小學英語PEP人教版四年級下冊Unit 4 It39;s warm todayppt課件5
日期/時間 頁腳 1 Unit4 Part A Lets talk Good to know 日期/時間 頁腳 日期/時間 頁腳 Can I wear my new shirt? -Yes, you can. Its warm today. 日期/時間 頁腳 Can I wear my new jacket ? -No, you cant. Its cold today. 日期/時間 頁腳 Can I wear my new skirt ? -No, you cant. Its cool today. 日期/時間 頁腳 Can I wear my new T-shirt ? -Yes, you can. Its hot today. 日期/時間 頁腳 7 Can I wear my? Yes, you can./ No, you cant. cold warm coat jeans sweater pants jacket shirt skirt pants dress 1 2 3 4 Clothes : shirt, skirt, T-shirt, dress, sweater, jacket, jeans, pants, coat 1 2 3 Ask and answer 日期/時間 頁腳 8 cold warm coat jeans sweater pants jacket shirt skirt pants dress Can I wear my coat today? Can I wear my coat today? Yes, you can. Yes, you can. Its cold today. Can I wear my shirt today? Can I wear my shirt today? No, you cant. No, you cant. Its cold today. 日期/時間 頁腳 9 日期/時間 頁腳 10 第 一 天 Can Mike wear the shirt today? 第 二 天 Can Mike wear the shirt today? 第 三 天 Can Mike wear the shirt today? 日期/時間 頁腳 11 日期/時間 頁腳 12 日期/時間 頁腳 13 The first day Can Mike wear the shirt today? No, he cant. 日期/時間 頁腳 14 The second day Can Mike wear the shirt today? No, he cant. 日期/時間 頁腳 15 Can Mike wear his new shirt? The third day Yes, he can. 日期/時間 頁腳 16 日期/時間 頁腳 17 分角色扮演分角色扮演 日期/時間 頁腳 18 Make a travelling tip (旅游小貼士) 同學們,請幫助旅行社給顧客們小提示 日期/時間 頁腳 weather report city city city 北京北京 14 南京南京 18 南寧南寧 30 天津天津 12 杭州杭州 25 ??诤??32 成都成都 23 武漢武漢 17 深圳深圳 28 重慶重慶 20 長沙長沙 22 香港香港 27 青島青島 8 哈爾濱哈爾濱 2 拉薩拉薩 7 大連大連 10 烏魯木齊烏魯木齊 5 蘭州蘭州 4 合肥合肥 17 西安西安 13 昆明昆明 24 日期/時間 頁腳 20 Weather:warm cool cold hot Clothes : shirt, skirt, T-shirt, dress, sweater, jacket, jeans, pants, coat A: Its in. Can I wear my ? B: Yes,you can. /No, you cant. Tick or cross 日期/時間 頁腳 21 Homework 1.Listen to the weather report tonight. 2.Make the sentence:(仿寫(仿寫2組對話,并寫中組對話,并寫中文)文) 例:例:Its hot in Hong Kong. Can I wear my jacket ? No, you cant . 日期/時間 頁腳 22