2021-2022年五年級英語上冊 Module 2 Unit 4(2)教案 廣州版

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《2021-2022年五年級英語上冊 Module 2 Unit 4(2)教案 廣州版》由會員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關(guān)《2021-2022年五年級英語上冊 Module 2 Unit 4(2)教案 廣州版(10頁珍藏版)》請在裝配圖網(wǎng)上搜索。

1、2021-2022年五年級英語上冊 Module 2 Unit 4(2)教案 廣州版一、 教材分析: 本課是關(guān)于“能力”的表達,是本module 的第一課時。Can 和can 學生在四年級已初步接觸過,這節(jié)課將更加深入地學習與運用。教學處理上,著重讓學生通過口頭運用去體驗本課的語言點,重點在于拓展學生的語言交際能力,把所學的語言知識運用到實際交際中。 學情分析: 這個班的學生由于剛接任,師生教學處于磨合期。 雖說已經(jīng)學了兩年英語,但由于頻繁更換老師,學生的英語基礎(chǔ)比較差,連貫說話能力還有待培養(yǎng),學生的良好英語學習習慣還有待培養(yǎng),尤其課堂上注意力不集中,不持久,需要老師時時提醒。二、教學目標:一

2、)語言知識目標:1. 學會三個動物的單詞:kangaroo, frog, turtle,和far, fly, own, gift. 整體理解Everyone has his own gift.的意思。 2. 會運用Can you ? 詢問別人的能力及其答語: Yes, I can. / No, I cant 3. 會用所學的英語表達自己的能力和描述他人的能力。二)語言技能目標:1. 能聽說新單詞。2. 能流利朗讀課文,理解課文意思,能根據(jù)意思表演課文。3. 能模仿課文,并表演課文4. 能運用句型描述能力。三) 學習策略目標:1. 能結(jié)合實際,積極運用所學的英語和別人交流,大膽展示自己的技能,并

3、學習他人的長處。四)情感態(tài)度目標:1. 懂得“三人行必有我?guī)煛钡牡览怼?. 以手勢等身體語言、圖片、課件形象直觀地吸引學生的注意力,激發(fā)學生的學習興趣,積極參與課堂教學活動。三、重點、難點: 1. 熟練朗讀課文并能仿照課文對話,2. 能正確運用can 和cant來描述自己和他人的能力。教學媒體: 動物圖片,電腦課件四、教學過程:一) 熱身和復習1. Guessing game1: 猜動詞詞組( 12個):把學過的動詞詞組圖片貼在黑板上,用紙遮蓋畫面,讓學生猜是什么短語,例如:P1:Picture 1 is “skip”. 揭開覆蓋的紙,集體判斷對否,然后齊說短語。(play football,

4、 play badminton, play basketball, play tennis, cook, draw, swim, jump, run,) 二) 先解難,后呈現(xiàn)課文1. 老師口述目標: Today we are going to Unit 4. In this lesson we are going to learn how to describe our abilities.2. 分步解難:解難1: 師生自由對話:引出本課單詞far, 及句子:I can jump very high and very far. 用兩個游戲操練鞏固單詞“far” T:(做跳繩的動作 ):I ca

5、n skip very fast and very well. And you?P: I can skip very fast and very well.T: 繼續(xù)用其他動詞提問學生2-3個,引導其說:I can 。 very and very T: Now look at the pictures and you say together. jump .high and far / swim fast far) / run . Wash clothes / sweep the floor/ clean the house / do gardening /T;再問2個學生:I can coo

6、k meal very fast and very well. And you?T: Good. Children, please tell your partner what you can do. 小組活動: 學生在小組里說: I can very and veryT: Who can show your abilities? 幾個學生展示后,Check: 抽個別學生說自己的能力。P: I can very and very .T: Look at the Video. What can they do? ( 觀看一段學生的跳遠的自述片段)學生跳遠后說:P1: I can jump ver

7、y high and very far. P2: I can jump but not very far.T: 重復并強調(diào)(far): P1 can jump very high and very far. P2 can jump but not very far. 引導學生模仿說出far. 板書單詞:far, 學生按音素拼讀單詞。用游戲操練鞏固單詞及近音詞辨別: fast-farGame 1. loud low voice. When I say far loudly, you must say fast lowly. Game 2. 辯音: T: far is first, fast is

8、 second. When I say “far”, you say “first”. When I say “second” you say “fast”.解難2: I can run but not very far. Can you run? 引出答語: Yes, I can, but not very far.T: 與學生交談:I can swim very fast. Can you swim? P: Yes, I can, but not very fast.T: Children, I can run but not very far. Can you run? P1: Yes,

9、 I can, but not very far / fast. T: I can swim very fast and very far. Can you swim?P2: Yes, I can, but not very fast / far.T: look at my actions and ask and answer the questions. ( 分行問答)Skip, swim, walk, run, T: Now, can you show your abilities to your classmate behind you and ask him or her?T: OK.

10、 Who can ask your friend?Check 幾個學生的問答。解難3:I cant , but I can T: 做飛的動作與學生交談:Boys and girls, I cant fly , but I can walk. Can you fly? P: No, I cant.T: Which animal can fly?P: Birds can fly.T: 出示bird fly 的圖: Birds can fly. Fly-fly-fly板書: fly 拼讀單詞 - 開火車讀(10人)- 手勢一起說fly high / farT: I cant play badmint

11、on, but I can play tennis. What about you? P1 P2. P 3. T: Tell your group mates what you can and cant do. T: Boys and girls, can you tell us what you can and cant do? En Everyone has his own gift. (每個人都有他自己的天賦) “ 常言道:三人行必有我?guī)煛?We should learn from each other.跟老師說Everyone has his own gift. - 整體認讀單詞,ow

12、n , gift Game: spread words silently 3. 呈現(xiàn)課文。1.帶著問題看vcd一次,看后,回答問題1. What animal is it? 2. What can they do?T: Boys and girls. Now there are some animals showing their own gifts by the lake.Look and listen carefully, then answer my questions: 1. What animals are they? 2. What can they do?( 看課文VCD一次)T

13、: What animals are by the lake?P: 袋鼠,青蛙,龜,鳥 和一個男孩。T: 出示動物圖片學習單詞 kangaroo, frog, turtle, 1)示圖kangaroo,聽老師說- 學生模仿說-老師板書單詞kangaroo,按讀音規(guī)則讀單詞。例如: T:How do you pronounce “a” (第1個字母a)? P: kan-/k&o09; ng/ T: How do you pronounce “a” (第2個字母a)?單行開火車說:kangaroo同樣方法學習:frog, 操練:單詞kangaroo 和 frog: 學turtle. 橫行開火車說,

14、且正音后問3.鞏固練習. Play games: 快速認讀, 看哪一組說得最快最準。 game: Guessing game:Guess the animal. 比一比,看哪組猜得對。遮蓋圖片猜動物。T: What animal is it? / What about this? / How about this? / And the last one? T: Each animal has its own gift. Who can tell us the animals gifts?P1: The frog cant jump very far but it can jump very h

15、igh.P2: .T: Good. Now please open your books at page 16. read after the tape.集體跟讀-集體分角色讀書-小組分角色讀書- 小組組內(nèi)表演課文-在班上展示。4.小結(jié)Guessing game2:猜動物并回答:What can it do?三)拓展1. T: Boys and girls, do you want to know your classmates abilities? Please ask them. And fill in the form.調(diào)查:NameWhat can he/she do?What can

16、t he/she do?Jim Jump very high swim 2. 學生展示調(diào)查結(jié)果,并口頭描述。四、作業(yè):(1 分鐘)Homework: 1. listen and read Unit 4 after the tape. 2. Copy the new words and sentences and try to remember the new words.板書: UNIT 4 What Can They Do?I can very high and very far. Can you jump?Yes, I can, but not very high.I cant jump,

17、 but I can swim. Everyone has his own gift.farkangaroofrogturtleflyown gift教學反思:1. 就本節(jié)課來看,我所采取的教學方式是可行的,我希望以朋友的姿態(tài),閑談的方式,在談話式的教學中自然引出新知識,新舊知識的銜接過度比較自然,學生學得輕松,效果是明顯的,達到了教學目標。2. 由于該班學生是新接任的,學生的學習方式與老師的教學模式處于磨合期,我有點擔心學生是否能夠很好的理解并接受新知識,在句型練習中,還不夠大膽放手給學生,今后我將在這方面努力改進與探索。附送:2021-2022年五年級英語上冊 Module 2 Unit

18、4(3)教案 廣州版 一、 教學內(nèi)容分析:本節(jié)課是Module 2 Unit 4的第一課時,學生在三年級對動物單詞和四年級對動詞can有了一定的認識,本節(jié)課重點讓學生學習can的陳述句、否定句、一般問句及肯否定回答、二、 教學對象分析 本班學生從一年級開始學習了這套教材,具有一定的詞匯量,尤其是有些動作的動詞,學習英語的興趣較濃,接受能力較強,英語基礎(chǔ)較好,但學生的語法知識不扎實。因此,本節(jié)課通過對重點知識點進行感知操練再操練鞏固等形式進行教學,力求達到讓學生運用新學知識進行語言交流。三、 教學目標1 語言知識:1) 會聽、說、讀課文單詞:kangaroo, far, frog ,turtle

19、, fly, own, climb write, monkey ,hill 2) 初步感知can各類句型。3) 學生能流利朗讀課文。2 語言技能:1) 學生能掌握本課詞語并理解其意義,能運用在句子中。2) 能運用can的句型進行語言交流。3 情感態(tài)度:Everyone has his own gift在學習過程中,能增強學生學習英語的積極性和自信心,擴大學生的知識面,讓學生感受到大自然的奇妙,通過學習,學生能熱愛野生動物,并能自覺保護野生動物。4.學習 策略 本節(jié)課設計了學生喜聞見樂的動物本領(lǐng)的活動進行教學,讓學生主動獲取知識,并培養(yǎng)學生擅于發(fā)現(xiàn)規(guī)律進行語言知識歸類的能力。四、 教學重點: C

20、an的各種句型初步運用。五、 教學難點: kangaroo climb 單詞記憶 can的運用六、 教學媒體 頭飾、錄音帶 多媒體、圖片。七、 教學過程: ProcedureTeachers ActivitiesStudents ActivitiesPurposeLeading-in1 Sing a song“I can do it”2 Chant (P18 rhythm)1. Sing the song and do the actions together2. ChantWarm up to create a happy atmosphere of Learning EnglishPre-

21、task1.Show some pictures about animals2.Show the picture 3.Practice the words and sentences4.Present the dialogue in this unit5.Practice the sentences about “can “on the screenLook at the animals and answer the questions1. Look at the screen carefully 2. Learn and read the new words and the sentence

22、s3. Listen Learn and read the dialogue4. Say the sentences about canTo learn sentence can and new wordsWhile-task1. Give an example to make a dialogue 2. Game5. Make a dialogue in pairs6. Play a gameTo learn more words about animals and reinforce sentence structecanPost-task1. teach the new words, a

23、nd help pupils to learn the dialogue2. Sum up1. listen and read answer questions2. Oral practice3. Sum up the new knowledgeTo reinforce the listening and grasp the dialogue, how to use “can”Homework1. Read the dialogue and listen to the recorder.2. Copy the new words and dialogue or make a similar dialogue (choose one)

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