刮板輸送機鏈張緊力及其控制莊嚴1 ,宋麗芬1 ,莊勇2【摘要】摘要:在分析刮板輸送機安裝及運行過程中鏈張緊力變化的基礎(chǔ)上, 提出了合理鏈張力的選取與判定方法,介紹了刮板鏈張力調(diào)整機構(gòu)的組成及工 作原理,為刮板輸送機的可靠運行提供技術(shù)保障?!酒诳Q】礦山機械【年(卷),期】2012(040)006【總頁數(shù)】4【關(guān)鍵詞】刮板輸送機;鏈張緊力;控制技術(shù)Abstract : After analyzing the tension variation of the chain of the scraper conveyor during installation and operation of the scraper conveyor, the paper proposed the method of determining and judging the reasonable chain tension . In addition, it introduced the constitution and the working principle of the chain tension controller; which offered technical support for reliable operation of the scraper conveyor.Keywords : scraper conv eyor; chain tensi on; con trol tech no logy煤礦井下工作面開采實踐證明,刮板輸送機刮板鏈的張緊程度直接影響輸送機 的運行可靠性。刮板鏈過度松弛,會引起刮板鏈的堆舂與刮卡,易發(fā)生斷鏈事 故;刮板鏈張緊力過大,會加劇刮板與中部槽的磨損,輸送機無用功率增大, 降彳氐輸送機的使用壽命1。因此,刮板輸送機需要對刮板鏈的張緊力進行控制, 使其在適度張緊狀態(tài)下運行。