for his son.AchooseBelectCappointDselect答案:D考查動詞詞義。句意:父親去商店為兒子挑選一本參考書。choose“選擇”;elect“選舉”;appoint“任命”;select“精選”。.完形填空China's cultural relic protection has made progress, but many problems still exist and need to be solved. China has made over 30 rules_1_the law of cultural relic protection.China has also_2_four international conventions(協(xié)定)concerning cultural relic protection and investment in cultural relic protection has also_3_.Statistics show that from 2000 to 2005_4_China carried out its 10th Five­Year Development Plan, total investment in the field_5_7.889 billion yuan. With financial support from government, China_6_started a nationwide campaign(運動)to search and protect cultural relics in 2003.China has so far_7_a total of 2 351 cultural relic sites and 518 intangible(無形的)cultural relics on the_8_of national protected items. Restoration(恢復)and protection have been carried out on important cultural relic sites_9_the Potala Palace in Tibet and the Palace Museum in Beijing.Chinese museums have developed well in recent years. China has more than 2,300 museums that_10_about 150 million people annually.However, cultural relics in China now face great_11_. Many historic cities have been_12_. Illegal trade and smuggling(走私)activities have not been eliminated(除去), which has_13_the loss of national treasures overseas._14_, many important cultural relic sites have declined(下降)or are hard to pass on_15_too much exploration and improper use. And cultural relics_16_by minority ethnic groups(少數(shù)民族)have lost their character due to the_17_lifestyle of the people._18_, we should keep our mind clear and take more_19_to better protect cultural relics, and_20_the whole society to take part in this cause.1A.based onBthanks toCdue toDconnected with答案:A根據(jù)國家文物古跡保護的相關法律,中國制定了30多條規(guī)章制度。based on“以為基礎”符合語境。thanks to“幸虧”;due to“由于,因為”;connect with“聯(lián)系;接觸”。2A.formedBorganizedCjoinedDbuilt答案:C中國加入了四個有關文物古跡保護的國際協(xié)定,而不是這四個協(xié)定的締造者。由此可知join“參加;加入”符合語境。form“形成”;organize“組織”;build“建立”。3A.improved BincreasedCprogressedDdeveloped答案:B中國加強了對文物古跡的保護,因此對文物古跡保護的投資也應該增加。由此可知increase“增加”符合語境。improve“改善;提升”;progress“促進;進步”;develop“發(fā)展”。4A.which BthatCwhereDwhen答案:D先行詞表示時間,故定語從句應用when引導。5A.arrivedBexpectedCreachedDjumped答案:C表示“達到某個數(shù)字”應用reach。arrive“到達”是不及物動詞;expect“期望”;jump“跳躍”。6A.nowBstillCalsoDalready答案:C根據(jù)上下文可知,中國政府除了經(jīng)濟上的支持外,還在2003年開展了全國性的文物古跡保護運動。由此可知also“還”符合語境。7A.takenBproducedCbroughtDincluded答案:D目前中國所包含的文物古跡總數(shù)達2 351個。include“包含,包括”符合語境。take“拿,取”;produce“生產”;bring“帶來”。8A.listBrecordCfileDcase答案:A518個無形的文物古跡也在文物古跡保護的清單上。list“清單;名單”符合語境。record“記錄”;file“文件;檔案”;case“情形;案例”。9A.such asBexcept forCas well asDother than答案:A用來列舉事物時通常用such as“例如”。except for“除了”;as well as“以及;又”;other than“不同于;除了”。10A.makeBattractCenjoyDsatisfy答案:B中國的博物館每年都會吸引大約一億五千萬名觀眾前來參觀。attract“吸引”符合語境。make“制造”;enjoy“喜歡”;satisfy“滿足”。11A.chancesBopportunitiesCpressuresDchallenges答案:D根據(jù)下文可知,中國的文物古跡保護工作面臨的是巨大的挑戰(zhàn),而不是機遇或壓力。challenge“挑戰(zhàn)”符合語境。12A.tornBdisappearedClostDdestroyed答案:D由下文可知,中國的很多古城遭到了破壞。destroy“破壞;毀壞”。tear“撕破”;disappear“消失”;lose“丟失”。13A.resulted fromBturned toCled toDset up答案:C文物非法貿易和走私活動導致中國的文物古跡流失海外。lead to“導致”符合語境。result from“起因于”;turn to“轉向”;set up“建立;設立”。14A.As a resultBWhat's worseCThereforeDAt least答案:B由上下文邏輯關系可以看出,下文是對文物古跡保護所面臨困境的進一步闡述,故應用what's worse,意為“更糟糕的是”。as a result“結果”;therefore“因此”;at least“至少”。15A.because ofBin case ofCinstead ofDin spite of答案:A導致文物古跡數(shù)量減少的原因是過度開發(fā)和不合理的利用。句子前后存在因果關系,故because of“因為”符合語境。in case of“以防;假如”;instead of“代替;而不是”;in spite of“不顧,不管”。16A.collectedBboughtCheldDdiscovered答案:C由上下文可知,由于少數(shù)民族生活方式的改變,由他們所擁有的文物古跡也失去了其獨特特點。hold在此意為“擁有;持有”,符合語境。17A.decreasingBincreasingCchangingDwidening答案:C生活方式可以改變,但不能減少、增加或加寬,故C項符合語境。18A.ThereforeBBesidesCMoreoverDHowever答案:A由于以上原因,我們必須保持清醒的頭腦,采取相應的措施來保護文物,鼓勵全國人民加入到這個偉大事業(yè)當中來。本段內容與上文存在因果關系,故應用therefore“因此”。besides“此外”;moreover“此外;而且”;however“然而”。19A.lawsBrulesCwordsDsteps答案:D此處指進一步采取措施來保護文物。take steps to do sth.意為“采取措施/設法做某事”,符合語境。20A.encourageBorderCtryDforce答案:A應該鼓勵全社會加入到保護文物的行列中來。encourage sb. to do sth.意為“鼓勵某人做事”,符合語境。.閱讀理解Yosemite is a national park in California. It is very beautiful and big. The park includes more than 760,000 acres in the California Mountains. Most of the park is wilderness.The part of Yosemite that everyone likes is Yosemite Valley. It is a tiny valley that is 7 miles long and less than 1 mile wide. It has tall rock walls and streams that splash down in waterfalls. More than two million visitors come to the valley each year.One ranger(守護人)says the number of visitors is more than the land can handle. The valley has 4,500 camping spots. It has a hotel that can hold 4,000 families. This is still not enough to handle all of the visitors. The valley has grown so big that it has a lot of traffic and crime.A worker says the park is trying to keep the beauty of the park and let everyone visit. Some areas have been fenced off from people and planted with seeds to try to keep them beautiful.A former worker thinks Yosemite should get more money to take better care of the park. He would also like to teach people what the park service is trying to do.Some people are trying to save Yosemite Valley. A plan has been made to get rid of some buildings. There will be fewer cars allowed inside the park. More buses will help get people around.文章大意:如何保護和合理利用自然和文化物質遺產確實是一個世界性的難題。1According to the passage, which of the following should be got rid of?ASome of the trees.BSome of the water.CSome of the families.DSome of the buildings.答案:D由最后一段可知。2Which of the following is TRUE?AYosemite is a national park located in the California desert.BSome people think the amount of visitors is more than the land can handle.CThe valley has 4,500 parking spots and some hotels.DMost of Yosemite park is full of traffic and crime.答案:B由第三段第一句話可知。3There are parts of the park that are closed_.Aso some visitors can stay there aloneBin order to supply an area for campingCso visitors can go fishing and barbecuingDand workers will plant seeds答案:D由第四段可知。4The passage mainly tells us_.AYosemite is a beautiful national parkBYosemite is faced with a new problemCYosemite is wildernessDYosemite attracts a great many visitors each year答案:B縱觀全文可知,隨著游人日益增多,該國家公園正面臨著一個新的問題。


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