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高中英語必修2 Module5 Newspapers and Magazines知識點精講(外研版)

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高中英語必修2 Module5 Newspapers and Magazines知識點精講(外研版)

必修2 Module 5 Newspapers and Magazines【本講教育信息】一. 教學內(nèi)容:Module 5 Newspapers and Magazines二. 重難點講解1. achievement n. 成就,功業(yè),偉績;Climbing Mount Everest is a great achievement. 登上埃非爾士峰是一個重大成就。 achieve vt. 達到(目的);取得(勝利);完成 do or finish something well after trying hard Maurice has achieved his hope of becoming a doctor. 莫里斯實現(xiàn)了成為一名醫(yī)生的愿望。 2. replace vt. 替換;取代;輪換 put one thing in place of another thing More new machines will be installed to replace the old ones. 將安裝更多新機器來代替舊機器。 Lao Yang was elected to replace Lao Zhu in the committee. 老楊當選為委員,來代替老朱。 3. amateur n.C 業(yè)余愛好者,業(yè)余技藝家,非專家at, in(利用業(yè)余從事文學、藝術(shù)、運動等的人)an amateur at music 業(yè)余音樂家 adj. 業(yè)余的,非職業(yè)的,非專家的 amateur gardening 業(yè)余園藝 amateur athletics 業(yè)余運動員 4. delighted adj. 高興的;快樂的 very pleased; happy I am delighted to see you. 見到你很高興。 content adj. 高興的 5. evidence n.U 證據(jù),證明 proof; something that shows what has happened and why it has happened There is no evidence that he is guilty. 沒有證據(jù)證明他有罪。 His wet coat was evidence that he had been outside. 他的外衣濕了,證明他出去過。 His work is evidence of his skill. 他的工作說明了他的技術(shù)。 6. cultural adj.(有關(guān))文化的;文化上的 cultural exchange 文化交流 cultural conflict 文化上的沖突 抵觸 culture n. 文化 development of the arts and sciences in society Universities are centers of culture. 大學是文化中心。 That ancient city was a center of culture. 那座古城曾經(jīng)是一個文化中心。 He has studied the cultures of Eastern countries. 他研究過東方國家的文化。 7. review vt. 溫習 study again; look at again We must review our lessons every day. 我們必須每天復習。 He is reviewing his lessons in the library. 他在圖書館復習功課。 vt. 回顧 look back on He reviewed the whole of his past life. 他回顧了自己過去的整個一生。 vt. 評論 examine to give an account of; write a critical notice of Mr. Brown reviews books for a living. 布朗先生靠寫書評為生。 He reviews books for the newspaper. 他為報紙寫書評。 vt. 檢閱 inspect formally and officially He reviewed a guard of honor in the company of the President. 他在總統(tǒng)的陪同下檢閱了儀仗隊。 The commander is reviewing his troops. 司令員在檢閱部隊。 vt. 觀察;檢查 look at with care; examine He reviewed his work of the past year. 他檢查了去年的工作。 n. 復習;溫習 the act of reviewing, or studying again At the close of the term we shall have a general review. 學期結(jié)束,我們將進行一次總復習。 n. 評論;批評 an account of a book giving its merits and faults; a criticism The newspaper gave a review of the new book. 報紙對這本新書作了評論。 n. 檢查;檢閱 a formal, official inspection, esp. of naval or military forces There will be a review of the troops tomorrow. 明天要閱兵。 8. found vt. 建立,創(chuàng)辦 start a group, school, business, etcHenry VIII founded the Church of England. 享利八世創(chuàng)建了英國國教。 The Peoples Republic of China was founded on October 1, 1949. 中華人民共和國于1949年10月1日成立。 The hospital was founded last year. 這座醫(yī)院是去年創(chuàng)辦的。 vt. 創(chuàng)立 invent, set going Einstein founded the theory of relativity. 愛因斯坦創(chuàng)立了相對論。 【典型例題】一. 單項填空從A、B、C、D四個選項中,選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項。1. I tried to call on you last week but your dog simply _ not let me come through the gate.A. could B. would C. might D. should答案:B 解析:would和not連用,表“不肯,總是不”。2. I wonder what it feels like to be one of_ really rich. The Jenkinsons already have two Rolls Royces and now they are buying _ third!A. the; a B. the ; the C./;a D./;the答案:A 解析:“the十形容詞”表一類人或一類事物,the rich富人;a third又一。3. The second runway of Hong Kong International Airport was officially _ on May 26,1990.A. put into effect B. made use of C. taken notice of D. put into use答案:D 解析:put into use投入使用,啟用;put into effect實行,實施;make use of利用,take notice of注意。4. Im not _ my best tonight. Id better not have anything for supper. Perhaps youd _ me some tea.A. trying; give B. doing; offer C. making; bring D. feeling; make答案:D 解析:feel在這里表“身體不舒服”;make tea徹茶。5. Hello,_  It must be about two years since we last met. What have you been doing with yourself?    Ive been doing all sorts of things.A. I havent seen you for ages. B. how long have you been like this?C. where have you been these years? D. nice to see you again.答案:A 解析:交際用語,表“好久不見”。6. It was very cold _ they still went swimming.A. although B. but C. however D. though答案:B 解析:but轉(zhuǎn)折連詞,表“但是”。7. I couldnt afford to rent a house like this , _ buy it.A. no longer B. no more than C. let alone D. instead答案:C 解析:let alone為固定短語“更不用說”、“不必考慮”。8. A table made of steel costs more than _ made of wood.A. that B. which C. one D. it答案:C 解析:不定代詞one的用法,為避免重復,用one表泛指;that則表特指,不合此處用9. Very few experts have _ with complete new answers to the world s economic problems.A. come down B. come around C. come up D. come to 答案:C 解析:come up with提供,提出;come down下來,下降;come up走近,發(fā)芽,長出;come to來到,達到,結(jié)果是。10. The size of the audience, _ we had expected, was well over one thousand.A. whom B. who C. as D. which答案:C 解析:as引導非限制性定語從句,表“如同”。11 .There are many inconveniences(不方便)that have to be _ when you are camping.A. put up with B. put up C. put off D. put away答案:A 解析:put up with固定短語,容忍、忍耐;put up掛起,張貼,建起;put off延期,推遲;put away放好,把收起來。12. A new technique _ out, the yields(收成)increased by 20% .A. having working B. having been working C. has worked D. had been worked答案:B 解析:根據(jù)逗號分開可知空白處不能填入謂語動詞,A項從形式上就不對,根據(jù)語境應該用現(xiàn)在分詞的完成式,此處work out表示“產(chǎn)生結(jié)果;有預期的結(jié)果,發(fā)展為”例如:I wonder how their ideas worked out in practice ? 我很想知道他們的想法在實踐中取得了什么結(jié)果。13. I should like to try that coat on, but I don t know if it is my _.A. length B. measure C. size D. pattern答案:C 解析:size(服裝等的)號碼;pattern式樣,圖樣;measure測量,尺寸。14. I didnt mean _ anything, but those apples looked so good I couldnt resist _ one.A. to eat; trying B. to eat; to try C. eating; trying D. eating; to try答案:A 解析:mean to do sth打算做某事,resist(doing)sth固定用法,忍不住做某事。15. The house was sold for $60,000, which was far more than its real _.A. cost B. value C. price D. money答案:B 解析:value(物品本身的)價值,價格;price定價,價格;cost成本,費用?!灸M試題】(答題時間:40分鐘)一. 完形填空閱讀下面短文,掌握其大意,然后從120各題所給的A、B、C、D四個選項中,選出最佳選項。 Joe Black had his son 1 . He called the baby Richard, 2 his father, but people usually called him Dick, which is 3 Richard. When little Dick was three, he began to go to kindergarten. Joe thought it was 4 that he was going to be the 5 child in the school, and that he was going to learn to read perfectly in a few months. But to Joes 6 , Dick proved to be an 7 child, neither very quick nor very slow to learn. Joe blamed the 8 of the teaching. To his prejudiced father, Dick could not possibly be anything 9 a genius. The time came for Dick to go on to a primary school, 10 before long, he was taking his first examination. It was in 11 . Joe had a sister, Margaret, who had a daughter. She was 12 than Dick, and cleverer. She had taken 13 examination a year before, and had done well in it. Margaret came to see her brother one day 14 Dicks examination, and after they had talked about different things for some time, Margaret mentioned the examination.“ 15 ? ” she asked.Joe looked a little embarrassed(尷尬)and 16 for a few moments. “Well,” he said at last, “I regret to say that he 17 .” Then he added, “But it wasnt his fault! They cheated him 18 asking him questions about things that happened before the poor boy 19 , so 20 he didnt know the answers.”1. A. when thirties B. in the thirties C. at thirties D. in his thirties2. A. of B .for C. after D. by3. A. short of B. short for C. simple of D. simple for4. A. certain B. sure C. of course D. certainly5. A. strongest B. cleverest C. tallest D. wisest6. A. sorrow B. surprise C. enjoyment D. disappoint7. A. unusual B. usual C. energetic D. average8. A. books B. school C. quality D. teachers9. A. and B. but C. unless D. only10. A. where B. what C. when D. that11. A. mathematics B. English C. history D. physics12. A. younger B. bigger C. taller D. older13. A. a different B. a similar C. a difficult D. the same14. A. before B. later C. ahead of D. after15. A. How about Dick B. How well did Dick do in it  C. How was the examination D. How did Dick think16. A. hesitated B. waited C. stopped D. talked17. A. passed B. failed C. missed D. lost18. A. in B. for C. by D. through19. A. knew B. prepared C. was born D. thought20. A. no wonder B. no problem C. in fact D. out of the question二. 閱讀理解閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的A、B、C、D四個選項中,選出最佳選項。A There are many international organizations which work to save and protect endangered species(物種)and natural environmentIf you would like more information about any of the organizations listed below, you Call write to the addresses givenFriends of the Earth(FOE)campaigns on a range of problems including rainforests,the countryside,water and air pollution and energy·Friends of the Earth International Secretariat POBox 191991000 GDAmsterdamThe NetherlandsGreenpeace uses peaceful but direct action to defend the environment. It campaigns to protect rainforests and sea animals,stop globalwarming and end pollution of air,land and seasIt also opposes nuclear(核)powerGreenpeace InternationalKeizergracht 1761016 DW AmsterdamThe NetherlandsBirdLife International is an organizationwhich works to save endangered birds all over the worldBirdLife InternationalWellbrook CourtGirton RoadCambridge CB3 ONAEnglandWWF-World Wide Fund For Nature is the world's largest private international organization for the protection of nature and endangered speciesInformation OfficerWWF InternationalAvenue du Mont-Blanc1196 GlandSwitzerland1If you want to learn more about the organizations,you can Acall them Bwrite them a letter Cvisit them Dsend them an e-mail2BirdLife International is an organization trying to Areduce pollution Bdefend rainforestsCprotect ocean animals Dsave endangered birds3If you oppose nuclear power,you can join AFriends of the Earth BWorld Wide Fund For NatureCGreenpeace DBirdLife International4What can we learn about WWF?AIt helps to protect nature and save endangered animalsBIt is the worlds largest international organizationCIt works for private companies and rich peopleDIt is a private organization in the United States5Which is the best title for the passage?AEnvironmental Protection Organizations BGlobal Traffic ProblemsCEndangered Animals DNatural BeautyB The beautiful Gothic stone dormitories(宿舍)in which the college freshmen lived were surrounded by a very high but equally beautiful black iron fence. This was to keep the City out. Jersey led herself into the quadrangle(四方院子)with a key. Inside, the landscaping was cool and green. Immense old wooden doors, heavy as coffin lids, led into the Commons. Four weeks before the end of freshman year, and Jersey was still in awe of the campus. Still thrilled that she was here, attending the best college in the nation. Her father had graduated back when the school was all men, and she had been brought up on his college stories.Jersey went to her mail slot, opened it, and found a letter from home. Jersey loved mails. Going to college was worth it just for the mail. She ripped open the letter, which had only one word. ENJOY! said Dads handwriting. Wrapped in his letterhead was a hundred dollar bill. Jersey laughed to herself. Dad was so tickled that his little girl was attending his Alma Mater(母校). All year long he had been celebrating by sending money .Oh, goody! she thought. Im going to get those shoes Mai found at the Downtown Mall.Mai was one of Jerseys two roommates, a serious competitor for Worlds Best Shopper. While lesser shoppers found anything in any store, Mai zeroed in on terrific bargains at every counter. And Jerseys other roommate, Susan, had unbelievably good fashion sense. Susan could take some disgusting(令人厭惡的)orange-and- turquoise(青綠色)scarf(圍巾)not fit for a preschoolers bath towelpair it with just the right shirt and necklace, and make herself look like a million dollars.Jerseys proud father was under the impression that she was enjoying classes, boys, dorm life, and the coastand she wasbut better than anything, Jersey enjoyed shopping with Mai and Susan. Unfortunately, Mai and Susan had labs on Mondays and, being dedicated future research scientists, would work right through dinner. Shopping alone rots, thought Jersey, who cares about shoes unless Mai and Susan are along to giggle and criticize and compare?The hundred dollars burned, dying to be spent 6. Which of the following is NOT true about the college Jersey went to?A. It was once a college only for boys. B. It carried a strong authority in the country.C. Jerseys father had been a student in this college. D. It was fenced up to keep the City out.7. The underlined part means _.A. respectful with fear B. proud of C. excited with horror D. regretful8. Which is NOT right about Mai?A. She had a good sense of fashion and wanted to compete for the Worlds Best Shopper.B. She was always able to buy something at a good price.C. She was a science student and was determined to be a scientist.D. She shared the same room with Jersey and Susan.9. We can infer that the one-hundred-dollar bill _.A. was mailed in a letter by Jerseys father because he had not sent her money for a yearB. was to be saved in a bank for Jerseys future dorm lifeC. was probably to be exchanged for shoesD. would be spent right away, when Jersey went shopping with Mai and Susan10. This passage is probably from _.A. a news report B. a novel C. an ad D. a magazine試題答案一. 1. D in his thirties在他30多歲時。2. C 本句意為以他父親的名字為孩子取名。3. B be short for固定短語,“簡稱”。4. A “It is(was)certain that十從句”,表“肯定”。5. B 根據(jù)下句可判斷,Joe認為兒子是最聰明的孩子。6. A 根據(jù)常理做出此選項,令Joe遺憾的是。7. D average“一般水平的,平常的”,表智力一般。8. C the quality of the teaching教學質(zhì)量。9. B anything but絕對不(是)。10. A where引導地點狀語從句。11. C 由短文最后一句話可推知,應為歷史考試。12. D 由13空句可知。13. D 據(jù)常理可判斷。表一年前參加同樣的考試并且表現(xiàn)很好。14. D 聯(lián)系上下文知應為考試之后。15. B 問Disk考得怎么樣。16. A Joe感到窘迫自然會猶豫一會兒才回答。17. B fail不及格,考試失敗,其他項表意不對。18. C by表“通過、憑借”意。19. C 本句為幽默回答,問這些在孩子出生前就發(fā)生過的事情。20. A no wonder that固定短語,不足為奇。二. 1-5 BDCAA 6-10 D A A C B


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