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裕興新概念英語第二冊筆記 第13課

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裕興新概念英語第二冊筆記 第13課

Lesson 13 The Greenwood Boys綠林少年 Why will the police have a difficult time? The Greenwood Boys are a group of pop singers. At present, they are visiting all parts of the country. They will be arriving here tomorrow. They will be coming by train and most of the young people in the town will be meeting them at the station. Tomorrow evening they will be singing at the Workers' Club. The Greenwood Boys will be staying for five days. During this time, they will give five performances. As usual, the police will have a difficult time. They will be trying to keep order. It is always the same on these occasions. 參考譯文“綠林少年”是一個流行歌曲演唱團。目前他們正在全國各地巡回演出,明天就要到達此地。他們將乘火車來,鎮(zhèn)上的大部分青年人將到車站迎接他們。明晚他們將在工人俱樂部演出?!熬G林少年”準備在此逗留5天。在此期間,他們將演出5場。同往常一樣,警察的日子將不好過,他們將設(shè)法維持秩序。每逢這種場合,情況都是這樣。【New words and expressions】(5)1 group gru:p n.小組,團體2 pop singer 流行歌手3 club klb n.俱樂部4 performance p'f:mns n.演出5 occasion 'kein n.場合一、單詞講解group1) n. 群,組,團體a group of people 一群人a group of girls 一群女孩子a group of trees 一片樹林a group of houses 一片房子eg. A group of little girls was playing in the park. 一群女孩子在公園里玩。(強調(diào)整體時,謂語動詞用單數(shù))eg. A group of little girls were playing in the park.(強調(diào)個體時,謂語動詞用復(fù)數(shù))2)(公司聯(lián)營)集團a newspaper group 報業(yè)集團the transportation group 運輸集團3) (流行音樂)樂團 set of musicians performing pop music togethera group of pop singers 一個流行歌手的樂團groupie (口)流行樂隊迷4) v. 將分類eg. He grouped his books into five fields. 他把書分成五類。5) v. 將聚集, 使成群eg. The pupils grouped around the teacher. 學生們圍在老師周圍。pop singer 流行歌手pop: popularclub n. 俱樂部a football club 足球俱樂部a workers' club 工人俱樂部a golf club 高爾夫俱樂部join the club 加入俱樂部night club 夜總會n. 梅花(紙牌)the ten of clubs 梅花牌的10點spade 黑桃,鐵鍬heart 紅桃,心diamond 方塊,鉆石Call a spade a spade. 實話實說。performance n. 表演,演出give a performance 進行演出eg. His performance of Hamlet was very good.他表演哈姆雷特這一角色非常成功。perform1) v. 表演,行為表現(xiàn) act, playeg. They are performing on the stage. 他們正在舞臺上表演。perform a trick 表演特技(戲法)2) v. 做,完成,履行(約定,命令)perform one's promise 履行諾言perform an operation 做手術(shù)perform an experiment 做實驗occasion1) 時刻,場合 particular time at which an event takes placeon this occasion 在這種場合下on that occasion 在那種場合下2) n. 機會,時間 suitable or right timeoccasion for sth 做某事的時機或場合eg. This is not an occasion for laughter. 現(xiàn)在不是笑的時候。eg. I'll buy a car if the occasion comes. 有機會我會買輛車。or: I'll buy a car if the opportunity comes.occasional adj. 偶爾,有時eg. We'll have occasional snow during the night. 夜里有時會下雨。二、關(guān)鍵句型Key Structures將來進行時:1,構(gòu)成 will/shall be doing sth2、功能:1)表示將來某個時間正在進行的動作例: What will you be doing at eight tomorrow evening?明天晚上8點你正在干什么?We,II be transplanting rice next week. 下周我們正在插秧。2)對即將發(fā)生的動作做出的一種推測。例: The police will be trying to keep order.警察將努力的維持秩序。He'll be arriving in a minute.他一分鐘之后就到達。3)用將來進行時提問,顯得更加客氣、禮貌以及更加有誠意。例: Will you be teaching us next term?您下學期還會教我們嗎?What will you be doing this time tomorrow?明天的這個時候你會干什么呢?Will you be spending your holiday abroad?你會出國度假么?3、 從語法上講,能用will be doing的句子(將來進行時),都能換咸will do(一般將來時),表達語氣,含義上稍有差別。練習:將下列句子改寫為將來進行時l、I am ironing the clothes. 我會在熨衣服。答案:工will be ironing the clothes. 我將會去熨衣服。2. The train will arrive in a few minutes.火車幾分鐘之后達到。答案: The train will be arriving in a few minutes.3. We' II see you in the morning. 我們將早上見到你。答案:We' II be seeing you in the morning.我們在早上將會見到你。三、課文講解TextThe Greenwood Boys are a group of pop singers. At present, they are visiting all parts of the country. a group of pop singers 一個流行歌曲演唱團at present 此時,現(xiàn)在 at this time, nowpresent1) n. 'preznt 當前,目前the past, the present and the future 過去,現(xiàn)在和將來eg. I can't help you at present-I'm too busy. 我現(xiàn)在幫不上你,我很忙。2) adj. 現(xiàn)存的, 現(xiàn)有的existing or happening nowthe present difficulties 現(xiàn)有的困難the present problems 現(xiàn)存的問題the present government 當前的政府3) adj. 在場的,出席的eg. Who else was present on that occasion? 當時還有誰在場?4) n. 禮物gift 是稍正式的說法5) v. pri'zent 贈送,呈現(xiàn),呈遞,授予eg. The mayor presented the prizes in person. 市長親自頒發(fā)這些獎項。eg. The principal presented a diploma di'plum to each of the graduates.     校長為每位畢業(yè)生頒發(fā)文憑。6) v. 表示,顯露(表情等)present a calm face 神色安詳7) v. 介紹,引見(向地位較高的人說)eg. May I present Mr. Brown to you? 我能向你介紹一下布朗先生嗎?all parts of the country 全國各地all over the country 遍布全國all over the world 遍及全世界eg. He was wet all over. 他全身都濕透了。part1) n. 部分eg. The early part of her life was spent in a remote village.    她的前半生是在一個遙遠的鄉(xiāng)村度過的。eg. Part of the building was destroyed in the fire. 這幢大樓有一部分在大火中被燒毀了。spare parts 配件eg. Which parts of France have you visited? 你去過法國哪些地方?a part of London 倫敦的一個地方all parts of the country 全國各地2) 角色part, role, characterperform the part of the Hamlet 扮演哈姆雷特這一角色or: play the part of the Hamletor: act the part of the Hamletor: take the part of the Hamlet或?qū)⑸鲜霰磉_中的part換成role, character。3) v. 分開part as friends 友好地分手They parted at the station. 他們在車站分手了。They will be arriving here tomorrow. They will be coming by train and most of the young people in the town will be meeting them at the station. will be arrivingby train坐火車(表示一種交通方式)by bus坐公共汽車by plane坐飛機by ship坐船on foot 步行meet sb 去接某人meet sb off 去送某人eg. We'll go to the harbor to see Captain Charles Alison off tomrrow morning.eg. I went to the airport to meet my American bride just now.    剛才我去機場接我的美國新娘。bride 新娘brideroom 新郎fiancée fi':nsei (法)未婚妻fiancé fi':nsei (法)未婚夫bridesmaid 女儐相;伴娘bridesman男儐相,伴郎or: best man (美)Tomorrow evening they will be singing at the Workers' Club. The Greenwood Boys will be staying for five days.at the Workers' Club 在工人俱樂部stay v. 停留,呆(延續(xù)性動詞)stay + 一段時間stay at home 呆在家里stay in bed 呆在床上eg. I'm afraid I can't stay. 很抱歉,我得走了。stay in teaching 繼續(xù)執(zhí)教eg. I can only stay a few minutes. 我只能呆幾分鐘。eg. Stay here until I come back. 呆在這兒直到我回來為止。or: Don't go before I come back.eg. Tell that fellow to stay away from my sister.告訴那家伙離我妹妹遠點。stay up 熬夜,通宵不睡eg. stay up late 熬夜到很晚eg. He made a long stay in hospital. 他在醫(yī)院住了很久。eg. Enjoy your stay here. 祝你在這兒玩得高興。During this time, they will give five performances. As usual, the police will have a difficult time.as usual 像往常一樣as before 像以前一樣eg.- How is your business? 你的生意怎么樣?-As usual. 還那樣。than usual 比平常than before 比以前eg. She arrived later than usual. 她比平常晚到。usually adv. 通常地,一貫地often adv.常常; 經(jīng)常; 時常;在大多數(shù)情況下always adv.總是; 永遠; 一直; 無例外地;重復(fù)地; 有規(guī)律地eg. What do you usually do on Sundays? 周日你通常做什么?I usually sleep. 我通常睡覺。I usually go to NCE class. 我通常去上新概念英語課。never adv.從不, 永不, 從來沒有eg. John never washes his neck. 約翰從不洗他的脖子。hardly adv.幾乎沒有, 幾乎不;剛剛, 僅僅eg. I've hardly met him. 我很少見到他。rarely adv.不常, 很少地, 難得地seldom adv.很少, 罕見, 難得eg. I rarely have dinners with my family. 我難得同家人一起吃飯。or: I seldom have dinners with my family.occasionally 'kenl adv.有時候,偶而eg. We are occasionally in trouble. 我們偶爾會有麻煩。sometimes adv.有時, 間或eg. I sometimes get very angry with him. 我有時對他很生氣。often adv.常常; 經(jīng)常; 時常;在大多數(shù)情況下eg. He often gets drunk. 他經(jīng)常喝醉。usually adv. 通常eg. I usually have my lunch at school. 我通常在學校吃午飯。almost adv.幾乎, 差不多, 差一點; 將近eg. The door is almost open. 這扇門幾乎都是開的。always adv.總是; 永遠; 一直; 無例外地;重復(fù)地; 有規(guī)律地 (頻率最高)eg. He is always talking about his girl friend as if he had nothing else to talk about.    他總是談?wù)撍呐笥?,好像沒有別的事可談一樣。police 警察集合名詞,類似的還有:people, cattleeg. The police are searching for the thief. 警察正在搜捕那個盜賊。eg. The policeman was injured. 那個警察受傷了。They will be trying to keep order. It is always the same on these occasions.keep order 維持秩序in order 井井有條out of order 亂七八糟order v.order sb to do sth 命令某人去做某事order a meal 點餐order a book 訂購一本書order a new suit for oneself 為自己定制一套西服on these occasions 在這些場合下Special DifficultiesWorkers' Club 工人俱樂部所有格的規(guī)則:通常是以人或有生命的做主語,可以表示所屬關(guān)系,直接加S1.專有名詞(人名)1)以S結(jié)尾加 ' (但也有加 'S)2)其它情況都加 'S.2.一般名詞1)規(guī)則的名詞復(fù)數(shù)(即已加上s或es,變成了復(fù)數(shù)的名詞)在后面加 '。2)其它情況加 's。eg. It's is Tom's.eg. They are the students' exercise books.eg. It's James' ('s) car.那是詹姆斯的車(人名打撇或者打撇S,都是可以的)名詞的所有格相當于belong toeg. Whose is this handbag?   It is Susan's   It belongs to Susaneg. Whose are these exercise books?    They are the students' exercise books.     They belong to the students.eg. Whose are these toys?    They are the children's.    They belong to the children.eg. Whose are these tools?    They are the workmen's.    They belong to the workmen.表示時間或金錢的短語也能加's:eg. When will he arrive?    He will arrive in three hours' time.eg. How much minced meat do you want?I want ten pounds' worth of minced meat.你要多少絞好的肉?Exercise: 用括號里的詞或詞組來回答問題,注意省字號的位置1) Whose is this umbrella? (George)   It's George's.2) Whose is this idea? (Jean)   It's Jean's3) Whose is this handbag? (That woman)   It's that woman's.4) Whose poetry do you like best? (Keats)   I like Keats' poetry best.5) Whose are these clothes? (That children)   They're the children's.6) Whose are these uniforms? (That soldiers)   They are the soldiers'.7) When will you leave? (in six hours time)   I'll leave in six hours' time.8) How much damage was there? ( A hundred pounds worth)   There was a hundred pounds' worth of damage.四、練習 Exercises1. The police _ expecting the singers to arrive soon.A. is B. are C. will D. was分析:police表“警察”的時候,是個集合名詞,表示復(fù)數(shù)含義,那么它的謂語動詞應(yīng)該是復(fù)數(shù)形式。A和D都是單數(shù)形式;C不能同現(xiàn)在分詞構(gòu)成謂語動詞。答案是B2. They are pop singers. So _.A. They are folk singers B. they are public singersC. everyone likes them D. no one likes them分析:A他們是民間歌手,含義不一致:B他們是公眾歌手,含義也不正確;C人人都喜歡他們,構(gòu)成因果關(guān)系;D沒人喜歡他們,不構(gòu)成因果關(guān)系。答案是C3. It' s always the same on these occasions. It' s always the same at _ like this.A. situations B. conditions C. places D. times分析:A形勢,處境;B條件;C地方:D表示時機,場合。答案為D4. Although he had looked through all the reference material in the subject, he still found it hard to understand this point and her explanation only _ to his confusion.A. extended B. amounted C. added D. turned盡管他查閱了該課題所有參考資料,還是不能理解這一點,而她的解釋只是增加他的困惑分析:A表示延伸至:B表示總共是:C表示增加:D表示轉(zhuǎn)向。答案為C六、補充內(nèi)容量詞l、a period of -段(時間)例: We lived in Beijing for a period of time.我們在北京住過一段時間。2、 a piece of1)一片,一塊,一段,一部分例:He tore off a small piece of paper. 他撕下一小塊紙。2)(一套或一組中的)一件,一個例:a piece of jewellery一件首飾3)一塊(土地)例: The factory had been built on a piece of waste ground.這個工廠建在一塊廢地上。


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