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2019-2020年高中英語 Unit3 Looking good教案 牛津版必修1.doc

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2019-2020年高中英語 Unit3 Looking good教案 牛津版必修1.doc

2019-2020年高中英語 Unit3 Looking good教案 牛津版必修11. work outa. to take exercise 鍛煉身體,做運(yùn)動v I would work out in the gym after work when I was in Nanjing.b. to calculate the answer to 算出,計(jì)算v Please work out the answer.c. to solve sth. 解決,處理v Dont get down. Things will work out eventually.v Taiwan and mainland China need to work out their differences. d. to cause a good result 計(jì)劃,制定出v When you began to work,you might work out a practical scheme. Collocationwork out to/at 總計(jì)達(dá)v The bill works out to 10.work on sth./ doing sth. 從事,致力于v I worked on (writing) this article all night.work on sb. to do sth. 勸說某人做某事v My parents spent the whole weekend working on me to go on holiday with them.work up 激發(fā);使激動v work up enthusiasm inju:zizm n. 熱心,熱忱,熱情 / interest/ couragev work up an appetite pitait n. 食欲;嗜好/ thirst2. slim (slimmer; slimmest) (adj.) a. (of a person) thin, slender or lean 苗條的v A regular diet will make you slimmer.b. very small 渺茫的v a slim chance/ hopev The hope of success is very slim.(vi.) to try to bee thinner 減輕體重;變細(xì) v She feels like working out to slim (down).(vt.) to make sb. bee thinner 使體重減輕;使苗條 v The girl slimmed her figure with a rigid/strict diet.3. figure(n.) C a. number 數(shù)字v I will check up the figure. 我將核對一下這個數(shù)字。b. person who is important in some way 名人,人物v a key/ leading/ prominent figurev Margaret Thatcher was the dominant dminnt adj. 統(tǒng)治的figure in British politics in the 1980s.c. the shape of someone, for example whether he/she is fat or thin 身材,體態(tài);人影,外形v Now in her fifties, she still has a slim figure.v I saw a figure in the darkness. Phrase have/ keep a good figure 擁有/保持好身材d. a drawing or diagram in a book that gives information 圖解,圖表,插圖v Our textbooks has many figures to help explain the lesson.v Figure 8 illustrates the changing patterns of employment over the years.(vt.) to think or decide that something will happen or is true 認(rèn)為,估計(jì),料到v I figured that he was drunk and shouldnt be allowed to drive.(vi.) to calculate計(jì)算Phrases figure out 算出;想出;解決v It took me hours to figure out those algebra ldibr n. 代數(shù)學(xué)problems.v Can you figure out how to deal with it. 理解,將 弄明白v I cant figure him out.figure on sth./ doing sth. 料想,打算干v I didnt figure on meeting her there4. ashamed adj. feeling of shame, guilt or sorrow (because of sth. done) (predicate adj.)慚愧的,羞愧的 (antonym: proud)v He who is afraid of asking is ashamed of learning. Phrases be ashamed of sth./sb./doing sth./having done sth. 由于(某人/某事/做了某事)而羞愧be ashamed to do sth. 恥于做某事,因覺得可恥而不做be ashamed to have done sth. 由于做了某事而羞愧be ashamed that 羞于某事v He was ashamed of asking/having asked/to have asked such a simple question.v He was ashamed that he had asked such a simple question.Derivationshameful adj. to deserve blame; to cause the feeling of shame 可恥的,丟臉的v Its shameful to laugh at the disabled.5. work (n.) u activity which uses effort 工作,體力勞動v All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. C an object produced by writing, painting, etc (usual plural) 作品v art worksv Hes making a study of William Faulkners works.(vi.) to do sth. that involves physical or mental effort. 工作,勞動,干活Phrases work on/at sth. 致力于,從事 work for sth./sb. 努力爭取;受雇于 work as 從事某工作v He has been working on a new novel for over a year now.v He works for a big law firm in the city.v It must be hard to work as a nurse in a backward country. to operate in a satisfactory way 運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)v The machine doesnt work.v My brains not working very well today. to succeed; to have a particular effect or result. 順利進(jìn)行;起作用,奏效v The pill works. After I took it, I felt better.v If this strategy doesnt work, well think of something else.6. recover (vi.) to bee fit and healthy again 復(fù)原,恢復(fù)(健康) Phrase recover fromv He is very ill and unlikely to recover.v I havent fully recovered from the flu.v He was fired last month and hes still recovering from the shock.v The housing market appears to be recovering from the recession.(vt.)to get or find sth. again 恢復(fù);重新獲得Phrase recover consciousness/ health/ oneselfv He never recovered the use of his arms after the crash.v The police recovered the stolen jewellry.v Its hard to recover lost time. (彌補(bǔ),挽回)v They need to sell a million copies to recover their costs.Derivation recovery (n.) U 重新獲得,復(fù)得 v recovery of the stolen jewelsU, usual singular 復(fù)元,痊愈 recovery from her illnessv make a recovery from從中恢復(fù)過來v Therere no signs of an economic recovery.7. failure (n.) U lack of success in doing sth. 失?。徊患案駐 The failure of the talks made the situation worse.v She is upset about her continued failure to find a job.v Their first attempt to climb Mt. Qomolangma ended in failure. U sth. such as a machine or an organ stops working correctly 故障,失靈;衰竭,衰退v The crash seemed to have been caused by an engine failure.v engine/ brake/ power failure v heart/ liver/ kidney failure U the act of not doing sth. that you are expected to do. 不履行,沒做到v Failure to obey orders can result in accidents. C someone or something that has not achieved success 失敗的人或物v The party was a total failure8. contain (vt.) to have or hold sth. within itself; to have sth. Inside 包含,容納,裝有v The pill contains vitamins.v The letter contains important information about his legal affairs.v The vessel contains ten glasses of water.to keep under control 控制,抑制(感情)v contain oneself / contain ones anger/ laughter Derivation container (n.) C vessel parison contain, includev contain: (have or hold sth. within itself) Sea water contains salt. 包含所含之物的全部或部分,前后名詞一般不同類。v include: (have sth. as part of a whole) My family include my father, my mother and I. 所含之物是主語整體的一部分,前后名詞一般為同類的人或物。v The parcel contains a dictionary. (字典是全部或部分之物)v The parcel includes a dictionary.(字典是部分之物,還有其他物品)此外,include還有including和included的用法。v There are ten hostages in the bus, including two Chinese/ two Chinese included.9. treatment (n.) U the process of providing medical care 治療 Phrases treatment for/ of v receive/ undergo treatmentv She was undergoing treatment for lung cancer. C a particular method of medical care 療法 Phrases treatment for v They developed a new treatment for drugs addiction. U way of dealing with sb./sth. 處理;對待,待遇v the treatment of prisonersv It was discovered that one group got preferential ,prefrenl adj. 優(yōu)先的 treatment.Derivationtreat (vt.) 治療;對待;看成 treat as10. damage (vt.) to harm sth. physically so that its broken, spoiled or injured 損壞,傷害v A heavy rain damaged the crops.v The house had been severely / badly damaged by fire. to have a negative effect on sb./sth.損害v His political reputation has been seriously damaged by the scandal.(n.) U physical harm caused to sth. so that it is broken or spoiled (有形的)損壞,破壞v do / cause damage to sth. U negative effects on someone or somethingv The damage to the banks image is extremely serious. damages plural money that is paid to sb. by the person or pany that has caused harm or injury.賠償金v She was ordered to pay damages of 6,000.11. attractive (adj.) pleasant to look at有吸引力的,有魅力的v an attractive womanv The pany is attractive to investors.Antonym unattractiveDerivation attract (vt.) v attraction (n.) U a feeling of liking sb./ sth.吸引力v C an interesting or enjoyable place to go or thing to do 向往的地方,有吸引力的事v tourist attractions12. embarrassed (adj.) shy, awkward or ashamed 尷尬的,難為情的,不好意思的Phrases be embarrassed about/at sth. be embarrassed to do sth.Derivation embarrassing (adj.) make sb. feel ashamed v an embarrassing momentembarrass (vt.) to make sb. feel nervous, shamed embarrassment (n.) U a feeling of being ashamed / C sb./sth. that makes you feel ashamed v Hes such an to his family.13. pressure (n.) 壓力,壓強(qiáng) v blood pressurev put pressure on sb. (to do sth.) 強(qiáng)迫/促使某人干某事v under pressure(vt.) 對施加壓力,迫使Phrase pressure sb. to do sth. = pressure sb. into doing sth.v Dont be pressured into making any rush decision.14. diet (n.) C/U the food that you eat and drink regularly 日常飲食,日常食物v Try to eat a balanced diet. C a limited variety or amount of food that sb. eats because they are trying to bee thinner. 節(jié)食,規(guī)律飲食v Most of these diets just dont work.v go/ be on diets/a diet 節(jié)食v diet yoghurt / cola(vi.)節(jié)食 v She is dieting to lose weight.15. prefer prif: (1) prefer+名詞 v Would you like meat or fish? Id prefer meat,please.(2) prefer+動名詞v Do you prefer cooking for yourself or eating in a restaurant?自己做飯還是喜歡下館子?(3) prefer+不定式v I prefer to spend the weekend at home.我喜歡在家里度周末。(4) prefer sb. to do sth.v Their father prefers them to be home early.他們的父親寧愿他們早點(diǎn)回家。(5) prefer A to B 在本句型中,A與B是平行結(jié)構(gòu),可以是名詞,也可以都是動名詞。例如:v I prefer dogs to cats.在狗與貓之間我更喜歡狗。v I prefer writing a term paper to taking an examination. 我寧愿寫一篇學(xué)期論文也不愿參加考試。(6) prefer+不定式+rather than+不定式1) 本句型中,第一個不定式前面要加to,第二個不定式前面以不加to居多。v He prefer to die rather than bee traitor.他寧死也不做叛徒。2) rather than也可以置于句首。v Rather than buy a car of his own, he prefers to rent one.3) than后也可用動名詞:v I prefer to stay at home rather than go/going to see a film.我覺得與其去看電影倒不如待在家里。4) preferrather than中的rather也可以移到第一個不定式之前(prefer ratherthan),這種用法多見于書面語。v He preferred rather to take the whole blame himself than to allow it to fall on the innocent. 他寧可自己承擔(dān)全部責(zé)任而不愿讓無辜的人受到連累。5) prefer doing A to doing B與prefer to do A rather than do B意義相同,v Joe prefers skating to skiing. / Joe prefer to skate rather than ski.6) prefer+that (should) + do+虛擬從句v Would you prefer that I e on Monday instead of on Tuesday?你寧愿讓我星期一來而不是星期二來嗎?v I prefer that someone else should do this.我覺得還是讓別人來做這件事比較好。 Derivationpreference prefrns (n.) U/C 偏愛,喜愛的人/物v a preference for small dogsv give/show (a) preference to sb./sth.給以優(yōu)惠,優(yōu)待v in preference to sb./sth. 而不是,優(yōu)于v We give preference to applicants with some experience.v Id choose the small car in preference to the larger one.16. suffer (vt.) to experience something unpleasant or painful經(jīng)歷,遭受,蒙受v Some patients suffered severe side-effects from the treatmentv suffer damage/injury/defeat/ humiliation/loss/ consequence/ attack/ decline(vi.) to be badly affected by a disease, pain, sadness, a lack of sth. (因疾病、痛苦、悲傷等)受苦,受折磨;患病Phrase suffer fromv My father suffers from high blood pressure.v He suffered from poverty all his life.Derivation suffering (n.) U/C 痛苦;令人痛苦的事/經(jīng)歷v The medication should ease the suffering.v She bore her sufferings bravely.


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