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_After-school activities.unit 1. Sporting events.Reading.A. What do you know about.?look at the pictures on this page and discuss the questions below.1.what are these sports?2.which of these sports are popular in your city?why?3.what adjtctives would you use to describe these sports and people?4.which sports do you like or dislike?why?B. Skimming.Look at the heading and the first paragraph of the essay, and then answer these questions.1. How much skiing experience does the writer have?2. What does the writer probably do?3 . What does the writer think of skiing?4. Who took her on this skiing holiday?C. Scanning.Scan this essay quickly and answer these questions.1. What kind of marks did she get in her exams?2. What are the names of the two places in South Korea?3. Until what time did they watch people skiing?4. What happens when you cross the tips of your skis?5. How will she earn money to go skiing again?Unit 1.My favourite sport.Read this essay by a high school student about her favourite sport.sking.by Vanessa Luo.Skiing is my favourite sport, even though I have only skied for four days inmy whole life! Last year my father promised totake me on a holiday if I did well in my exams.When I got straight A's, Dad said, 'How abouta weekend at the Botanical Gardens?'However, my mum said, 'No, you promised aspecial holiday. I think you ought to keep yourword.' And, despite the expense, he did.My dream was to see some real snow, so in the Christmas vacation we flew to Seoul, South Korea, and then took a shuttle bus which runs back and forth between Seoul and Muju Resort. As the bus climbed through the mountains, we saw the snow on the trees. I was dying to get out and play with it! At last, we reached the resort and quickly scrambled out of the bus. No one in my family had ever touched snow before. We were all like little children we picked it up, made snowballs, and threw them at each other!Then we checked in at the hotel. Our room overlooked one of the ski slopes. The slope was floodlit, so we watched people skiing until 10 p.m. We could not wait to try it ourselves.The next day we had our first skiing lesson. We rented our ski suits, boots and skis, and went outside onto the snow. Wearing skis for the first time makes you feel very strange. Suddenly you find you cannot even walk.Our instructor took us onto a gentle slope, and showed us.§ome basic skills. In order to go up a hill, you have to stand sideways, and go up step by step. You must point the tips of your skis together so that you can stop. However,the tips must not cross, or you will fall. You should not ski alone in case you fall and get injured. To be honest, that first lesson was not a great success, and I kept on falling down!However, the next day I definitely improved. I only fell over a few times, and I managed to do a few longer runs. I felt pleased with myself, and the instructor congratulated me, so I felt great. Although it was very cold, I spent most of that holiday skiing. It was the most wonderful time of my life.Nevertheless, it was all over too soon. Now I have decided to work part-time this summer, so I can earn enough money for another super skiing holiday.35D. Keywords.Dl. Find words in the essay to replace the italicized words in the sentences below. Write the correct word(s) in each blank.1. The young boy was happy because his mother told him that she would surely take him swimming at the weekend. (Paragraph 1) . 2. In bowling, the ball usually travels in the same direction that your feet are aimed. (Paragraph 5). 3. It is considered polite in the West to pass your legs over each other when you are seated. (Paragraph 5) . 4 . Though the pizza was huge, the young boy succeeded in eating it up all by himself. (Paragraph 6) . D2. Find these words in the essay, and then use them to replace the words in brackets. Write the words in the blanks.definitely.check in.slopes.resort.suits.The Seoul Travel Service invites you on a skiing adventure! Spend five days in a wonderful (1) (place to go for a holiday). Arrive in Muju by bus, where you will (2) (enterand fill in a form) at one of the excellent hotels. You will have lots of time to go skiing on the (3) (sides of hills).There are instructors who can show you how to ski.There are even places to rent skis and ski (4) (clothing worn for an activity).It will(5) (certainly) be a vacation you willalways remember!stingy.Learning the meaning from context clues.If you do not know the meaning of a word in the passage, look at the words and sentences before and after the difficult word. They will often help you understand the word by giving you an explanation, an example, a synonym or a description of the word. For example, in the following sentence the word shuttle is used:Then we took the shuttle bus which rune back and forth between Seoul andMuju Resort. We can guess the meaning of shuttle from the explanation: 'which runs back and forth between Seoul and Muju Resort' A shuttle is therefore a form of transport that runs back and forth between two places.E . Read and think.E1. Complete these sentences using the information in the essay. Write the correct letter in each blank.1. They went to Muju Resort because . a. they lived in South Korea . c .Vanessa wanted to see snow. b. it was Christmas . d .Vanessa's father was born there.2 . When they got to Muju Resort, they became excited because . a. they had climbed a mountain . c .they checked in at the hotel. b. they wanted to play in the snow . d .they had never been to South Korea before.3. The slopes were floodlit until 10 p.m. This suggests that . a. many people were eager to ski . c. there was not enough snow b. it took much time to learn how to ski . d .people did not like to ski during the day4 . She probably fell down often in her first lesson because . a .she felt strange . c. she pointed the tips of her skis together. b .she was standing sideways . d .she crossed the tips of her skis.5 . She wants to have another skiing holiday because . a .she has decided to work part-time. b. her parents are going to pay for it. c. she really enjoyed skiing . d. she liked Muju Resort.E2 . Each of the pictures below illustrates one or several sentences in the essay. Find the sentences which go with each picture, and then arrange the pictures in order.Well done, Vanessa!Grammar.A. Adverbial phrases and clauses of purpose.We can use in order (not) to or so as (not) to with an infinitive to talk about purpose.In order to go up a hill, you have to stand sideways, and go up step by step.We can also use so that and in order that before a clause to talk about purpose. We often use can, may, will or shall (for the present) or could, might, would or should (for the past) in the clause.You must point the tips of your skis together so that you can stop.We can use in case to talk about a possible purpose. (Do not use a future tense after in case.)You should not ski alone in case you fall and get injured.Unit 1.Tony is preparing to go to the beach. In pairs ask and answer questions about why Tony is taking certain things with him. S2 must use an adverbial clause or phrase of purpose to answer the questions. Use the example below.1. S1: Why is he taking a fan? S2: He's taking a fan in case he gets hot/in order to stay cool.1. fan/get hot. 3. litter bag/throw away rubbish. 5. towel/dry himself.2. folding chair/sit down. 4. sandwiches/become hungry . 6. umbrella/have some shade.B. Adverbial phrases and clauses of concession.We use despite and in spite of with nouns or noun phrases to contrast two ideas.Wow!"This is expensive!Despite (In spite of) the expense, my father paid for the holiday.We use although, though and even though followed by a clause to contrast two ideas.Although (Though/Even though) it was very cold, I spent most of that holiday skiing.Note: Though the words and structures are different, the meaning is the same:Despite the expense, my father paid for the holiday. = Although it was expensive, my father paid for the holiday.Write two sentences about each of the following pictures using the words in brackets. Use although/though/even though in the first sentence, and despite/in spite of in the second sentence. The first pair of sentences has been done for you.1.a .(very tired/win the game) Although he wasvery tired, he won the game. b. (tiredness) Respite his tiredness, he won the game.2.a.(difficult/enjoy skating).b. (difficulty).3.a. (very old/do t'ai chi).b. (age).4.a .(afraid/learn to dive).b. (fears).5.a. (dangerous/love climbing).b. (danger).Skills.A. Listening: Understanding numbers.It is important to be able to recognize and understand numbers quickly when listening tospoken English.Here are some hints to help you:Money amounts often come after words such as cost, price or fee. Dates are usually given as ordinal numbers before the month.Times usually come after verbs such as to be, start, begin, end and close or after the preposition at.Phone numbers nearly always come after expressions such as The number is., It's .A1. listen to two students talk about the Table Tennis Club Tournament. Fill in the blanks with the missing information to help them complete the notice below. Table Tennis Club Tournament.Events: Men's, Women's, Boys', Girls'Cost: (1) yuan per playerThe last day for entries? (2) MayMatches for the finals?will be played between(3) May and (4) .June. The finals will be played on(5) .July.Schedule for finals: Women's Final (6) .Men's Final (7) .Boys' Final (8) .Girls' Final (9) .Contact Maggie Zhu at (10) .with any questions.A2. Listen to the results of the Boys' Semi-finals?and Final. Write the correct information in each blank. Boy's Table Tennis Results. B. Speaking: Using follow-up questions.When making friends, it is good to ask the other person about his or her activities or interests. You can do that with the questions,What do you like to do for fun/exercise? Or,Do you like .? The answer to these questions would be in the form, I like .To continue the conversation, you need to ask follow-up questions. A follow-up question asks for more information regarding the topic of the first question.Bl.Read the following dialogue. Underline Ann's follow-up questions, and answer the question below. Then practise the dialogue with a partner.Ann:so,what do you like to do for fun?Jill:well,I like playing tennis.Ann:How often do you play?Jill:I play tennis every saturday.Ann:where do you play?Jill:I play at the city Health club.would you like to play tennis with me ?Ann:sure,Id love to!Does Jill have a follow-up question for Ann? If so, what is it?B2. Practise your own conversations with a partner like the one above. Here are some activities you can ask about:table tennis. swimming. volleybal. football. hiking. badminton. basketball. jogging. kung fu . skiing.Here are some follow-up questions and answer forms you can use:How often do you .? Every Saturday/Once a week/Twice a month/Three times a day .Why do you like to .? Because it's fun/relaxing .Where do you (play tennis)? 1 (play tennis) at.Who do you (play tennis) with? 1 (play tennis) with .How much does it cost? It costs . an hour./lt's free!If your partner does not have any activities he or she is engaged in? you should invite him or her to join you: Would you like to . with me?Unit 1.C. Writing: Short personal essays.A personal essay is a short piece of writing that tells about a personal experience or something about a person's life.Here is an example of a personal essay. my favourite sport.my favourite sport is American football.I have never played American football-I have onlywatched it on TV.Recently,I saw the championshipgame,the super Bowl.The Indianapolis colts defeated the chicago Bears,29-17.1 enjoyedit,but I am sorry that the Bears lost.I like American football because the players are very big,strong and fast .The game is interesting to me,although I do not understand all of the rules.I hope that I will get a chance to see an American football game in person .Maybe I coule even go to the super Bowl and see the chicago Bears win.You can write about nearly any personal topic using a format like this. The student's essay in the Reading also used this same plan. In your exercise book, write a short personal essay about your favourite sport or physical activity. Use the example above and the questions below to help you.1. What is your favourite sport?2. Is this a sport you take part in, or just watch? For a sport you take part in: For a sport you watch: How often do you do this sport? How often do you watch this sport? Where do you do this sport? Do you watch this sport on TV or in person? Who do you do this sport with? Which athlete or team do you enjoy watching?3. How do you feel about this sport? Why?4. What are your hopes for the future?For example, to become a professional athlete; to go skiing in Switzerland; that your favourite team/athlete will win the NBA championship/get a gold medal in the Olympics.More reading.A. Faster, higher, stronger.Learn about athletics by reading this leaflet for the Olympic Games.The Olympic Games have a long history. The first modern Games were held in Athens, Greece in 1896. Every four years, athletes from all over the world compete in various sports at the Games. The largest group participates in athletics.'Athletics' refers to sports in four areas: track,field, road and combined events. Track events,such as running and hurdling, test a person'sspeed. In order to win a track event, a personneeds to go faster than everyone else. Fieldevents, however, test how high or farsomeone can jump in events such as the longjump or high jump. They also test how farsomeone can throw in events such as the shot-put, discus or javelin. Themarathon and race walks are road events. They test endurance. In combinedevents, athletes are required to compete in a series of competitions from eachcategory. The most famous combined event is the decathlon. The decathloninvolves ten different athletics events that take place over two days. Since thedecathlon tests all-round physical ability, the winner of the decathlon is oftencalled 'the world's greatest athlete'.Although all Olympic sports are equal in importance, athletics is, in many ways, the best picture of the Olympic motto 'Faster, higher, stronger'. The desire of humanity to do better to run faster, to soar higher and to push farther is what the Olympics are all about. .B. Check-up.Bl. Find these words in the leaflet. Then use them to replace the italicized phrases in the sentences. Write the proper forms of the words in the blanks.endurance . be equal in . compete in.refer to . desire . combine.1. The triathlon?puts together three sports swimming, cycling and running.2. While the sprinter?was very fast, he did not have much ability to continue for a long time without complaining.3 . Each year, more than 20,000 people take part in (the contest of) the Boston Marathon in the USA.4 . Many athletes have good talent, but fail because they do not have a strong wish to win.5 . The two boys have the same height.6 . The Olympic motto describes the desire of humanity to do better.B2. Use the information from the leaflet and your understanding of sports to decide what each of these sports tests. Tick the box under each category that applies. Some sports may test more than one thing. faster.higher.stronger.decathlon.discus.high jump.hurdling.long jump.marathon.B3.Compare your answers in B2 with a partner. Do your answers match? If not, then explain your answers and reasons to each other.New words and expressions.Reading.promise.straight.get straight A's.despite.Seoul.South Korea.shuttle .resort.be dying to (do something) .check in .slope .floodlight.ski.instructor.gentle.sideways.point.tip.cross.in case.to be honest .success.definitely.manage to do.nevertheless.More reading.athletics.the olympic Games.athlete.compete.participate.refer to.track event.field event.combine.event.hurdling.shot-put.discus.javelin.marathon.endurance.require.a series of.competition.category.decathlon.all-round.physical.be equal in .in many ways,motto.desire,humanity.soar.After-school activities.unit 2.continuous learning.Reading.A. What do you know about.?Look at the pictures below and answer the questions.1. How are the schools above different from the schools in your own city?2 . Which of these schools would you most like to go to? Why?3. How many schools have you visited or attended? What were they like?4. Can you remember your first day at school? What happened?B. Skimming.Read the heading and first paragraph of each letter, and then answer these questions.1 . What type of people wrote the letters?2 . What are the people in the letters writing about? a. how long they have studied at tutorial centres. b. their progress in learning English. c. their opinions of tutorial centres. 3 . Where might you find these letters?C. Scanning.Scan the letters to find the answers to these questions.1. Which writer did not want to go to a tutorial centre?2. Which writer gave the most balanced opinion?3 . Which writer had a British teacher?4. Which writer had a university student as a teacher?centres.Tutorial centres.The City Mirror Newspaper asked readers to write about their experiences and opinions regarding tutorial centres. Here are some letters they have received.1.Helpful.I have been studying at a tutorial centre for two years. The fees are very reasonable, and my command of English has improved greatly since I starte


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