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馬克吐溫的經(jīng)典名言馬克吐溫經(jīng)典名言1、黃金時(shí)代一去不返。Golden age gone.2、如果你收養(yǎng)了一只饑餓可憐的狗,并且讓它舒適順利,它將不會(huì)咬你,這便是一個(gè)人與一只狗之間最主要的差別。I you adopt a hungry dog and make it com ortable, it wont bite you. This is the main dierence between a man and a dog.3、老習(xí)慣可不是一下就能從窗口上扔出去的,而是一個(gè)一個(gè)哄著它們從樓梯上走下來。Old habits can not be thrown out o the window, but one to coa* them down rom the stairs.4、喜劇,就是悲劇加上時(shí)間。Comedy, is the tragedy plus time.5、我從來不讓上學(xué)耽誤我的學(xué)習(xí)。I never let go to school to delay my study.6、真理是我們所擁有的東西中,最有價(jià)值的東西。讓我們節(jié)約吧。Truth is the most valuable thing that we have. Lets save it.7、個(gè)人都像月亮,都有著不愿示人的一面。All men are like the moon, and they all have one side to show.8、美貌和魅力原是兩種要拿的東西,幸而不是所有的美女全都有魅力,往往是相貌平常的女人反而倒另有一種嫵媚之處。Beauty and charm is two to take things,ortunately, not all beauty has all the charm, and tend to be plain woman instead o otherwise a charm. 9、有一個(gè)人從天堂來到人間旅游,他所使用的是有效三十天的減價(jià)票,他試圖要把他的回程票賣掉。There was a man who came to the worldrom heaven, and he was on a thirty day discount, trying to sell his return ticket.10、當(dāng)我7歲時(shí),我感到我父親是天底下最聰明的人;當(dāng)我14歲時(shí),我感到我父親是天底下最不通情達(dá)理的人;當(dāng)我21歲時(shí),我忽然發(fā)現(xiàn)我父親還是很聰明的。When I was 7 years old, Ieel myather is the smartest person in the world; when I was 14 years old, Ieel myather is in the world the churlish to man; when I was 21 years old, I suddenlyound myather is very clever.11、每條緯線都認(rèn)為他只要獲得了權(quán)利,就可以成為赤道。Each wet all think o him as long as you get the right, you can become the. 12、如果你照顧一只肚子餓的狗,給它食物,讓它過好日子,這只狗絕對(duì)不會(huì)反咬你一口,這就是狗與人類最主要的不同。I you take care o a hungry dog, give it ood and let it live a good lie, the dog absolutet bite your one mouthul, this is people and dogs the most important.13、當(dāng)我14歲時(shí),我受不了我的父親,他愚蠢極了。但是我21歲的時(shí)候,我很驚訝他七年變得這么聰明!When I was 14, I couldnt stand myather. He was stupid. But when I was 21, I was surprised toind that he had become so smart in seven years!14、當(dāng)你發(fā)現(xiàn)自己屬于大多數(shù)這邊的時(shí)候,就應(yīng)該停下來反思一下。When youind yoursel on the side o most o the time, you should stop and re lect on it.15、領(lǐng)先的秘密在于開始行動(dòng)。The secret o leading is to begin to act. 16、想出新辦法的人在他的辦法沒有成功以前,人家總說他是異想天開。Come up with new methods in the way he did not succeed beore, people always say he isantastic.17、真理的靴子尚未穿上,謊言就跑遍世界。The truth has not yet been put on boots, it has traveled all over the world.18、之后的二十年,你更可能因?yàn)槟切┠銢]有去做的事情而后悔,而不是因?yàn)槟切┠阕隽说氖?。所以,扔開繩索,從安全的港口出發(fā),在航行中遭遇信風(fēng)、探索、夢想和發(fā)現(xiàn)。In the ne*t twenty years, youre more likely to regret the things you didnt do, not because o what you did. So throw o the rope, starting rom the sae harbor, encounter trade, e*ploration, and discovery in sailing dream.19、必要的時(shí)候不妨把衣服穿得馬虎一點(diǎn),可是心靈美必須保持整潔才行。When necessary, may wish to wear a little sloppy clothes, but the beauty o the mind must be kept clean and tidy. 20、別到處埋怨這個(gè)世界欠你一個(gè)美好的生活,世界什么都不欠你,它比你先到。Dont complain about the world owes you a good lie, the world owes you nothing, it is better than you.21、在人生的前半,有享樂的能力而無享樂的機(jī)會(huì);在人生的后半,有享樂的機(jī)會(huì)而無享樂的能力。In theirst hal o li e, there is the capacityor enjoyment without the opportunity o enjoyment; in the latter hal o li e, there is the opportunity to enjoy without the ability to enjoy.22、你為人像水一般軟弱。這一點(diǎn)人家很快就會(huì)發(fā)現(xiàn)的。他們不用費(fèi)什么勁就會(huì)發(fā)現(xiàn)你為人沒有骨氣。他們可以像對(duì)付一個(gè)奴隸一樣對(duì)付你。You are as weak as water. This will soon beound. They do not charge what Jin willind you as spineless. They can deal with you like a slave.23、我們要努力把一生好好地度過,等到死的時(shí)候,那就連殯儀館的老板也會(huì)感到惋惜。We should strive to live a good lie, until the death o the time, even the uneral home owners willeel sorry.24、大概是由于婦女缺乏冒險(xiǎn)的精神,所以她們不像男人那樣喜歡證券投機(jī)和開礦辦企業(yè)這類事情。婦女只有到了精神沮喪的時(shí)候,才會(huì)對(duì)賭博性的勾當(dāng)發(fā)生興趣。Is probably due to the lack o the spirit o adventure o women, so they like men like speculative securities and mining enterprises to do this kind o thing. Only when women are depressed, will they be interested in gambling activities. 25、就算給人以蠢笨的印象也不要緊。這樣的特質(zhì)可使友誼維系終身只要不想對(duì)方借錢。Even i a stupid impression does not matter. Such traits can make riendships lastor a lietime - as long as they dont want to borrow moneyrom each other.26、充實(shí)人生,并不全在所有遭遇的事跟事實(shí),而全在于思想的風(fēng)暴,永遠(yuǎn)橫掃過我們的腦際。To live lie to theull, not all in all encounters with theact, and is thought o storm, orever across the US.27、在所有動(dòng)物中,人類是最兇殘的,是唯一把自己的快樂建筑在痛苦之上的動(dòng)物。In all the animals, man is the mosterocious, is the only one o their own happiness in the pain o the animal. 28、真誠的朋友,良好的書本和沉睡的良心,這就是理想的生活。Sincereriends, good books and sleeping conscience, this is the ideal lie.29、如果你說真話,你就不必記住說過的任何話。I you tell the truth, you dont have to remember anything. 30、在你生命中最重要的兩個(gè)日子,一個(gè)是你出生的日子,一個(gè)是你知道你為什么出生的日子。One o the two most important days in your li e is the days when you were born, the one you know why you were born.31、跳舞,像沒有人看著那樣;熱戀,像從未受傷一樣;唱歌,像無人聽著那樣;活著,就把人間當(dāng)天堂。To dance, as i nobody was watching; love, like never been hurt; sing, like no one listen to; live, and make the world a paradise. 32、這些貴婦仿佛一大片花海,五光十色,燦爛耀眼,她們身上的鉆石熠熠生輝,連成一片,仿佛天上的銀河。These ladies as i a large lowers, colorul, brilliant and dazzling, their body diamond shine, connect a piece, as i Heaven gala*y. 33、時(shí)間流逝,冬天來到了。Time goes by, winter comes.34、為什么你像一張沒寫地址的信封一樣坐在這里?Why are you sitting here like an envelope without an address?35、讓自己高興起來的最好辦法就是設(shè)法讓別人高興起來。The best way to cheer yoursel up is to try to cheer someone else up. 36、不要離開幻想,一旦幻想消失,你也許可以繼續(xù)安在,但生活將從此和你無緣。Dont go out o your antasy. Once theantasy is gone, you may be able to keep it sae, but lie will never be with you.37、年輕而悲觀是最悲慘的事。Young and pessimistic is the most tragic thing.38、年后,讓你感到失望的不會(huì)是你做過的事,而會(huì)是你沒做過的事,所以,請解開繩索,駛離安全的港灣,扔帆起航吧。去探索,去夢想,去發(fā)現(xiàn)!Years later, let youeel disappointed not is what you have done, but you havent done a thing, so, please untie the rope and sail awayrom the sae harbor, throw set sail the sail. To e*plore, to dream, to discover!39、憤怒是一種酸,它對(duì)儲(chǔ)存它的容器的傷害大于它對(duì)任何接觸它的物體的傷害。Anger is an acid, which is more harmul to the container than it isor any contact with it.40、安德魯神父還教給湯姆一點(diǎn)拉丁語,教給他怎樣讀和寫,他本也可以教給那些女孩的,但她們害怕朋友的嘲笑,有了這種稀奇的本事,朋友們是不會(huì)容忍的。Father Andrew also taught to give Tom a bit o Latin, teach him how to read and write, he can also teach the girls, but they were a raid o a riend ridicule, the ability o the bizarre and riends is not tolerate.41、永遠(yuǎn)要像你不需要金錢那樣地工作,永遠(yuǎn)要像你不曾被傷害過那樣地愛,永遠(yuǎn)要像沒有人在注視你那樣地跳舞,永遠(yuǎn)要像在天堂那樣地生活。Always work like you dont need money, love like you have never been hurt, and dance like no ones watching you, always be like living in heaven.42、一個(gè)人要在年輕的時(shí)候,感到世界上一切都生氣勃勃、趣味無窮,那才需要錢財(cái)啊。老天爺為什么不把通常的過程顛倒一下,讓多數(shù)為首先獲得財(cái)富,慢慢把它花掉,然后讓他們在不需要再有錢的時(shí)候,變成一個(gè)窮光蛋死去呢?A person at a young age,eel everything in the worldull o vitality and un, that need money. Why dont God put the usual process upside down, so that the majority o the irst to get the wealth, slowly it spent, and then let them do not need to have the money, become a poor light egg die?43、擺脫了奴役和罪惡的束縛,擺脫了庸俗和野蠻,生命就顯得有生氣了。Out o slavery and the shackles o evil, to get rid o the vulgar and brutal, li e becomes angry.馬克吐溫經(jīng)典名言1、 我們要努力把一生好好地度過,等到死的時(shí)候,那就連殯儀館的老板也會(huì)感到惋惜。馬克吐溫 傻瓜威爾遜2、 上帝先創(chuàng)造了毛里求斯,再依照毛里求斯的風(fēng)景創(chuàng)造天堂 馬克吐溫3、 人的思想是了不起的,只要專注于某一項(xiàng)事業(yè),就一定會(huì)做出使自己感到吃驚的成績。馬克吐溫4、 印度擁有兩百萬個(gè)神,他們崇拜所有的這些神。在宗教上其他的國家都是窮人,印度是唯一的“百萬富翁”。馬克吐溫5、 善良,是一種世界通用的語言,它可以使盲人感到,聾子聞到。馬克吐溫 在西部6、 如果你懂得使用,金錢是一個(gè)好奴仆,如果你不懂得使用,它就變成你的主人。馬克吐溫7、 在幽默的領(lǐng)域里,重復(fù)的威力是很大的。幾乎任何一個(gè)用詞確切一成不變的習(xí)慣用語,只要每隔一段時(shí)間鄭重地重復(fù)它五六次,最后總是逼得人家忍不住笑起來。馬克吐溫8、 不尊重別人信奉的神就是真正的不敬。馬克吐溫 赤道環(huán)游記9、 我們自己用的得意的詞匯,其實(shí)絕非來自我們自己。屬于我們自己的無非只是依照我們的脾氣性格環(huán)境教育與社會(huì)關(guān)系而做的些修改而已。只是這么點(diǎn)修改,使之區(qū)別于別人的表達(dá)方式,打下了我們特有風(fēng)格的烙印,暫時(shí)算作是我們自己的東西。別的統(tǒng)統(tǒng)都是些陳年舊貨,是幾千年幾百年以來世世代代的人說過的陳詞濫調(diào)而已。馬克吐溫10、 我認(rèn)為,我認(rèn)識(shí)的每一個(gè)人都有道德,雖然我不喜歡問。我知道我有。但我寧可天天教別人道德,而不愿自己實(shí)踐道德。“把道德交給別人去吧”,這是我的座右銘。把道德送完了。你就永遠(yuǎn)用不著了。馬克吐溫11、 狂熱的欲望,會(huì)誘出危險(xiǎn)的行動(dòng),干出荒謬的事情來。馬克吐溫12、 當(dāng)你發(fā)現(xiàn)自己屬于大多數(shù)這邊的時(shí)候,就應(yīng)該停下來反思一下。馬克吐溫13、 一切脆弱的東西之中,最脆弱的就是不曾在烈火中試煉過的道德。馬克吐溫 敗壞了赫德萊堡的人14、 有一只蒼蠅落在他面前的座椅靠背上,它從從容容的搓著雙手,伸出胳臂來抱著頭,拼命使勁的摩擦,以致它的頭幾乎好像是要和身子分家,像一根細(xì)線似的脖子顯露出來,可以看得清清楚楚;它又用后腿撥弄翅膀,把翅膀向身上輕輕地摸,好像那是禮服的后擺。它逍遙自在的老在那兒做著這一全套梳裝打扮的功夫,似乎是明知自己絕對(duì)安全無事一般。馬克吐溫 湯姆索亞歷險(xiǎn)記15、 擺脫了奴役和罪惡的束縛,擺脫了庸俗和野蠻,生命就顯得有生氣了。馬克吐溫 王子與貧兒16、 在衣著上你可以不修邊幅,但切不可讓靈魂染上污點(diǎn) 馬克吐溫17、 要傷透你的心,那就需要你的仇人和你的朋友合作才行,一個(gè)對(duì)換你進(jìn)行誹謗,另一個(gè)把消息告訴你。馬克吐溫18、 真理的靴子尚未穿上,謊言就跑遍世界。馬克吐溫19、 土著們對(duì)于衣服、房屋、定時(shí)起居、教堂、學(xué)校、主日學(xué)校、工作以及文明強(qiáng)加在他們頭上的其他迫害,都很不習(xí)慣,他們?nèi)琊囁瓶实貞涯钏麄兡菃适Я说墓枢l(xiāng)和他們從前那種自由的野蠻生活。他們把那個(gè)天堂換了這個(gè)地獄,現(xiàn)在是悔之晚矣。他們坐在異鄉(xiāng)的高崖巖上,思念故鄉(xiāng),一天又一天地含著眼淚,凝神注視著海外,懷著無法消除的渴望,遙望著煙霧迷蒙的地方,那就是他們原先那個(gè)天堂的鬼影。他們一個(gè)個(gè)都傷透了心,全都死掉了。馬克吐溫20、 巨大的財(cái)富具有充分的誘惑力,足以穩(wěn)穩(wěn)當(dāng)當(dāng)?shù)仄鹬旅淖饔?,把那些道德基礎(chǔ)并不牢固的人引入歧途。馬克吐溫馬克吐溫經(jīng)典名言1、每個(gè)人都像月亮,有著從來不讓任何人看見的黑暗面。Every man is like the moon, with the dark side that never let anyone see.2、在衣著上你可以不修邊幅,但切不可讓靈魂染上污點(diǎn)。In the clothes you can but dont let careless about dressing, tainted soul.3、人一生中最重要的兩天就是出生那天和發(fā)現(xiàn)人生目標(biāo)的那天。The two most important days in your lie are the day when you were born, and the day when youound your purpose.4、貓與謊言最大的差別是,貓有九條命。A cat and a lie is the biggest dierence is that a cat has nine lives.5、黃金時(shí)代在我們面前而不在我們背后。The golden age is beore us, not behind us.6、醫(yī)生知道的如此之少,收費(fèi)卻如此之高。The doctor knows so little, the charge is so high.7、希望好像一個(gè)家庭,沒有它,你會(huì)覺得生活乏味;有了它,你又覺得天天為它辛勞,是一種煩惱。Hope seems like aamily, without it, you willind lie boring; with it, youeel every dayor its hard work, is a kind o trouble. 8、一個(gè)人若有一茶匙頭腦,便會(huì)有一份傲氣。I a man has a teaspoon o the mind, there will be a pride. 9、真理還在穿鞋的時(shí)候,謊言就走遍了半個(gè)世界。When the truth is putting on its shoes, lies halway around the world.10、只憑一句贊美的話我就可以充實(shí)地活上兩個(gè)月。I can liveor two months with a compliment.11、同樣是說話,同樣是闡述自己的思想,有人惹來了一身麻煩,有人卻贏得了陣陣掌聲,這就是表達(dá)的哲學(xué)。Is also speak, is also e*pounded their ideas, people attracted trouble, but won the applause, this is the e*pression o philosophy. 12、良好的教養(yǎng)在于隱藏我們對(duì)自己較佳的評(píng)價(jià),以及隱藏我們對(duì)他人較差的評(píng)價(jià)。A good education is to hide our good evaluation o ourselves, and to hide our poor evaluation o others. 13、從前有一句賀辭,非常美妙,像黃金一樣寶貴。你向富裕的山上攀登的時(shí)候,希望你能遇到一個(gè)朋友。Once there was a message, very beautiul, like as precious as gold. When you are climbing up the hill, I hope you will meet ariend.14、如果我生下來就是八十歲,而慢慢長到十八歲的話,人生會(huì)更加快樂無窮。I I was born eighty years old, and slowly grow to eighteen years old, li e will be more happy.15、一個(gè)奇怪的、虛榮心十足的、令人生厭的女人!我看我實(shí)在無法喜歡她,除非是在汪洋大海中的一只木筏上,見不到其他糧食的時(shí)候。A strange andull o vanity and boring woman! I think I dont love her, unless it is a ra t in a vast e*panse o water in, not to see other ood.16、習(xí)慣就是習(xí)慣,誰也不能一下子把他從窗口扔出去,而只能一步一步將他印下樓梯。Habit is a habit, who can not throw him out o the window, and can only step by step down the stairs. 17、歷史并不重復(fù),只是押韻而已。History does not repeat, but only rhyme.18、愛情到來的時(shí)候,你既不能和它理論,也不能跟它講價(jià)錢。When love comes, you cant and it theory, also cant tell it about the price.19、戒律就像按摩療法,必須用力揉擦。Discipline is like massage therapy, must rub rub.20、不懂的事你自然會(huì)多加小心,惹禍上身的都是你以為懂的事。Dont know what you will be more careul, trouble is you think you know.21、他的感覺就像一個(gè)人高高興興地跳著去看彩虹,結(jié)果卻被雷劈了。Hiseeling is like a man to go to see the rainbow happily, the result was thunder.22、構(gòu)成生命的主要成分,并非事實(shí)和事件,它主要的成分是思想的風(fēng)暴,它一生一世都在人的腦中吹襲。Constitute the main component o li e, notacts and events, it is the main component o the thought o the storm, it is all li e in the human brain blow.23、讓我們陷入困境的不是無知,而是看似正確的謬誤論斷。It is not ignorance that makes us into trouble, it is aallacy that seems right.24、讀養(yǎng)生保健的書可得加小心,沒準(zhǔn)兒一個(gè)印刷上的錯(cuò)誤就會(huì)要了你的命。Reading health books must be careul, maybe a printing error will be the death o you. 25、幽默是一股拯救的力量。Humor is a power o salvation. 26、悲傷可以自行料理;而歡樂的滋味如果要充分體會(huì),你就必須有人分享才行。Grie can be sel cooking; and the taste o joy, i you want to ully understand, you must have someone to share.27、不要和一個(gè)蠢貨去爭辯,他會(huì)把你拉低到他的水平,然后用豐富的經(jīng)驗(yàn)打敗你。Dont be aool and to argue, he will drag you down to his level and beat you with e*perience.28、亞當(dāng)是全世界最幸運(yùn)的男人。因?yàn)樗麤]有岳母。Adam is the luckiest man in the world. Because he has no mother in law.29、如果你收養(yǎng)一條快要餓死的狗,把它喂得肥肥的,那它決不會(huì)咬你。這就是人與狗的主要差別。I you adopt a dying dog, eed it to theat, it will never bite you. Thats the main dierence between people and dogs.30、只要讓我創(chuàng)造一個(gè)國家的迷信,我就不管歸誰給他制定法律,也不管歸誰給它編歌曲了。As long as let me create a national superstition, I will no matter who gave him the law, no matter who gave it a song.31、每一個(gè)人生下來都擁有一項(xiàng)資產(chǎn),它比其他所有的資產(chǎn)價(jià)值都高,就是他最后的一口氣。Every lie has an asset, it is higher than the value o all other assets, is his last breath. 32、有時(shí)候真實(shí)比小說更加荒誕,因?yàn)樘摌?gòu)是在一定邏輯下進(jìn)行的,而現(xiàn)實(shí)往往毫無邏輯可言。Sometimes reality is more absurd thaniction, becauseiction is in a certain logic, and the reality is oten no logic at all.33、虛假的謙讓一出現(xiàn),真正的謙讓就及時(shí)消亡。Aalse humility, true humility will die in time.34、如果你的朋友們開始夸你看上去多么年輕,那就是你正在變老的確據(jù)。I your riends begin to say how young you look, it is that you are getting old.35、人類是唯一會(huì)臉紅的動(dòng)物,或是唯一該臉紅的動(dòng)物。Humans are the only animals that blush, or the only animals that blush.36、我永遠(yuǎn)不會(huì)使用以可疑的方式得來的錢。Ill never use the money in a dubious way.37、即使閉起嘴看起來像個(gè)傻瓜,也比開口讓人家確認(rèn)你是傻瓜來得強(qiáng)。Even i you close your mouth and look like a ool, you are better than the opening to make sure that you are aool.38、沒有一個(gè)世紀(jì),也沒有一個(gè)國家曾經(jīng)缺少過這樣的專家,他們能夠知道上帝的心思,而且也愿意表示出來。Not a century, no country has ever lacked such an e*pert, they can know the mind o God, but also willing to e*press it. 39、保持健康的唯一辦法是:吃你所不愿吃的東西,喝你所不愛喝的飲料,做你所不想做的事情。The only way to stay healthy is to eat what you dont want to eat, drink what you dont like, and do what you dont want to do.40、紫羅蘭把它的香氣留在那踩扁了它的腳踝上,這就是寬恕。The violet let its scent on the ankle, and that isorgiveness.41、人類中絕大多數(shù)人,不論是野蠻的或是文明的,在暗地里都是心地善良和畏畏縮縮地不敢叫人受苦的人,可是當(dāng)著一小撮專事侵略和殘酷無情的人面前,他們就不敢固執(zhí)己見。Human beings in the vast majority o people, no matter is barbaric or civilization, in secret is kind-hearted and timid dare not call to the su ering o the people, but when a hand ul o specializing in aggression and ruthlessness o the ront, they dare not opinionated.42、善良,是一種世界通用的語言,它可以使盲人感到,聾子聞到,超越了國界的善良。正在馬不停蹄趕路的人不妨停下來,有時(shí)候,身邊的人是最需要你的幫助!Kindness is a universal language, it can make the blind dea eel, smell, beyond the borders o the good. Is non-stop on people can stop and, sometimes, people around me are the most in need o your help! 43、每天務(wù)必做一點(diǎn)你所不愿意做的事情。這是一條最寶貴的準(zhǔn)則,它可以使你養(yǎng)成認(rèn)真盡責(zé)職而不以為苦的習(xí)慣。Be sure to do something every day that you dont want to do. This is one o the most valuable guidelines, which can make you develop a serious and responsible job and do not think that the habit o su ering.44、預(yù)定時(shí)間到了。葬禮已經(jīng)開始,在四十英里之外,可是我全都看得清楚,好比我在場一樣。地點(diǎn)在蘭頓的宅邸的圖書館旁,潔恩的棺材停放在四十年前她母親和我站著的地方,我們就是在那里結(jié)婚的。十三年前,蘇西的棺材已放在那里,要不了多久,我的棺材也會(huì)放在那里。The scheduled time is up. Theuneral had begun, and it wasorty miles away, but I could see it clearly, as I was there. Place beside the library o Langtons mansion, clean well the co in parked inorty years ago, her mother and I stood where, we just got married there. Thirteen years ago, her coin has been placed there, or how long, I will put in the coin there.45、孩子們被送進(jìn)了學(xué)校,至少在當(dāng)時(shí),那總算是一個(gè)學(xué)校吧。柔弱的幼年一代每天在這里專心致志地苦干上十個(gè)鐘頭,從書本里學(xué)些他們所不懂的毫無用處的東西,依靠死記硬背,像鸚鵡學(xué)舌似的;因此受完了教育的成績只有兩點(diǎn),一是永遠(yuǎn)的頭疼,二是念書的本領(lǐng)念起來流利得很,既不要停下來拼字,也不要換氣。The children were sent to school, at least at that time, it was a school. Eeminate young generation every day here concentrate on hard work ten hours,rom books, learn some things they dont understand the useless, relying on nothing more than rote memorization, like a parrot; thereore subject toinish education achievement only two points, one isorever a headache, reading skills, readluently very, not stopping to spell the words, not ventilation.


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