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【優(yōu)化指導】(課標全國)高考英語總復習 課時作業(yè)45 北師大版

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【優(yōu)化指導】(課標全國)高考英語總復習 課時作業(yè)45 北師大版

【優(yōu)化指導】(課標全國)高考英語總復習 課時作業(yè)45 北師大版 一、單項填空1(2020宜昌模擬)One thousand dollars a month is not a fortune but would help cover my living _.AbillsBexpensesCcharges Dprofits2Were you caught in the rain yesterday?Good luck.No sooner _ home than it poured down.AI had reached Bhad I reachedCdid I reach DI have reached3Some people think that as more and more people have televisions in their homes,_ people will buy books and newspapers.Amore and more Bany the lessCmore or less Dfewer and fewer4I listened to her _ the painting with interest.Ato remark Bto remark onCremark on Dremarking5(2020南陽月考)The car Tom was _ was once _ his uncle.Ain possession of;in the possession ofBin the possession of;in possession ofCin possession of;in possession ofDin the possession of;in the possession of6(2020許昌模擬)The international agreement,_ encourage children not to smoke and help people kick the habit,was signed on February 27.Aintending to Bbeing intended toCintended to Dto intend to7Many writers rich life experiences _ greatly to their success of their works.Aowed BappliedCdistributed Dcontributed8After the accident he was fully_the importance of obeying traffic rules.Aaware of BacquaintedCknown Drealized9The boy who was lost in the mountain managed to hold_for four days until rescue came.Aback BupCout Ddown10He had a good guise(偽裝),but as soon as he spoke,he _himself.Acovered BreleasedCrelaxed Dbetrayed11Mr.Black is a careful and experienced engineer,so he is often _ to finish some challenging tasks.Aappreciated BapproachedCappointed Dagreed12How did it _ that all the flowers died?I had forgotten to water them.Acome on Bcome upCcome about Dcome along13John decided that he would drive back to town instead of _ for the night at the hotel.Asetting up Bputting upClooking up Dstaying up14The more one is _ the English speaking environment,the better he or she will learn the language.Aexposed to Bfilled inCcaught on Dkept up15The committee put _ a proposal to reduce the waste of time.Aforward BupCaside Dup with二、完形填空(2020焦作模擬)I believe in miracles(奇跡)because Ive seen so many of them.One day,a patient was referred to me who was one hundred and two years old.“Theres a _1_ in my upper jaw,”she said.“I told my own dentist its nothing,but he _2_ I come to see you.”Her eighty­year­old son accompanied her.He would _3_ to add something,but she stopped him.She wanted to tell everything herself.I found a large cancer that spread over most of the _4_ of her mouth.A careful examination later _5_ that it was a particularly bad sort of cancer.During her next appointment,I explained to her the _6_ of the problem.She clasped my hand in hers and said.“I know youre worried about me,but Im just _7_.”I thought otherwise.After considerable _8_ on my part,and kindness on her part because she wanted to _9_ me,she agreed to have me refer her to a cancer surgeon.She saw him,but as I expected,_10_ treatment.About six months later she returned to my office,still energetic and _11_.“How are you?”I asked.“Im just fine,honey,”she responded _12_ high spirits.“When can I get started on fixing my dentures(假牙)?”Surprised to see her at all,I answered _13_,“Let me take a look in your mouth and well see about it.”I couldnt believe my eyes.The cancer that had _14_ nearly the entire roof of her mouth was goneonly one small area of redness _15_.I had read of such things happening,but had _16_ seen them with my own eyes.That was my first miracle.Since then Ive seen many others,because they keep getting _17_ to see.In fact,miracles are daily events for me now.And people are all miracles,_18_ through them we have a chance to know ourselves and to _19_ the miracles of one another.Since my first miracle,Ive come to understand that the time and place for a miracle is _20_ we choose to find it.1A.cut BpainCwound Dcancer2A.declared BsuspectedCpromised Dinsisted3A.refuse BcontinueCattempt Dmanage4A.roof BcornerCbottom Dsurface5A.confirmed BconvincedCconsidered Dconcluded6A.possibility BimportanceCseriousness Dresolution7A.old BsickCfine Dglad8A.permission BsupportCapproval Deffort9A.persuade BpleaseCencourage Dastonish10A.declined BprovidedCreceived Drequired11A.healthy BelegantCoptimistic Dhumorous12A.to BinCbetween Dby13A.worriedly BconfusedlyCpatiently Dconfidently14A.covered BreachedCspread Dgrown15A.cured BfadedCexpanded Dremained16A.ever BalsoCnever Dalready17A.easier BrarerChappier Dcloser18A.or BsoCyet Dfor19A.read BmakeCkeep Dsee20A.whatever BwhereverCwhoever Dwhichever三、閱讀理解With rising gas prices,its no wonder the search for gasoline alternatives(替代品)has suddenly taken on a new urgency.One of the laboratoriesa high school in Brooklynis where students are using cooking oil to run their experimental engine.And as Education reporter Art McFarland discovered,it appears to be working.Students at Automotive High School have taken a gas alternative lesson a step further.They have perfected a project that runs this cars engine,with used cooking oil.Lamar Taylor,“I think its a great project because its better for the environment.”Vehicles that run on alternative fuels are part of a cutting edge technology.The Automotive High Project began after a diesel­powered Mercedes was donated to the school two years ago.Thomas Cassino,mechanics teacher,“The original diesel engine.was actually produced to run on vegetable oil and whale oil.”The oil running the engine was collected from the school cafeteria and from restaurants,then placed into a converter,which heats it up while the engine starts using the diesel fuel.With the flip(輕擊)of a switch,the engine is cooking with oil,though collecting it can have drawbacks.Melissa Silberman,principal,“Once they started running the car,they didnt want to eat in the cafeteria any­more because what the French fries(炸薯條)were cooked in werent so attractive if it can run a car.”And it has its advantages.Curtis Giscombe,student,“It smells like the back of McDonalds.It smells like French fries.”The students are not likely to influence the more widespread use of alternative fuels,but if the day comes when lots more cars are running on cooking oil,the students will be prepared to service them.1What would be the best title for the text?AThe Future Alternative to GasolineBRising Gas Prices Drive Experimental EngineCCooking Oil Finds Its New UsesDStudents Use Cooking Oil to Power an Engine2The importance of using cooking oil to run engines is that it can _.Aprotect the environmentBsave the gasCoffer cars good smellDbring down the gas price3According to the seventh paragraph,_.Athe car is full of French friesBthe car makes people eat nothingCthe car makes people not want to eat in the cafeteriaDthe car is a moving cafeteria4About the future of the car running on cooking oil,we know that _.Athe day for cars widely using cooking oil is long to comeBit will have a great effect on the oil marketCthe students may build a service company soonDno one wants to use cooking oil for their cars參考答案與解析課時作業(yè)(四十五)Unit 23A卷一、單項填空5解析:sb.be in possession of sth.,sth.be in the possession of sb.為固定用法。答案:A6解析:intended to相當于which was intended to.。答案:C7解析:句意:許多作家豐富的生活經(jīng)歷十分有助于他們創(chuàng)作上的成功。owe to“歸功于”;apply to“應用于”;distribute to“分給”;contribute to有助于。答案:D8解析:be aware of “知道;明白”。若選B項,應改為acquainted with。因為本句空前有was,所以C、D兩項放在此處不恰當。答案:A9解析:考查hold動詞短語。hold back“阻止;退縮”;hold up“延遲”;hold out“堅持”;hold down“控制”。句意:在山中迷路的男孩設(shè)法堅持了四天,直到救援到來。答案:C10解析:句意:他偽裝得很好,可是一說話就原形畢露了。betray oneself 暴露出本來面目,符合句意。答案:D11解析:句意:布萊克先生是一個仔細而又有經(jīng)驗的工程師,所以他經(jīng)常被委派完成有挑戰(zhàn)性的任務。appreciate感激,欣賞;approach接近,靠近;appoint任命,委派;agree同意。答案:C12解析:句意:所有的花都死了是怎么回事?我忘了澆水了。come on快點;得了吧;come up發(fā)芽,被提出;come about發(fā)生;come along一起來。答案:C13解析:put up除了表示“掛起,張貼”,還可表示“投宿;留宿”。答案:B14解析:expose to接觸,面臨著,符合句意。fill in充滿;catch on抓牢,理解,流行;keep up保持,繼續(xù)下去。答案:A15解析:put forward提出;put up舉起,張貼;put aside放在一邊;put up with忍受。句意:委員會提出一個減少浪費時間的建議。答案:A二、完形填空解題導語:作者通過自己經(jīng)歷的一件事情告訴我們,在生活中,奇跡無處不在,奇跡就在我們選擇發(fā)現(xiàn)奇跡的地方。1解析:下文告訴我們,老太太患的是癌癥,而不是受了傷,由此可見,這位老太太是因為上顎痛才來看病的。答案:B2解析:句意:“我告訴我的牙醫(yī)這沒什么,但是他卻堅持讓我來看看?!庇傻诙沃械腎 found a large cancer that spread over most of the _4_ of her mouth.可以看出,她的病情很嚴重,所以應該是她的私人醫(yī)生堅持要她來,因此要選擇insist“堅決主張”,后面從句要用虛擬語氣。declare“宣布”;suspect“懷疑”;promise“承諾”。答案:D3解析:陪同老太太來的是她80歲的兒子,他試圖補充點什么,但被老太太給阻止了。這里attempt to do sth.相當于try to do sth.意思是“試圖做某事(但沒有成功)”。而manage to do sth.意思是“成功做成某事”;refuse to do sth.意思是“拒絕做某事”;continue to do sth.意思是“繼續(xù)做某事”,顯然都不符合語境。答案:C4解析:上文提到,老太太感覺上顎(upper jaw)有點痛,所以應該選擇roof,14空所在的句子也有暗示。roof在此處的意思是“牙床,上顎”。corner“角落,區(qū)域”;bottom“底部”;surface“表面”。答案:A5解析:confirm“確認”。句意:后來的細致檢查確認這是一種特別嚴重的癌癥。convince“(使)信服,說服”;consider“考慮”;conclude“推斷,得出結(jié)論”。答案:A6解析:由5空后的a particularly bad sort of cancer可以看出,在下次來看病時,我向她解釋了病情的嚴重性(seriousness)。possibility“可能性”;importance“重要性”;resolution“決心,解決”。答案:C7解析:由語境可知,老太太一直以為自己身體很健康,所以要選fine,意思是:(身體)好的。下文的“Im just fine,honey”也是暗示。答案:C8解析:作為醫(yī)生,“我”一直在勸說老太太去找一位治療癌癥的外科醫(yī)生。老太太最終答應是因為兩方面的原因,一方面是我的努力(effort),另一方面是老太太的善良,因為她想讓我高興,她才答應去的。permission“允許”;support“支持”;approval“同意,贊同”。答案:D9解析:please意思是“使高興;取悅某人”。解析見上題。persuade“說服”;encourage“鼓勵”;astonish“(使)震驚”。答案:B10解析:因為老太太去看外科醫(yī)生也是出于照顧“我”的面子,所以拒絕治療也在我的預料之中。根據(jù)前面對老太太的描述(kindness)可知,“婉言拒絕”符合語境,因此選declined。provide“提供”;receive“收到”;require“需要”。答案:A11解析:解答此題的關(guān)鍵是空前的still,前文告訴我們,老太太一直很樂觀,認為自己的病沒有什么大礙,并拒絕了大夫的治療,所以應該選擇optimistic,意思是:樂觀的。由上文可知她的病很嚴重,如果忽略了這一點,很容易誤選A項。答案:C12解析:in high spirits為固定用法,意思是“興高采烈”。答案:B13解析:一個患癌癥的病人在六個月后竟然精力充沛、神采依然,“我”很吃驚,也很困惑,所以選擇confusedly,意思是“困惑地”。worriedly“擔心地”;patiently“有耐心地”;confidently“有信心地”。答案:B14解析:cover“覆蓋”。語意:幾乎覆蓋整個上顎的癌癥已經(jīng)消失了,只留下一小片紅。答案:A15解析:這里指的是癌癥癥狀消失后留下的東西,所以選擇remained,語意見上題。cure“治愈”;fade“褐色”;expand“膨脹”。答案:D16解析:由上文Surprised to see her at all,I couldnt believe my eyes.以及下文的That was my first miracle.可以看出,這里的意思是:我讀過類似的故事,但這之前從沒有親眼看到這樣的事情發(fā)生。答案:C17解析:從那以后我看到了很多其他類似的奇跡。這說明奇跡在變得越來越容易讓人看到,由此可以看出,easier符合語境。rare“稀少的”;happy“幸福的”;close“接近的”。答案:A18解析:第二個分句是前一個分句的原因。句意:并且人們都是奇跡,因為通過他們我們有機會了解我們自己,看見一個又一個的奇跡。for用來引出原因。答案:D19解析:這一部分重點講的是看見身邊的奇跡,所以要選see。該段的前兩句都有暗示。答案:D20解析:對應前面的place,選擇wherever。從第一次奇跡之后,我逐漸明白:奇跡發(fā)生的時間和地點就在我們選擇發(fā)現(xiàn)它的地方。答案:B三、閱讀理解


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