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英文合同中不可抗力條款的約定一、什么是不可抗力條款(Force Majeure Clause)合同一經(jīng)制定,合約雙方都希望能夠按照合同規(guī)定順利履行合同。但是有時因情勢變更,往往會出現(xiàn)一些出乎當事人意料的事情發(fā)生,而導致當事人無法履行合同。這種由于當事人所不能控制的事故而導致合同不能履行的,即是不可抗力(Force Majeure),合同中關(guān)于這一事項的約定的條款就是不可抗力條款(Force Majeure Clause)。該條款實際上也是一項免責條款。在合同簽訂后,不是由于當事人的過失或疏忽,而是由于發(fā)生了當事人所不能預見的、無法避免和無法預防的意外事故,以致不能履行或不能如期履行合同,遭受意外事故的一方可以免除履行合同的責任或可以延期履行合同,另一方無權(quán)要求損害賠償?!癋orce Majeure”一詞來自于法國民法典第1148條,英文譯為:“There is no occasion for damages where, in consequence of force majure or accident the debtor has been prevented from conveying or doing that to which he has obliged or has done what he was debarred from doing.”牛津法律詞典是這樣解釋的:“Irresistible compulsion or coercion. The phrase is used particularly in commercial contracts to describe events possibly affecting the contract and that are completely outside the parties control. Such events are normally listed in full to ensure their enforceability; their may be include *acts of God, fires, failure of suppliers or subcontractors to supply the suppliers under the agreement, and strikes and other labour disputes that interfere with the suppliers performance of an agreement. An express clause would normally excuse both delay and a total failure to perform the agreement.”二、不可抗力條款的基本內(nèi)容一般來說,不可抗力條款中應(yīng)當包括以下幾個方面的內(nèi)容:1. 不可抗力發(fā)生的原因(種類);2. 不可抗力發(fā)生后通知對方的期限、通知的方法以及應(yīng)當提交的證明文件;3. 不可抗力發(fā)生的免責事項及善后處理事項。(一)不可抗力發(fā)生的原因(種類)對于不可抗力條款,約定的越詳細越好,有些合同,為了省事,往往只是籠統(tǒng)地規(guī)定“This contract is subject to force majeure clause”(合同根據(jù)不可抗力條款訂定),這是相當粗糙的。因為對于什么是“不可抗力”,哪些情況屬于不可抗力,不同的人理解是不一樣的,有些情況對于處于不同法律地位的當事人來說,并不認為是不可抗力,所以不可抗力發(fā)生后,一旦有糾紛就會無所適從。并非所有的意外事故都可以視為不可抗力而免除當事人的履行合同的義務(wù),所以對于哪些事故足以構(gòu)成不可抗力,從而免除當事人履行合同的義務(wù),自然而然地就有必要加以明確的約定,以免發(fā)生紛歧爭執(zhí);那么在不可抗力條款中,應(yīng)當不厭其煩地一項一項的羅列出來。一般而言,下列事項可以構(gòu)成不可抗力: strikes(罷工); lockouts(停工); Acts of God, such as floods, lightning, cyclone, hurricane, and other storms(天災(zāi)如水災(zāi)、閃電、颶風及風暴); threat or existence of war, blockade, embargoes or regulations of any governmental authority(戰(zhàn)爭或者戰(zhàn)爭的威脅、封港、禁運、政府管制); other events beyond the control of the parties(其他非人力所能控制的事件); plague, pestilence, disease, epidemics(疫情、瘟疫、傳染?。? civil commotions, governmental interference(騷亂、政府干涉); shortage of raw materials or other supplies(原料短缺); fires, explosions, destruction or damage to sellers plant or machinery(賣方工廠或生產(chǎn)設(shè)備遭受火災(zāi)、爆炸、破壞或者損壞); shortage of transportation or inability to obtain freight space(無運輸工具或者艙位); other labor troubles or disturbances(其他工人騷擾);其中有些事項是要有約定,才可以做為不可抗力,比如-,還有機器停頓故障、財政來源不足、成本上高漲、第三者的不履行導致的;另外如果是國有企業(yè)做為合同的一方,還應(yīng)當注意一些事項,比如政府干預、無法獲得出口證、進口證書或者其他涉及到政府的事項,因為中國是公有制國家,外方一般不將國有企業(yè)無法獲得相當政府文件作為不可抗力。(二)不可抗力的通知“Force Majeure”條文要規(guī)定由于發(fā)生不可抗力而無法履行合同義務(wù)的一方在特定的期限內(nèi)向?qū)Ψ酵ㄖR驗椴豢煽沽κ录坏┌l(fā)生,導致一方當事人無法履行合同時,應(yīng)當盡快通知對方當事人,如果不及時通知對方,置之不理,導致對方遭受更大損失時,仍然不能完全免除其責任。如這樣約定:In the event of any such causes arising, the party affected shall give prompt notice to the other party of the cause因為不可抗力事件的發(fā)生,而導致合同不能按約履行時,當事人應(yīng)當迅速通知對方當事人外,必要時還得向?qū)Ψ教峁┳C明文件。這些證明文件通常有以下幾種:(1)當?shù)厣虝蛘吖鼍叩淖C明;(2)對方國家駐當事人所在地領(lǐng)事館出具的證明;(3)關(guān)于該不可抗力事件新聞報道;(4)其他有證明力的證明。如這樣約定:In the event of any such cause arising, documents proving their occurrence or existence shall be submitted by the party to the other party without delay.(三)不可抗力發(fā)生后的處理因為不可抗力發(fā)生后,導致合同不能順利履行時,是否就即免除當事人的違約責任呢?或者是推遲合同的履行期限呢?能否替代履行呢?這些都與當事人雙方的利益密切相關(guān),所以在簽訂合同時,應(yīng)當充分考慮,比如在國際貨物買賣中可以做如下的約定:The contract is automatically cancelled as to any unshipped portion in the event that force majeure clause becomes operative.這樣規(guī)定,如果發(fā)生了不可抗力事件,對于未裝船的貨賣方不能也沒有責任再去裝船,同時買方也無權(quán)要求賣方承擔損害賠償。在這種條款下,如果賣方還沒有生產(chǎn)、備貨,解除合同,對他就不會有什么影響,但是如果貨物已經(jīng)準備好了,只是因一時的不可抗力,就解除合同,就難免要遭受損失。所以有些買賣合同中的不可抗力條款進一步規(guī)定:“如果因為意外事件影響,不能按期裝運時,買方同意將裝運期限順延一百天;期滿后,如還是不能裝運時,買方有權(quán)解除合同?!碑斎豁樠拥钠谙薏荒苈o限制,否則買方將會處于被動之情境。一般情況下,為了顧及公平合理,一方面賦予一方當事人合理的延長期限,以便其有履行合同的機會,延長期滿后,另外一方當事人可以解除合同,以免處于久懸未決的狀態(tài)。對此,華沙牛津規(guī)則有這樣的規(guī)定:The seller shall not be responsible for delay or failure to ship the goods contracted to be sold or any part thereof or to deliver such goods, or any part thereof into the custody of the carrier, as the case may be, arising from force majeure, or from any extraordinary causes, accidents or hindrances of what kind soever or wheresoever or the consequences thereof which it was impossible in the circumstances for the seller to have foreseen or averted. In the event of any of the said causes, accidents or hindrancespreventing, hindering or impeding the production, the manufacture, the delivery to the seller, or the shipment of the goods contracted to be sold or any part thereof or the chartering of any vessel or part of vessel, notice thereof shall be given to the buyer by the seller, and on such notice being given the time for shipment or delivery into the custody of the carrier, as the case may be, shall be extended until the operation of the cause, accident or hindrance preventing, hindering or impeding the production, the manufacture, the delivery to the seller or the shipment of the said goods or any part thereof or the chartering of any vessel or part of vessel has ceased. But if any of these causes, accidents or hindrances continues for more than fourteen days from the time or from the expiration of the period if any, specified in the contract of sale for the shipment of the goods or their delivery into the custody of the carrier, as the case may be, or if no such time or period has been specified in the contract then from the expiration of the reasonable time contemplated in Rule 3, the whole contract of sale or such part thereof as shall remain to be fulfilled by the seller may, at the option of either party, be determined, such option shall be exercised and notice to that effect shall be given by either party to the other party at any time during the seven days next succeeding the period of fourteen days hereinbefore mentioned but not thereafter. And on such notice being given neither party shall have any claim against the other party in respect of such determination.(由于不可抗力、任何特殊原因、事故,或者由于不論何種或何處發(fā)生的阻礙,或由此而產(chǎn)生的結(jié)果,為當時賣方所不能預見或避免,以致賣方延遲或未能裝運全部或部分訂售貨物或者延遲或未能將全部或部分訂售貨物,交給承運人保管,賣方對此將不負責任。如果上述原因、事故或障礙,阻止、妨礙或耽誤了全部或部分訂售貨物的生產(chǎn)、制造、交給賣方或裝船,或者全部或部分船只的租賃,賣方應(yīng)將有關(guān)情況通知買方,此項通知一經(jīng)發(fā)出,裝船時間或交給承運人保管的時間應(yīng)展延到上述原因、事故或障礙解除時為止。但是上述那些原因、事故或障礙,如延續(xù)超過買賣合同規(guī)定的裝船或交給承運人保管的日期或截止期限十四天(如果合同沒有規(guī)定此項裝船或交給承運人保管的日期或截止期限,則按第三條規(guī)定預計合理的期限截止時計算),全部或部分合同是否仍由賣方履行,可由買賣當事人的任何一方選擇決定,對此,任何一方都可在上述十四天后的七天內(nèi)進行抉擇并通知對方。此項通知發(fā)出后,任何一方將無權(quán)由于此項抉擇而對另一方提出索賠要求。)三、不可抗力條款的實例1.THE ICC MODEL INTERNATIONAL SALE CONTRACT (Manufactured Goods Intended for Resale)(國際商會國際貨物銷售合同范本(僅用于旨在轉(zhuǎn)售的制成品) 第13款:Art.13 Force majeure13.1Aparty is not liable for a failure to perform any of his obligations in SO far as he proves(a)that the failure was due to an impediment beyond his controland(b)that he could not reasonable be expected to have taken the impediment and its effects upon his ability to perform into account at the time of the conclusion of the contract,and(c) that he could not reasonably have avoided or overcome it or its effects13.2A party seeking relief shallas soon as practicable after the impediment and its effects upon his ability to perform become known to him,give notice to the other party of such impediment and its effects on his ability to performNotice shall also be given when the ground of relief ceasesFailure to give either notice makes the party thus fmling liable in damages for loss which otherwise could have been avoided13.3Without prejudice to article 10.2a ground of relief under this clause relieves the party failing to perform from liability in damages,from penalties and other contractual sanctions,form the duty to pay interest on money owing as long aS and to the extent that the ground subsists13.4 If the grounds of relief subsist for more than six monthseither party shall be entitled to terminate the contract without notice(第13條不可抗力131一方當事人對其未履行義務(wù)可不負責任,如果他能證明:(a)不能履行義務(wù)是由非他所能控制的障礙所致,及(b)在訂立合同時,不能合理預見到他已把這一障礙及其對他履約的能力產(chǎn)生影響考慮在內(nèi),以及(C)他不能合理地避免或克服該障礙或其影響。132請求免責的一方當事人,在他知道了此項障礙及其對他履約能力的影響之后,應(yīng)以實際可能的速度盡快通知另一方當事人此項障礙及其對他履約能力的影響。當免責的原因消除時也應(yīng)發(fā)出通知。如果未能發(fā)出任一通知,則該當事人應(yīng)承擔其原可避免的損失賠償責任。133在不影響第102條效力的前提下,本款下的免責理由,只要且僅在此限度內(nèi)該免責事由繼續(xù)存在,可使未履約方得以免除損害賠償之責任,免除處罰及其他約定的罰金,免除所欠款項利息支付之責任。134若免責的原因持續(xù)存在6個月以上,任何一方均有權(quán)不經(jīng)過通知對方即可終止合同。)2.以下這個案例是筆者制作的英文合同中的不可抗力條款。首先對不可抗力進行定義:“Force Majeure”means:Circumstances beyond the control of the Party affected, including, but not limited to an Act of God, strike, lockout or other industrial disturbance, accident, act of the public enemy, war (whether declared or not), sabotage, blockade, revolution, public riot, lightning, fire, storm, flood, drought, earthquake, landslide, explosion, governmental restraint or action, shortage or unavailability of equipment, material or labour or restrictions thereof or limitations upon the use thereof, delays in transportation caused by anyone of the aforementioned circumstances and any other cause whether of the kind specifically enumerated above or otherwise which is not within the control of the Party affected by such event.(不可抗力事件:為受影響的一方所無法控制的情形,包括但不限于自然的不可抗力、罷工、停工(企業(yè)主為抵制工人的要求而停工)或其他的工業(yè)上的滋擾和事故、公敵行為、戰(zhàn)爭(不管有無聲明)、陰謀破壞、封鎖、革命、公眾騷亂、閃電、火災(zāi)、風暴、水災(zāi)、旱災(zāi)、地震、山體滑坡、爆炸、政府管制或行動,設(shè)備出現(xiàn)故障而不能使用,材料和勞動力的短缺、或受限,由上述任一原因或其他受影響方無法控制的原因而導致的延期裝運。)接著約定不可抗力事件發(fā)生后的通知:The Party affected by an Event of Force Majeure shall provide the other Party with full details as soon as he becomes aware of the Event of Force Majeure, including a best estimate of the likely extent and duration of the interference with his activities. The affected Party will take all steps, which are commercially reasonable under the circumstances to overcome the effects of the Event of Force Majeure and to resume performance of his obligations under this Agreement.(發(fā)生不可抗力后,受影響的一方應(yīng)當盡快將詳細情況告之另一方,這些情況還包括對不可抗力可能影響的范圍和持續(xù)的時間所作的最佳評估。受影響方有義務(wù)采取商業(yè)上合理的各種措施克服不可抗力事件的影響,并恢復本合同的履行。)接著規(guī)定不可抗力出現(xiàn)后的處理:Neither Party shall be liable to the other for damages caused by the failure or delay in fulfilling any obligation under this Agreement if such failure is caused by an Event of Force Majeure. The affected Party may suspend performance of this Agreement, during the period of an Event of Force Majeure.An Event of Force Majeure, which has occurred prior to the formation of the Agreement, shall give a right to suspension only if its effect on the performance of the Agreement could not have been foreseen at the time of the formation of the Agreement.(由于不可抗力造成一方當事人無法履行或遲延履行本合同義務(wù)時,該方當事人可以免責;在不可抗力期間,受影響的一方當事人在不可抗力發(fā)生期間可以暫停履行本合同。若不可抗力事件在本合同簽定前已發(fā)生,且其對本合同的履行的影響在簽定合同時無法預見,有權(quán)暫停。)


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