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2019-2020年高中英語 Unit 4 Films and film events教案 牛津譯林版選修8.doc

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2019-2020年高中英語 Unit 4 Films and film events教案 牛津譯林版選修8.doc

2019-2020年高中英語 Unit 4 Films and film events教案 牛津譯林版選修8【美文閱讀】Film director電影導演素質(zhì)的高低對影片的成功與否起著至關(guān)重要的作用。A director plays a key role in a films production, and acts as the vital link between the production, technical and creative teams.Directors are responsible for turning the films written script(手稿) into actual images and sounds on the screen. They must define(使明確,規(guī)定) the style and structure of the film, and then act as both storytellers and team leaders to bring the vision to reality.Directors may write the film script or have it written by others; or they may be hired after the script is plete. Directors must develop a vision for the finished film, and seek a practical way to achieve it. During preproduction, directors make important decisions, such as selecting the right cast and place for the film. They then direct the performances of the actors once the film is in production. Directors also manage the technical aspects of filming, including the camera, sound, lighting, design and special effects departments.Duringpostproduction, directors work closely with editors through the many technical processes of editing to reach the final cut of the film. At all stages, directors are responsible for encouraging the team to produce the best possible results.Directors must have creative skills to develop an original film. Strong mitment(委托,承諾)and a deep affection for filmmaking are vital, along with the ability to act as a strong and confident leader. Directors must constantly make decisions, but must also be able to team up with others. The ability to remain calm and think clearly under great pressure and the determination to succeed are very important for this role.【誘思導學】1Generally speaking, what role does a director play in a films production? 2According to the passage, what good qualities does a director have in the film production? 【答案】1.A director acts as the vital link between the production, technical and creative teams.2Responsible, creative, affective, able, cooperative, calm, of strong determination, etc.Period Previewing(教師用書獨具)教學目標本課時主要是通過學生對學案所給出的內(nèi)容的學習,了解本課文中所出現(xiàn)的詞匯,初步了解課文以及相關(guān)的背景知識,對下一堂課就課文的全面理解起到一個鋪墊作用。教學地位本單元讓學生讀懂與電影的發(fā)展史以及重大電影節(jié)相關(guān)的文章,從而拓寬自己的知識面,增強對電影事業(yè)的認知能力。(教師用書獨具)新課導入建議通過問題引發(fā)學生思考:Do you know some important film events around the world? Giving some examples.教學流程設計導入新課。學生閱讀“美文閱讀”與“誘思導學”(見學案第57頁)。學生就“美文閱讀”進行討論,統(tǒng)一答案。學生再次閱讀課文(課本第5051頁)并完成“語篇理解”(見學案第58頁)。師生共同討論并統(tǒng)一答案。讓學生快速閱讀課文,(見課本第5051頁)并完成“篇章結(jié)構(gòu)”(見學案第58頁)。學生共同討論,并讓學生發(fā)表各自見解,最后統(tǒng)一答案。學生再次仔細閱讀課文,(課本第5051頁)進行深度理解,并完成“課文縮寫”(見學案第58頁)。老師指導學生討論,共同找出答案。讓學生根據(jù)所給出的表格進行自我評估(見學案第59頁)。學生討論,并讓學生代表發(fā)表他們討論得出的答案,老師予以更正。讓學生完成“知識初探”部分(見學案第59頁)。老師布置作業(yè),并讓學生預習學案Period (見學案第5965頁)。.篇章結(jié)構(gòu)閱讀P5051的Reading部分,完成下列表格(每空1詞)Film festivalsStarted inFeatureVenice Film Festival1932The 1. film festival in the world;includes 2. films.Cannes Film Festival1939gives 3. mostly to American films; has wellknown actors and directors.Berlin International Film Festival1951One of the most 4. of all the film festivals; gives awards to films from all around the 5. .Toronto International Film Festival1976The 6. largest festival in the world; gives some bonus awards to 7. films.Sundance Film Festival1978only includes small, independent films many of which are made by 8. directors and amateur actors.Shanghai International Film Festival1993The 9. film festival; has a good reputation worldwide; the only international film festival in 10. .【答案】1.oldest2.highquality3.awards4.international5.globe6.second7.Canadian8.amateur9.youngest10.China.語篇理解閱讀P5051的Reading部分,從每題所給的3個選項中選擇最佳答案1If your film is not financed by Hollywood, you are going to .Athe Toronto IFFBthe Shanghai IFFCthe Sundance FF2The Sundance FF belongs to .AUSBCanadaCItaly3Among the 6 film festivals, have received criticism(批評) according to the passage.Athe CannesBthe Cannes and the Venice FFCthe Academy Awards4Why was the Sundance FF not well known at the beginning?A. because Robert Redford took it over.B. because it was named the Utah at first.Cbecause of its improper focus.5We can not infer that .Athe Cannes FF learnt a lesson from the Venice FF when it startedBthe Sundance FF has bee famousCthe Toronto FF is the 2nd largest FF【答案】1.C2.A3.B4.C5.A.課文縮寫閱讀P5051的Reading部分,完成下面課文縮寫The representatives from six of the 1. international film festivals attend a weekly 2. ,Movie Magic. These spokeswomen and spokesmen tell us about their film festivals they 3. . Venice Film Festival is the oldest and it is part of a larger festival 4. contemporary art. The Sundance Film Festival only includes small, 5. films and it 6. all Hollywood films. Films shown at Cannes are often made with large 7. and have wellknown actors and 8. . Since the Berlin Film Festival began in 1951,awards have been given to films from all around the 9. . The Toronto International Film Festival is the second largest festival in the worldonly Cannes is bigger. Although the Shanghai International Film Festival was founded in 1993,the festival has a good 10. worldwide.【答案】1.major2.programme/program3.represent4celebrating5.independent6.boycotts7.budgets8directors9.globe10.reputation.詞義搭配1criterionAa standard by which something is judged or a decision is made2financeBwith intention; in an intentional manner3deliberately Ca person or pany who pays for an event4sponsorDto fail to notice; to pretend not to see5boycott Ea strong liking6expose Fto show something that is usually hidden7contradict Gto tell someone that the opposite of what they said is true8resemble Hto provide money for a project9overlook Ito look like or be similar to another person or thing10preference Jto refuse to buy (use or take part in sth.) as a way of protesting【答案】1.A2.H3.B4.C5.J6.F7.G8.I9.D10.E.短語填空regardless of; in the minority; view.as.; point out;whether.or.; in defence of; as long as; give out1What points can be raised this argument?2 one of the best film directors in the world, Zhang Yimou wins respect from his fans at home and abroad.3 regional differences in cuisine, a primary consideration in food preparation is freshness.4Investors who buy stocks can trade their shares or keep them the pany is in business.5The plan was cancelled because the supporters were .6He refused any information on the matter no matter how we requested him.【答案】1.in defence of2.Viewed as3.Regardless of4as long as5.in the minority6.to give out.句型背誦1Joining us in the studio are Isabel Rose from the Cannes Film Festival,.and Xu Li from the Shanghai International Film Festival.在演播室和我們一起的嘉賓有:來自戛納電影節(jié)的伊莎貝爾羅斯還有來自上海國際電影節(jié)的徐立。2Many of them are American,but we reject the idea that we have lost our edge as the best international film festival in the world.其中許多都是美國電影,但我們不能接受這種觀點,即我們已經(jīng)喪失了我們作為世界上最好的國際電影節(jié)的優(yōu)勢。3Not all films are made in real places.并不是所有的電影都是實景拍攝的。4Harry,a sensitive young boy who has a scar on his forehead,has been living with his relatives,the Dursleys.哈利是個敏感的小男孩,額頭上有個疤,一直與他的親戚德思禮一家生活在一起。5Much of this early part of the film could have been skipped,and more time could have been spent at Hogwarts.這部電影前一部分中很多地方都可以跳過,而應該把更多的時間花在霍格沃茨魔法學校里。Period Wele to the unit & Reading(教師用書獨具)教學目標(1)熟記學案中所列出的單詞和短語。(2)通過學案中所給出的重點單詞和重點短語的學習,讓學生能夠正確理解和使用這些單詞和短語,能夠運用這些詞語造句。(3)通過對這些詞匯的學習能夠更深層次的理解課文,再通過課文加深對這些詞匯的理解,更加熟練的運用這些詞匯。(4)通過對本課文的理解,讓學生能夠用英語簡單介紹電影的發(fā)展史及全球重要的電影活動,以提高學生的口頭及書面表達能力。教學地位單詞和短語是構(gòu)成句子的最小單位,在語言學習中起至關(guān)重要的作用,所以理解和正確使用英語單詞和短語是英語學習的重點所在。(教師用書獨具)新課導入建議“Lets know some information about important film events around the world.”開門見山,直入主題。教學流程設計老師檢查上堂課所布置的作業(yè),檢查學生對學案預習的情況。導入新課。讓學生就“課堂互動探究”(見學案第5965頁)進行討論,讓學生各自發(fā)表自己的見解,然后讓各個討論組派代表匯報各自討論結(jié)果。讓學生再次閱讀課文以加深對所學單詞與短語的理解。老師針對難點和重點詞匯進行講解,并補充學案中所遺漏的重點詞匯,補充一些必要的練習。讓學生針對各自不同的意見展開討論,然后老師給出詳細正確答案。讓學生完成“自我評估”(學案第65頁)。布置作業(yè)并預習“Period ”(見學案第6569頁)。1representative n代表;典型人物;代理人Our guests today are representatives from six of the major international film festivals.(P50)我們今天的嘉賓是來自六個主要國際電影節(jié)的代表。We discussed these issues with a senior representative of the pany.我們同公司的一名高級代表討論了這些問題。The mittee includes representatives from industry.這個委員會包括產(chǎn)業(yè)界的代表。representative adj.代表性的;典型的represent vt.代表represent oneself as佯稱自己是represent sb.as把某人描寫為 We have a representative sample.我們有一個代表性的樣品。This question is very representative.這個問題非常典型。represent/on behalf of/stand forrepresent表示“代表某人的利益等”,還可表示“象征”,是動詞。on behalf of表示“代表”,為介詞短語,作狀語。stand for意為“表示,代替,為的縮寫,象征,代表”,是動詞短語。單項填空I couldnt be present myself,but I sent my to the meeting.ArepresentBspecimenCrepresentativeDrepresentation【解析】句意:我不能親自出席會議,但我派了代表去。represent為動詞,意為“代表”;specimen為名詞,意為“樣本,樣品”,不指人;representative為名詞,意為“代表”;representation為名詞,意為“代表”,指動作,不指某個具體的人?!敬鸢浮緾完成句子地圖上的紅線代表鐵路。The red lines on the map railways.他們的意見代表全體學生。Their opinions are of the views of the students.ATM代表什么?What does ATM ?【答案】represent/stand forrepresentativestand for2Joining us in the studio are Isabel Rose from the Cannes Film Festival.and Xu Li from the Shanghai International Film Festival.(P50)蒞臨我們節(jié)目現(xiàn)場的有來自戛納電影節(jié)的伊莎貝爾羅斯還有來自上海國際電影節(jié)的徐立。這是一個倒裝句,正常的語序應該是:Isabel Rose.and Xu Li from the Shanghai International Film Festival are joining us in the studio.。當句子的主語太長時,為了保持句子結(jié)構(gòu)平衡,往往使用倒裝語序。Nearby was the house in which they had lived for more than twenty years.附近就是他們住了二十多年的那棟房子。Present at the dancing party were the teachers in our school and some foreign friends.我們學校的老師和一些外國朋友參加了舞會?!氨碚Zbe主語”是一種全倒裝句式。 Gone are the days when we used foreign oil.我們使用洋油的日子一去不復返了。完成句子長在小溪兩岸的是多種美麗的野花,這些花正在盛開。 are all kinds of beautiful wild flowers, in blossom.教授的兩個助手和他的一個朋友坐在他身旁。 his two assistants and a friend of his.一個古老的村莊被埋在沙丘中。 an ancient village.【答案】Growing on both sides of the stream;which areSitting around the professor wereBuried in the sands was3view.as.把視為We view film as a particular type of contemporary art.(P50)我們認為電影是一種當代特別的藝術(shù)形式。We view Shanghai Expo xx as one of the most important events in China.我們認為xx年上海世博會是中國最重要的大事之一。When the car was first built,the design was viewed as highly original.這輛車剛造好時,其設計被認為是獨具匠心。view n看法;意見;視野;景色;風景in ones view在看來in view在視野中in view of鑒于;考慮到on view在展出;陳列著;上映中at first view初看;一見(就) In my view,what you need is careful consideration.我認為,你所需要的是仔細的考慮。In view of the weather,now the match will be held indoors.由于天氣的緣故,比賽現(xiàn)在將在室內(nèi)進行。view/scene/scenery/sightview指人從某一特定地點看到的景色、風景,尤指由高處眺望到的景色。scene指有人物活動的場景;也指舞臺的場景。scenery指某一國家或地區(qū)整體的自然風景,或由多個scene構(gòu)成的景色,即風景的總稱,是不可數(shù)名詞。sight指某一地區(qū)值得觀賞的具有特色的人文景觀、風景名勝等。單項填空When I was a little boy,I lived in a small fishing village.The visit to the village reminded me of of my childhood.AviewsBscenesCsceneryDsights【解析】句意:當我是個小男孩的時候,我住在一個小漁村。這次漁村之行讓我想起童年的諸多場景。scene指有人物活動的場景?!敬鸢浮緽The little girl her pet dog as her best friend in her life.AviewBviewsClooksDthink【解析】考查動詞搭配及用法。句意:小女孩把她的寵物狗看作她一生中最好的朋友。view.as把看作,又因主語是單數(shù),故選B項?!敬鸢浮緽4finance vt.給提供經(jīng)費That is,the main criterion for being included is that the film must not be financed by Hollywood studios.(P50)也就是說,對于被包括在內(nèi)的主要標準是沒有受好萊塢制片場資助的電影。The building project will be financed by the government and public donations.這個建筑項目將由政府出資以及公共捐款。He took a job to finance his study in the US.他找了一份工作以支付在美國學習的費用。finance for sth.的資金finance n財政;金融;資金financial adj.財政的;金融的financially adv.經(jīng)濟上;資金上financier n財政家;金融家 Mr Danial is our financial adviser.丹尼爾先生是我們的財政顧問。單項填空London is one of the most important centre of the world.AeconomicalBeconomicCfinancialDfinance【解析】句意:倫敦是世界上最重要的金融中心之一。economical“節(jié)約的,節(jié)省的,經(jīng)濟的”;economic“經(jīng)濟的;經(jīng)濟學的”;financial“金融的,財政的”;finance名詞,“財政,金融”?!敬鸢浮緾5in defence of保衛(wèi),捍衛(wèi)Kathy,I dont like to argue,but in defence of the Venice Film Festival,I have to point out that we dont just have Hollywood films.(P50)凱西,我不想爭論,但我得為威尼斯電影節(jié)說句話,我得指出,我們有的不只是好萊塢電影。I must say in her defence that she works very hard.我必須為她說句話,她工作十分努力。Soldiers died in defence of their country.戰(zhàn)士們?yōu)楸Pl(wèi)祖國而獻身。in ones defencein defence of捍衛(wèi),辯護defend vt.保衛(wèi),防衛(wèi),辯解,辯護defend from保護,保衛(wèi)(使不受傷害)defend sb./sth.from/against sb./sth.保護某人/某物免受某人/某物的傷害 We defended her from harm.我們保護她免受傷害。The newspaper defended her against the accusations.報紙為她受到的指控進行辯護。defend/guard/protectdefend指“保衛(wèi),防御”,應用范圍很廣,對象可以是具體的,也可以是抽象的。guard指“注意觀察、戒備,以免遭受可能的攻擊或傷害”。protect指“保護以免遭受危險或傷害等”。 defend oneself against enemies防御敵人guard a coastline守衛(wèi)海岸線protect the children from harm保護兒童免受傷害單項填空Liu Hulan lost her life the benefit of our country.Ain defenceBin charge ofCdefend ofDin defence of【解析】in defence of保衛(wèi),捍衛(wèi);defend vt.保衛(wèi),捍衛(wèi)。【答案】DShe herself successfully in court and the judge declared her innocence.AexpressedBdescribedCreplacedDdefended【解析】句意:在法庭上她成功地自我辯護,最后法官宣布她無罪。express“表達”;describe“描述”;replace“代替”;defend“辯護”?!敬鸢浮緿用defend/guard/protect填空Their duty is to the country against its enemy.It is the parents responsibility to their children.The president and his family are always by secret servicemen wherever they go.【答案】defendprotectguarded6regardless of不顧;不管Our policy is to include highquality films,regardless of who makes them.(P50)我們的政策是囊括所有高質(zhì)量的電影,而不在乎是誰制作了它們。We wele good employees,regardless of their age or sex.我們歡迎好的雇員,而不在乎其年齡或性別。He is regardless of his appearance.他不在乎他的外表。regardless adv.不顧;不加理會regarding prep.關(guān)于;至于 I must make the decision regardless.不管怎么樣,我必須作出決定。He crushed the bloom with regardless.他毫不在意一腳踐踏了鮮花。regardless of/in spite of/despite三者均有“不管”之意。regardless of指不顧及后果,不在乎某事。in spite of意為“盡管”,有較強的讓步含義。despite是介詞,相當于in spite of,但側(cè)重不受影響。單項填空He always did well at school having to do parttime jobs every now and then.Aregardless ofBin spite ofCon account ofDin case of【解析】考查介詞短語辨析。句意:盡管他不時地要做一些兼職的工作,他在學校的成績總是很好。in spite of“盡管”,表示讓步關(guān)系;regardless of“不管;不顧”,表示不去考慮后果,強調(diào)主觀;on account of“由于,因為”;in case of“萬一”?!敬鸢浮緽完成句子這家俱樂部對所有新成員不分年齡一律歡迎。The club weles all new members .他們不惜成本裝修了這棟房子。They decorated the house .【答案】regardless of ageregardless of cost7We make no restrictions on the kinds of films we showas long as a films quality meets our standards,we include it.(P50)我們對我們所展出的影片種類沒有限制只要電影的質(zhì)量達到了我們的標準,都能參加評選。(1)restriction n限制;約束;限制規(guī)定Im sorry to tell you that you have broken the speed restriction.很遺憾地告訴你:您超速了。The government has agreed to lift restrictions on press freedom.政府已同意撤銷對新聞自由的限制。restrict vt.限制;約束restricted adj.受限制的;有限的restrictive adj.限制(性)的;約束(性)的 The new law restricts the sale of hands guns.新法規(guī)定限制了手槍的銷售。單項填空The supply of electric power to Madrid and neighbouring districts has to be .AweakenedBomittedCrestrictedDlowered【解析】考查動詞詞義辨析。句意:不得不對馬德里及其鄰近地區(qū)限量供電。weaken“削弱”;omit“刪除”;restrict“限制”;lower“降低”?!敬鸢浮緾(2)as long as只要;長達As long as you work all your best,you will succeed.只要你盡全力,你就會成功。The Chinese New Year lasts as long as fifteen days.中國的新年長達十五天。so long asas long as只要表達“只要”時,還可使用only if,on condition that,provided,providing(that)等。as far as遠至;就而言as many/much as多達;達之多as soon as一就【對接高考】(xx江蘇高考)Ones life has value one brings value to the life of others.Aso thatBno matter howCas long asDexcept that【解析】so that以便,結(jié)果是,用于引導目的或結(jié)果狀語從句;no matter how不管怎樣,用于引導讓步狀語從句;as long as只要,用于引導條件狀語從句;except that除之外,表示排除。句意:一個人的生命,只要它給別人的生活帶來價值,就有價值。根據(jù)句意可知選C?!敬鸢浮緾完成句子 (只要不下雨),we can play. (既然你要去),Ill go too.Im happy (只要你幸福)【答案】As long as it doesnt rainAs long as youre goingas long as you are happy8deliberately adv.故意地;小心翼翼地The Sundance Film Festival deliberately boycotts all Hollywood films,and we dont foresee ever including them.(P50)圣丹斯電影節(jié)故意地抵制所有的好萊塢電影,我們預期今后也不會涵蓋它們。We know that he did it deliberately.我們知道他是故意做那件事的。He packed up his possessions deliberately.他小心翼翼地收拾好自己的物品。deliberate adj.故意的;蓄意的;不慌不忙的;小心翼翼的 vi.仔細考慮,反復思考;經(jīng)常與about,on,upon over連用deliberation n細想;考慮;從容on purposeby design故意地 He knocked the chair down deliberately/on purpose/by design.他故意把椅子撞倒了。單項填空I think she hurt my feelings rather than by accident as she claimed.AvirtuallyBdeliberatelyCliterallyDappropriately【解析】考查副詞辨析。句意:我認為她傷害了我的感情,是故意地而不是她所聲稱的那樣是偶然地。virtually事實上,實際上;deliberately故意地;literally按字面,字面上;appropriately合適地,恰當?shù)??!敬鸢浮緽完成句子這種傷害是故意的行為,常與作戰(zhàn)及戰(zhàn)爭有關(guān)。It is a behavior often connected with battle and war.在作出決定之前,主任仔細斟酌了很久。The director it for a long time before giving his decision.【答案】deliberatedeliberated about/on/over9expose vt.使接觸,使體驗,使面臨;暴露,顯露,揭露Redford has acted in and directed many big Hollywood films,but wanted to expose the public to films made outside of the Hollywood system that ordinary people might have no access to otherwise.(P50)雷德福曾出演并執(zhí)導過許多好萊塢大片,但是他希望讓大眾接觸好萊塢之外的影片,否則一般人可能無從看到這些影片。He didnt want to expose his fears and insecurity to anyone.他不想向任何人顯露他的恐懼與不安。The baby was left exposed to the wind and rain.嬰兒被棄于風雨之中。expose sb./oneself to 使某人/自己暴露于 使某人/自己接觸exposesb./sth. 揭露、揭發(fā)某人/事be exposed to. 暴露于 To travel abroad can expose children to different languages and cultures.去國外旅行能使孩子們接觸到不同的語言和文化。Wounds that are exposed to the air heal more quickly.傷口暴露在空氣中愈合得更快。單項填空It is almost a crime to children to violence and sex on TV.AdiscloseBexposeCproposeDsuppose【解析】考查動詞詞義辨析。句意:讓兒童接觸暴力和色情電視節(jié)目幾乎是一種犯罪行為。expose使接觸到;disclose揭露,透露;propose建議,向提議;suppose推測,假設。【答案】BThe more one is the English speaking environment,the better he or she will learn the language.Aexposed toBfilled inCcaught onDkept up【解析】考查短語辨析。句意:一個人越多地處在說英語的環(huán)境中,他/她的英語就會學得越好。A選項的意思是“遭受,暴露于”;B選項的意思是“被填入”;C選項的意思是“抓牢,理解,流行”;D選項的意思是“維持,保持”。故選A項?!敬鸢浮緼10hatch vt.策劃,籌劃;孵,孵出The initial idea for our festival was hatched back in 1978,when it was known as the Utah/US Film Festival.(P50)我們電影節(jié)的最早想法孕育于1978年,當時它被稱為猶他州美國電影節(jié)。Hens can hatch chickens.母雞能孵出小雞。They are hatching(up)a plot.他們正在策劃陰謀。hatch n孵化,一窩,結(jié)果hatch out孵出,制訂hatch sth.up with sb.與某人密謀/謀劃某事 The hatch is successful.孵化是成功的。Whats the final hatch?最后的結(jié)果是什么?單項填空They are hatching a new plan to deal with rising prices.AwithBinCbackDout【解析】句意:他們正在制訂一個對付物價上漲的新方案。hatch out制訂,為固定短語,符合語境。故選D。【答案】D11Nowadays,if a film wins an award at Sundance,there is a good chance it will bee famous!(P51)現(xiàn)在,如果一部電影在圣丹斯節(jié)上獲獎,那么它就很有可能出名!if引導條件狀語從句;there is a good chance(that).為固定句式。There is a chance that.“有的可能性”或“某事可能發(fā)生”。chance意為“可能性”,that引導同位語從句。There is no chance that he will change his mind.他不可能改變主意。同義句式有:There is a chance of doing sth.chance作“機


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