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2019年高考英語 Unit 2 Healthy eating課時作業(yè) 新人教版必修3.doc

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2019年高考英語 Unit 2 Healthy eating課時作業(yè) 新人教版必修3.doc

2019年高考英語 Unit 2 Healthy eating課時作業(yè) 新人教版必修3. 單項填空1. (xx紹興模擬)The school needs tothe interests of different levels of students to create a better learning environment. A. seekB. bineC. identifyD. balance2. (xx南陽模擬)The school has very strict rules about cheating in exams, so no one canit. A. play a trick onB. account forC. get away withD. look forward to3. I am heavilyat the moment, but I hope to be out of it when I get paid. A. in debtB. in troubleC. of difficultyD. in danger4. (xx通化模擬)Youd better take into account your ownand weaknesses before choosing a major. A. strengthsB. benefitsC. dislikesD. favorites5. To take exercise indoors is lessthan in the open air. A. fortunateB. dangerousC. safeD. beneficial6. (xx成都模擬)What do you think of the world-famous football player Messi from Argentina? Ive never seenone before. He was born to play football. A. a creativeB. a most creativeC. the most creativeD. a more creative7. (xx吉林模擬)May I use your new dictionary? I want to look up a word. Its over there. . A. No problemB. Got itC. Feel freeD. It depends8. The days when low-ine residents cant afford toa doctor or purchase medicines when they get sick have gone. A. claimB. consultC. occupyD. refer9. (xx平頂山模擬)Have you moved into your new house? Not yet. Ive no time to get it. A. furnishingB. furnishedC. furnishD. to furnish10. Im sorry, I did not catch you. repeat the sentence? A. Would you like toB. Shall IC. Will ID. Do you want that I11. (xx天水模擬)If you dont pay your electricity bill, it will be. A. cut offB. cut upC. cut downD. cut in12. Why dont we hold a party to celebrate the achievements gained by our players? A. Because we havent got enough preparations. B. Good idea! C. Its all because of the terrible weather. D. Not all would like to attend it. 13. Youreturn the novel to the library by tomorrow, or you will be fined. A. shallB. canC. willD. may14. Mr. Smithhis living by teaching ten years ago and hegreatly from his work. A. earned; earnedB. earned; gainedC. gained; gainedD. gained; earned15. The manager had fallen asleep where he, without undressing. A. was layingB. was lyingC. had laidD. had lied. 完形填空(xx開封模擬)The teacher sat cross-legged in front of the gathering of fourth grade students. She asked them what kinds of things would1world peace. Immediately they began offering such2as “Get rid of all the bombs. ” “There ought to be a3against war. ” The teacher rose to note each offering on the board. Once the list was4, she sat again with the children and asked them if there was anything5war in their lives. They were6at first but eventually they seemed to begin to7that the teacher meant “war” as a metaphor. One student said, “My brother declares war on me when I8his things. ” “My dad blows up at bad drivers, ” offered one girl. 9said she did war with one of her dishonest friends. 10the thought appeared that all violence was in conflict with the idea of11. Through the discussion the teacher12the concept that they could decrease violence and increase peace in their own lives by giving up the idea of13with others. She asked them to14the rest of the week keeping track of the times when they would choose to carry out peace15violence. By the end of the week the students had experienced dozens of examples16violence and conflict had been avoided in their17lives. Eventually the class created a peace movement in the school. They helped rewrite school18that decreased conflict. Homework became more inventive and19. Parent-teacher meetings always20activities of the students(a dance, or an art or science exhibit). Cooperation became the primary path to peace. (278W)1. A. breakB. ignoreC. increaseD. witness2. A. casesB. eventsC. chancesD. suggestions3. A. lawB. willC. dealD. duty4. A. missingB. necessaryC. simpleD. plete5. A. butB. likeC. againstD. after6. A. puzzledB. frightenedC. excitedD. encouraged7. A. stateB. proveC. realizeD. guess8. A. receiveB. botherC. collectD. reserve9. A. EachB. AnotherC. The oneD. The other10. A. LuckilyB. SuddenlyC. HopefullyD. Finally11. A. peaceB. powerC. cultureD. wealth12. A. returnedB. passedC. introducedD. moved13. A. jokingB. fightingC. discussingD. working14. A. wasteB. appointC. spendD. finish15. A. aside fromB. away fromC. regardless ofD. instead of16. A. thatB. whereC. whetherD. whose17. A. politicalB. traditionalC. personalD. natural18. A. rulesB. decisionsC. recordsD. introductions19. A. similarB. familiarC. confusingD. interesting20. A. started withB. belonged toC. put up withD. came up to. 短文改錯(xx唐山模擬)假定英語課上老師要求同桌之間交換修改作文, 請你修改你同桌寫的以下作文。文中共有10處語言錯誤, 每句中最多有兩處。每處錯誤僅涉及一個單詞的增加、刪除或修改。增加: 在缺詞處加一個漏字符號(), 并在其下面寫出該加的詞。刪除: 把多余的詞用斜線()劃掉。修改: 在錯的詞下畫一橫線, 并在該詞下面寫出修改后的詞。注意: 1. 每處錯誤及其修改均僅限一詞; 2. 只允許修改10處, 多者(從第11處起)不計分。A friend of mine was taking an English lesson to class of foreign adult students. After placing quite a number of everyday objects on a table, and he asked them to give her the ruler, the book and so on. The class went very smooth and the students seemed interested in the work unless my friend turned to an Italian student and said, “Give me the keys. ” The Italian looked surprising and somewhat at a loss. Seeing this, my friend thinks that the Italian hadnt heard him clearly. However, he repeated, “Give me the keys. ” The Italian then kissed him on both cheek. 書面表達(xx池州模擬)這幅圖片描繪的是一幅反映 “十一” 黃金周交通堵塞及交通壓力問題的場景。請根據你對這幅圖片的理解, 用英語寫一篇短文。你的短文應包含以下內容: 1. 描述圖中所表達的相關信息; 2. 分析此現象的原因; 3. 提出你的建議。注意: 1. 可參考下面文章開頭所給提示, 必要地發(fā)揮想象; 2. 詞數100個左右。開頭已經寫好, 不計入總詞數; 3. 作文中不得提及考生所在學校和本人姓名。參考詞匯: 高速免費政策toll-free expressway policy; 交通擁堵traffic congestionOn the eight-day national holiday many drivers became victims of traffic jam on main expressways. As is shown in the picture, _【語篇隨練】請運用上下文暗示法, 按照以下提示題號找出完形填空文章中的對應詞題號原文選項1_11_17_答案解析. 1.【解析】選D??疾閯釉~辨析。句意: 為了創(chuàng)造一個更好的學習環(huán)境, 學校需要平衡學生不同水平的興趣。seek尋找, 探索; bine(使)結合, 使聯(lián)合; identify識別, 鑒別; balance平衡。2.【解析】選C??疾閯釉~短語辨析。句意: 學校對于考試作弊有非常嚴格的制度, 因此沒有人能夠在作弊時逃脫懲罰。get away with逃脫處罰; 做了而不受懲罰。play a trick on開玩笑; account for解釋; look forward to盼望。【變式備選】(xx金華模擬)Dont cheat in the examyoull neverit. A. keep away fromB. stay away fromC. get away withD. do away with【解析】選C。考查動詞短語辨析。句意: 考試不要作弊你絕不會逃脫懲罰的。keep away from遠離; stay away from躲避, 離遠點兒; get away with逃脫處罰; 做了而不受懲罰; do away with廢除。3.【解析】選A??疾榻樵~短語辨析。句意: 我現在陷入嚴重的債務危機中, 但是我希望發(fā)了工資后會擺脫債務困擾。由后半句的 “out of it when I get paid” 可知A項正確。in debt欠債; in trouble陷入困境; in danger陷入危險。4.【解析】選A??疾槊~辨析。句意: 在選擇專業(yè)前你最好考慮好你的長處和短處。strength長處。此處strengths和weaknesses意思相對。benefit利益, 好處; dislike厭惡, 討厭; favorite最喜愛的。5.【解析】選D。句意: 在室內鍛煉不如在室外益處大。beneficial有益的, 受益的, 符合句意。fortunate幸運的; dangerous危險的; safe安全的。6.【解析】選D??疾樾稳菰~的用法。由下文的 “他天生就是踢足球的料” , 可以看出, 答話者很欣賞梅西的球技, 所以選D, 否定詞和比較級連用, 表達的是最高級的意思。7.【解析】選C??疾榻浑H用語。由答語 “Its over there. ” 可以看出, 答話者已經同意了對方的借詞典的要求, 所以選Feel free, 意思是 “請便” 。No problem沒問題(不用謝); 小事一樁, 別客氣; Got it明白了; It depends視情況而定。8.【解析】選B。考查動詞辨析。句意: 那些當生病的時候低收入居民支付不起醫(yī)生的診療費, 也買不起藥的日子一去不復返了。claim聲明; consult咨詢; occupy占據, 占用; refer查閱。9.【解析】選B??疾榉侵^語動詞。句意: 你已經搬到新家了嗎? 還沒有。我沒有時間布置家具呢。根據it和furnish的被動關系可判斷使用get sth. done結構?!咀兪絺溥x】Have you moved into your new house? Not yet. Ive no time to get someoneit. A. furnishingB. furnishedC. furnishD. to furnish【解析】選D??疾榉侵^語動詞。句意: 你已經搬到新家了嗎? 還沒有。我沒有時間找人布置家具呢。get sb. to do sth. 讓某人做某事。10.【解析】選B??疾榻浑H用語。shall是情態(tài)動詞, 用于第一人稱, 表示征求對方的意見。根據句意 “要不要我重復一下這個句子? ” , 可知答案選B。11.【解析】選A。考查動詞短語辨析。句意: 如果你不交電費, (你的)用電就會被切斷。cut off切斷。cut up切碎; cut down削減; cut in插話, 插嘴?!咀兪絺溥x】When Jason failed to pay his bill, the network panyhis Internet connection. A. cut offB. cut acrossC. cut upD. cut down【解析】選A。句意: 當賈森沒交費時, 網絡公司切斷了他的網絡連接。cut off切斷, 符合句意。cut across抄近路穿過; cut up切碎; cut down砍倒; 削減。12.【解析】選B。考查交際用語。Why dont you/we do sth. ? 表示給某人提建議, 選項B表示同意別人的提議。13. 【解析】選A??疾榍閼B(tài)動詞辨析。句意: 你最好在明天以前把小說還回圖書館, 不然你將會被處罰。這里shall用于陳述句中的第二人稱, 表示警告。can能, 會; will將要, 能; may可能, 可以。14.【解析】選B。句意: 十年前史密斯先生通過教書謀生, 他從工作中收獲頗多。earn ones living謀生; gain在這里是不及物動詞, 意為 “贏得; 獲得” 。15.【解析】選B??疾闀r態(tài)和lie的詞形變化。句意: 經理穿著衣服就在他躺著的地方睡著了。通過had fallen asleep可知此處lie是 “躺、臥” 的意思, 排除A和C。從時態(tài)意義出發(fā), 睡著時, 躺、臥的動作正在發(fā)生, 所以答案是B。.本文主要介紹的是老師如何向學生解釋 “war” 這個詞的含義, 并使學生們明白在生活中他們應該減少沖突, 加強合作。1.【解析】選C。由第一段第三句中學生們的回答可知, 老師問的是如何能促進世界和平, 故C項正確。2.【解析】選D。根據該空后面學生們的回答可知這是學生們根據老師提出的問題說出的一些解決 “建議” 。故選D項。3.【解析】選A。制定一部 “法律” 來制止戰(zhàn)爭。故選A項。4.【解析】選D。根據空后的內容可知老師已經把清單列完了, 故選D項。plete表示 “已完成的, 已結束的” 。5.【解析】選B。根據第二段第一句中的 “the teacher meant war as a metaphor” 可知, 老師問學生們的是在他們的生活中有沒有遇到 “像” 戰(zhàn)爭一樣的事情, 故用like。6.【解析】選A。剛開始學生們感到很 “困惑” , 但是最終他們 “意識到” 老師說的 “戰(zhàn)爭” 是一個暗喻。故選A項。7.【解析】選C。參見上題解析。realize意為 “意識到” 。8.【解析】選B。一個學生說: “當我打擾我的哥哥做事情時, 他就向我宣戰(zhàn)?!?bother表示 “打擾, 煩擾” , 符合語境。9. 【解析】選B。由 “One student said” 和 “offered one girl” 可知此處是指另一個女孩說, 故選B項。10.【解析】選D。由第二段學生們的回答可知任何暴力都是與和平理念相沖突的, 這也是對上文的總結, 故用副詞Finally。11.【解析】選A。peace與上半句的violence相對應, 任何暴力都與 “和平” 相沖突, 故A項正確。12.【解析】選C。根據學生的談論, 老師進行總結, 并且 “引出” 了一個理念, 故選C項, 其他三項均不符合語境。13.【解析】選B。根據該空前面的 “decrease violence and increase peace in their own lives” 可以推知是通過放棄武力的方式來減少暴力、增加和平, 故選B項。14.【解析】選C。她要求學生記錄一下在這周余下來的時間里用和平而不是暴力的方式來處理問題的次數。spend some time doing sth. 表示 “花費時間做某事” , 故C項符合語境。15.【解析】選D。見上題解析。instead of表示 “而不是” 。前三項分別表示 “除了” “遠離” “不顧, 不管” , 均不符合語境。16.【解析】選B。where引導定語從句修飾先行詞examples, 且where在從句中作狀語, 故選B項。17.【解析】選C。由13空前的 “in their own lives” 提示可知應選C, 此處表示 “個人生活” 。18.【解析】選A。根據該空后面的 “that decreased conflict” 可知應該是重新制定了學校的 “規(guī)則” , 故選A項。19.【解析】選D。家庭作業(yè)變得更加有創(chuàng)造性和趣味性。故D項正確。其他三項分別表示 “相似的” “熟悉的” “令人迷惑的” , 均與語境不符。20.【解析】選A。家長教師交流會也總是以學生們的活動開始的, 故選A項。后三項分別表示 “屬于” “忍受” “達到” , 均不符合語境。. A friend of mine was taking an English lesson toclass of foreign adult giving astudents. After placing quite a number of everyday objects on a table, and he asked them to give her the ruler, the book and so on. The class went very smooth and the himsmoothlystudents seemed interested in the work unless my friend turned to an Italian student untiland said, “Give me the keys. ” The Italian looked surprising and somewhat at a loss. surprisedSeeing this, my friend thinks that the Italian hadnt heard him clearly. However, he thoughtThereforerepeated, “Give me the keys. ” The Italian then kissed him on both cheek.cheeks.【參考范文】On the eight-day national holiday many drivers became victims of traffic jam on main expressways. As is shown in the picture, millions of drivers and passengers flocked to the expressways to go home or to tourist spots, which caused great traffic congestion. There are many reasons for the heavy traffic. First, as the economy is developing, the number of cars has been increasing than expected. Then, more people prefer to drive their cars to travel instead of using public transport, which will save money thanks to the toll-free expressway policy. Also, the traffic system is not efficient enough for so many cars. How could we deal with the heavy traffic? In my opinion, the government should improve the traffic system. It is necessary to provide updated traffic information for drivers on the road. 【語篇隨練】題號原文選項1increase peace(13空前)increase11violence(上半句)peace17in their own lives(13空前)personal


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