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中考英語命題研究 第一部分 教材知識梳理篇 第十八課時 九全 Units 9-10(精講)試題1

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中考英語命題研究 第一部分 教材知識梳理篇 第十八課時 九全 Units 9-10(精講)試題1

第十八課時九年級(全)Units 910,中考基礎知識梳理類別課標考點要求詞匯攻關1.perform(名詞)_performance_2.gradual(副詞)_gradually_3.prefer(過去式)_preferred_(過去分詞)_preferred_4.electronic(名詞)_electricity_5.suggest(名詞)_suggestion_6.shut(過去式)_shut_(過去分詞)_shut_7.full(反義詞)_empty_8.behave(名詞)_behavior_知識歸納1.既然那樣;假使那樣的話_in_that_case_2.堅持;固守_stick_to_3.大量;充足_plenty_of/lots_of_4.關閉;停止運轉_shut_off_5.偶爾地;間或_once_in_a_while_6.查閱;抬頭看_look_up_7.總共;合計_in_total_8.使高興_cheerup_9.盡某人最大努力_try_ones_best_10.結婚_get_married_11.順便訪問;隨便進入_drop_by_12.把擦掉_cleanoff_13.脫下(衣服);(飛機等)起飛_take_off_14.特地;格外努力_go_out_of_ones_way_15.使(某人)感到賓至如歸_makefeel_at_home_16.習慣于_get/be_used_to_17.大動肝火;氣憤_get_mad_18.一就_as_soon_as_19.與不同_be_different_from_20.盼望;期待_look_forward_to_句型再現(xiàn)1.笑兩個小時是一種很好的放松方式!_Laughing_ for two hours _is_ a good way _to_relax_!2.我總是帶一位不害怕這種電影的朋友(一起來看),它就不再使我感覺如此可怕。I always bring a friend _who_isnt_afraid_of_ these kinds of movies,and it _doesnt_ feel so scary _anymore_.3.音樂是阿炳寫的,他是一位民族音樂家,1893年生于無錫。The music _was_written_by_ Abing,a folk musician _who_was_born_in_ the city of Wuxi in 1893.4.在你們國家,初次見到某人時你們應該做什么?In your country,what _are_ you _supposed_to_do_ when you meet someone _for_the_first_time_?5.我遇見一個叫佐藤的日本男孩,我一伸出手,他就鞠躬。I met a Japanese boy _called_ Sato,and _as_soon_as_ I held out my hand,he bowed.6.雖然我仍然犯很多錯誤,但不會像以前那樣令我擔心了。_Although_ I still make lots of mistakes,it doesnt worry me like it _used_to_.7.我最大的挑戰(zhàn)是學習如何在餐桌上舉止得體。My biggest challenge is _learning_how_to_behave_ at the dinner table.8.祝旅途安全,我期待不久后見到你!_Have_a_safe_trip_,and I _look_forward_to_ meeting you soon!語法結構1.that,who和which引導的定語從句的用法。2.be supposed to do sth.的用法。3.be expected to do sth.的用法。4.It is adj.to do sth.的用法。話題1.Music and movies(音樂和電影)2.Customs(風俗習慣),青海五年中考真題演練定語從句( A )1.(2016青海35題)QQ is a tool is mainly used for people to talk to others online.AwhichBwhoCwhere( A )2.(2015青海31題)The stone bridge _ was built in Song Dynasty was repaired last month.Athat Bwhen Cwhere( A )3.(2014青海27題)Do you know the young woman is speaking to our head teacher?Yes,she is our new teacher.Awho Bwhose Cwhom( B )4.(2013西寧24題)Cindy wants to buy the book _ was written by Mo Yan who got the Nobel Literature Prize last year.AwhoBthatCwhatDwhom句型類( C )5.(2015西寧30題)It was stupid _ my baby alone at home.Afor me to leave Bfor me leavingCof me to leave Dof me leaving6(2014西寧83題)我更喜歡嘗起來美味的食物。I _prefer_ food that _tastes_ delicious.,青海中考重難點突破prefer的用法【滿分點撥】prefer的用法prefer為動詞,意為“更喜歡”,相當于likebetter。prefer sth.更喜歡某事prefer doing/to do sth.更喜歡做某事prefer to do sth.rather than do sth.寧愿做而不愿做prefer(doing) sth.to(doing) sth.比起更喜歡如:I prefer groups that play quiet and gentle songs.我更喜歡演奏輕柔音樂的組合。I prefer to stay at home rather than go outside in summer.I prefer staying at home to going outside in summer.在夏天,我寧愿待在家里也不愿出去。注意:prefer過去式、過去分詞及現(xiàn)在分詞均要雙寫r?!究键c搶測】1我更喜歡進行一次大自然之旅。I _prefer_ _to_ go on a natural trip.( B )2.My brother preferred _ to _.Aswim;skateBswimming;skatingCto swim;skatebe supposed to的用法【滿分點撥】suppose的用法suppose及物動詞想;認為;猜想;料想后接that引導的賓語從句,that可以省略。I dont suppose(that) Ill trouble you.我想我不會麻煩你。(同think,否定前移)suppose sb.to do sth.認為某人做某事。I supposed her to have already left for home.我認為她已經(jīng)動身回家了。suppose sb.名詞/形容詞(賓語補足語)。I never supposed him a hero.我從來沒有認為他是一個英雄。We all suppose him clever.我們所有的人都認為他很聰明。用于被動語態(tài)應該;被認為;理應;應該,相當于情態(tài)動詞should。You are supposed to be here at nine.你應該在9點鐘到達這里。You are not supposed to smoke on the bus.你不能在公共汽車上吸煙?!究键c搶測】1如果你想取得好成績,你應該努力學習。You _should_ work hard _if_ you want to get great grades.2這是你的錯,你應該對你朋友說對不起。Its your fault,and you _are_ _supposed_ _to_ say sorry to your friends.( C )3.Youre not _ to walk on the grass.AsuggestedBsupportedCsupposed辨析except,besides,except for與but【滿分點撥】except“將排除在外”,不包含在整體之內(nèi),與整體是一種排除關系。besides“除之外,還有”,包含在整體之內(nèi),與整體是一種累加關系。except for“除之外”,表示對主要部分的肯定和對局部的否定,但它不表示同類事物之間的關系。but“除之外”,常與nobody,nothing等否定的不定代詞連用?!究键c搶測】1除了常見的活動在我們的俱樂部里還有許多新的活動。_Except_ usual activities,there are lots of new activities in our club.2除了一些拼寫錯誤之外,湯姆的作文很好。Toms composition is very good _except_ _for_ some spelling mistakes.3除了湯姆,我們班所有人都來自中國。Everyone in our class is from China _except_ Tom.( C )4.No one was late for work today _ Mr.Zhang.AbesideBbesidesCexcept Dexcept for( B )5.We have lots of things in common _ music.Abesides BexceptCbutperform v表演;執(zhí)行【滿分點撥】perform/performance/performer用法辨析(1)perform作動詞,意為“表演;執(zhí)行”;(2)performance作名詞,意為“表演,表現(xiàn)”;(3)performer作名詞,指人,意為“表演者”。【考點搶測】1他以這種方式演出了多年。He _performed_ in this way for many years.2今年我們的足球隊表現(xiàn)出色。Our football teams _performance_ has been excellent during the whole year.3表演者來自世界各地。The _performers_ are from all over the world.( C )4.In the last ten months,September Miracle(奇跡) _in CCTV for more than five times and is popular all over the country.Ahas played the pianoBhas given out their song disksChas performedafter all畢竟;終歸【滿分點撥】辨析after all,above all,first of all,in all與at allafter all畢竟;終究;到底above all尤其是;最重要的是first of all首先,表示次序in all總共;總計at all根本,notat all根本不【考點搶測】1我們班共有二十個女孩。We have 20 girls in our class _in_all_2首先,你應該完成你的作業(yè)。_First_of_all_,you should finish your homework.( C )3.Im sorry,sir.Ive made a lot of mistakes in the exam.Never mind._,the exam is a little difficult.AIn all BFirst of allCAfter alltake off脫下(衣服);(飛機等)起飛【滿分點撥】take的常用短語【考點搶測】1In many eastern European countries,you are supposed to _take_off_(脫下) your gloves before shaking hands.2開往上海的CA4106航班于昨晚21:30起飛。Flight CA4106 to Shanghai _took_ _off_ at 21:30 last night.3懷特先生匆匆趕往機場,因為他的班機9點起飛。Mr.White hurried to the airport,for his plane would _take_ _off_ at 9 oclock.( C )4.Youd better hurry.Well be late for the plane.Dont worry.The plane will _ in two hours.Atake outBtake awayCtake offempty adj. 空的;空洞的【滿分點撥】【考點搶測】1在中國,用筷子敲空碗是不禮貌的。In China,its impolite to use your chopsticks to hit an _empty_ bowl.2他讓她把書包掏空。He asked her to _empty_ her schoolbag.3Please _empty_(倒空) the box and put all the toys into it.suggestion n建議【滿分點撥】suggestion與advice的區(qū)別(1)suggestion是可數(shù)名詞。表示“一條建議”時用a suggestion;“一些建議”用some suggestions;“許多建議”用many suggestions。(2)advice是不可數(shù)名詞。表示“一條建議”用a piece of advice;表示“一些建議”用some advice。【考點搶測】1你能就如何解決這個難題提個建議嗎?Could you _give_ me _a_ _suggestion_ on how to solve this problem?Could you give me _a_ _piece_ _of_ _advice_ on how to solve this problem?( C )2.What a good _ youve given me!Thanks a lot.My pleasure.Ainformation BnewsCsuggestion Carmen likes musicians who play different kinds of music.卡門喜歡能演奏不同類型樂曲的音樂家?!緷M分點撥】(1)該句是復合句,其中who是關系代詞,引導的從句是定語從句,修飾前面的名詞(先行詞)musicians;(2)關系代詞who在定語從句中作主語,不能省略。辨析:關系代詞that與who關系代詞先行詞在從句中的作用that指物或指人作主語或賓語who指人作主語關系代詞在定語從句中作主語時,定語從句中的謂語動詞要與先行詞在人稱和數(shù)上保持一致。【考點搶測】( C )People _ overweight need more water than thin people.Awho is Bwhich areCwho areThe erhu sounded like someone crying,and I almost cried along with it as I listened.那首二胡曲聽起來就像有人在哭泣,我聽的時候幾乎隨之哭起來?!緷M分點撥】(1)sound like sb.doing“聽起來好像某人在做某事”,現(xiàn)在分詞crying在句中作賓語補足語。常見結構為:主語謂語賓語現(xiàn)在分詞(即賓語補足語)。如:He saw her working in the garden.(She was working in the garden.)他看見她在花園里干活。(2)句中的賓語和賓語補足語在邏輯上是主謂關系。在被動句中,現(xiàn)在分詞補充說明主語。如:He was found lying on the floor.有人發(fā)現(xiàn)他躺在地上。【考點搶測】( C )When I walked past the park,I saw some old people _ Chinese Taiji.Ado BdidCdoing,中考熱點素材拓展用方框中所給詞的適當形式填空。enterbeatespecialhardnationDream team夢之隊Two Chinese 1._national_ flags were raised at the same time at the awards ceremonies for the womens and mens table tennis singles finals on Aug.11 and 12. Ding Ning(丁寧),26,2._beat_ teammate Li Xiaoxia(李曉霞),28,and Ma Long(馬龍),27,won over Zhang Jike(張繼科),28,to get their own gold medals. But if there werent rules in place which only allow each country 3._to_enter_ two players each event, China would probably have had three flags flying that day. According to American media, “nobody can control a sport quite like China does table tennis”. The Chinese tabletennis team has got 85.7 percent of all the table tennis gold medals while the US basketball team 78.6 percent. The womens team did 4._especially_ wellwinning every single medal.Some foreign media say that other countries may lose interest in this sport as Chinese players are too powerful to beat. Well, Chinese players do train 5._hard_ to reach the top. “Its not the fault(錯誤) of the Chinese players that they are so good. So my opinion is that the others have to work very hard,” International Table Tennis Federation President Thomas Weikert(托馬斯維克特) said at a press conference in Rio.


本文(中考英語命題研究 第一部分 教材知識梳理篇 第十八課時 九全 Units 9-10(精講)試題1)為本站會員(san****019)主動上傳,裝配圖網(wǎng)僅提供信息存儲空間,僅對用戶上傳內(nèi)容的表現(xiàn)方式做保護處理,對上載內(nèi)容本身不做任何修改或編輯。 若此文所含內(nèi)容侵犯了您的版權或隱私,請立即通知裝配圖網(wǎng)(點擊聯(lián)系客服),我們立即給予刪除!


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