1、Unit1? Enjoy? the color?ful campu?s life! Basic? Liste?ning Pract?ice 1-5 CDBDA? Liste?ning In Task 1 (1) the first? day? (2) chang?ing? (3) reall?y good? (4) hard worke?rs? (5) went over her head? (6) expla?ined? (7) notes?? (8) Wedne?sday? (9) parti?cipat?ion? (10) educa?tion? Task
2、2 (1)extra? train?ing? (2)chemi?stry? (3)accou?nting?? (4)many field?s of study?? (5)bette?r poten?tial? (6)busin?ess degre?e? (7)chall?engin?g? (8)how to learn?? (9)bette?r under?stand?ing? (10)narro?w-minde?d? Task3? 1.B 2.C 3. D 4.A 5.D Let’s Talk Task 1 (1)quali?ty? (2)young?? (
3、3)25? (4)diffi?cult? (5)gover?nment?? (6)quali?ty? (7)cut? (8)extra?-cauti?ous? (9)affor?d? (10)exper?ience?? (11)more? (12)blame?? (13)budge?t? (14)puzzl?ed? (15)servi?ce Furth?er Liste?ning and Speak?ing Liste?ning Task: Task1?: Probl?ems with our educa?tiona?l syste?m? (1)stand?ar
4、diz?ed tests?? (2)abili?ties and inter?est? (3)inter?est? (4)press?ure? (5)well-round?ed? (6)get into good colle?ges? (7)the rest of the schoo?l? (8)from bad to worse? Task 2: The final? exam (1)cours?e? (2)quizz?es? (3)semes?ter? (4)confi?dent? (5)party?? (6)make? (7)misse?d? (8)the
5、y had a flat tire on the way back and didn't have a spare?? (9)place?d them in separ?ate rooms?, hande?d each of them a paper?? (10)On the secon?d page was a quest?ion 95 worth?? Task3?: Harva?rd Unive?rsity?? 1-5 BACDD? Viewi?ng and speak?ing: Task 1:Unive?rsity? budge?t cuts (1)incre?asing?
6、? (2)12 / twelv?e? (3)more? (4)facil?ities?? (5)lectu?rers? (6)poore?r? (7)grant?? (8)one? (9)budge?t? (10)less? (11)young?? (12)class?ic? (13)part-time? (14)growi?ng? (15)two-year? Unit test Part I 1.A 2.B 3.D 4.B 5.D Part II (1)for? (2)with? (3)oppor?tunit?y? (4)tuiti?on? (5
7、)explo?re? (6)encou?nter? (7)adven?ture? (8)As with any count?ry, it is not advis?able to carry? large? amoun?ts of cash aroun?d with you? (9)Trave?ler's check?s are one of the safes?t and easie?st ways to trans?port money?, becau?se you may have them repla?ced if they get lost or stole?n? (10)
8、It is wise to bring? about? $100 with you in U.S. cash, so you will be able to manag?e upon your arriv?al in the State?s? Part III? 1.C 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.A Part IV? 1.C 2.A 3.A 4.D 5.C 6.B 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.C Uint2? Our globe? is in dange?r! I.Lead in Task 1: sands?torm ; air pollu?tion ; defo
9、r?estat?ion? water? pollu?tion ; melti?ng polar? ice cap ; light? pollu?tion? droug?ht ; deser?tific?ation? ; litte?ring Basic? Liste?ning Pract?ice 1.B 2.D 3. A 4.A 5.C Liste?ning In Task 1:We shoul?d have prope?r respe?ct for natur?e!? (1)natur?e? (2)envir?onmen?tal probl?em? (3)pollu?tio
10、n? (4)promo?te? (5)aware? of? (6)from occur?ring? (7)law? (8)throw? away? (9)fined?? (10)trash?? Task 2:River? pollu?tion 1.D 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.D Task3?: Curbi?ng carbo?n emiss?ions? 1.D 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.C Let’s Talk Task 1:Disap?point?ment over clima?te negot?iatio?ns 1) doesn?'t reall?y a
11、ctua?lly commi?t anyon?e to doing? anyth?ing,? 2) the atmos?phere? simpl?e can't take the kind of emiss?ions we've been seein?g in the busin?ess-as-usual? scena?rio and there?'s no real commi?tment? to chang?e that.? 3) There?'s no real commi?tment? to put serio?us money? on the table?? 4) It's n
12、ot backe?d by actio?n, 5) It does not const?itute? a... a deal.? 6) It's a hollo?w shell?? 7) it lacks? anyth?ing on emiss?ions cuts 8) There?'s no guara?ntee that there? will be new money?, that the money? will be real, that there?'s actua?lly a commi?tment? to get there?, or that it will be ch
13、ann?eled in new ways,? Furth?er Liste?ning and Speak?ing Liste?ning Task: Task1?: The envir?onmen?t and the devel?opmen?t? (1)water? pollu?tion? (2)overc?onsum?ption?? (3)econo?mic growt?h? (4)resou?rces? (5)socia?l advan?cemen?t? (6)restr?icted?? (7)gover?nment? plann?ing? (8)econo?mic p
14、olic?y? (9)remar?kable? steps?? (10)balan?ce? Task 2: Thick? cloud? of pollu?tion cover?ing south?ern Asia? 1.D 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.C Task3?: Mount?ain regio?ns face a numbe?r of dange?rs (1)negat?ive? (2)repor?t? (3)warmi?ng? (4)press?ures? (5)mount?ainou?s? (6)barel?y? (7)make way for? (8)e
15、xpec?t 98 perce?nt of the mount?ain areas? to exper?ience? sever?e clima?te chang?e by 2055? (9)The UN is anxio?us to raise? aware?ness of the probl?ems facin?g mount?ain areas?? (10)Thous?ands of villa?ges in Europ?e are deser?ted most of the year? Viewi?ng and speak?ing: Task 1:Santa?'s home t
16、own in dange?r (1)signs?? (2)warme?r tempe?ratur?es? (3)warme?st? (4)snow? (5)attra?cts? (6)troub?le? (7)norma?l? (8)seaso?n? (9)one-time? (10)white?? Unit test Part I 1.C 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.D Part II (1)chemi?cals? (2)atmos?phere?? (3)parti?cles? (4)trapp?ed? (5)lasts?? (6)human?-b
17、ased?? (7)progr?essed?? (8)Even in Ancie?nt Rome peopl?e compl?ained? about? smoke? put into the atmos?phere?? (9)Air pollu?tion can have serio?us conse?quenc?es for the healt?h of human? being?s? (10)Citie?s with large? numbe?rs of autom?obile?s or those? that use great? quant?ities? of coal of
18、ten? suffe?r most sever?ely from air pollu?tion probl?ems? Part III? 1.A 2.C 3.D 4.C 5.B Part IV? 1.B 2.C 3.D 4.C 5.C 6.A 7.D 8.D 9.B 10.C Unit 3 Cultu?re makes? me what I am Task 1:On the first? day Colle?ctivi?sm Indiv?idual?ism Indiv?idual?ism Colle?ctivi?sm? Basic? Liste?ning Pract?ic
19、e 1.B 2.A 3. D 4.B 5.A Liste?ning In Task 1:Compe?titio?n in Ameri?ca? 1.C 2.A 3. C 4.B 5.D Task 2:How to selec?t elect?ive cours?es?? (1)roots?? (2)what? (3)moral?? (4)dilig?ence? (5)sin? (6)teach?ings? (7)centu?ries? (8)If it's worth? doing? at all, it's worth? doing? well? (9)In Eng
20、li?sh a new word has been creat?ed to descr?ibe peopl?e who work compu?lsive?ly? (10)Other?s hold that worka?holic?s are valua?ble membe?rs of socie?ty becau?se they are extre?mely produ?ctive?? Task3?: Cross?-cultu?ral tips on doing? busin?ess 1.D 2.A 3. D 4.A 5.C Let’s Talk Task 1:Inter?natio
21、?nal Slave?ry Museu?m 1.(1)trans?atlan?tic slave? trade?? (2)unkno?wn lands?? (3)digni?ty or payme?nt? 2.?(1)rich? (2)cotto?n and sugar? 3.(1)all over the world?? (2)famil?y histo?ry? (3)chang?ed 4.200th? anniv?ersar?y 5.(1)banne?d? (2)takin?g part in? (3)slave?ry? (4)freed?? Furth?er
22、Liste?ning and Speak?ing Liste?ning Task: Task1?: Probl?ems with our educa?tiona?l syste?m? 1.C 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.D Task 2: Our perso?nal space? 1.A 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.B Task3?:We don't know what to do with them. 1.The Russi?an hurle?d the half-full bottl?e of vodka? out of the open windo?w. 2.He ans
23、we?red, "Vodka? is plent?iful in my count?ry. In fact, we have thous?ands and thous?ands of liter?s of it—far more than we need." 3.The busin?essma?n said, "I thoug?ht the Cuban? econo?my was not good this year. Yet you threw? that perfe?ctly good cigar? away. I find your actio?ns quite? puzzl?ing.
24、" 4.He repli?ed, "Cigar?s are a dime a dozen? in Cuba. We have more of them than we know what to do with." 5.The Ameri?can busin?essma?n sat in silen?ce for a momen?t. Then he got up, grabb?ed the lawye?r, and threw? him out of the windo?w. He did that proba?bly becau?se he thoug?ht there? were to
25、o many lawye?rs in the Unite?d State?s. Viewi?ng and speak?ing: Task 1:Reviv?ing the image? of tea (1)disap?peari?ng? (2)kicki?ng? (3)tea shop? (4)image? crisi?s? (5)updat?e? (6)compe?te? (7)fast? (8)produ?ct desig?ners? (9)conta?cts? (10)simil?ar? (11)want? (12)chall?enge? (13)consu?
26、mer? (14)tradi?tiona?l? Unit test Part I Keys: 1.B 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.D Part II (1) value?s? (2) purpo?se? (3) true? (4) Nowhe?re? (5) equal?ity? (6) races?? (7) labor?atory?? (8) Altho?ugh Edwar?ds speci?fical?ly menti?ons young? men, young? women? also compe?te in organ?ized sport?s witho?
27、ut regar?d to their? race or econo?mic backg?round?? (9) Many Ameri?cans belie?ve that learn?ing how to win in sport?s helps? devel?op the habit?s neces?sary to compe?te succe?ssful?ly in later? life? (10) the compe?titiv?e ethic? taugh?t in sport?s must be learn?ed and culti?vated? in youth? for
28、the futur?e succe?ss of Ameri?can busin?ess and milit?ary effor?ts? Part III? 1.C 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.D Part IV? 1.D 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.D 6.C 7.A 8.B 9.B 10.A Unit4? Lead in > Task 1 Exten?ded famil?y DINK famil?y Nucle?ar famil?y Singl?e paren?t famil?y Basic? liste?ning 1-5 CAB
29、CD? Liste?ning in > Task 1 (1) typic?al (2) known? (3) Gener?ally ?(4) find ?(5) apart?ment ?(6) sole ?(7) princ?ipal ?(8) Dual-earne?r famil?ies are the predo?minan?t type for famil?ies with child?ren in the Unite?d State?s ?(9) adequ?ate day care of child?ren is neces?
30、sary for dual-earne?r famil?ies ?(10) compa?nies are getti?ng invol?ved in the arran?gemen?t of day care ?Liste?ning in > Task 2 1-5BAAB?A Liste?ning in > Task 3 1-5AAAD?C ?Let's talk > Task 1 (1) cry (2) relie?f (3) stron?g (4) under?stand?ing ?(5
31、) angry? ?(6) left ?(7) wonde?ring ?(8) five ?(9) sad ?(10) stres?s ?(11) frien?ds ?(12) helps? ?(13) Chris?tmas ?(14) cousi?ns ?(15) prese?nts Furth?er liste?ning and speak?ing Task 1 (1) divor?ce her husba?nd (2) irres?ponsi?ble (3) chang?ing jobs (4) stabi?
32、lity (5) bills? (6) pover?ty line (7) apart?ment (8) yells? at (9) calls? him names? (10) half Task 2 1-5BCAD?C Task 3 (1) the last word (2) remar?riage? failu?res (3) pictu?re (4) eight? times? (5) wife (6) datin?g (7) lonel?iness? and anxie?ty (8) secon?d (
33、9) respo?nse to her (10) lukew?arm (11) warme?d up (12) accep?ted (13) ripe (14) blend?ed into (15) right? Furth?er liste?ning and speak?ing > Viewi?ng and speak?ing > Task 1 (1) Lovel?y (2) simil?ar (3) room (4) apolo?gize (5) child?ren (6) patie?nce (7) liste?n (8)
34、 angry? (9) medic?ine (10) fanta?stic Unit test Part 1 1-5DADC?C Part Ⅱ (1) at (2) wheel? (3) tone (4) expre?ssion? (5) Honey? (6) divor?ce (7) speed? (8) I don't want you to try to talk me out of it becau?se I don't love you any more (9) I want the bank accou?nts, and al
35、l the credi?t cards?, too (10) No, I've got every?thing? I need Part Ⅲ 1-5CABD?A Part Ⅳ 1-5ADBC?A 6-10CAB?CD Unit 5 Lead in > Task 1 Drago?n Boat Festi?val Chris?tmas Lante?rn Festi?val Sprin?g Festi?val Thank?sgivi?ng Valen?tine's Day Hallo?
36、ween Mid-Autum?n Festi?val Basic? liste?ning 1-5 CABCC? Liste?ning in > Task 1 1-5DCDA?B Liste?ning in > Task 2 1-5ABAB?A Liste?ning in > Task 3 ?(1) buy ? (2) offic?e wear ? (3) likes? ?(4) cats ? (5) pet ? (6) time ?(7) speci?al dish ? (8) littl?e party? ?(9) litt
37、l?e trip ? (10) count?rysid?e Let's talk > Task 1 (5) where?'s the best place? to celeb?rate that is here in Times? Squar?e (2) we stay here and say hello? and enjoy? the party? (7) I alway?s wante?d to do new years? in New York City (4) we're here to watch? the ball drop (8) I just want
38、 to be aroun?d the peopl?e and the light?s and every?thing? (1) we're stand?ing here until? the ball drops? (6) We need love, a lot of love (3) I just want to wish every?body a happy? new year Furth?er liste?ning and speak?ing > Furth?er liste?ning > Task 1 1-5ADCB?C Task 2 ? (1) celeb?
39、ratio?n ? (2) popul?ar ? (3) Ameri?can ? (4) died ? (5) remar?rying? ? (6) daugh?ter ? (7) 1900s? ? (8) the tradi?tion was born, on the third? Sunda?y every? June, close? to the anniv?ersar?y of Sonor?a's fathe?r's death? ? (9) The card proba?bly has a nice messa?ge o
40、n it sayin?g what a great? dad their? fathe?r is ? (10) Briti?sh peopl?e might? give their? dad a bit of a rest—make him a cup of tea, or even wash his car and mow the lawn Task 3 1.He thoug?ht that if men were not marri?ed, they would? not mind joini?ng the army. So he passe?d a law to forbi?
41、d any more marri?ages. 2.He kept on perfo?rming? marri?age cerem?onies?, secre?tly. 3.They came to the jail to visit? him. They threw? flowe?rs and notes? up to his windo?w. 4.She was one of those? young? peopl?e and the daugh?ter of the priso?n guard? 5.Befor?e he was kille?d, Valen?tine left t
42、he girl a littl?e note thank?ing her for her frien?dship? and loyal?ty. He signe?d, "Love from your Valen?tine." That note start?ed the custo?m. Furth?er liste?ning and speak?ing > Viewi?ng and speak?ing > Task 1 ? (1) fun ? (2) heada?che ? (3) 150 ? (4) two milli?on / 2 milli?on ?
43、 (5) feeli?ng ? (6) atmos?phere? ? (7) tradi?tiona?l-looki?ng ? (8) light?s ? (9) regul?ation?s ? (10) famil?y ? (11) trans?lates? ? (12) child?ren ? (13) most famou?s ? (14) diffe?rent ? (15) sprea?ds Unit test 1-5 CACDD? (1) hang (2) remai?ns (3) symbo?l
44、(4) perfo?rmed (5) what (6) that (7) repre?sent (8) By the year 1600, some Germa?ns began? bring?ing everg?reen trees? into their? homes?. They put fruit?, nuts and sweet?s on the trees? (9) They say he did this to show how wonde?rful the stars? had appea?red to him as he trave?led one night?
45、(10) The Chris?tmas tree tradi?tion sprea?d to many parts? of the world?. Today?, some form of Chris?tmas tree is part of most Chris?tmas celeb?ratio?ns 1-5 DABCD? 1-10 CABCC?ABDAC? Unit 6 Basic? liste?ning CDACB? Liste?ning in > Task 1 1-7ABAA?BAA Liste?ning in > Task 2 1-5BCCA?D List
46、e?ning in > Task 3 1-5CAAC?B Let's talk > Task 1 ?(1) 900 ? (2) custo?mer calls? ? (3) 70 ? (4) human? resou?rces ? (5) suppo?rted ? (6) custo?mer-facin?g ? (7) place? ? (8) two ? (9) right? peopl?e ? (10) reali?stic Let's talk > Task 2 (3) Candi?dates? have a telep?hone in
47、ter?view that would? last somew?here in the regio?n of 15 minut?es. (2) Candi?dates? come to have a tour of the centr?e. They get to see the role, see how it feels?, and feel the cultu?re of the compa?ny. (1) Candi?dates? compl?ete an appli?catio?n form. (4) Candi?dates? have a two-hour asses?
48、sment? consi?sting? of a role-play which? looks? at their? custo?mer servi?ce abili?ty and a compe?tency? inter?view. Furth?er liste?ning and speak?ing > Furth?er liste?ning > Task 1 (1) coast? ? (2) impre?ssed ? (3) shipp?ing compa?ny ? (4) cargo? ? (5) commu?nicat?ion skill?s ? (6)
49、 essen?tial ? (7)asset? ? (8) team spiri?t ? (9) her age ? (10) her paren?ts Task 2 1-5BAAB?A Task 3 1-5CCBA?D Furth?er liste?ning and speak?ing > Viewi?ng and speak?ing > Task 1 ?(1) selec?tion ? (2) press?ure ? (3) marke?ting ? (4) inter?view ? (5) busin?ess ? (6) nervo?
50、us ? (7) laugh? ? (8) redun?dant ? (9) diffi?cult ? (10) sacki?ng Unit Test Part I 1-5 CBCDC? Part III (1) ice (2) Examp?les (3) parki?ng (4) respo?nse (5) provi?de (6) impre?ssion? (7) ages (8) If this is the place? where? you would? be worki?ng, they would? autom?atica?ll
51、y be worri?ed that you will be late for work every?day (9) They might? be histo?rical? quest?ions regar?ding your previ?ous emplo?yment? or educa?tion (10) Make a state?ment, then suppo?rt it by givin?g an examp?le of a situa?tion and how you handl?ed it Part III 1-5 CBACD? Part IV 1-10 DABCB?
52、 CAADC? Unit 7 Why don’t we start? a busin?ess of our own? Lead in > Task 1 L略 Basic? liste?ning pract?ice 1-5 BCABC? Liste?ning in > Task 1 ?(1) recep?tion ? (2) new conne?ction?s ? (3) distr?ibute?d ? (4) green? hand ? (5) busin?ess cards? ? (6) talk busin?ess ? (7) card
53、? (8) follo?w up ? (9) more groun?d ? (10) piece? of cake Liste?ning in > Task 2 1-5CBBA?D Liste?ning in > Task 3 ? (1) techn?ology?-orien?ted ? (2) highe?r ? (3) retur?ns ? (4) optio?ns ? (5) Ventu?re capit?al ? (6) cash ? (7) found?ers ? (8) busin?ess i
54、deas? ? (9) poten?tial ? (10) intel?lectu?al prope?rty prote?ction? ? (11) 100 perce?nt / 100% ? (12) creat?ors ? (13) stock? ? (14) $16.5 milli?on ? (15) failu?re rate Let's talk > Task 1 ?(1) rapid? growt?h ? (2) shock? ? (3) large? ? (4) shot up ? (5) hard ? (
55、6) oppor?tunit?ies ? (7) diffe?rent ? (8) stabl?e ? (9) money? ? (10) own Furth?er liste?ning and speak?ing > Furth?er liste?ning > Task 1 1-5 DCCAC? Task 2 1-5 BABBA? Task 3 1-5 CBDCA? Furth?er liste?ning and speak?ing > Viewi?ng and speak?ing > Task 1 略 Furth?er liste?ning a
56、nd speak?ing > Viewi?ng and speak?ing > Task 2 1Kraf?t is tryin?g to acqui?re or take over Cadbu?ry. 2Cadb?ury is a wonde?rful iconi?c busin?ess with remar?kable? marke?t posit?ions and great? posit?ions in growt?h marke?ts which? is deliv?ering? for its share?holde?rs today?. It has no strat?egic
57、 issue?s, no finan?cial issue?s and no manag?erial? issue?s. 3It depen?ds. If the acqui?ring compa?ny is an econo?mical?ly stron?g one and makes? us a good offer?, I would? be only too glad to see the propo?sed takeo?ver. On the other? hand, if the acqui?ring compa?ny does not think? our small? com
58、pa?ny is worth? a lot and the share?holde?rs' inter?ests are affec?ted, then I would? certa?inly be again?st the takeo?ver. Unit test Part I 1-5 ADDCD? Part II (1) resul?ting (2) deman?d (3) on (4) trend?s (5) elder?ly (6) trend? (7) pet-relat?ed (8) Look at exist?ing busin?esses? a
59、nd the produ?cts and servi?ces they offer?, and then deter?mine if there?'s a need for more of those? produ?cts or servi?ces (9) Keep an open mind and conti?nue to asses?s every?thing? you read and hear from a busin?ess point? of view (10)Dream?, think?, plan, and you'll be ready? to trans?form th
60、at busin?ess idea into the busin?ess you've alway?s wante?d Part III 1-5CBDA?C Part IV 1-10 BDBCA? BDCDD? Unit 8 Here is a darke?r side of socie?ty. Basic? liste?ning pract?ice Task 1 1-5 BACCD? Task 2 1-5 CDCBA? Liste?ning in > Task 3 (1) 49 ? (2) first? birth?day ? (3) healt
61、?h care syste?ms ? (4) reduc?e ? (5) expen?ses ? (6) incre?asing? ? (7) lower? ? (8) faste?r ? (9) educa?tion ? (10) reduc?e pover?ty ? (11) more oppor?tunit?ies ? (12) live bette?r ? (13) socia?l ladde?r Let's talk > Task 1 ?(1) easie?r ? (2) lonel?iness? ? (3) passe?d away ?
62、 (4) brain? ? (5) healt?h probl?ems ? (6) young?er ? (7) docto?r ? (8) assum?ption? ? (9) histo?ry ? (10) attit?udes Furth?er liste?ning and speak?ing > Furth?er liste?ning >Task 1 BACBC? Furth?er liste?ning > Task 2 1 She think?s many of the big spend?ers on lotte?ry ticke?ts ar
63、e poor; they spend? money? they can't affor?d to spend?. 2 He just buys lotte?ry ticke?ts for fun. He think?s if he won a huge amoun?t, it would? be excit?ing. 3They? buy lotte?ry ticke?ts out of despe?ratio?n. Also the thril?l of a win, of somet?hing for nothi?ng, is addic?tive. 4 Casin?os are o
64、peni?ng every?where?, many peopl?e go on gambl?ing on holid?ays, and one can even take a gambl?ing cruis?e. 5 It will be helpf?ul for habit?ual gambl?ers only when they want to be cured? thems?elves?. Furth?er liste?ning > Task 3 CDABA? Viewi?ng and speak?ing > Task 1 ? (1) condi?tion ? (2)
65、 digni?ty ? (3) fire ? (4) furth?er ? (5) disti?nctio?n ? (6) statu?s ? (7) prosp?erity? ? (8) fate ? (9) Answe?ring ? (10) missi?on Unit Test 1-5 CBADD? (1) habit? (2) cruci?al (3) among? (4) decad?e (5) did (6) issue?s (7) adult? (8) teens? get turne?d
66、off if you ask them a lot of direc?t quest?ions (9) The first? phone? call gener?ally takes? about? 45 minut?es, with discu?ssion? about? why the teen began? smoki?ng and the exten?t of the habit? (10)Now 260 teens? who have parti?cipat?ed in the progr?am are being? follo?wed 1-5 ABCBD? 1-10 CBACB? ABCDC? Unit 9 What mode of trave?l do you prefe?r? Lead in > Task 1 略 Basic? liste?ning pract?ice 1-5 CBCDA? Liste?ning in > Task 1 ?(1) secur?ity check?s ? (2) searc?hed ? (3) fe
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