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2020版高考英語總復習 Unit 1 Women of achievement課件 新人教版必修4.ppt

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2020版高考英語總復習 Unit 1 Women of achievement課件 新人教版必修4.ppt

基礎自主梳理考點分層突破單元能力提升,Women of achievement,基礎自主梳理考點分層突破當堂跟蹤檢測,【單詞回顧】分類識記 拓展運用 一、基礎識記詞匯 .填一填(基礎會書寫) 1. adj. 值得的;值得做的 2. n. 童年;幼年時代 3. vt. 速度,基礎自主梳理,support,childhood,worthwhile,shade,respect,rate,.填一填(閱讀識其義) 1.campaign n. 2.emergency n._ 3.welfare n. 4.project n. 5.institute n. 6.bond n. 7.outspoken adj. 8.audience n.,基礎自主梳理,項目; 工程; 規(guī)劃,突發(fā)事件; 緊急情況,運動; 戰(zhàn)役,學會; 學院; 協(xié)會,福利; 福利事業(yè),聯(lián)系; 關系; 結(jié)合; 紐帶,直言的; 坦誠的,觀眾; 聽眾; 讀者,.用一用(語境推意) 1. 2018天津卷 Exit immediately from the nearest emergency exit; do not use a lift. 2. These local citizens now have to balance their traditional self-supporting hunting lifestyle with the lifestyle offered by the modern French Republic,which brings it not only necessary state welfare,but also alcoholism,betrayal and even suicide. 3. 2018浙江卷 Its partly true that Dickens style of writing attracted audiences from all walks of life.,基礎自主梳理,緊急出口; 太平門,福利,讀者,二、核心拓展詞匯 .填一填(掌握書寫) 1. vt.推薦信,基礎自主梳理,observe,observation,behave,argue,argument,intend,intention,behaviour,refer,reference,6. vt. 遞送;生(小孩兒);接生;發(fā)表(演說等) n.投遞;交貨;分娩 7. n.成就;功績 v.達到;完成;實現(xiàn) 8._n.專家;專業(yè)工作者 adj.特殊的;專門的 9. n.組織;機構(gòu);團體 v.組織;籌備;成立;使有條理 10. n.人群;觀眾 vt.擠滿;使擁擠 adj.擁擠的 11._vt.鼓舞;激發(fā);啟示 adj.受到鼓舞的;有創(chuàng)造力的 _ adj.鼓舞人心的,基礎自主梳理,achieve,deliver,achievement,special,organization,organize,crowd,crowded,inspire,specialist,delivery,inspired,inspiring,12. adj.考慮周到的 v.考慮;認為 n.考慮;體諒 13. v.使歡樂; 款待entertainment n.款待; 娛樂; 娛樂表演_ adj. 有趣的,娛樂的,使人愉快的,基礎自主梳理,entertain,considerate,consideration,entertaining,consider,.用一用(境中提升) 1. 2016浙江卷 After that, I set out to read widely for an (inspire) topic, wrote a speech, and practised its delivery in beautiful pronunciation with good public speech skills. 2.Ive always understood one should try and be (consider) towards other people. 3.It is everybodys duty (observe) them to keep our society in order and going on the right track.,基礎自主梳理,considerate,inspiring,to observe,4. 2018浙江卷 Being a good neighbour is more or less about considerate _(behave). 5.2017全國卷 Moran says one of the problems with jazz today is that the (entertain) aspect of the music has been lost. 6. 2017全國卷 Its an amazing acplishment and one we cannot achieve without generous support from individuals, corporations, and other social (organize). 7.There was a heated about whether he was suitable for the position,and most of the people for him. (argue),基礎自主梳理,argument,behaviour,organizations,entertainment,argued,【記一記】詞不離群,基礎自主梳理,1.“鼓舞,激勵”家族 inspire vt. 鼓舞;激發(fā)encourage v.鼓勵,激勵motivate vt.激發(fā),激勵prompt v. 鼓勵,促使 spirit up 鼓勵,激勵 2.以-hood為后綴的名詞面面觀 childhood 童年boyhood 少年時代adulthood 成年 brotherhood 手足之情manhood 男子氣概likelihood 可能性 parenthood 父母身份;親子關系neighbourhood 鄰里;社區(qū);街坊 livelihood 生計,生活;營生,【短語掃描】歸納積累 一網(wǎng)打盡 .填一填(掌握書寫) 動詞+介/副詞 1.look down 蔑視,瞧不起 2e 偶遇;碰見 3.move 離開,啟程,出發(fā) 4.crowd 涌上心頭,涌入腦海 5.refer 查閱;參考;談到 6.carry 繼續(xù);堅持,基礎自主梳理,across,on/upon,to,off,in,on,動詞+名詞 7.lead life 過一種的生活 介詞+名詞 8. chance/accident 碰巧,湊巧 其他 9. second 次于,基礎自主梳理,by,a,to,.用一用(境中提升) 選用以上短語填空 1. 201610月浙江卷 I absent-mindedly turned the pages of the phone book and (偶然發(fā)現(xiàn)) a city map. 2.2018全國卷 Wang Shu, a 49-year-old Chinese architect, won the 2012 Pritzker Architecture Prizewhich is often as the Nobel Prize in architecture on February 28th.,基礎自主梳理,referred to,came across,3.Caring for children is an ordinary job, but dont _ordinary jobs. 4. 2017浙江卷 One of his friends had stopped to make a bicycle repair, but they had encouraged Mac to , and they would catch up with him soon.,基礎自主梳理,carry on,look down upon/on,【記一記】詞不離群,基礎自主梳理,“動詞+on”高頻短語一覽 carry on 繼續(xù),堅持keep on 繼續(xù)前進/工作live on 繼續(xù)存在,靠為生go on 前進,繼續(xù) move on 繼續(xù)前進insist on 堅持pass on 傳遞get on 上車hand on 傳送rely on依靠,依賴,was she allowed,基礎自主梳理,【句式再現(xiàn)】攻克句型 對接高考,can we achieve,基礎自主梳理,it hit me,It suddenly hit him that,基礎自主梳理,Once I stop,Once you decide to take part in,基礎自主梳理,Why not study,why not give the rooms,behave vt.(舉止或行為)表現(xiàn) 經(jīng)典例句 (1)教材原句P2 Jane has studied these families of chimps for many years and helped people understand how much they behave like humans. 簡已經(jīng)研究這些黑猩猩家族很多年了,她幫助人們了解了黑猩猩的行為跟人類的行為是多么相似。,核心詞匯,(2)I dont think it a reasonable practice for them to behave that way in our society. 我認為在我們的社會里他們用這種方式做事是不合情理的。 (3)Finally, she not only earned their respect but also helped them grow to be well behaved, confident and considerate. 最后,她不但贏得了他們的尊敬而且?guī)椭麄冏兊帽虮蛴卸Y、自信和體貼。,歸納拓展 behave oneself 舉止規(guī)矩,有禮貌 Behave yourself! 口語規(guī)矩點! well behaved adj. 表現(xiàn)好的;彬彬有禮的;行為端正的 badly behaved adj. 表現(xiàn)差的 behaviour n. 行為;舉止 behaviour towards/to 對的態(tài)度/行為,即學即練 完成句子 (1)他們對待客人很不禮貌,這使我們非常失望。 They ,which made us very disappointed. (2)如果父母不教他們的孩子如何才能表現(xiàn)得體,他就會隨心所欲地做任何事情。 If parents do not teach their child how to, he will do anything at will.,behaved badly to/towards the guests,behave himself,(3)我認為我們大家都應該注意在公共場所當中的行為舉止。 I think all of us in public places.,should mind our behaviour,2 observe vt.觀察,觀測;遵守;看到,注意到;慶祝 經(jīng)典例句 (1)She spent years observing and recording their daily activities. 她花了多年的時間來觀察并記錄它們的日?;顒?。 (2)When we attend the parade to observe the National Day, we must observe the traffic regulations.If we observe someone run the red light, we should stop him. 當我們參加游行,慶祝國慶節(jié)的時候,我們必須遵守交通規(guī)則。如果我們看到有人闖紅燈,我們應該阻止他。,歸納拓展,【名師指津】 observe后跟不帶to的不定式或v.-ing形式作補語,即observe sb do/doing sth,不能說observe sb to do sth,但在被動語態(tài)中,必須帶to。,即學即練 (1)寫出下列句中observe的含義 Though having lived abroad for years,many Chinese still observe traditional customs. It often happens that people with good eyesight fail to see what is right in front of them,for they have too much to observe. Could you tell me how you usually observe Thanksgiving Day in your country?,慶祝,觀察,慶祝,(2)完成句子 在泰山之巔,人們興奮地觀看太陽從海上升起。 On the top of Mount Tai,people excitedly _ _.,observed the sun rising from the sea,3 respect vt.尊敬;敬意 n.尊重;方面;(pl.)敬意,問候 經(jīng)典例句 (1)When I have a different opinion,I may choose to give it up and respect the opinion of the majority. 當我有不同的意見時,我或許會選擇放棄,并尊重大多數(shù)人的意見。 (2)Respect yourself, or no one else will respect you. 你要尊重你自己,否則別人也不會尊重你的。,歸納拓展 respect sb for 因某事尊敬某人 respect oneself 自重 show/have respect for 對表示尊重/尊敬 earn/gain/win respect of/from 贏得的尊敬 out of respect for 出于對的尊敬;顧及 in all/many respects 在各個方面/在許多方面,【名師指津】 respect作名詞,意為“尊敬;敬重”時,為不可數(shù)名詞,多與for連用;表示“方面”時,為可數(shù)名詞;表示“敬意;問候”時,多用復數(shù)形式。,即學即練 (1)用適當?shù)慕樵~或副詞填空 We show great respect our English teacher. Chinese children grow up with warnings not to waste single grain of rice, of respect for farmers labour. (2)完成句子 我們應該互相尊重而不要一直吵架。 We should.,respect each other rather than keep quarrelling all the time,for,4 intend vt. 計劃;打算 經(jīng)典例句 (1)教材原句P6 I looked carefully at the text and realized that it was intended for women in the countryside. 我認真地看了這篇文章,了解到那是為農(nóng)村女性寫的。 (2)Peter had intended to take a job in business, but abandoned that plan after the unpleasant experience in Canada in 2010. 彼得本打算從事商務工作,但是,2010年在加拿大的那次不愉快的經(jīng)歷讓他放棄了那個計劃。,歸納拓展 be intended for (=be meant for)專供使用;專為而設計 intend to do/doing打算做某事 intend sb to do sth 打算讓某人做某事 intention n. 意圖,目的,即學即練 (1)單句語法填空 Im writing to tell you my exciting plan for the summer holiday. I intend (join) a Dragon Boat Training Camp. They (intend) to go into the country for the day, but were put off by bad weather.,to join/joining,had intended,(2)完成句子 我要寄給你的中國結(jié)每個價值約為1美元。這里面有兩個是為你準備的。 Each Chinese knot I will send to you is worth about 1 dollar. Among them .,there are two intended for you,5 support vt.贍養(yǎng) 經(jīng)典例句 (1)It has gained support from developed countries. 它已經(jīng)得到了來自發(fā)達國家的支持。 (2)From dawn to dusk, he works countless hours to support our family. 從早到晚,為了養(yǎng)活我們一家人,他沒日沒夜地工作。,歸納拓展 support oneself 自力更生 support a family 供養(yǎng)家庭 in support of sb/sth 支持/支援某人/物,即學即練 單句語法填空 (1)With our teacher (support) us, we feel quite encouraged. (2)He had to do an extra job after work, for he had a big family _(support). (3)He gave up the plan chiefly because it (support) by none of them.,supporting,to support,was supported,6 deliver vt.遞送;發(fā)表;宣布;接生;生(小孩兒) 經(jīng)典例句 (1)教材原句P6 There was story after story of how Lin Qiaozhi,tired after a days work,went late at night to deliver a baby for a poor family who could not pay her. 數(shù)不勝數(shù)的故事描述著林巧稚如何在工作勞累一天之后,又在深夜去為貧困家庭的產(chǎn)婦接生,而且這些家庭是不能給她報酬的。,(2)That famous progressive thinker was asked to deliver a speech at the meeting. 那位著名的進步思想家被邀請在會議上發(fā)表演講。,歸納拓展 deliver sth (to sb) 投遞/傳送某物(給某人) deliver a speech 發(fā)表演說 deliver a baby 接生 be delivered of a baby (=give birth to a baby) 生孩子 delivery n. 遞送;交付;分娩,【名師指津】 deliver后不接雙賓語,即不能說deliver sb sth,只能說deliver sth to sb。,即學即練 單句語法填空 (1)All the good traditions must (deliver) to the younger generations. (2)Her baby (deliver) by her own doctor. (3)Each time he delivered a letter Mrs Brown, he had to finish his work quite late, because she lived far away.,be delivered,was delivered,to,對點訓練 語境語法填空 A convincing speech,which 1. (intend) for parents, 2. _(deliver) by a psychologist at yesterdays conference 3._ (argue) about how parenting styles affect childrens 4._(behave).In his opinion,children must be punished when they fail 5. (observe) public rules and regulations.If a child 6.,was intended,was delivered,arguing,behaviours,to observe,_(behave) well,he deserves to be praised and rewarded.There are many experts 7. (support) his viewpoint. In addition, the psychologist referred to some parents whose children have made great achievements 8. support of this book. All in all, I think that 9. _is worthwhile to read the book.,behaves,supporting,in,it,refer to 提及;談到;參考;查閱;提交;把稱作 經(jīng)典例句 (1)If the word “group” refers to different members,use a plural verb. 如果單詞“group”指不同的成員,謂語動詞用復數(shù)。 (2)She always refers to Ben as a respectable person. 她總是稱本為一個值得尊敬的人。,高頻短語,歸納拓展 refer toas 把稱作 referto 讓(某人)求助于;把(某事)移交給 reference n. 談及;提及;參考;查閱,【名師指津】 refer的過去式、過去分詞和現(xiàn)在分詞都先雙寫“r”,再加上“ed”或“ing”。類似的詞還有prefer。,即學即練 (1)單句語法填空 The scientist referred the discovery the most exciting new development in this field. The textbooks and dictionaries can be used as (refer) books while the magazines serve as reading materials.,to,as,reference,(2)完成句子 2018全國卷 事實上,傳統(tǒng)也指那些正在發(fā)展和正在被創(chuàng)造的事物。 In fact, tradition also _and that are still being created.,refers to the things that have been developing,2 e across (=run across=meet by chance) (偶然)遇見;碰見 經(jīng)典例句 (1)教材原句P6 By chance I came across an article about a doctor called Lin Qiaozhi, a specialist in womens diseases. 我偶然看見一篇關于一個名叫林巧稚的醫(yī)生的文章,她是一位婦科病專家。 (2)If you e across faults but you still want the bicycle, ask the shop assistant to reduce the price. 如果你偶然間發(fā)現(xiàn)自行車有瑕疵但還想買,可以要求店員降價。,歸納拓展 e about=happen 發(fā)生 e out 出現(xiàn);出版,發(fā)行;顯出 e to 談到;達到;被想到 e up (太陽)升起;發(fā)生;被提出 e up with 找到/提出(答案、辦法等),即學即練 (1)單句語法填空 How did it e that humans speak so many different languages? Several of the members came up their own suggestions yesterday. (2)完成句子 如果你碰巧看到了路過的車丟出的廢紙,就把它撿起來。 Should you_ pick it up.,about,with,e across waste paper thrown out of a passing car,對點訓練 運用所學短語完成下列短文 When evening falls,many students e 1. (涌入) the school library to read books in connection with their courses.Some choose to 2. (查閱) reference books or dictionaries when they 3.(遇到) problems in their studies.Others 4._(繼續(xù)) their studies in the library till late into the night.They know success,crowding in,refer to,carry on,e across,doesnt happen 5. (偶然).Only by working hard now can they possibly avoid being 6. (瞧不起) and 7._(過上輕松的生活) in the future.,by chance/accident,looked down upon/on,lead an easy life,Suddenly it hit me how difficult it was for a woman to get medical training at that time.(教材P6) 突然我想起在那個年代,一個女子能去學醫(yī)是多么困難啊。 句型公式,重點句型,“It hits me+從句”意為“我突然想到”,it在句中作形式主語。hit 在這里意為“使突然想到”。,歸納拓展,經(jīng)典例句 (1)Then it hit meI had been giving all of my attention to what was going wrong with my life rather than what was right! 我突然意識到我一直都在全力關注生活中錯誤的事情而不是正確的事情! (2)It just struck me that I still owe you for the concert tickets. 我突然想起我還欠你音樂會的門票錢。 (3)It happened that they spent their childhood in the same village. 碰巧他們的童年是在同一個村子度過的。,即學即練 同義句轉(zhuǎn)換 Suddenly he remembered that he had left his keys in the office. (1) he had left his keys in the office. (2) he had left his keys in the office. (3) he had left his keys in the office.,It hit him that,It suddenly occurred to him that,It struck him that,對點訓練 語境改錯 When my granddaughter told me that she had applied for a job as a teacher in a rural school, that suddenly hit me that I had made a similar choice many years before.Years of unforgettable memories came crowded into my mind.I thought of the fresh air,the green hills,the honest faces and so on.However,working in the countryside mean having to suffer many hardships.Only if you are strong-minded you put up with all kinds of inconveniences.I sighed,saying to her,“Why not to find a job in our city? After all,life here is more fortable.”,When my granddaughter told me that she had applied for a job as a teacher in a rural school, that suddenly hit me that I had made a similar choice many years before.Years of unforgettable memories came crowded into my mind.I thought of the fresh air,the green hills,the honest faces and so on.However,working in the countryside mean having,it,crowding,means,to suffer many hardships.Only if you are strong-minded you put up with all kinds of inconveniences.I sighed,saying to her,“Why not to find a job in our city? After all,life here is more fortable.”,Will/can,.單句語法填空 1. I think is worthwhile taking the trouble to explain a job fully. 2. He has made up his mind to intend his son (manage) the pany. 3. It was after serious (consider) that they decided to leave their hometown and settle down in Paris. 4. My demand is that the information (refer) to in my report be e-mailed to Mr Brown without delay.,it,to manage,consideration,referred,5. the rivers are polluted, it will take many years for the ecosystem in them to recover. 6.2018全國卷 But when Dennis Williams received a text that clearly wasnt intendedhim, he did something special. 7.As the worlds population grows, people (crowd) into big cities, where lifes risks are horribly concentrated. 8.Having a large family (support), he took up two part-time jobs in his spare time.,Once/If,for,are crowding,to support,9. 2018全國卷 He was just saying: “Im king of this forest, and here is your reminder!” Once his message (deliver), he allowed me to stay and watch. 10. 2018天津卷 The possibility that there is life on other planets in the universe has always inspired scientists (explore) the outer space.,was delivered,to explore,.短語填空 1.An artist who was recently travelling on a ferry to the southern island discovered a long-lost antique Greek vase. 2.Is this your necklace, Mary? I it when I was cleaning the bathroom this morning. 3.What does the underlined word “it” in the last paragraph ?,by chance,came across,e across,refer to,carry on,by chance, look down upon,refer to,4.Margaret decided to learning Chinese until she was able to municate with Chinese people freely. 5.As an expert, you should be self-effacing(謙遜的).You shouldnt _the person who needs your help.,carry on,look down upon,.句型訓練 1. 只有用這種方法,我們才能完成這項工作。(only倒裝) we finish this work. 2. 他們突然想到對于這個學生來說在這么短的時間內(nèi)解決這個問題是多么困難。(hit) the problem in such a short time.,It hit them how difficult it was for the student to solve,It hit them how difficult it was for the student to solve,3. 故事講述了一位旅行者在經(jīng)過漫長的沙漠旅行之后,雖然勞累但繼續(xù)行進,這將影響他的一生。(tired) There was a story of how a traveller, _, continued continued his journey which would affect his whole life. 4. 令人驚訝的是,薩莉沒有像以前的老師那樣被趕出去;反而贏得了學生的尊敬。(respect) Surprisingly, Sally was not driven out like the former teachers; .,tired after a long journey on the desert,instead, she won respect from the students,5. 在昨天的會議上校長發(fā)表了重要演說,這給他的學生們留下了深刻印象。(deliver, which引導的定語從句) The hea dmaster_ _his students.,delivered an important speech at the meeting yesterday,which left a deep impression on,.課文語法填空 閱讀下面短文,在空白處填入1個適當?shù)膯卧~或括號內(nèi)單詞的正確形式。 Lin Qiaozhi, a specialist in womens diseases, 1. (devote) her whole life to her patients and chose not to have her own family. She delivered about 50,000 babies safely all her life. She also wrote books and articles, one of which 2. (intend) for women in the countryside, where perhaps if they had 3. emergency they couldnt reach a doctor. One of her books explained 4. to cut the death rate,devoted,was intended,an,how,from having and caring for babies. 5. was her kindness and 6. _(consider) to all her patients that caused her success. At that time, it was hard for a woman 7. (get) medical training. That was a generation when girls education was always 8.(place) second to boys. Later her work was recognized and 9. (inspire) more and more people to cheer the 10. (achieve) of women.,It,consideration,placed,to get,inspired,achievements,


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