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2019-2020年高考英語寫作最后沖刺 訓練、點評和猜題2.doc

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2019-2020年高考英語寫作最后沖刺 訓練、點評和猜題2.doc

2019-2020年高考英語寫作最后沖刺 訓練、點評和猜題2練習一閱讀下面的短文,然后按照要求寫一篇150詞左右的英語短文。No doubt the planet is warming. Over the last century, the temperature has risen by around one degree Fahrenheit. Its reported that the global temperatures will rise by 3-10 degrees Fahrenheitenough to have the polar caps almost melted. If the ice caps melt, buildings, homes and even lives will be under water.While we know about global warming, what can we do to save the planet? The answer is simpler than supposed. You dont have to go miles away to protest, or spend much money. Here are several simple steps to begin with.Firstly, plant a tree. Trees , when fully grown, will keep the planet cooler.Secondly, reduce pollution. Sometimes as simple as walking instead of taking the car will reduce pollution. Besides stop pollution, you are giving yourself exercise. So whenever you get into your car, just ask yourself, “do I have to make this journey by vehicle?”When you get a little cold in winter, put a jumper on and dont adjust the heating. The extra heat produced by homes also affect the planet.Finally, reduce, reuse and recycle. Only buy what you need and reuse whatever you can, like containers and paper, and recycle what you cannot reuse.If everyone stuck to these rules, we would be doing a great thing by protecting the Earth. It is our next generation that will feel the effects.【寫作內容】1.以約30個詞概括這段短文的內容;2.然后以約120個詞就“阻止全球變暖從我做起”進行議論,內容包括:(1)全球變暖危及人類生存;(2)阻止全球變暖要從小事做起;(3)你的做法?!緦懽饕蟆?.在作文中可以使用自己親身的經(jīng)歷或虛構的故事,也可以參照閱讀材料的內容但不得直接引用原文中的句子;2.標題自定。【評分標準】概括準確,語言規(guī)范,內容合適,篇章連貫。【思路點撥】本篇任務型寫作要求考生閱讀一篇短文,然后完成兩項任務:使用約30個詞概括要點;使用約120個詞寫一篇符合要求的短文。這一題型旨在考查考生“用英語獲取信息、處理信息、傳達信息的能力,分析問題、解決問題的能力以及用英語進行表達的能力”,即“綜合語言運用能力”。因此,本篇寫作有下列重點需要考生認真思考,加以解決:1.概括短文內容:瀏覽全文,提煉第一段和第二段的內容以及后面的“Firstly, Secondly, Fianally”等就可以概括文章的主要內容。第一段概括起來是說:地球溫度升高3-10華氏度(足以融化極地上的冰雪),(使得)地球上的建筑、家園甚至人本身都要被覆蓋于水下。第二段以及后面的幾段概括起來就是:為了拯救地球,建議我們所要采取的簡單易行的措施。2.如何圍繞“阻止全球變暖從我做起”進行議論(題目有明確的要求):(1)全球變暖危及人類生存(這本身就是個話題,要適當加以發(fā)揮);(2)阻止全球變暖要從小事做起(這本身也是個話題,要適當加以發(fā)揮);(3)我的做法(要圍繞“從小事做起”, 根據(jù)上文所提及的植樹、減少污染、循環(huán)利用等展開想像去舉例)?!緟⒖即鸢浮緼ccording to the passage, if the global temperatures rise by 3-10 degrees Fahrenheit, it is possible for everything to be under water. To save the earth, some simple measures are mentioned for us to take.Now we have to recognize global warming as a real threat to mankind. We need to hold back global warming and prepare for its oute. Otherwise, the human civilization will be destroyed on one day, and the human race is at risk of being extinct. Everyone should start out small, adopting a responsible lifestyle, which can bring an important help to the protection of the earth. Its the only reasonable way to save the planet before it is too late.So something must be done to benefit our environment. Ill use a clothesline instead of a dryer to save energy when drying my clothes. Fresh foods are my favour instead of frozen ones, because frozen foods consume ten times more energy to produce.In a word, we should do our best to hold back global warming and protect the environment【范文評析】1.范文在概括短文內容時,沒有直接引用原文中的句子,符合題目設定的要求。范文第一句話就交代了消息的來源“According to the passage (介詞短語)”、將來要發(fā)生的事情“if the global temperatures rise by 3-10 degrees Fahrenheit, (條件狀語從句)”以及什么后果“it is possible for everything to be under water.(經(jīng)典句型:形式主語it +be+adj.+for sth.+動詞不定式)”。第二句話:用“不定式”作目的狀語加上一個簡單句就把該文的第二個主要內容交代得清清楚楚;按照大部分考生的常規(guī)思路,我們也可以這樣來概括短文內容:The passage tells us that the planet is warming and the global temperatures rise constantly recent years. And the authors gives us some measures to stop global warming.2.范文在展開議論部分用了三個獨立的小段來分別闡述,給讀者的層次感非常清楚。 (1)范文用一個簡單句“Now we have to recognize global warming as a real threat to mankind.”開門見山,直擊話題。接著展開了議論,使得話題有據(jù)可依?!癶old back,Otherwise, at risk of being extinct”等詞匯的運用為這段增色不少。(2)范文用一個簡單句“Everyone should start out small, adopting a responsible lifestyle”引出話題,再用一個非限制性定語從句“which can bring an important help to the protection of the earth.”和一個復合句“Its the only reasonable way to save the planet before it is too late.”來進一步闡述。“start out,adopting,bring an important help to,before it is too late”等詞匯和句型的使用使得文章亮點紛呈。(3)作者用“So”連詞承上啟下,順理成章提出了“我的做法”,這些做法(節(jié)約能源)確實都是小事?!皐hen drying my clothes”狀語從句的省略句的使用,讓讀者眼前一亮。3.最后一段為全文畫龍點睛,強化了文章的主題。缺少這一段文章的可讀性就大大降低。練習二全球氣候變暖是目前人類面臨的最大的環(huán)境問題之一。請你根據(jù)以下提示寫一篇英語短文,為“節(jié)能減排”獻計獻策。背景溫室氣體的排放導致大氣層中二氧化碳的含量越來越高,溫度升高。后果海平面急劇上升,自然災害頻繁等。措施/建議1. 節(jié)約能源 2. 綠化環(huán)境 3. 提高公眾意識注意:1.不要逐句翻譯(尤其是措施部分要具體) 2.詞數(shù):150左右(文章的開頭已經(jīng)給出,不計入總詞數(shù))。 提示:溫室氣體的排放 the emission of greenhouse gasesWith the rapid development of the economy, pollution has bee one of the most serious problemsnowadays. 【思路點撥】這是一篇提綱類作文,我們需要用正確的英語把給出的要點表達出來。本篇書面表達中給出的要點比較具體,故需要準確表達。寫作時注意準確運用時態(tài),上下文意思連貫,符合邏輯關系,盡量使用自己熟悉的單詞句式,同時也要注意使用高級詞匯和高級句型使文章顯得更有檔次。特別注意在表達句式時上要賦予變化。除此之外,有下列重點需要考生認真思考,加以解決:1.將背景和后果合并為一段進行表達;將措施、建議另成一段表述,使文章成為典型的三段式(文章的首段已經(jīng)給出);2.展開頭腦風暴,圍繞表中內容進行詞匯搜索。如:result in/lead to, go up/rise, the rise of sea levels, natural disasters, save energy, plant more trees, raise peoples awareness of the importance of protecting the environment等等;3.擴詞成句,再加上過關聯(lián)詞語或句子,使文章連貫起來?!緟⒖即鸢浮?With the rapid development of the economy, pollution has bee one of the most serious problems nowadays. The emission of greenhouse gases not only results in more and more CO2 in the atmosphere but also keeps the temperature going up. It has many harmful effects on human beings and nature, such as the rise of sea levels, many natural disasters and so on. Therefore, its time to take steps to make a difference. First of all, we should save energy. We should turn off the lights, the TV, the puter and so on if we are not using them any longer. We can walk or ride a bike when we go out instead of using motor vehicles. Secondly, we should plant more trees as they absorb carbon dioxide from the air and refresh our spirit when we look at them. Finally and most importantly, we should talk with our family and friends about global warming to raise peoples awareness of the importance of protecting the environment.【范文評析】總體說來,本篇范文開門見山地點明了現(xiàn)在隨著經(jīng)濟增長環(huán)境問題越來越嚴峻;其次敘述溫室氣體的排放導致大氣層中二氧化碳的含量越來越高、溫度升高和由此帶來的后果;最后提出了保護環(huán)境的一些有效措施,層層遞進。具體地說:1.第二段中常規(guī)詞匯(見劃線部分“The emission of greenhouse gases not only results in more and more CO2 in the atmosphere but also keeps the temperature going up. It has many harmful effects on human beings and nature, such as the rise of sea levels, many natural disasters and so on.)”的運用,讓讀者格外感到親切,同時也顯示了作者駕馭語言的能力;2.第三段中運用了恰當?shù)年P聯(lián)詞,如Therefore, First of all,secondly, Finally and most importantly,使得文章條理清晰,語句通暢;經(jīng)典句型和詞匯的運用為文章增色不少,如:its time to take steps to make a difference,turn off,not.any longer, instead of , raise peoples awareness, protecting the environment等等。練習三假如你正在參加學校舉行的英語演講比賽,就如何應對全球變暖這一話題發(fā)表自己的見解,號召同學們過低碳生活,為減少二氧化碳(CO2)排放做貢獻。請就這一話題寫一篇演講稿,陳述你自己的觀點。演講稿應包括以下內容: 1.節(jié)能減排,低碳生活,人人可為; 2.改變以往的家庭生活習慣(如用電,用水); 3.出行使用公共交通工具或騎自行車。4. 要求:1.詞數(shù):不少于150左右; 2.可適當增加內容細節(jié),以使行文連貫。 提示:碳排放 carbon emission 燃料 fuel【思路點撥】這是一篇演講稿,以提綱式形式命題,寫作時要注意格式:稱呼語和結尾語。寫好此類作文的關鍵是認真審題和分析所給的提綱,因此考生首先要認真閱讀前面的提示,認清寫作要求和提綱之間的關系,然后確定文章的主題、文體、人稱和時態(tài)。根據(jù)所給提綱,列出要點,并以此為基礎充分發(fā)揮自己的想象力,靈活運用英語知識,采用不同的表達方式將各要點完整地表述出來,注意主次分明,詳略得當。除此之外,有下列重點需要考生認真思考,加以解決:1.整理歸納要點:我的話題:過低碳生活(給出談此話題的理由:全球變暖);節(jié)能減排,低碳生活,人人可為;改變以往的家庭生活習慣(如用電,用水);出行使用公共交通工具或騎自行車。2.挖掘要點:題目中“4.”提示考生要增加要點;3.開展頭腦風暴,圍繞歸納的要點展開詞匯搜索。如:live a low-carbon life, bee warmer and warmer, save energy , reduce our daily carbon emissions, change our previous living habit(use energy-saving electricity lights, never leave the water running), use the public transport, ride ones bicycle等等?!緟⒖即鸢浮縂ood morning, everyone, My topic today is how to live a low-carbon life. As we all know, the earth is being warmer and warmer due to the global climate change. Many people may think that low-carbon life is far away from us. However, every one of us can reduce our daily carbon emissions by doing something. Firstly, changing our previous living habit of wasting things is the first step. We can use energy-saving electricity lights instead of the traditional lights, and turn them off when we dont use them. Never leave the water running when we dont use it. Use the public transport or ride your bicycle instead of driving private cars when we travel somewhere. Even if we have to drive, wed better plan it well in advance to avoid wasting fuel. It is believed that the global climate change is due to the human activities. Only if we know what we do in our daily life and live a low-carbon life can we make a difference. Thats all, thank you!2.這一段實際上要講的是“如何過低碳生活”。一個簡單句“Firstly, changing our previous living habit of wasting things is the first step”打開了演講的話匣子。然后從“用電、用水、出行”等方面闡述了如何過低碳生活。接著作者話猶未盡,增加了“Even if we have to drive, wed better plan it well in advance to avoid wasting fuel(節(jié)約能源)”這樣的要點,達到了題目所設定的要求(題目中“4.”提示考生要增加要點)。本段最后一句“It is believed that the global climate change is due to the human activities(據(jù)此可以相信全球變暖是由于人類的活動而造成的)”對該段的主題又進行了升華;3.用一個倒裝句“Only if we know what we do in our daily life and live a low-carbon life can we make a difference”為全文畫龍點睛,升華演講主題,這是不可或缺的。順便說一下,范文作者運用了問候和稱呼語“Good morning, everyone,”和結尾語“Thats all. Thank you!”,沒有忘記演講稿的格式。猜 題根據(jù)下面的圖片提供的信息寫一篇150個字左右的短文,介紹與Global warming相關的知識。就圖片而言,談一談遏止全球變暖的有效方法。為使文章完整,寫作時可以根據(jù)圖片作一定的發(fā)揮?!舅悸伏c撥】這是圖表式作文中比較典型的曲線圖。圖表式作文還有柱狀圖、餅狀圖、表格數(shù)據(jù)及平面圖解等形式??忌趯懽鲿r只有在看懂圖表的基礎上才能動筆寫。圖表作文的規(guī)律性很強,如果不能全部領會圖表信息,寫作中就會出現(xiàn)遺漏信息,分析不準確等一系列問題。圖表式作文就是將數(shù)據(jù)、圖像等所包含的信息轉化為表意的說明文字。這類題型因所含文字較少,提供信息少,要點分散等特征而比較復雜,考生不僅要弄清提示,而且還要看懂所給的圖表和數(shù)據(jù),找出隱含于圖表中的信息,通過對數(shù)據(jù)、文字內容分析,準確地表達出圖表含義,分析原因,發(fā)表議論。因而本篇書面表達考生所要解決的具體問題是:1.如何描述曲線圖中所反映的問題,并由此展開合理的敘述;2.根據(jù)圖片下方的文字提示,分析產生這種現(xiàn)象的根源;3.談一談遏止全球變暖的有效方法?!緟⒖即鸢浮縏he graph tells us that the world has been getting warmer and warmer since 1900. We are surprised to find side effects of global warming. For example, the warmer global climate melts the ice caps, raising sea levels, making some small islands disappear from the earth.Scientists have found one of the main causes which result in global warming. It is carbon dioxide in the air. With the development of industry, lots of fossil fuels are burnt in big factories. Cars, trucks and buses also produce gases as harmful as the gases from factories. These gases contain plenty of carbon dioxide.To stop global warming, we should reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the air. People should be taught to live a low-carbon life and try to use renewable energy.【范文評析】 1.范文第一句話“The graph tells us that the world has been getting warmer and warmer since 1900”就揭示了圖片所反映的主要問題。該句中“has been getting”現(xiàn)在完成進行時用得非常到位,描述得栩栩如生。用一句簡單句“We are surprised to find side effects of global warming(我們驚訝地發(fā)現(xiàn)地球變暖所帶來的負面影響)”為下面的舉例做好了鋪墊。用“For example”承接上文,例子“the warmer global climate melts the ice caps, raising sea levels, making some small islands disappear from the earth”使讀者觸目驚心。該句中兩個現(xiàn)在分詞短語“raising sea levels, making some small islands disappear from the earth”作結果狀語,充分彰顯了作者駕馭句子的能力;3.最后談了遏止全球變暖的有效方法。范文就用了兩句話就把該問題搞定,充分顯示了作者把握焦點,高度概括的技能。作者圍繞第二段的內容進行布局。第一句“To stop global warming(動詞不定式作目的狀語), we should reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the air(為了遏止全球變暖,我們就應該減少二氧化氮的排放)”擊中要害;第二句“People should be taught to live a low-carbon life and try to use renewable energy(教育人們過低碳生活,盡量使用可以重復使用的能源)”緊緊圍繞主題為“談遏止全球變暖的有效方法”問題錦上添花。


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