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2019-2020年高中英語 Unit 5 Literature:the dream keeper教案 冀教版必修1.doc

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2019-2020年高中英語 Unit 5 Literature:the dream keeper教案 冀教版必修1.doc

2019-2020年高中英語 Unit 5 Literature:the dream keeper教案 冀教版必修1Step I. Greeting and speech timeLet one of the Ss give his/her speech in the front of class.Step II. Go over the new words.1. Listening to the tape of vocabulary and let the Ss read following it twice.2. Have a dictation to the following words.important ones: whisper, literature, eagle, feather, swan, beauty, muddy, peace, sharp, familiar, identity, somehow, press, bite, expectation, statement, content, entire, respond, material, challenge, vocabularyStep III. Pre-reading1. Read through the whole text and let them do the following simple questions 伴讀P72 Answer the following questions.A. Why did the girl walk into the forest one day?B. What is the purpose of the eagle?C. What is the purpose of the hawk?D. What is the purpose of the hummingbird?E. What is the purpose of the swan?F. Did the girl find her dreams?G. What was the dream of the girl?2. Help the students identify the theme in this story.Read the text more carefully and then answer the following questions.1) What is the underlying idea?2) What is the story trying to tell us?3) What is the symbolic meaning?4) What do the characters or the evens in the story stand for in the real world?Possible answers:1) a difficult journey2) persistence3) patience4) Identifying ones purpose in life and finding yourself and who your are.Step IV. Language points1. Deep into the forest2. There is no hesitation in their flight. (There is no hesitation)3. fly away/ fly by /fly over4. still 的各種含以及用法5. from + 介詞短語 :from within her heartSection TwoStep I. Build your prehension1. Ask the Ss to do brain-storm: what can you see in the forest?What can you hear in the forest?What can you feel in the forest?Then collect the answers to enrich their vocabulary.2. Finish the questions (見課本58頁) Step II. Build your vocabulary1. Finish the exercise on P58.12. Lead the Ss to understand the rule of forming new words by adding Adv. Suffix “l(fā)y”.Step III. Listening skillsListening to the tape and finish the questions 課本59頁(Answers: a. a. a. b)Step IV. Speaking skills1. Giving out some expressions of making suggestions.(If you want to? / Do you like? / Are you interested in? / I would like you to/ Youd better)2. Asking the Ss to give suggestions in order.3. Let the Ss work in pairs to form dialogues.Section ThreeStep I. Let Ss read the text content (課本61頁). Step II. Lead them to the conclusion of the following rules:1. ability: can / could/ be able to 2. request & permission: can / could / may/ might / must not / shall / will / would3. duty & obligation: should /ought / must / have to 4. intention: will / would / shall / should5. possibility & prediction: may / might / can / could / must / will / would / oughtStep III. Exercise 用適當(dāng)情態(tài)動詞填空:1. You _ work harder if you want to succeed.2. _ I have some more tea?3. Where _ it be? It _ be in your desk.4. Who _ it be? It _ not be the headmaster for he is now attending a meeting.5. I _ read English very fluently.6. He _ swim across the channel when was only 12.7. It _ rain at any moment.8. Listen! It _ be mother back. Lets hurry up.9. It _ not be him, but I am not sure.鏈接高考題:1 You might just as well tell the manufacturer that male customers _ not like the design.A. must B. shall C. may D. need2 How _ you say that you really understand the whole story if you have covered only part of the article?A. can B. must C. need D. may3. My English-Chinese dictionary has disappeared. Who _ have taken it?A. should B. must C could D. would4. Is John ing by train? He should, but he _ not. He likes driving his car. A. must B. can C. need D. may5. I heard they went skiing in the mountain last winter. It _ true because there was little snow there. A. may not be B. wont be C. couldnt D. mustnt be6. I hear youve got a set valuable Australian coins. _ I have a look? A. Do B. May C. Shall D. ShouldStep IV. Let the Ss analyze several sentences to help them make clear about the sentence structures.1. In Africa I met a boy,who was crying as if his heart would break and said,when I spoke tohim,that he was hungry because he had had no food for two days.分析: 第一,拆分句子:這個長句可以拆分為四段:In Africa I met a boy/who was crying as if his heart would break/when I spoke to him,that he was hungry because/he had had no food for two days.第二,句子的結(jié)構(gòu)分析:(1)主干結(jié)構(gòu)是主語+過去式+賓語:I met a boy。(2)crying后面是壯語從句“as if his heart would break”。(3)“when I spoke to him”是介于“said”和“that he was hungry because”之間的插入語。2. There was little hope of continuing my inquiries after dark to any useful purpose in a neighborhood that was strange to me.分析: 該句可分為三部分:There was little hope/continuing my inquiries after dark to any useful purpose/in a neighborhood that was strange to me.Section FourStep I. Introduction of background information of the woman writer. 譚恩美,著名美籍華裔女作家。1952年出生于美國加州奧克蘭,曾就讀醫(yī)學(xué)院,后取得語言學(xué)碩士學(xué)位。她因處女作喜福會而一舉成名,成為當(dāng)代美國的暢銷作家。著有長篇小說灶神之妻、靈感女孩和為兒童創(chuàng)作的月亮夫人、中國暹羅貓等,作品被譯成20多種文字在世界上廣為流傳。 艾米譚是當(dāng)代講故事的高手。她是一個具有罕見才華的優(yōu)秀作家,能觸及人們的心靈。 艾米譚的處女作喜福會既獲得了批評界的一致好評,也成了一本十分搶手的暢銷書。她的新作寫得更優(yōu)美、更大膽,也取得了更大的成功。譚用她那講故事的天才創(chuàng)造了一個豐富多彩的世界,這種才能時時照亮?xí)械拿恳粋€頁碼。 Step II. Check of understanding 1. How would you feel if you were a Chinese person born in the USA?2. Are you still Chinese when you dont know any Chinese?3. Why do you think the author simply denied that she was Chinese?4. What is it that drives her to go back to her roots?5. Toward the end of the story, do you think the author es to see that she is Chinese? Why or why not?Step III. Difficult points1. take off2. feel my excitement rising3. cannot be helped4. I was about as Chinese as they were5. someday6. with引導(dǎo)的伴隨狀語7. if only / only if8. as though / as if Step IV. Language points1. be worth doing / sth. be worth while doing / to do sth.Its worth seeing / hearing / reading值得一看/一聽/一讀 be worth notice / the trouble 值得注意/費(fèi)點(diǎn)事 It is worth while the place.這地方值得參觀。The problem is worth .這個問題值得討論一下。比較:上面兩句中的主語, worth 前面的主語是名詞或代詞, 后面的動名詞其邏輯賓語是句子的主語, 這是一種用主動式表達(dá)被動式的一種句型。worth while 前面的是It 是形式主語。2. close to:Our house is quite close to the town center.Dont get close to the falling building.They were standing close to each other.第一句中的close 是_ 詞.二三句中的是_ 詞.The two things are closely interconnected.這兩個事物是相互緊密地聯(lián)系在一起的。本句中的closely的意思是_詞,意思是_。3 follow 指出下列例句中follow的意義:The children followed their mother into the room. We shall follow closely the latest advance of the subject in the world. We followed the road to the top of the hill. I didnt follow his line of reasoning. The soldiers must follow the officers orders. Please follow the instructions on the packet when you take the drug. Disease often follows war. 4. cannot help but 不能不,不得不 cant help 情不自禁地做某事One cannot help but be struck by the enthusiasm of the representatives present.人們不能不被到場的代表們的熱情所感動。I cannot help doing so under these circumstances.在這樣的情況下我不得不這樣做。比較上面兩句話,cant help but 后面接_ , cant help 后接的是_ .It cant be helped. 這是沒辦法的.5. go throughto go through two stages (時期,階段) These countries have gone / been through too many wars. 上面兩句中g(shù)o through 意思是_The law has gone through Parliament(議會).Their plans went through.他們的計(jì)劃得到了批準(zhǔn)。You should go through the official channels to get help instead of through private relationship.你應(yīng)該通過官方渠道而不是通過私人關(guān)系尋求幫助。歸納上面句子中g(shù)o through的意思: 6. as though = as if ( means in a way that suggests that something is true )The animal was walking as though it had hurt its leg.這動物走路的樣子好像傷了腿似的。She looked as if shed been crying. 她看上去好像哭過.He shook his head as if to say no. 7. similar 相似的, 類似的My new dress is similar to the one you have.我的新衣服和你的那件相似。be similar to 比較:familiar 熟悉的,熟知的Are you familiar with this type of car? 你熟悉這種型號的汽車嗎?Are you familiar with the rules of baseball? 你熟悉棒球規(guī)則嗎?He is familiar with Chinese ancient history.他通曉中國古代史。be familiar with 表示 _ 對_ 熟悉.Those plants are familiar to me. The history of Tang Dynasty is quite familiar to him. be familiar to 8. doubt 學(xué)習(xí)下列例句,歸納doubt 的用法I doubt whether/if he is at home.我看他不一定在家。I do not doubt that he can recite it.我相信他能把它背下來。Can you doubt that he will win? 你不相信他會獲勝嗎?I doubt what he said.我不相信他說的話。9. intend vt.想要, 打算, 意指, 意為We intend to go. They intend going. You intended that she go.intend 后接_和_ 意思一樣 , 如果接從句,從句中的謂語動詞用_.intend.for 打算供.使用;打算使.成為; The book is intended for beginners.本書是為初學(xué)者編寫的。The parent intended their daughter for a doctor . (翻譯) 10. regard.as.把.視為; 認(rèn)為.是You cant regard him as a friend but a business associate."你不能把他看作朋友,只是個生意合伙人。"Titanic .泰坦尼克號被認(rèn)為是到目前為止他拍得最好的影片。At that time the shipTitanicwas regarded as unsinkable.當(dāng)時泰坦尼克號船被認(rèn)為是不會下沉的.regard . as . 后面可接名詞或 .11.challenge向挑戰(zhàn);邀請比賽He challenged me to play another tennis game.他向我挑戰(zhàn)要我跟他再打一場網(wǎng)球。I challenged him to a game of chess.我邀他跟我下棋。向.挑戰(zhàn)的句型為 其中的to 后接動詞時,是不定式符號, 接名詞時to為介詞。12. purpose What is your purpose in doing that? 你做那件事的意圖是什么?set the purpose for 為.確立目標(biāo) When you read , you must set the purpose for reading.on purpose 故意地;為了;特地I came here .我特地來這里看你。for/with the purpose of ; 為的是; 為了.起見; 為了.的目的He went to town .他進(jìn)城的目的是買一臺新電視機(jī)。13. more than 比較下面四個句子,試著翻譯一下:I have been there more than once.More than one student has been to the Great Wall in our class.Reading is more than rapidly running ones eyes over the words.My English teacher is more than a teacher, he is also my friend.前兩句中的more than 意思是 ;后面兩句中的more than 意思是 。Step IV. HomeworkReview the whole unit and finish the exercise


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