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Time to Celebrate!,Part 1 Listening and Speaking Part 2 Reading and Writing Part 3 Language in Use Part 4 Real Life Skills,Unit9 Time to Celebrate!(建議7課時),Part 1 Listening and Speaking,一、學習要求,(一)在提高聽力能力的同時,掌握并熟練運用常用的發(fā)出邀請及相關(guān)應(yīng)答等用語; (二)用英語準確表達節(jié)日名稱以及節(jié)日安排,并能進行情境交流。,二、學法指導,通過回憶及網(wǎng)上搜索等途徑了解中美英等國有關(guān)節(jié)日名稱,獲取學過的或新的關(guān)于如何在節(jié)日時發(fā)出邀請、如何作出應(yīng)答、如何表述自己的計劃安排等的英語表達,增大英語知識儲備。,三、課堂探究,1. 問題探究 (1)聽對話A,找出相關(guān)表達:Giving invitations/ accepting/ refusing invitations.,Would you like to ? 表示“愿望,喜愛”,常用于有禮貌地提出邀請,請求或建議。 Yes, Id love to./ No, thanks. 是的,非常樂意。/不啦,謝謝。,( 2 )對相應(yīng)句型進行操練,完成P150練習。 (3)聽對話B,完成相關(guān)練習(P151P152)。,2.知識鏈接 把下列句子翻譯成中文: (1)發(fā)出邀請常用句型 Would you like to ? Are you free to ? Why dont you ? I was just wondering Do you feel like doing?,你想要嗎? 你有空嗎? 為什么不? 我剛在想 你想要嗎?,(2)接受邀請常用句型 That sounds very nice. I will, if I can. What a nice idea! Thats very kind of you.,聽上去很好。 如果我能,我會的。 好主意! 你太好了!,(3)拒絕邀請常用句型: Id like to , but Im afraid Thank you for your invitation, but Im afraid I cant. Id love to, but Im afraid I cant. Thank you for asking me, but I cant.,我想去,但我恐怕 謝謝你的邀請,但我恐怕我不能接受。 我想去,但是恐怕不行。 謝謝你的邀請,但是我不能去。,(4)“打算、計劃”常用句型: Im going to do I plan to do I want to do,我要做 我打算 我想做,3.當堂訓練 以春節(jié)和圣誕節(jié)為例,各編一則小對話,要求:將“接受”邀請或“拒絕”邀請的想法之一容入其中。,Part 2 Reading and Writing,一、學習要求,(一)掌握文章內(nèi)容,了解西方節(jié)日文化,能用自己的語言復述每個人在圣誕節(jié)不同的慶祝方式。 (二)在提高閱讀能力的同時,學會用自己的語言來進行口語交流和書面表達。,本課內(nèi)容涉及兩個西方節(jié)日:圣誕節(jié)和感恩節(jié)。在課前可以通過網(wǎng)上搜索等途徑來獲取有關(guān)慶?!笆フQ節(jié)”和“感恩節(jié)”的知識。,二、學法指導,三、課堂探究,1. 問題探究 be supposed to, be supposed to. 其中to是動詞不定式符號,不是介詞,其后要跟動詞原形。當be supposed to. 的主語是“人” 時,意為“應(yīng)該 ”;“被期望”,它可以用來表示“勸告、建議、義務(wù)、責任”等,相當于情態(tài)動詞should。 如: Everyone is supposed to wear a seat-belt in the car.每個人在汽車里都應(yīng)該系安全帶。 Teachers are supposed to treat all the students alike. 老師應(yīng)該對所有的學生一視同仁。 當be supposed to. 的主語是“物”時,它表示“本應(yīng);本該”之意,用于表示“某事本應(yīng)該發(fā)生而沒有發(fā)生”。如: The new laws are supposed to prevent crime. 這些新法令本應(yīng)該起到防止犯罪的作用。 The train was supposed to arrive half an hour ago. 火車本應(yīng)在半小時之前到達。, be supposed to后面接“have + 動詞過去分詞”時,表示“本應(yīng)該做某事而沒做”。如: You are supposed to have handed in your homework by now. 現(xiàn)在你應(yīng)該已經(jīng)把作業(yè)交上來了。 He is supposed to have arrived an hour ago. 他應(yīng)該一小時前就到了。 be supposed to. 的否定結(jié)構(gòu)為be not supposed to.,它常用于口語中,意為“不被許可;不應(yīng)當”。如: She was not supposed to be angry about that. 她本不該為那件事而生氣的。 You are not supposed to smoke on the bus. 你不應(yīng)該在公共汽車上吸煙。,2.知識鏈接 Quote: “Several people, including Richard, are working to get tourists into space.” * including是介詞,通常跟在句子后,用逗號隔開,用來對句子說明的情況進行詳細補充.。include是其動詞形式。如: The price includes postage charges. 不是價格包括郵費在內(nèi)。,3.當堂訓練 Read the passage and complete the postcard below. You should visit the town of Bunol, Spain in August. Every year, in the last week of August, the town celebrates the tomato-throwing festival. It is a very unusual festival and it is a lot of fun. About 20,000 people visit Bunol for the visit. On the day of it, six trucks arrive in the town center at midday. The trucks are full of tomatoes. They dump the tomatoes onto the street, and the festival begins. Everyone picks up tomatoes and throws them at other people. The ground becomes wet with tomato juice. People fall on tomatoes and people get tomato juice in the hair, their eyes, their ears, their noses, their mouths-everywhere. This part of the festival lasts about an hour. When there are no more tomatoes people fill balloons with water, and throw these water balloons. Everyone gets wet, but the water washes off the tomato juice.,throw tomatoes six trucks tomato juice one/an hour balloons with water,Part 3 Language in Use,一、學習要求,(一)掌握輔音/m/,/n/,/h/,/ /的拼讀; (二)掌握現(xiàn)在完成時態(tài)的概念和用法; (三)熟練掌握季節(jié)和月份的英語表達。,二、學法指導,利用網(wǎng)絡(luò)或工具書查閱相關(guān)音標讀法、語法知識,以加大知識儲備。,三、課堂探究,1. 輔音,h屬摩擦音,是清輔音。發(fā)喝。字母 h發(fā)這個音。如:hen, hand. m 、 n 、 屬鼻輔音,是從鼻腔發(fā)出的。口形一個比一個大。 字母m發(fā)m的音,如:mother, man.; 字母n發(fā)n的音,如:name, nose; 字母n/ng發(fā) 的音,如:long, thank.,2.現(xiàn)在完成時態(tài)的構(gòu)成形式及基本用法,現(xiàn)在完成時態(tài)的構(gòu)成 :助動詞have (has)+動詞過去分詞 規(guī)則動詞過去分詞的構(gòu)成與動詞過去式相同,不規(guī)則動詞過去分詞見不規(guī)則動詞表(書后P183、P184)。 現(xiàn)在完成時態(tài)的基本用法: 表示過去發(fā)生的某一動作對現(xiàn)在造成的影響或結(jié)果。例如: I have posted the photos already. 我已經(jīng)把照片郵寄了。 (“郵寄”是過去發(fā)生的動作,對現(xiàn)在造成的結(jié)果是“照片不在這里”。) 表示過去已經(jīng)開始并持續(xù)到現(xiàn)在的動作或狀態(tài),往往和表示一段時間的狀語連用。例: We have learned English for about two years. 我們已經(jīng)學了大約二年的英語。 The Greens have lived in China since 2003. 格林一家人從2003年起一直住在中國。,和現(xiàn)在完成時態(tài)連用的時間狀語: 現(xiàn)在完成時態(tài)屬于現(xiàn)在時態(tài)的范圍,因而不能和表示過去的時間狀語連用,如yesterday, last week, three months ago, in 2000等,但可以和already(已經(jīng)), yet(尚未), never(從未), ever(曾經(jīng)), just(剛剛), twice(兩次)等狀語連用。 用于This /It is the first /second time that句型中,從句的謂語動詞常用現(xiàn)在完成時。 例:This is the third time that they havent come for the rubbish.,3.知識鏈接 完成P157練習,Part 4 Real Life Skills,一、學習要求,(一)掌握邀請函的組成部分和具體寫法; (二) 了解更多異國節(jié)日文化。,二、學法指導,(一)學生可以通過網(wǎng)上搜索等途徑來獲取制作和書寫邀請函的有關(guān)知識,注意中西方文化差異。 (二)通過網(wǎng)絡(luò)或書籍獲得更多關(guān)于異國節(jié)日文化知識。,三、課堂探究,1. 問題探究 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Green It has been a while since we last met, and every laughing minite filled up my memory. Recently we have the renovation of my son from abroad to return, and therefore would like to have the honour inviting you couple to visit us on June 12, 2011, and have dinner together. I suggest the time for dinner would be best at 6:00pm. I recalled that both of you are seafood lovers, so I will prepare lobsters and fishes as the main course, I also reserved bottles of best Italian white wine for us to enjoy at that moment. Of course Held a small party after the dinner. I am sure the above invitation would have interested you, and just to make sure things will happen as expected please kindly reply to this letter and upon then I will arrange things accordingly. Look forward to see you by then. My best wishes to you and your family Yours, Smith,閱讀上述“邀請函”,思考并歸納“邀請函”的主要組成部分及相關(guān)內(nèi)容要點: Event Place Date Tel Time Hosts,Recently we have the renovation of my son from abroad to return Our home On June 12,2011 89855116 At 6:00pm You couple,2.知識鏈接 列出你的生日派對“邀請函”所要包括的內(nèi)容, Event_ Place_ Date_ Tel_ Time_ Hosts_,3.當堂訓練 小組合作制作并呈現(xiàn)你們的主題“邀請函”。,謝謝!,


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