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Unit 1 Campus Life教案

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Unit 1 Campus Life教案

Unit 1 Campus Life Teaching Objectives:1. Help the students to pronounce correctly the vowels and consonants in Sound Recognition.2. Get the students to master the basic words, expressions and sentence patterns in Focus and Memorize and use them to talk about campus life.3. Enable the students to speak appropriately in terms of greetings and introductions.4. Get the students to understand the dialogue in Testing Your Ears.5. Get the students to master some key words, expressions and structures in the text, and get the main idea of the text.6. Introduce the basic knowledge about Word Classification and Relationship and get the students to put the grammatical knowledge into use. 7. Get the students to understand and use the basic sentence pattern “S + V + (A)” in combining and making sentences. Key Points:1. Sound RecognitionCorrect pronunciation of the following pairs of sounds: i:, I; B:, Q; p, b; t, d2. Listening & Speaking 1) Talking about campus life 2) Greetings and introductions3. Reading A. VocabulariesWords survivecrucialfinallyfollowingtipstressfulaffect allow impressionrespectdragleanengagefigure Expressions grow out ofhang with sb.get throughfirst of all half the battle with regard todrag ones feet get to worklean on stick withmake an impression on sb.from now on figure out get sth. into ones head engage (sb.) in B. Structuresno matter how allow to the sooner , the more 4. Grammar Word Classification and Relationship5. Writing The basic sentence pattern: “S + V + (A)” 主語 + 謂語(不及物動(dòng)詞)+ (狀語)(介詞短語/副詞)Teaching Procedures:.Introductory Remarks. Sound Recognition. Listening & Speaking Getting into the Topic Testing Your Ears Script of the Dialogue. Reading Warming Up Background Information Detailed Study of the Text Further Practice. Grammar in Use. Assignments . Introductory Remarks1. Briefly introduce the textbook and the general arrangement of the whole course: the first semester will mainly cover contents from Unit 1 to Unit 8 and the second semester will deal with contents from Unit 9 to Unit 16. 2. Give clear instructions about attendance, classroom behaviour, homework requirement, final exam etc. Sound Recognition1. Play the recording and ask the students to listen carefully. 2. Ask some students to give their choices. 3. Check the answers and explain the differences between the sounds: i:, I; B:, Q; p, b; t, d.Notes: 發(fā)音要領(lǐng)i: 1. 舌端靠近下齒:2. 舌前部抬高,但不接觸上齒齦;3. 唇形扁平; 4. 牙床很小,接近閉。I 1. 舌端靠近下齒;2. 舌前部抬高,略低于i:的舌位;3. 唇形扁平;4. 開口比i:略大,接近半閉。B: 1. 舌端離下齒,舌后略抬高,舌位較低;2. 唇形自然略成圓形;3. 牙床開。Q 1. 舌中部向上顎抬起,舌端離下齒,舌身自然平展,舌位略高; 2. 唇形扁平、放松; 3. 牙床開合程度介于半開和開之間。p b 這兩個(gè)是一對(duì)清濁輔音,雙唇合攏,氣流由口腔而出。發(fā)p音時(shí),氣流迅速由口腔爆破而出,聲帶不振動(dòng),p是清輔音。發(fā)b音時(shí),氣流由口腔而出,但爆破力比p音弱,聲帶振動(dòng),b是濁輔音。 t d 這兩個(gè)是一對(duì)清濁輔音,發(fā)音時(shí)舌端抵上齒齦,氣流沖破舌端和上齒齦的阻礙,口腔爆破而出。發(fā)t音時(shí),聲帶不振動(dòng),t是清輔音;發(fā)d音時(shí),聲帶振動(dòng),d是濁輔音。 4. Play the recording again and ask the students to repeat sentence by sentence. . Listening & Speakingu Getting into the Topic1. Brainstorm with the students words, expressions or sentence patterns about campus life.have a busy schedule choose a majorduring this semester/term take/have coursesattend lectureswin a scholarshipa course for two creditsChairman of the Student Union get a high/low score/mark in the exam/quiz2. Present to the students the following expressions:3. Ask the students to make up sentences by using these expressions.4. Present to the students some basic formulas about greetings and introductions. Greetings:How do you do?How do you do?Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you, too!Glad to meet you.Me too.How are you?Im fine. Thank you.Hows everything going on?Quite well.How are you doing?Im all right.Havent seen you for some time.Lone time no see.Its been a long time. Introductions:Let me introduce myself. My names May I introduce myself?Call me Please allow me to introduce myself.Im Id like you to meet This is Allow me to introduce 5. Ask the students to role-play Dialogue 1 and Dialogue 2.u Testing Your Ears1. Play the recording for the first time and ask the students to finish Task 1. Key: At a School PartyNote: It can be inferred from peters words “this is a great party!” that the dialogue takes place at a school party.2. Play the recording again and ask the students to finish Task 2. Key: Country PersonNationalityBritainPeterBritishAmericaIrishChinaJaneChineseJapanJapaneseNote: Answers can be got from the following lines in the dialogue:Peter:No, Im not British. Im Irish.Jane: Im from China, but Im not Chinese. Jane: Well, my parents were Japanese, so Im Japanese, too. 3. Play the recording for the third time and ask the students to finish Task 3. Key: 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. TNote: Draw the students attention to the following expressions:Hi. My name is Whats your name?Its a pleasure. / Its a pleasure to meet you.Im from Where are you from? / Where do you come from? 4. Check the students answers and give the correct choices. Explain the key points. Note: Britain is also known as Great Britain or the UK. Its full name is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The Republic of Ireland situates on the island of Ireland. Ireland is famous for its beautiful green countryside, and is sometimes called the Emerald Isle.u Script of the DialoguePeter:Hi. My name is Peter. Whats your name?Jane: Im Jane. Nice to meet you. Peter:Its a pleasure. This is a great party!Jane: Yes, it is. Where are you from? Peter: Im from Britain.Jane: Britain? Really, are you British? Peter:No, Im not British. Im Irish.Jane: Oh, youre Irish. Sorry about that. Peter:Thats OK. Where are you from?Jane: Im from China, but Im not Chinese. Peter:Why?Jane: Well, my parents were Japanese, so Im Japanese, too. Peter:Thats very interesting. Japan is a beautiful country.Jane: Thank you. It is a wonderful place. . Readingu Warming Up1. The teacher may start by asking the students what they will do as a new student in the new school.2. Ask the students to check the items in Warming Up and ask a few students to give their choices. 3. Ask the students to scan the text and fill in the table in Warming Up, and discuss about the changes.u Background InformationSome Tips for Freshman Year LifeGet to know your roommate and others in your residence hall. The people you live with, most of whom are going through similar experiences and emotions, are your main safety netnot only this year, but for all your years. Get Organized. In high school, the teachers tended to lead you through all the homework and due dates. In college, the professors post the assignments and expect you to be prepared. Buy an organizer, a PDA, a big wall calendarwhatever it takes for you to know when assignments are due. Find the ideal place for you to study. Become an expert on course requirements and due dates. Professors spend hours and hours preparing course syllabi and calendars so that you will know exactly what is expected of youand when. Seek a balance. College life is a mixture of social and academic happenings. Dont tip the balance too far in either direction. Get involved on campus. A big problem for a lot of new students is a combination of homesickness and a feeling of not quite belonging. A solution? Consider joining a select group of student organizations, clubs, sororities or fraternities, or sports teams. Keep track of your money. If youve never had to create a budget, now is the time to do so.The following are some other tips: Strive for good grades. Take advantage of the study resources on campus. Take responsibility for yourself and your actions. Make connections with students in your classes. Stay healthy/Eat Right. u Detailed Study of the TextText properFor teachers referencePara.1Freshman year is a crucial time in your life. You have finally grown out of middle school, and it is now time to hang with the big kids. The following simple tips will help you get through that oh-so-stressful freshman year, and maybe even have some fun.1. Who are you going to have fun with in freshman year?You are going to have fun with the big kids in freshman year.2. Whats the use of the following tips?These tips will help you get through freshman year.Main ideaSome tips will be given on how to get through freshman year, an important period in ones life.1. Freshman year is a crucial time in your life. Freshman year is a very import period of time in your life. crucial: a. of great importance; very critical 關(guān)鍵的,至關(guān)重要的 e.g. Money plays a crucial role in our life. 金錢在我們生活中非常重要。 This project is crucial to the future of our company. 這項(xiàng)工程對(duì)我們公司以后的發(fā)展起著關(guān)鍵作用。2. You have finally grown out of middle school, and it is now time to hang with the big kids.You have at last grown up and left middle school and now it is time for you to stay with the big kids.finally: ad. at last 終于,最終e.g. When they finally arrived, it was well past midnight. 他們最后到達(dá)時(shí)已是第二天的凌晨。 The movie finally started half an hour later. 半小時(shí)后電影終于開始了。grow out of: stop doing sth. as one grows older 因長大而脫離e.g. Most children suck their thumbs but theyll grow out of it. 大多數(shù)孩子都吮拇指,大了就不會(huì)了。 hang with: have fun with 與待在一起 e.g. I like hanging with my friends in my spare time. 我喜歡在空余時(shí)間和朋友們一起玩。3. The following simple tips will help you get through that oh-so-stressful freshman year, and maybe even have some fun. The next simple tips will be helpful for you to survive that tough freshman year, and maybe even have some fun. following: a. that are going to be mentioned; next in order 接著的;下述的,下面的; e.g. Please read aloud the following paragraph. 請(qǐng)大聲朗讀下面這段話。 He did it for the following reasons. 他這樣做有下面幾個(gè)原因。 He didnt see Mary again until the following Monday evening. 他直到第二周的星期一晚上才再見到瑪麗。 get through: live through a difficult or unpleasant period of time 渡過(困難時(shí)期),通過 e.g. The husband and wife succeeded in getting through that difficult period. 這對(duì)夫妻成功渡過了那段艱苦的時(shí)期。 It is impossible to get through this winter with only $30 left. 身上只剩下30美元了,要熬過這個(gè)冬天是不可能的。Para.2Main ideaFirst of all, make good first impressions, especially on teachers. The impressions you make during the first week of school affect the entire school year. If they get it early into their heads that youre a good student, you win half the battle. Be sure to be on time for every class at first. In regard to your classmates, be yourself. It is important to earn the respect and friendship of your classmates at the beginning of the school year.1. What is the first tip to get through freshman year?Make good first impressions, especially on teachers.2. How long will the impressions you make during the first week last?It will last for the entire school year.3. How should you make first impressions on your classmates? Be yourself. The first rule is to make good impressions on your teachers and classmates at the very beginning.4. First of all, make good first impressions, especially on teachers. The impressions you make during the first week of school affect the entire school year.First of all, try to do well to make your teachers to have good impressions of you. The impressions you make on your teachers during the first week of school will influence the whole school year.especially: ad. more with one person, thing, etc. than with others 尤其,特別,e.g. I love Rome, especially in spring. 我喜歡羅馬,尤其是春天的羅馬。 The car is quite small, especially if you have children. 這輛車很小,尤其有孩子就顯得特別小。make an impression on sb.: let sb. form an opinion of you based on your words and behaviour 給某人留下印象e.g. She is trying her best to make a good impression on her future mother-in-law. 她竭盡所能想給未來的婆婆留下好印象。 Being late for the first date will really make a bad impression on your partner. 第一次約會(huì)就遲到會(huì)給對(duì)方留下不好的印象。affect: v. produce a change 影響e.g. I wont allow private feelings to affect my business. 我不會(huì)讓個(gè)人感情影響到工作。 The Wenchuan earthquake has badly affected the lives of people in Sichuan. 汶川大地震給四川人民的生活造成了嚴(yán)重的影響。entire: a. whole; including everything, everyone or every part 全部的,整個(gè)的e.g. I wasted an entire day on it. 我為此浪費(fèi)了整整一天的時(shí)間。 Why do you stop the entire process just because something is missing? 為什么僅僅因?yàn)檫z漏了某些內(nèi)容你就停止整個(gè)過程?5. If they get it early into their heads that youre a good student, you win half the battle.It is very important that you can make your teachers believe that you are a good student.get sth. into ones head: make sb. believe in sth. 使某人相信某事e.g. He really has his way to get it into his parents heads that he is behaving well at school.他可真有辦法讓父母相信他在學(xué)校里表現(xiàn)很規(guī)矩。half the battle: the most important or difficult part of achieving sth. 完成某事的關(guān)鍵,成功的一半 e.g. A good beginning is half the battle. 好的開始等于成功了一半。 Believing in oneself is half the battle for doing everything. 相信自己是做好任何事的關(guān)鍵。6. In regard to your classmates, be yourself.Concerning how to make good first impressions on your classmates, be yourself.In regard to: about, talking about 至于,關(guān)于e.g. In regard to the holiday plan, we still havent reached an agreement. 至于假期計(jì)劃,我們還沒有達(dá)成一致意見。Para.3Main ideaSecondly, dont drag your feet! The sooner you get things done, the more time you will have to do the things you like to do. No matter how much you would love to sit down in front of the TV after a hard day, try to get to work as soon as possible.Whats the point of getting things done soon?The point is that you will have more time to do other things you like to do.Get things done as soon as possible.7. Secondly, dont drag your feet!Secondly, be sure not to do things slowly because you dont want to do it.drag ones feet: be slow in doing something or making a decision 做事拖拉,做事遲緩e.g. Many a student drag their feet in doing school work. 許多學(xué)生在完成學(xué)校作業(yè)方面拖拖拉拉。 Be sure not to drag your feet in doing anything. 不管做什么事,切記一定不要拖拉。8. No matter how much you would love to sit down in front of the TV after a hard day, try to get to work as soon as possible. No matter how much you would like to watch TV after a hard days work, try to start working as soon as possible. get to work: begin to work; start working 開始工作,干活 e.g. In those days, I couldnt wait to get to work in the morning. 那段日子,早上我都迫不急待趕去上班。 Dont stand by like a fool! Lets get to work right now. 不要像個(gè)傻子一樣站著,現(xiàn)在就開始干活吧。Para.4Thirdly, make some new friends. You need them for survival. Everyone needs someone to lean on and someone who cares. Stick with those who know you best and like you for who you are.1. Why do we need to make new friends?Because we all need someone to lean on and someone who cares.2. Whom are we advised to make friends with?We had better make friends with those who know us best and like us for who we are.Main ideaTry to make new friends.9. You need them for survival. Everyone needs someone to lean on and someone who cares.You cannot live without friends because you need your friends for support and care.lean on sb.: depend on sb. for support and encouragement 依靠某人,依賴某人e.g. Parents are the ones we can always lean on when we are in trouble. 父母是我們?cè)谟龅嚼щy時(shí)總可以依靠的人。 Girls like to lean on their boyfriends when they are in a bad mood. 女孩子喜歡在心情不好時(shí)找男朋友依靠。survive: continue to live or exist 活下來,幸存e.g. Of the six people injured in the accident, only two survived. 因這次事故受傷的六人中,只有兩人存活了下來。 “How can I survive with only 3 dollars left?” He said to himself. “只剩下3美元了,我可怎么活啊”,他言自語道。10. Stick with those who know you best and like you for who you are.Stay close to people who know you best and like you for who you are.stick with: stay close to sb (so that they can help you) 緊跟,不離開某人(以便得到幫助)e.g. She knows that her friends will stick with her when she is in trouble. 她知道當(dāng)她陷入困境時(shí)朋友們會(huì)在她身旁。 Stick with me and you will be all right. 跟著我,你不會(huì)有事的。Para.5Fourthly, accept change. Accept change in your friends. Accept change in your school. Accept change in your teachers. Accept change in your homework. Accept change in yourself. Freshman year is a turning point in life, and from now on, you cant go back. Do not try to keep things from changing, because change is good. 1. What change should you accept?You should accept change in your friends, your school, your teachers, your homework, and yourself.2. What role does freshman year play in life?It is a turning point in life.3. Why should we accept change?Because we cant go back and change is good.Main ideaWe should accept change in many things because change is good and we cant go back.11. Freshman year is a turning point in life, and from now on, you cant go back.Freshman year is a critical period of time in life, and from the moment on, you cant go back.from now on: from the moment on; in future 從今往后,從現(xiàn)在開始e.g. From now on, he can only count on himself. 從今往后,他只能靠他自己了。 From now on, I will read an English essay every day. 現(xiàn)在開始,我要每天讀一篇英語散文。Para.6Main ideaFifthly, engage yourself in some after-class activities. They allow you to meet new people and make new friends. Freshman year is a great time to figure out your interests, and follow your interests through clubs and sports. So, enjoy yourself! Freshman year can be so much fun if you choose to make it so.1. Whats the advantage of taking part in after-class activities?You can meet different people and make new friends.2. Why does the author say that freshman year is a great time?Because you can figure out your interests and follow them through clubs and sports. We should involve ourselves in after-class activities and make good use of freshman year.12. Fifthly, engage yourself in some after-class activities. They allow you to meet new people and make new friends.Fifthly, you had better actively take part in some after-class activities, for by doing so you can meet different people and make new friends.engage oneself (sb) in sth.: take part in sth. actively; be involved in sth. 參加(活動(dòng)),從事e.g. Even in prison, he continued to engage in bad activities. 即使在監(jiān)獄,他還繼續(xù)做壞事。 Xiao Li has been praised for engaging in various kinds of activities. 小李因積極參加各種活動(dòng)而被表揚(yáng)了。allow: let sb do sth.; let sth. happen 允許,準(zhǔn)許e.g. My parents dont allow me to stay out late. 我父母不允許我在外待到很晚。 He is not allowed to smoke because he has got a lung cancer. 因?yàn)榛剂朔伟t(yī)生不允許他吸煙。13. Freshman year is a great time to figure out your interests, and follow your interests through clubs and sports.In freshman year, you can find out what your interests are and develop your interests by joining in clubs and sports.figure out: succeed in understanding sth. or solving a problem 弄明白,搞清楚 e.g. I couldnt figure out what the teacher is talking. 我不明白老師在說什么。 It took me about two weeks to figure out how to use this computer. 我花了兩個(gè)周的時(shí)間才弄清楚怎樣操作這臺(tái)電腦。 Further Practice順利通過; 完成get through 結(jié)束;完成get through with sth.給某人留下印象make an impressions on sb.留下良好的第一印象mak


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