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新目標初中英語八年級上冊Unit 2《What’s the matter》教案

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新目標初中英語八年級上冊Unit 2《What’s the matter》教案

新目標初中英語八年級上冊Unit 2Whats the matter?教案Plan for the whole unitTeaching objectives學完本單元后,學生應能: 1運用目標語言Whats the matter with you/her/him?來詢問病情;熟練運用I have/I amShe/He has/ She /He is 描述病情2熟練運用should/shouldnt來提出建議和勸告3正確使用系動詞,be,look,feel,keep,get,stay,smell,sound,taste,等4掌握表示人體部位的名詞 head,nose,eye,ear,tooth,neck,stomach,back,leg,arm,foot,throat,5掌握表示病情的詞匯cold,fever,headache,toothache,stomachache,sore back.sore throat6掌握與健康相關的形容詞well,thirsty,stressed out,tired,hungry7運用短語給出建議:lie down and rest,drink hot tea with honey,see a dentist ,drink lots of water,go to bed early 8當一回醫(yī)生,綜合運用what,when,how long等特殊問句詳細詢問病人病情,給出合理建議,并提出祝福.9能獨立閱讀有關健康與飲食的文章,并應用于寫作10了解中國與西方生活習慣的不同,關注自己和親人,朋友的健康,養(yǎng)成良好的飲食與衛(wèi)生習慣,科學合理地生活Period arrangement PeriodContents & pages or sourcesTOSATextbookExercises(Source)Supplementary(Source)SectionPage1A 1a, 1b, 1c71,4,552 2a, 2b, 2c8P.6 I, II 人教版省教科院組編 課程基礎訓練八年級上冊2,743 3a, 3b 4a, 4b9P. 7 I, II2,854B 1a, 1b, 2a,2b,2c10P.8Period3 I, II 6,755 3a, 3b, 3c, 411P.8 Period 4 I, II9,1046Self Check12Ps. 9-10 學習自檢,學習拓展3,9,1057Read for fun!121-104Total61091 Very confident Quite confident Confident Slightly confident Not confidentFeedback本單元教學自評91分,表明教學目標達成度較高。整個單元教學回歸教材,緊緊圍繞“談論疾病與給出建議”這一主題,由淺入深、由簡單到復雜,從個體到集體,教學活動形式多樣,教學步驟步步遞進、環(huán)環(huán)相扣,形成合力,從聽、說、讀、寫諸方面培養(yǎng)學生這一話題的表達能力。教者在設計教案,組織教學時充分體現“以人為本”的主體思想,抓住教學的主體性、活動性、個性化、情感化等特點,有效地改善英語課堂教學質量,合理發(fā)揮小組合作的優(yōu)勢,語言情景的創(chuàng)設盡可能貼近生活,激發(fā)學習趣。 1設計了最貼近學生生活的話題,并開發(fā)了課程資源。為了讓學生主動參與學習,我設計了貼近學生生活的話題最近在人群中極具傳染性的紅眼?。╬ink eye)與健康衛(wèi)生習慣,激勵學生的探究創(chuàng)新精神、實踐能力;同時,利用大量的圖片,活化了現有教材,為學生提供了豐富的課程資源,拓展了學用渠道,改變了傳統(tǒng)課堂上以書本為主的弊端,增大了學生的知識容量。2開展多種形式的課堂互動,充分發(fā)揮小組協(xié)作的優(yōu)勢課堂開展師生互動、生生互動等多邊活動,充分調動學生的課堂參與積極性。我為本課設計了師生對話、配對練習、小組活動等形式多樣的、有利于學生參與的課堂活動,使學生真正成為課堂的主人,形成積極的學習態(tài)度。課后調查發(fā)現,每位學生都獲得了表演展示的機會,充分體現了學生的個性,實現了才能的展示,有力地證明了小組互助學習的優(yōu)勢。任務型教學在很大程度上以學生的個體活動或小組活動為主要形式,因此,如何才能做到充分調動學生學習英語的積極性以及充分發(fā)揮個體活動的最高水平是至關重要的,即教師如何才能做到既放得開學生,讓學生們自己去開展小組內的學習活動,又能控制住每一組學生都能夠保證注意力在課堂上。我想我們可以嘗試成立固定的小組,選好組長,加強小組的力量,發(fā)揮小組長的作用,做好學生的思想工作。但我們要在課前對小組長進行培訓,如:使他們明白自己身為小組長的責任,重要性;教給小組長如何組織活動?當組員不會說英語時怎么辦?等等。小組長是老師的助手,要在自己學會的同時,還要以自己學習的體會教給同學學習英語的方法。3拓展學生的視野,培養(yǎng)他們的文化意識。在本單元的課堂教學中,我注重了對學生的文化滲透,在談論健康與疾病這一話題時,增加了對英語國家文化的了解,拓展了學生的文化視野,閱讀中外名人的故事,在加深對本民族文化理解的同時,發(fā)展了他們跨文化交際的意識和能力。4注重學生能力的培養(yǎng)每節(jié)課都設計了相應的任務型活動,倡導自主式、合作式、體驗式學習,并通過設疑,實現了學生的能力遷移。在學生完成任務的過程中,注重形成性評價,及時運用本節(jié)課的相關知識內容對學生的表現給予恰當的評價,激發(fā)了學生的積極性和自信心,一改傳統(tǒng)課堂上只重雙基培養(yǎng)的狀況,突出了學生實際能力的培養(yǎng)。5家庭作業(yè),也有彈性和針對性,與學生的生活密切聯(lián)系,讓學生有更充裕的時間、自由的空間去體會所學知識、拓展知識;善于用英語表達自己的情感,能夠在課外活動中積極用英語與他人交流和溝通,利用各種機會進行真實的英語交際。 雖然在整個教學過程中,絕大多數同學表現積極,教學效果很好,但也存在一些問題,如相當一部分同學雖然能在老師的提示下,很流利地用英語跟別人進行簡單的問候與交流,但在寫作時往往出現很多錯誤,考試起來也拿不到高分,課堂上的45分鐘,遠遠不能滿足學生考高分的需求,我只有鼓勵孩子多進行課外閱讀,對于有條件的學生,可以幫他們找到好的網址,教他們上網查詢相關資料,也可以在班級開設英語角,征訂幾份英語報紙或雜志,讓學生以小組為單位,每周出一份英語黑板報等,并對每期板報進行評估,評選出最優(yōu)秀的小組和組員,進行適當的獎勵。每位學生在學習中表現出的潛力都是無限的,只要教師用心挖掘,就一定會有意外的收獲。5Plan for every periodPeriod 1 Section A 1a,1b,1cPeriod 1. Period 1.ppt Teaching aims學完本課后,學生應能:1 詢問身體狀況,訴說病情2掌握表示人體部位的名詞 head,nose,eye,ear,tooth,neck,stomach,back,leg,arm,foot,throat,3掌握表示病情的詞匯cold,fever,headache,toothache,stomachache,sore back.sore throatKeys & puzzlesWhats the matter? I have a headache/stomachache/toothache/sore back/sore throat.Teaching aidsA recorder, CAITeaching proceduresChart檢查預習看圖說單詞學唱英文歌曲、游戲鞏固生詞看圖說話操練對話 聽錄音獲取信息鞏固、課外延伸布置作業(yè)Step 1 Checking up 4T :Hello, everyone! Can you name the parts of your body? How many parts of the body can you name? Please look at me carefully and name the parts of my body. Pointing to parts of my body. arm, back, ear, eye, foot(feet), hand, head, leg, mouth, neck, nose, stomach, tooth(teeth)T :Now lets say the words together.arm, back, ear, eye, foot(feet), hand, head, leg, mouth, neck, nose, stomach, tooth(teeth)Section A 1aStep 2 Presentation (10)1. 學生看圖說單詞T: Lets look at the screen.Whats this?Point to a figure on the screen and get the students to say the names of parts of the body.2. 學生聽唱英語歌曲T: Lets listen to “Head and Shoulderssong ,write down the names of body and answer the questions: 1).How many words can you hear? 2).What are they?Play the song twice to see who can write down the most words about “parts of the body”and answer the questions correctly.T: Lets learn to sing the song. Play the song several times ,teach the students to sing the song .3. Activity 1a 鞏固新知T: Now open your books and turn to page 7,Please look at the picture.Ill ask a student to read the list of the names of body parts.A student reads out the words.T: Now please write the correct letteramfor each part of the body. They do it together and then check the answers with the whole class4: 游戲: Touch your . Lets play a game .All the Ss close your books ,well have an instructor to say :Touch your nose /head /right ear .Lets see which student do it correctly and quickly .First all the Ss do this game .Then have competitions between boys and girls .5 boys and 5girls come to the front to do what the instructor said .if you are wrong ,please go back to your seats ,the last one who stands at the front is the winner .Step 3 Making dialogs 1c 10T: Keeping healthy is very important. So today we will talk about it. Lets learn Unit 2 Whats the matter?Write the topic on the blackboard.1 教師通過肢體語言示范呈現對話并學習表示疾病的名詞Present three ways of having a problem:A: Whats the matter? B: I have a cold / fever/ headache/toothache/stomachache/backache/earache/sore back/sore leg/sore throat/sore head2. 學生看圖跟讀對話,把主語替換為第三人稱分組操練對話 T: Now read after me.A: Whats the matter with you?B: I have A: Whats the matter with her/him?B: She/He has3. 學生看圖說話 PairworkT: Please look at the pictures in 1a and make new conversations with your partners.Have several pairs show their dialogs to the whole class.Step 4 Listening 1b 31 學生靜聽對話2 給對話標順序,并記錄信息。T: Nancy,Sarah,David,Ben and Judy are ill .Whats the matter with them?We will hear five conversations,please listen to the tape and look at the picture,number the names first,then write down their illnesses.Play the tape for the first time,the students listen and number the names 1-5.Play the tape for the second time ,students write the illnesses next to each name.Then check the answers with the whole class參考答案: Nancy:4 a toothache, Sarah:1 a cold,David:2 a stomachache,Ben:3 a sore back, Judy;5 a sore throat.錄音原文. Conversation 1Nurse:Whats the matter,Sarah?Girl: I have a cold.Conversation 2Nurse:Whats the matter,David?Boy: I have a stomachache.Conversation 3Nurse:Whats the matter,Ben?Boy: I have a sore back.Conversation 4Nurse:Whats the matter,Nancy?Girl: I have a toothache.Conversation 5Nurse:Whats the matter,Judy?Girl: I have a sore throat.Step 5 Consolidation 12T: Now we have learned the names of some illnesses.Lets play a guessing game”Whats the matter?” Divide the whole class into groups of two,one group mines an illness,Another student of the other group guesses the illness.Students have a competition between two groups. The teacher ask a student to set an example for them:1.T:Whats the matter?Acting as having a headacheS1:Do you have a headache?T: Yes . 2格言警句 Do you know?( In order to help the students to learn the ways to be healthy)1.)An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 每天一只蘋果,健康有保障。2).A close mouth catches no flies. 病從口入 3.)Music is the medicine of the breaking heart.音樂是醫(yī)治心靈創(chuàng)傷的好藥。4).Heath is not valued till sickness comes.有疾病方知健康的可貴。5).Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. 讀書養(yǎng)心,鍛煉健身。3.Say to the students:For more information,you can search the following website.Step 6 Homework11,Try to find out the English for other parts of the body.2,Preview Section A2a2c Grammar3 Surf the Internet and find good ways to stay healthy Feedback 個人認為本堂課教學目標達成,學生學習積極主動,熱情投入,課堂氛圍非常熱烈。就其成功原因主要在于,本人通過精心設計了游戲,學唱英語歌曲等活動教學,鞏固新詞,學生在玩中學,學中玩,興趣很濃,最后,通過猜迷游戲,對所學句型進行強化,學生非常喜歡這種學習方式。它可以激發(fā)學生的學習興趣,使學生在不知不覺中牢固掌握所學語言結構,達到熟練運用.。Period 2 Section A 2a, 2b, 2c Period 2.pptTeaching aims1運用目標語言Whats the matter with you/her/him?來詢問病情2掌握SB page8的重要短語,熟練運用should/shouldnt來提出建議和勸告3 關愛他人.Keyspuzzles1.Whats wrong? 與Whats the matter? 2.should/shouldntTeaching Aids : A tape recorder,A projector.Teaching ProceduresChart1 復習舊知,檢查預習看圖說話聽錄音完成任務多種形式操練對話歸納總結布置作業(yè)Step 1 Warming-up (3)T: Hello! Is everyone here today?Have one student stay out of the classroom before class.Ss:No.T: Whos not here.whats the matter with him/her?Lets guess,the reason for that.You can begin like this”Maybe she/he has a”2 檢查預習 After the guessing game.T: Just now,he gave me a call,and said that he had a cold,the doctor asked him to stay at home and have a rest.Ss:Im sorry to hear that.T: I hope him feel better tomorrow.Can you give him some advice?Ss:He should/He shouldntT: That sounds good/nice/great. That sounds like a good idea.Step 2 Step 2 Presentation8看圖學習單詞Show the students some pictures to teach the new words on the screen.Read the new words to students and ask them to repeat. Make sure that they understand the Chinese meanings.fever lie rest honey dentist water shouldnt 2a and 2b.Step 3 Step 3 Listening 10Section A 2aT: Now open your books and turn to page 8.Please look at the 8 items.Id like one student to read them for us first.Ask one student to read the items.T: Next, Youll hear four conversations.People are talking about health problems they have and are getting advice.Draw lines to match the problems with the advice.Make sure that the students understand the listening task.Play the recording the first time.Students only listen, then play it again,students finish the task.Answers to2a:1:d 2:b 3:a 4:cTapescriptsConversation 1Girl1: Whats the matter?Girl2: I have a fever.Girl1: Yes,you dont look well.You should drink lots of water.Girl2: Yes,youre right.Conversation 2Girl1: Whats the matter?Girl2: I have a sore throat.Girl1: You should drink some hot tea with honey.Girl2: That sounds like a good idea.Conversation 3Girl: Whats the matter?Boy: I have a toothache.Girl: Thats too bad.You should lie down and rest.And dont eat anything for two hours.Boy: I guess I should.Conversation 4Girl: Whats the matter?Boy: Oh,I have a toothache.Girl: You should see a dentist.Boy: I guess I should.Section A 2bT:Now please look at the pictures in 2b.Each picture illustrate one of the conversations. Now well listen to the conversations again. This time listen for the missing words. Write the missing words on the blank lines. Please pay attention to the first blank has been filled out for you.Make sure that the students understand the listening task.Play the recording twice.Then check the answers.Answers to2b:1 sore throat; 2 hot tea with honey; 3 toothache; 4 see a dentist; 5 stomachache; 6 lie down and rest; 7 fever; 8 drink lots of water.Step 4 Practice121 雙人活動T: Lets look at the conversation in 2c.First Ill have two students read the dialogue in the box .Ask one student to read out the dialog.A: Whats the matter? B: I have a toothache.A: Maybe you should see a dentist. B: Thats a good idea.T: Now practice the conversation in Activity 2b. Take turns having the problems and giving advice. Ask students to work in pairs. After they practice a while, have several pairs of students present their conversations to the class.2 小組活動T:Now lets play a game , let me divide you into ten groups,there are five students in each group, imagine you are in the hospital now , please put up a short play ,one of you can act as a doctor,and the others act as patients , make conversations between the doctor and patients. Here is a table for each group,the doctor please fill it out .NameIllnessAdviceHave the students present their plays to the whole class,ask the other students some questions according to their report,and choose the best group to be rewarded.2cStep 5 Grammar Focus (Show on the Bd or screen) 3I have a headache.He has a stomachache. She has a toothache. You should go to bed.He shouldnt eat anything. She should see a dentist shouldnt = should not Step 6 Summary2This class weve learnt how to give some advice to people who have health problems. Who wants to be a doctor in future? OK. Serve the people heart and soul.Step 7Homework 2 1 Practice the conversations and review the Grammar Focus. 2 Write a conversation between a doctor and a patient.3 Preview Section A3a4.Feedback個人認為本堂課教學目標達成度較高,教學步驟循序漸進,能力訓練較為全面,通過猜謎引出本單元要求學生掌握的語言結構:描述病痛。最后以游戲的形式鞏固應掌握的語言結構是學生非常喜歡的一種學習方式。它可以激發(fā)學生的學習興趣,使學生在不知不覺中牢固掌握所學語言結構,達到熟練運用,培養(yǎng)學生根據情景推測所表達的意思的能力。不足之處是學生練習對話時,缺少主語為三人稱形式的練習,在下節(jié)課時應強化訓練Period 3 Secton A 3a, 3b, 4a, 4b Period 3.ppt Teaching aims學完本課后,學生應能:1熟練運用should/shouldnt來提出建議和勸告2當一回醫(yī)生,用what,when,how long等特殊問句詳細詢問病人病情,給出合理建議,祝福.,對他人建議做出適當的反應Key points:1 Im not feeling well.2 I hope you feel better soon.Teaching proceduresChart復習舊知、檢查預習看圖說話操練對話探究活動總結布置作業(yè)Step1 Lead-in (3)游戲復習舊知T: Hello,everyone!How are you today?Ss:Hello,Miss.Fine,thanks.T: Lets play a game,please look at me carefully and say something to me .Acting as having a serious headache.S1: Whats wrong?/Whats the matter/trouble? Do you have a cold?T: No,I dont.S2 Do you have a headache?T: Yes,I do.S3: You should lie down and rest.Ask several students to mime an illness,the other students guess the illness and give advice.I have a headache. You should go to bed.He has a toothache. He shouldnt eat anything. He should see a dentist.toothache, sore throat, stomachache, fever,cold lie down and rest, hot tea with honey, see a dentist, drink lots of waterStep 2 Presentation5T:Now open your books at page9.Look at the picture first. A boy is sick. A teacher is talking to him. Now read the conversation on the left, please. A: Whats the matter? B: Im not feeling well. I have a 1 A: When did it start? B: About 2 ago.A: Oh, thats too bad. You should_3_ B: Yes, I think so.A: I hope you feel better soon. T:Read it again, think of how you can complete the conversation. Write the answers in the blanks.Students work alone,the teacher goes around the classroom and give help if necessary.Then check the answers. Sample answers: 1 cold ;2 two days; 3 get some rest. 3bStep 3 Practice141 Role play1) T: Now boys ,youre A,girls,Youre B,lets practice the dialogue in activity 3a . Ss act it out2) T:Good.Now practice the dialog with your partner. Ask some pairs to present their dialogs to the whole class.Praise them for their good behavior.2 Pairwork T:Now please look at the picture in 3b,Whats the matter with the people?Write the answers on the blackboard.eg,He has a toothache.She has a sore back. He has a sore throat. She has a stomachache.T:Now make a similar conversation with your partner like 3a.Make sure that the students understand the task. At last,have several pairs to present the conversations to the class. 4Step4. Group work 15T:Are you tired? Now we are going to do a game .You work in groups of four and to play different roles:doctor, patient, assistant and dean(院長). While the doctor talking with the patient, the assistant write down the important information. And then the dean test the assistant. If the assistant can give the right answers, he will be assigned(委任)as a doctor.Go around the classroom to offer help while the students are doing the task,and praise the best group.完成任務所需材料 1)Name:Age:Sex:Symptom(癥狀):Reason(原因):Medicine& Advice(藥物以及建議):2)D-doctor P-patientD: Good morning! P: Good morning!D: Whats the matter with you? P: I feel sick.D: Do you have? P: Yes, I have/No, I dont have?D: Mm, I think maybe you have P: What should I do?D: Dont worry, Take some aspirin(阿斯匹林)(medicine)and(advice建議). You will be better soonStep 5 Summary2T: This period weve learnt some advice and done some reading,writing and practice.I hope you can give your classmates or friends good suggestions when they need your help.Step 6 Homework 1 1 Make a conversation with your classmates.(talk about your health and give advice )2 Preview Section B 1a2c. 3Ask your parents what they should do when they are ill and how to keep healthy, surf the Internet for more information, then write an article about health and illnesses.Feedback教者認為本堂課的教學目標已達成,本課的教學效果很好,學生在完成任務的過程中能夠將所需要的語言進行熟練的運用,達到了教師預期的教學目標。語言學習具有很強的實踐性,學生用外語交際的能力只有通過大量的語言實踐活動才能得到培養(yǎng)和提高。新的英語課程標準倡導任務型教學模式,讓學生積極地進行體驗參與,注重語言的實踐性特征及學生體驗性和實踐性,使學生真正成為教學過程的主體。本課最后的小組活動,學生四人一組進行活動,通過扮演不同的角色,充分調動了學生的積極性,發(fā)揮了小組合作的優(yōu)勢,使每個學生的口語交際能力提高到一個新的高度,進一步掌握本單元所學語言結構,并在模擬情境中綜合運用所學語言結構。Period 4 Section B 1a 1b 2a 2b 2c Period 4.pptTeaching aims學完本課后,學生應能:1掌握與健康相關的形容詞well,thirsty,stressed out,tired,hungry2運用短語給出建議:lie down and rest,drink hot tea with honey,see a dentist ,drink lots of water,go to bed early 3 聽錄音,完成任務.4鍛煉身體,遠離疾?。粻幃斠幻冕t(yī)生,為他人服務.Teaching proceduresChart 課前熱身檢查預習看圖學詞看圖說話聽錄音記錄信息操練對話實踐活動布置作業(yè)Step 1 Warming up 41 Free talk .2 Play the game :One student mimes an illness , the other students guess the illness and give advice .Section B1a 1b.Step 2 Presentation (5)1檢查預習T: Lets have a test before the new lesson,listen to me carefully,and answer my questions with a word.1 ) How do you feel when you are in the sun for a long time?2 ) How do you feel after you have P.E class? 3 ). How do you feel when you are having an important exam?4 ). How do you feel when you dont eat anything for ten hours?Sample answers: 1 thirsty, 2 tired, 3 stressed out; 4 hungryWrite the words on the blackboard,and ask the students to practice reading and make sure the Ss understand the meaning of the words .2.看圖學詞.完成1aT: Now open your books at page 10. Lets look at the pictures and match the words with the pictures. Its so easy for you.Lets check the answers together.Answers:1 b; 2 c; 3d; 4 a 3 看圖說話.完成1b1) 小組討論What should you do if you are tired/hungry/thirsty/stressed out?2)看圖說話T: Look at the pictures. The person in each picture is giving advice. What advice are the people giving? Lets discuss the pictures.A is saying. Eat an apple. B is saying. Listen to music. C is saying. Drink some water D is saying. Go to bed early.Ask the students to practice reading the sentences.T: Now match each picture with one piece of advice. Write the letter of the picture in front of the sentences that give advice.Answers:1 a; 2 d ; 3 c; 4 b2a 2bStep 3 Listening. 8T:Gina, Tony, Julie and Alan are talking about the healthy problems. Look at this chart. Read the names on the left. Pay attention to the sample answer after Ginas name. Now listen to the recording. There are four conversations. Write the problems in the blanks after each persons name.First ,make sure the Ss understand what th


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