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2016屆高考英語大一輪復習 Book1 Unit2 Growing pains導學案 譯林版必修1

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2016屆高考英語大一輪復習 Book1 Unit2 Growing pains導學案 譯林版必修1

Unit 2Growing pains1explain v解釋;說明_ n解釋,說明歸納拓展explain sth.to sb.explain to sb.sth.對某人解釋某事make an explanation作說明,進行解釋in explanation of作為的說明/辯解I was used to the familiar bilingual dictionaries,in which the words are explained both in English and Chinese.(2010·遼寧,完形填空)過去我習慣了用熟悉的英漢雙解詞典,里面的單詞都是用英漢兩種語言解釋的?;顚W活用(1)He _ us that he was late because of the traffic.他向我們說明了他遲到是因為交通擁擠。(2)He was late.We asked him to _ (向我解釋) why.But his _ (的解釋) being late didnt sound reasonable.(3)“What will you say in_ of your frequent lateness this time?” asked the teacher.Adoubt BwonderCexpectation Dexplanation2fault n過錯,錯誤;缺點,毛??;責任歸納拓展(1)However,they can hardly blame me;it is largely their own fault.(2009·重慶,完形填空)但是他們并不能責怪我;在很大程度上是他們自己的錯。(2)She loves me in spite of all my faults.我雖然有種種缺點,但是她依然愛我?;顚W活用(1)The police said that the other driver was _he should have slowed down.警方說錯在另一位司機他本來應該減速。(2)They are always _ (找毛病) my work.(3)用fault,shortcoming的適當形式填空In spite of all my friends _,I still like him because I dont like finding a _.(4)“I dont think its my_ that the TV blew up.I just turned it on,that is all,” said the boy.Aerror Bmistake Cfault Dduty3scene n(戲劇)一場;現(xiàn)象;場面;景色歸納拓展(1)Firefighters were on the scene immediately.消防隊員立即趕到了現(xiàn)場。(2)The police present at the scene had only scratched the surface of the accident.在場的警察對事故只做了簡單的處理?;顚W活用(1)用scene,scenery,sight,view填空The Great Wall whose _ is beautiful is one of the most breathtaking _ in the world,but twenty years ago,beautiful as the _ was from the distance,a dirty _ appeared in front of us when we arrived there.(2)While watching Titanic,most people couldnt help crying when it came to the scene_ Jack saves the girls life but dies in icy water himself.Awhich BasCwhy Dwhere4.mark n分數(shù);記號;標志;得分;痕跡;v.標明;標志;打分數(shù),批改歸納拓展(1)The workers packed the glasses and marked on each box “This Side Up”(2010·課標全國卷,22)工人們把玻璃杯裝好,并在每個箱子上標注“此面向上”的標記。(2)You cant afford to get another low mark in English.你的英語不能再得低分了?;顚W活用(1)Food _ red stars are included in the recipe.標有紅星的食品被列入了食譜。(2)The match is to take place in two days and they are busy _ the tennis court.(2011·黃山月考)Aturning out Bmarking outCmaking out Dbreaking out5insist vt. & vi.堅持;堅決主張歸納拓展(1)The only wonder is that so many states insist on closing their ears to the message.(2009·山東,閱讀理解C)唯一驚訝的是這么多的國家都堅持對這個消息充耳不聞。(2)He insisted that his answer was right.他堅持說他的回答是正確的?;顚W活用(1)I insisted that you _ there on time.我堅持要求你準時到那里去。(2)用insist on,stick to填空We _ the important thoughtThree Represents,and _ putting it into practice.(3)Sam insisted that he_ the law and_.Adidnt break;mustnt be punishedBdoesnt break;shouldnt punishChadnt broken;be not punishedDhadnt broken;not be punished6spare adj.空閑的;不用的;備用的;vt.抽出;留出;免除歸納拓展spare sb.sth.spare sth.for sb. 為抽出/分出;免除某人的spare no effort(s)不遺余力;竭盡全力spare no expense不惜一切代價(1)But most of his spare time is spent working.(2009·海南,閱讀理解B)但他的大部分業(yè)余時間都花在工作上。(2)Nigel coaches a cricket team in his spare time.奈杰爾業(yè)余時間擔任一個板球隊的教練。活學活用(1)Well _ to find the culprits of this crime.我們會竭盡全力追查本案的兇犯。(2)As a teacher,he almost has no _ (閑暇時間),but whenever the students have any problems,he _ (不遺余力地幫助) them.He can hardly _ (抽出一些時間給家人),even his children.(3)Lets_ to carry out the plan.Atry our best Bspare no effortCspare no efforts Dall the above7suggest vt.建議;暗示;使想起_ n提議;意見歸納拓展(sb./sb.s) doing sth.suggest (建議) that sb.(should) do sth.sth. (to sb.) It is suggested that sb.(should) do sth.at/on sb.s suggestion根據(jù)某人的建議注意:suggest作“暗示,表明”講時,引導的從句用陳述語氣。(1)Lady Luck suggested I should turn left.(2010·湖南,完形填空)幸運女神建議我應該向左轉。(2)Someone suggested sending Liu Xiang to the US for treatment.有人建議送劉翔去美國治療?;顚W活用(1)He suggested that the work _ at once.他建議立即動工。(2)His accent suggested that _ Sichuan.他的口音表明他是四川人。(3)用suggest,advise的適當形式填空Who do you _ to go there with her?His silence _ refusal.He made a very useful _ that she join in the club activities. (4)He suggested_ a meeting and it suggested that he_ in our plan.(2011·長沙模擬)Ato hold;was interestedBholding;was interestedCholding;should be interestedDshould hold;be interested8do with處理,對付;對待;解決;涉及歸納拓展do with有時可與deal with互換,表示“處理,解決”。 (1)What have you done with my pen?Ive put it away.你把我的鋼筆弄到哪兒去了?我把它收起來了。(2)I hate to deal/dealing with large impersonal companies.我討厭與那些沒有人情味的大公司打交道。活學活用(1)用deal with,do with的適當形式填空I dont know how to _ the book _ politics,but you know what to _ it very well.(2)How do you_ a disagreement between the company and its customers?The key to solving the problem is to meet the demand made by the customers.Amake do with Bdo withChandle with Ddeal with9be supposed to應該;理應歸納拓展I have reached a point in my life where I am supposed to make decisions of my own.(2009·浙江,14)我已經(jīng)到了自己做出決定的年齡了?;顚W活用(1)He was supposed _ on the five oclock train.他本該趕上五點鐘的那班火車的(但他沒有)。(2)The train_ arrive at 1130,but was an hour late.(2011·黃山月考)Awas about to Bwas likely toCwas supposed to Dwas certain to10go out熄滅;發(fā)出;播放,播出;公布歸納拓展go off離去;爆炸go without忍受某事物的缺乏;沒有某事物也可應Honey,lets go out for dinner.Thats great! I dont have to cook.(2010·重慶,26)親愛的,我們出去吃晚飯吧。太好了!我不用做飯了?;顚W活用(1)The bomb _ in a crowded street.炸彈在擠滿人群的大街上爆炸了。(2)I was about to go out _.我正要出去,這時電話鈴響了。(3)Would you please_this form for me to see if Ive filled it in right?Atake off Blook afterCgive up Dgo over11feel like (doing)想要(做);感覺自己像歸納拓展I was so angry and I just didnt feel like looking for another job.(2008·上海,閱讀理解B)我非常生氣,不想再找另外的工作?;顚W活用(1)I dont _ today.我今天感覺不舒服。(2)Well go for a walk if _.要是你愿意,我們去散散步。(3)They were completely different from my own family,yet I felt_ with them immediately.Asorry Bat homeCmyself Dbadly12.now that既然;由于歸納拓展Now that weve discussed our problem,are people happy with the decisions taken?(2009·寧夏海南,35)既然我們已經(jīng)討論了我們的問題,人們對我們做的決定滿意嗎?活學活用(1)Ill never give up _.今后我決不放棄。(2)_(既然晚餐已準備好),wash your hands.(3)_ she is out of a job,Lucy has been considering going back to school,but she hasnt decided. (2011·南京模擬)AEven if BThoughCIf DNow that13The room is a mess,with pizza boxes on the floor and dirty dishes in the sink.譯文:_ _ _句式提?。簑ith復合賓語歸納拓展(1)with賓語doing (表主動或正在進行的動作)(2)with賓語done(表被動或已完成的動作)(3)with賓語to do (to do表示將來的動作)(4)with賓語adj. (adj.表狀態(tài))(5)with賓語adv. (adv.表狀態(tài))(6)with賓語介詞短語 (1)Tired,Jim was fast asleep with his back against a big tree.(2010·四川,5)累壞了,吉姆背靠著一棵大樹,酣睡著。(2)With all the things she needed bought,she went home happily.買了所需要的所有東西后,她高興地回家了。活學活用(1)_,he wont have time to go shopping this morning.他有那么多文章要寫,今天早上將沒有時間去買東西了。(2)_,its time to buy warm clothes.冬天來了,該買暖和的衣服了。(3)The boy went out to play _.作業(yè)做完后,小男孩出去玩了。(4)_ the crisis of economy getting more and more serious,the government is searching for ways to improve peoples life.AA BWith CWhen DIf(5)John received an invitation to dinner,and with his work_,he gladly accepted it.Afinished BfinishingChaving finished Dwas finished14Eric sits on his bed looking at Daniel,who has his arms crossed and looks angry.譯文:_句式提?。篽ave復合賓語歸納拓展(1)To save class time,our teacher has us students do half of the exercises in class and complete the other half for our homework.(2007·湖南,27)為了節(jié)省課堂時間,我們的老師讓我們學生在課堂上做完一半練習,把另一半當作家庭作業(yè)來完成。(2)It was cold,and she had the fire burning all day and night.天很冷,她日夜燒著爐火?;顚W活用(1)At that time,he _ to talk to.在那時,他沒有人可以說話。(2)Joe _ a car for him.喬讓我給他找輛車。(3)Youd better _.你最好把那顆壞牙拔了。(4)Good morning.Can I help you?Id like to have this package_,madam.Abe weighed Bto be weighedCto weigh Dweighed(5)She will tell us why she feels so strongly that each of us has a role_in making the earth a better place to live.Ato have played Bto playCto be played Dto be playingUnit 2Growing pains.語境填詞1He didnt give us a _(合理的解釋) about his _(無禮的表現(xiàn))We all thought it was his _(過錯),but he deserved no _(懲罰)2Its a universal _(真理) that _(無私) is quite _(寶貴的),while _(自私) is really _(愚蠢的)3Its _(令人吃驚的) that what _(使感興趣) me _ (使厭煩) her.選詞填空be crazy about,be mixed up,be angry with,after all,go out,be hard on,make no difference,take sbs advice,argue sb.out of,wait ones turn1Whether he will come here or not _.2Dont be a queue­jumper.Youd better _.3Our teacher _ so _ us.4The boy _ computer games.5_,Mike isnt a boy any more.6At last his wife _ him _ buying so expensive a car.7The fire _ when the firemen got there.8Dont _ me.I didnt do that on purpose.9If you _ my _,it would have been better.10We _ after his explanation.完成句子1他女兒扶著他,慢慢的回家去了。He went home,_ by his daughter,_ very slowly.2我們原認為你提到的那本書不值得一讀。We _ the book _ you referred _ not worth reading.3既然你去過那里,請給我們講一講那里的情況。_ you _ there,tell us something about it.4你剛才和他握手的那個人是我老師。The man _ you shook hands just now is my teacher.5我要是去過上海世博會該多好啊!_ I wish I _ to the Shanghai Expo!6他舉手好像要說什么。He raised his hand _ to say something.單項填空1Mr.Zhang didnt believe the reason _ for his being late for class.Ahe explained Bthat he expressedChow he explained Dwhy he expressed2He is a person who is always _ fault with other people.Aputting BseekingCfinding Dlooking for3Mum _ to us,“Be quiet!Your little sisters sleeping.”Awhispered BshoutedCexplained Dreplied4The dead mans wallet and mobile phone remained untouched,so the _ for the killing could not have been the theft.Aexplanation BexcuseCmotive Dresult5He asked us to find a book _ the word “WAF”Amarked with Bbeing marked withCmarked on Dbeing marked on6Im sorry I didnt help you out.Never mind._,you have tried your best.AAbove all BIn allCAt all DAfter all7People may have different opinions about Karen,but I admire her._,she was a great musician.AAfter all BAs a resultCIn other words DAs usual8Dont be too hard _ the boy;he didnt mean _ it.(2010·黃山模擬)Aat;doing Bon;to doCon;doing Dfor;to do9The children were left _ of a neighbour when they were on holiday.Ain charge Bin the chargeCunder charge Dat charge10By nine oclock,all the Olympic torch bearers had reached the top of Mount Qomolangma,_ appeared a rare rainbow soon.Aof which Bon whichCfrom which Dabove which11Eric received training in computer for one year,_he found a job in a big company.Aafter that Bafter whichCafter it Dafter this12Please remain _;the winner of the prize will be announced soon.Aseating BseatedCto seat Dto be seated13He was busy writing a story,only _ once in a while to smoke a cigarette.Ato stop BstoppingCto have stopped Dhaving stopped14_ in the queue for half an hour,the old man suddenly realized he had left the cheque in the car.AWaiting BTo waitCHaving waited DTo have waited15I wish I _ such a promise to her.Adidnt make Bdont makeCnot make Dhadnt made.課文信息填空ActsCharactersThings they doHow they feelAct oneMom and DadJust coming back from 1._Finding the room in a mess and the dog tired and hungry,they feel 2._ and angry.EricPlaying 3._ at homeSeeing parents back early and angry at them,he is surprised and 4._.DanielStay in another roomHowever,he hopes to give an 5._ at first but then feel angry with parents.Act twoDaniel6._ his anger with parentsHe is so angry with his arms crossed.Eric7._ his brotherHe tries to make Daniel 8._ and not angry.MomTalking about the things that happened todayThinking they are hard on their children,she feels sorry and 9._.DadHe is stubborn,insisting on 10._ Daniel.完形填空One of my fathers favorite sayings as I was growing up was “Try it!” I couldnt say I didnt like _1_,whatever it might be,_2_ I tried it.Over the years Ive come to _3_ how much of my success I owe to my _4_ of those words as one of my values.My _5_ job was just one I decided to try for a couple of years until I _6_ what I wanted to do as a career(職業(yè))_7_ I believed I would work for a few years,get married,stay home and raise a family,so I didnt think the job I took _8_ that much.I couldnt have been more _9_.I mastered the skills of that beginning level position and I was given the opportunity(機會) to _10_ through the company into different _11_.I accepted each new opportunity with the _12_,“Well,Ill try it;if I dont like it I can always go back to my _13_ position.”But I was with the same company for the past 28 years,and Ive _14_ every career change Ive made.Ive discovered I _15_ a large number of different talents(才能) and skills that I never would have thought were within me had it not been for my being _16_ trying new opportunities.Ive also discovered that if I _17_ what Im doing and work hard at achieving my _18_,I will succeed.Thats why Im so _19_ to be a part of CareerF.I think _20_ has come and I am determined to make it a success.(2011·益陽統(tǒng)考)1A.everythingBsomethingCeverybodyDsomebody2A.until afterBever since Cso thatDlong before3A.considerBargueCincludeDrealize4A.suggestionBexplanationCacceptanceDdiscussion5A.hardBbestCextraDfirst6A.determinedBexaminedCexperiencedDintroduced7A.ActuallyBGraduallyCFinallyDUsually8A.helpedBrequiredCexpressedDmattered9A.carefulBmistakenCinterestedDprepared10A.look upBtake up Cmove upDputup11A.situationsBchoicesCdirectionsDpositions12A.thoughtBreplyCactionDadvice13A.easierBnewerCearlierDhigher14A.permittedBcountedCorganizedDenjoyed15A.showBpossessCneedDgather16A.lucky forBslow at Copen toDafraid of17A.think ofBgive away Cbelieve inDturn into18A.businessBgoal CfortuneDgrowth19A.excitedBcurious CsurprisedDhelpful20A.dreamBtime CpowerDhonor.閱讀理解Recently,scientists attending a meeting in Chicago presented new studies showing how food and its production affect global warming.They offered some suggestions for how to eat in a more environmentally friendly way.For many years,scientists have warned us that our planet is getting warmer.If current trends continue,animals may start to die off and life could get very difficult for everyone.The temperature is rising because humans have been releasing massive amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere,which surround the planet and keep heat from escaping.One of these gases is carbon dioxide.Most carbon dioxide we produce comes from the process of making and eating food,the scientists reported in Chicago.The production of meat contributes to a lot of carbon dioxide.And much of meats contribution comes from beef,which is responsible for releasing even more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.The process of making a hamburger,for example,requires a lot of energy.A cow has to be fed and raised,and cows wastes are a major source of greenhouse gases.After the cow is killed,the meat has to be processed and shipped to a consumer,which takes fuel.And most of the cow wont even be used for meat people eat.By the time a hamburger finally lands on a dinner plate,it has taken a heavy toll on the environment.It is believed that the process of making a half­pound all­beef burger adds about 19 times the weight of hamburgers in carbon dioxide.The message is clear:We can greatly reduce the production of greenhouse gases by eating less beef.Other kinds of meat like pork and chicken do less harm to the environmentat least in terms of the amount of greenhouse gases released.Nathan Pelletier,a scientist at Dalhousie University in Canada,reported that if everyone in industrial countries ate chicken instead of beef,we would cut the Earths greenhouse gases by more than half.All kinds of meat,the scientists reported,are harder on the planet than vegetables.To grow and eat a pound of potatoes,for example,sends less than one quarter pound of carbon dioxide into the air.So shifting our diet to less meat and more vegetables may do the world some good.1The text mainly tells us _.Awhat we eat can affect the whole planetBthe way we live affects the environmentChow we can save energy on the EarthDhow we can produce environment­friendly food2What is likely to happen if the climate is getting warmer according to the passage?ASea level will continue to rise sharply.BHuman beings wont have enough food.CIt would be very hard for man to survive.DAll the animals and plants will disappear.3Why does the author mention the process of making a hamburger?ATo show meat is usually part of a hamburger.BTo illustrate that our food contributes to greenhouse gases.CTo prove making a hamburger is a complex process.DTo suggest a lot of energy is needed to make hamburgers.4The author believes one effective way to fight global warming is _


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