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高中英語 4.1 Which English課件 外研版選修8.ppt

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高中英語 4.1 Which English課件 外研版選修8.ppt

The Speak Good English Movement The Speak Good English Movement is a nationwide movement to encourage Singaporeans to speak grammatically correct English that is universally understood.It is to get Singaporeans to speak English with confidence at work,at home and at play.,Module 4 Which English,Each year,new themes are developed to ensure the movement continues to be relevant to the lives of Singaporeans.This year's key message is simply “I can”“There are times when Singaporeans complain,butif we stop to take stock of our achievements,we may be left behind one day.So yes,I can,you can and we can,speak and use good English,as individuals and as a country.” This year,the Speak Good English Movement is targeting Singaporeans in the workforce who need to communicate with other Singaporeans as well as,international visitors.In particular,the Movement is focusing on service and retail staff.These are the people we meet every day as soon as we step out of our homeson buses,in restaurants,in shops,and hospitals,as well as in places of interest.The Movement also aims to reach out to parents and teachers who play important roles in the learning and use of good English by the youths. 60% of people interviewed said they knew the Speak Good English Movement.More importantly,all the,people who were aware of the Movement said that it has increased their awareness of the importance of speaking good English.The main motivation for speaking good English was to express themselves better and to be better understood by others. The Singapore Retailers Association,a partner of the Movement,is also beginning a new training program called “Service English for Retail Professionals” to raise the level of spoken English among retail staff.,佳句仿寫一二三 他的話讓我們想起了學校生活。 His words get us to think of our school life. 如果你成為一名職業(yè)運動員,你將會出名,全世界的人都會認識你。 If you become a professional athlete,you will be famous and people all over the world will know you . 他一到就會來這里匯報的。 He will report back here as soon as he arrives.,1,翻譯佳句,放眼高考 More importantly,all the people who were aware of the Movement said that it has increased their awareness of the importance of speaking good English. 更重要的是,已經(jīng)意識到這項運動的人們說,這項運動已經(jīng)提高了他們對說好英語重要性的認識。,2,.單詞識記 1_adv.immediately 2_adj.easy to know or identify 3_vto be important or have an important effect on somebody/something 4_adj.being the only one of its kind 5_nthe rise and fall of the voice in speaking,,Period One Introduction,Reading and Vocabulary,6_na person in your family who lived a long time ago 7_na strong regular repeated pattern of sounds or movements 8_nan argument or discussion expressing different opinions 答案 1.instantly 2.recognisable 3.matter 4.unique 5.intonation 6.ancestor 7.rhythm 8.debate,.短語天地 1_區(qū)分開 2_只要 3_在于 4_走上前 5_傳播到全世界 6as well as_ 7in case_ 8even though_ 9this is not the case_,10the choice of words_ 答案 1.tell apart 2.as long as 3.lie in e up to 5.spread across the world 6.和一樣 7.以防,萬一,以免 8.即使 9.不是這樣 10.措辭,選詞,.語境助記 English spreads across the world by many ways.Although there are many kinds of English in the world,it is recognizable by working hard at it.As we all know,the differences of different English lie in its pronunciation,intonation and rhythm.That's to say,as long as you pay more attention to it,you can tell them part instantly you hear it,Even though English isn't your mother language.,You could say that there are as many varieties of English,or any other language for that matter,as there are speakers of it. 信息提取 as many/much n as與一樣多 例句仿寫 你想拿多少錢都可以。 You can take_you like.,1,.句型搜索,Pronunciation,as well as grammar and vocabulary,can change very quickly from one area to another. 信息提取 as well as和一樣,連接兩個并列主語。 例句仿寫 不僅他們愿意幫助你,我也愿意幫助你。 I as well as they_help you.,2,Perhaps correctness doesn't matteras long as speakers can understand each otherit's communication that counts. 信息提取 as long as只要 例句仿寫 只要大伙兒擰成一股繩,沒有克服不了的困難。 _we are united,there is no difficulty we cannot overcome 答案 1.as much money as 2.am ready to 3.As long as,3,Read the passage and choose the correct answer According to the writer,you can know who it is when someone phones you because_ Athis person's voice is different from others Bthis person use different words from others Ceither A or B Dboth A and B,.預(yù)讀理解,A,1,We learn from Paragraph 2 all the following EXCEPT_ AEnglish spoken by people in different areas sounds different. BBritish English and American English are similar. Cyou can tell which part of the world a person comes from by their accent. DEnglish pronunciation,grammar and vocabulary can change quickly from place to place.,2,There are different Englishes in the world.But it is impossible to tell which English is correct because_ Amost people don't agree that there is a right way to speak English. Bthe development of English has produces many different Englishes. CEnglish is widely spoken and it is impossible to provide a model to follow. Dpeople only pay attention to how they can communicate.,3,It is not mentioned in the passage that Australia is a country_ Awhere British government once sent its prisoners to work. Bwhich is one of the youngest nations in the world. Cwhose English is sometimes hard to understand for people from other English­speaking countries. Dwhere there are unusual plants and animals.,4,In the last part of the text,the writer mainly wants to tell us that_ Athe English spoken in a certain country is influenced by the mother tongue of the speakers. BJamaica English has features of some African languages. Cmany people in Singapore are bilingual. DJamaica English and Singapore English are quite different to British English.,5,BRead the passage again and check the true statements 1You can tell where someone comes from by the way they speak. ( ) 2Most people agree there is only one correct way to speaking English. ( ) 3British English is spoken in more than 60 countries across the world. ( ) 4Australian English is only about 200 years old. ( ) 5There are some Aboriginal words on English. ( ),6Australian English is easy to understand. ( ) 7The grammar of Jamaican English is the same as that of British English. ( ) 8Singlish is the official language of Singapore. ( ) 9Singlish contains words of Chinese origin. ( ) 答案 A 1.D 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.A B 1.T 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.T 6.F 7.F 8.F 9.T,variety n變化性;多樣;變形;變種;若干不同的事;綜藝節(jié)目 The teacher told us we have a variety of colors to choose from.老師告訴我們有多種顏色可供選擇。 a variety of varieties of 各種各樣的 the variety of 的多樣性,1,【完成句子】 因為多方面的原因,這種設(shè)計很糟糕。 This is a poor design for a_of reasons. 答案 variety matter nC事情,問題U物質(zhì) Everything is made of matter. 一切事物都是由物質(zhì)組成的。,2,a matter of 的問題 as a matter of fact事實上 no matter 疑問詞不管 to make the matter worse(插入語)更糟糕的是 as the matter stands按照目前的情況 What's the matter with.?出了什么事? What matters if.即使又何妨? It doesn't matter./ Doesn't matter. 多用于回答別人的道歉。 注意:What was the matter?是陳述語序。,用matter完成句子 他來不來沒有多大關(guān)系。 _much whether he will come or not. 你的汽車怎么了? _your car? 更糟的是,我把鑰匙鎖在車里了 _,I locked my key in the car. 答案 It doesn't matter What's the matter with To make the matter worse,count v很重要,有價值,重視;計算,數(shù) Are you sure Tom will help you. 你確定湯姆會幫助你嗎? Don't count on it. 那可靠不住。 count.as/ adj.認為是 count (for sth)with sb對來說很重要 count sth against sb對不利 count on sb/sth依賴,依靠,指望 count up 計算,清點總數(shù) count in 把計算在內(nèi) counter 柜臺,3,【完成句子】 從今以后,他們盡可信賴我們。 From now on,they could_us. 這小孩能從一數(shù)到十。 The baby can_from one to ten. 他開始計算他們得邀請多少客人。 He began to _how many guests they had to invite. 答案 count on count count up,(1)n.痕跡,遺跡,蹤跡(pl.) They disappeared without leaving a trace. 他們不見了,沒有留下一點痕跡。 (2)v.跟蹤,探索;追查,追溯;勾勒,描繪 The post office tried to trace the lost letter. 郵局設(shè)法查出那封丟失的信。 lose without trace消失的無影無蹤 keep trace of 掌握的線索 trace sb/sth to sth追查,發(fā)現(xiàn),4trace,【完成句子】 警方一直未能找到那團伙的任何蹤跡。 The police have been unable to find any_the gang. 她和得加里失蹤了,沒有留下任何蛛絲馬跡。 She and Djali disappeared without_ 答案 trace of trace,link nU環(huán)節(jié);聯(lián)系;C紐扣; v連接,聯(lián)系 As we all know,there are many link verbs in English. 眾所周知,英語中有很多連系動詞。 Television stations around the world are linked by satellite.全世界的電視臺通過衛(wèi)星聯(lián)系一起。 link up 連接,聯(lián)系;結(jié)合 link up with.與聯(lián)合/結(jié)合/碰頭 link.to /with把連接起來,與聯(lián)合起來,5,【完成句子】 下一階段,他們想要和老伙伴聯(lián)手。 At the next stage,they wanted to_their old partners. 他總是努力把學習和自己的思想問題聯(lián)系起來。 He always tries to _his study_his ideological problems. 答案 link up with link;with,(1)n.辯論,討論 Our class calls for a debate on the subject. 我們班級要求對這個問題進行辯論。 We are having a debate today.我們今天開辯論會。 (2)v.辯論,討論,爭論 What are they debating (about)?他們在爭論什么? The students are just debating how to complete the task on time.同學們正在討論怎樣按時完成任務(wù)。,6debate,ebate on 關(guān)于的辯論 debate with 和進行辯論 under debate 在辯論中 beyond debate 無可爭辯的 【完成句子】 我們班級要求對這個問題進行辯論。 Our class calls for a _the subject. 現(xiàn)在辯論的是什么問題呢? What's the question now_? 答案 debate on under debate,tell.apart 把區(qū)分開來(know.apart)常與can,be able to 連用 Can you tell the twin sisters apart? 你分得清這兩個孿生姐妹嗎? tell A and B apart tell A from B 區(qū)分A和B tell the difference between A and B 區(qū)分A和B的不同 tell.by 根據(jù)辨別 tell.from the way 從方面分辨 tell that/ wh.辨別;識別,1,tell a lie/lies 撒謊 tell sb about/ of sth 告訴某人有關(guān)某事 to tell the truth 說實話 【完成句子】 混淆兩件事物的意思是說沒能把它們區(qū)分開來。 To confuse two things means not to be able to _them_ 從他緊張的神情我看出他有事瞞著我。 I could _ his nervousness that he was holding back something. 答案 tell;apart tell from,Don' t play by the river in case you fall in. 不要在河邊玩耍,以免你掉到河里。 in this/that case如果這樣/那樣的話 in any case無論如何,不管怎樣 in case of 以防,萬一 in case 假設(shè),萬一(用作conj.或adv.) as is often the case 這是常有的事 in no case 決不,在任何情況下都不 注意:in case用于句首為“如果”之意,在句中、句末則意為“以防,萬一”。in case接的從句為一般現(xiàn)在時,不能用將來時。 in no case位于句首時,用部分倒裝,類似的還有:in no way,under no condition 等。,2in case以防,萬一,【單項填空】 儲藏室的溫度決不可高于20 。 _should the temperature of the store room be over 20 . 可能下雨,拿把傘吧,以防萬一。 It may rain;you'd better take an umbrella just_ 答案 In no case in case,The quality of someone's voice and their choice of words make a person instantly recognizable,even though you can't see him or her.一個人的音質(zhì)和措辭都能讓這個人立即被認出來,即使你看不見誰。 even if/though “即使”,引導(dǎo)讓步狀語從句。從句中用陳述語氣或虛擬語氣。用陳述語氣時可用一般現(xiàn)在時代替將來時。 Even though you have made great progress,you should work harder.即使你取得了巨大成功,你也要更加努力。 Even if it snows next week,we'll go to climb the mountain.即使下周下雪,我們也要去爬山。,1,as if(as though)引導(dǎo)的從句的作用是比喻意義,用虛擬語氣。as if/as though有時不跟從句,而接形容詞、分詞、副詞、不定式或介詞短語等,可以看作是從句的省略。 She said nothing as if thinking about the past. 她一句話不說,好像在回憶過去。,【完成句子】 我不喜歡吃橙子,雖然我知道它對我的健康有好處。 I don't like oranges_I know it's good for my health. 他張開雙臂,似乎要擁抱這個世界。 He spreads his arms out_to hold the whole world. 答案 even though as if,Perhaps correctness doesn't matteras long as speakers can understand each otherit's communication that counts.也許正確與否不要緊,只要說話者互相明白就行重要的是交流本身。 as long as只要,引導(dǎo)條件狀語從句。表示條件的連詞還有:providing/provided (that)倘若;suppose/supposing (that)如果;if only.要是就好了。 I will lend you my bike as long as you return it on time. 只要你按時歸還,我會把自行車借給你的。 I will accompany you provided (that) I am well enough. 只要我身體好,我一定陪伴你。,2,【單項填空】 _I know all the children are safe,I shall not worry about it. AEven though BUnless CAs long as DWhile 答案 C,Pronunciation,as well as grammar and vocabulary,can change very quickly from one area to another.發(fā)音、語法、詞匯在不同的地方都可能會有很明顯的變化。 (1)as well as作介詞時,含義是“還有”、“不但而且”。值得注意的是,在A as well as B的結(jié)構(gòu)里,語意的重點在 A,不在 B。 He can speak Spanish as well as English. 他不但會說英語,而且會講西班牙語。 決不能譯作:他不但會說西班牙語,而且會講英語。,3,(2)as well as用作連詞引出比較從句,其意為“和一樣好”。 He speaks Spanish as well as English. 他說西班牙語像說英語一樣好 。 (1) as well as 可連接并列的單詞或短語。例如: It is unpleasant in summer as well as in winter. 夏天不好過,冬天也不好過。 (2)如果as well as 前面是動詞不定式,那么其后的動詞也是不定式,但to要省略。例如: You cannot expect her to do the housework as well as look after the children.,你不可能叫她既照顧孩子又做家務(wù)。 (3)由as well as 連接的復(fù)合主語并不影響謂語動詞的數(shù)。例如: Helen as well as I is eager to see the performance. 海倫和我一樣急于要看演出。 (4)as well as 連接的人稱代詞既可以是主格也可以是賓格,但句意不同。例如: They have invited you as well as me. 他們邀請了我,也邀請了你。(you和me都作invited的賓語),(5)as well as 用于肯定結(jié)構(gòu)和否定結(jié)構(gòu)中,其意義不同。as well as 和not搭配使用,as well as 位于not前時,兩者均否定;位于not后時,否定前者,肯定后者。例如:George,as well as his brother,has gone abroad. 喬治和他兄弟一樣都出國了。 George hasn't gone abroad as well as his brother. 喬治并沒有和他兄弟一樣出國去。(他兄弟一人出國) George,as well as his brother,hasn't gone abroad. 喬治和他兄弟都沒有出國。,(6)as well as 在意義上通常強調(diào)前者,而not only.but also在意義上則強調(diào)后者。例如: He's got a car as well as a motorbike.( He's got not only a motorbike but also a car.)他不但有一輛摩托車,而且有一輛小汽車。 (7)注意as well as 有時會引起歧義句。例如: He can speak French as well as English. 他會說英語,也會說法語。 他說法語能說得像英語一樣好。(.as well as he speaks English),(8)as well as 連接兩個謂語動詞時,它們的時態(tài)應(yīng)保持一致。例如: He publishes as well as prints his own books. 他的書是他自己印刷出版的。 We are repairing the roof as well as painting the walls. 我們在粉刷墻壁同時也在修理屋頂。 注意:as well as 與動詞連用時,其后可用v.­ing形式,尤其as well as 位于句首時,此時相當于in addition to。例如: As well as breaking his leg,he hurt his arm. 他不但摔斷了腿,而且還傷了胳膊。 She sings as well as playing the piano. 她不但會彈鋼琴,而且會唱歌。,【完成句子】 他工作和熟練工人一樣出色。 He worked _a skilled worker. 讓我們同甘共苦吧。 Let's share in our troubles _in our joys. 中國擁有大量煤炭,其他的礦藏也很豐富。 China possesses enormous quantities of coal and is rich in other minerals _ 答案 as well as as well as as well,


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