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1、 國家開放大學(xué)電大??啤毒C合英語(1)》2020-2021期末試題及答案(試卷號(hào):2158) I . Vocabulary and Structure Direction*i Beneath earh of Ihr following ncnlcnccs there arc four cholcw murked A. H? C and D. Choose the one that best complrtra the tcfitence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 poinli) Example i Thf old coup

2、le at la at in finding a flat io rent. A. managed H. did C finithfd D? tucc^d^d The lert/rnre \hould read ? "The uld ecu pit n”drd at la t in finding a flat to rent." Thart fort, you ihauld chome D? L The common cold in the rnont of all A. consequent frequent .C tequenl FX nubequent 2. The r

3、catAurAnt aImo nn rxcrllcnt wine to complement your rnraL A Helectton B?;?election Il reflection C< correction 3. l\> you any wny ta grt the dirty k for Dl know o( C? hear from Could I hiivr rIabjii A> one C. another please? Thin one has lipstick on it. K ano

4、ther one D. other one 隊(duì) shrunk II (nllen K where I live D. what I live nhall 1 will you 亂 My shin han so much niter wnnhing thnt I cunt wear H nny more. A. declined C decrrnMed 6. Irn going 2 Toronto. Thnt A. where do I live C. what do I live 7. Bring me ■ cup o( coffcet A. donr t you

5、 C ahnll we 8. Did you to get along well with your sister when you were younger? 毒 used R uxing G ubc D. to use Q? Did you have in mind? A< specinl anything H anything special C nothing special D. xpccial nothing 10. Though my aunt is generous ond kind*hearted? she is extremely difficult

6、 A< pleasing B. to please Q to be pleaded D? ta plesne her 0 ? Situational Dialogues Dimtionii Cbooiic At B or C to complete ciich convmadonr using the sentence below. Mark your answer on thr ANSWER SHEET. (20 points) Exumplct一 Oht look. Joni Mitchell im In town. What? She1 one of lhe grcatrMt

7、 folk singers in the world! A. Who^s that? Ifve never heftrd of hen U. Sure# Pm in town. C. Ye. Ifm kI^cI sheS coming. Answer A i correct brcnu^c the convcrRAtion should readt " Oht look# Joni Mitchell in in town* —Who *1 than 1nevtr heard of hrr. What9 She1 * one of the greatest folk aingcni

8、 in the world I I L —— Tell me rnorr about your youngrr brothcrn< Phey f re tdenticAl iwinm arrn 11 they? A. Many people think they arc simihr. H- YcMt they arc. But they arc not exactly alike. (L Yeah, they do. But they nrc different evrn phyHtcnlly> 12. — Til probably mcc John nt bfiscbflll

9、practice thm afternoon* —一 . A. Arc you ROing to sec John todny? B. I haven11 heard anything about iu C? Super! Would you please Rive this to him? 13. lfm in the mood to nee a movie. Are there any good ones in town? A. They arc showing the latest Eddie Murphy movie at thr tnAlL Why don ft you

10、ntc that? B? There wn a wonderful Chinese reMtaurant near the post office. C. Ive heard that it in not that great, 14. Id better go now. Tomorrows my daughters birthday> and 1 want to get her n new robe< A. Thunk you very much for being so considerate^ B> Therell probably be another old one apa

11、rt from the new one. C Ie afraid that the stores are cloning in 10 minutes. 15. — Can you recommend a place that is not so expensive? A. Not renlly. Wrfrr looking for a restnuranr for lunch. K Not ycL It depends on the wcathcri 1 think. C. Lcl rnt?會(huì)…ThereS b reasonable one down the roaii? to th

12、e left. 16. Maybe you should look for a roomnwte. A. Thie one 浦nt thm expensive and it near the bus slop. R Wrllt no< glly. Id rather hnve my own phce C I>onrt you remember? We both went to Jnnc,n party laMt wmk. I7?一 Whos rhe woman whos Mtonding behind Jack? . A. Do you know how long Jack 9s

13、 going to be in town? B. Which one? The one with the big hut? C. He ia my uncle John、(athen 18. — Things are still n little confusing or should I y9 I nm a little confuted… A? Ym? you can have two pie of beer, plca5e. B Thin、right. You mean the one with the red hair? C WclL dont worry. It et o

14、nly your first week here. llh — How nbout coming ovrr for dinner? Brinn your roommntef tocx A. Id lovr to> but kt mr check with Jahn brfarr I tell you for nurc. Ik She wasnt feeling well9 mo *he went to bed early. (:, No! too good> Are you doing anything on Saturday? 20. Hey. whai did you put i

15、n that box? It wcihn n Ion. A. Oht mop coniplmning. A liltle exercise will do you i(ood B. It i very expensive^ h cont me my find 8 nionthMf mlory. C l^ct me I think I got more ttuff than I thoughte QI. Cloic Tort1 Dlrccthmi t For each numbered hlunk In Iht? following paxMiRc there arc four cho

16、ices marked A? lh C und l>. Choose the bcjit one and murk your amwer on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 poinU) There are tomt? !iufphiic m the recent happtnesn rcucarch (indinKii. Women arc likely 1o feel hnppirr nt work and Icba hnppy nt honic nccordinK to atudicu by Mikr (9nron pro(cj

17、the Umvemity of Chienga Fur men it wa the 2\ ? In fart > the huppirw” lines on chnrtu for men and women cronti nt about 5 p. m? when people 22 homce Hu! by 8 p. m?■ women n happinrsR romrM buck after they have hninhed cooking and doing whntever they hnvr to do. Curaon w HFor women# goinK to work i

18、s like nn 23 . Women think that nothing bnd can hnpprn nt work. For the husbnndt work is where his " 10 on the line nnd homr it like pl?y.” Curson myj? What leads to happiness? Part of it is bonded 25 from birth. Bin n significant part of happiness 26 factors thai you can influence: how much cont

19、rol you have over your life, if you have enough money to hve on* if you have close personal _27 ? if you are doing something that challenges your mind and your skills. Activities that make people happy are love or being loved? spare time activities and eating# 23 Carson. Busy people arc often eage

20、r to have some free lirnc. Bui free time 29 wont make you happy. wGenerally when people have nothing to do* they dont feel happy. Free time is less happy-making than work. You have to 30 energy into making yourself happy, You have to mnke it happen. It doesnt happen on its own." 21. A. amc H.

21、opponitr c. Mimilar D. ftlikr 22. A. lenve B. go CL visit 1). nrc 23. A. r mot ion K Animation C, tipplicntion rx cjicapr 24. A. intention R induviry C. identity D? tinnKinntiori 25. A. down R up a over 1). for 26. A. involve K infrrACtn c intereMf* I)

22、. intcrfcrrji 27. A. ?chirvrmrntii B. ngrccmenta c rclAtion^hip^ 1). occiipAtions 28. A. in

23、n hlrvctionfti Ecb of the puMsniem hclmt Is followed by M>mc questions. For each <|uc^tl. Read lhe pMAftuxm CNtcfully kind ch

24、tht following passage. MScnunir Strcci" hn* been rolled "lhc Kern in no many pArtn of thr world* The program became otic of

25、han nix million children wntch the program rrguhrly. /Mthough some people do not ngree with omc pArtu o( the programt pnrcriTji prnc it highly. Mnny trrhrri find ihm problems nppear when the children who hnvc Icnrnrd I ram " Sc^ninr Street1* rc in the numc cla* with thojic who hnve not winched thr p

26、roKninu rent* have shown that children have learned much from winching Strcrt11. The children who wmeh it five timew n week learn more than thour who wotch it 加?In thv IJnilrd StAtrn the pronrurn >hc>wn ht different hourn during the week in order to incrrn?tc the number of children who enn watch i

27、t regulnrly. lhe prourAniB unr stories? jokes nnd pictures ta give chihlr*ri n htmic undefAtnndinft ol numbrrt letters and humnn rclntionnhips* Why hM MS<*snrnr StrrctM brvn no much more successful thiin other childrens ahow^** Mny rcoMonji have been suHgeatedt

28、 Hr produt rrh< thr support from both thr government nnd busincsB people# and the full ur ol variousi kindu of television ukilR Ptrhwpji another important reason is that parents watch wSesame StreetM together with their children. This is partly because famous film siar^ often appear on *Scsarne Str

29、eet”. But the moiit irnportnnt reason for the fiucccHA of the proKrcim may be that i( rnnkes every child watching i( feel able to Ituirn. The child (inds him or herself learning t and thua wnntu lo Irnrn more. 3L Strefl H hat Z/rr/i called M//ie longtat tn the world " htcautf tl i> ■. A. the long

30、est street in the United States B. the longeAt television program in the world G shown in many countries D> watched rcRuhrly by nix million children 32. In thtf United Staff $ exactly how many children u^atch "Sim Sun" regularly! A< 6 million^ H? No one known. G 7 million. D? 6 S million 33.

31、From "Scam StreetH children ? A. more help than they do tn clmMoornti B. less help than they do in classrooma C. much help in their learning D. no help in thetr Iritrning 34> Marty teachfri find tl tu leach thr children who haw utalthrci MSexamr S"M”. A. difficult B. catier G impoible D. un

32、neccsiary 35 Thr mnrf the children watch the program ? . A. thr faater they read 11 thr intereM they tnke in it C. the lens they get [)? the more they learn QufUionx 36?40 arc ba%ed on the following potiagr. Oner upon n time there wan a wine man thnf used to 叫 tu the ocrun to do hin writing. H

33、e hnd a hwbii of wnlkmR to the bench before he brKn hm work. One day he w walkinK cilang on the jihorc. Am he looked down the heath? hr mw a humnn fixurt moving Hkc n d/incer. He amilcd to himsrlf nt the thought ol nomeonr who would dflncc on thr beach. So he t)cgan to walk hater to catch up. Am h

34、r x()t clonrr he bhw thftt it wa% m young rnnn an looked up and

35、 replied ? ^Throwing Atarhnb in thr oce*n> ” “I Rucnn I uhould have ?而d. why arc you throwing starfish in the acron?H "The sun i up nnd tide m going out. And if I don1! throw them in they will die * "Hut. youn rnnnt donI you renlixe ihut there nrr miles and milca o( bench and NtnrflRh II olong it

36、. You cnnft pcghly mnke n difference!M I he young man listened politely. I hrn hr Iwnt down, picked nnother otarfiHh and threw It into the ml pnst the breaking waven and mid. "It made ? difference (or that one.” There in HomethtnK very fipeeinl in ench and every one of us. Wc hnvc nil been with th

37、e ability to make n diflrrcnee. And i( wc nni hrrornr nwnrr of that gift ? wc will gain through the stretiKth of our vtionn thr power to nhnpc the future. We must cnch find our ,urfinh. And i( wr throw our ■恤rfi、h wintly and well# the world will be b|rftAc

38、tm!d _ ? A? tnkc e walk a1oi)k the shore H. go nwimmtng in the ocean C. have a w/dk nnd pick tip Mtnrfiiih on the bench D> look down the bench and enjoy the uccnrry 37. One day > Z/ir man jaw ihts younn man . 11 A< dancing nlong the beach B. ntrollinK ?1。叫 the hcnch (二 picking up Mnrfijih (

39、or nlr ()? trying to mivc as many atnrfish an possible 38. Near the rnd o/ the />afagr ? Miomr/Anig very >pec/M rr/rr> /o . A< the ability to make decUiom Be the n thr future

40、 39. Which of ihf fblluwin^ italrtntntt is truf according to the puucix*? A. I hc wine rnnn and the young man nhnrcd the Mtne view on the i*uc of mrfhh. B. The young man diiagrerd with the wise nun on the imur of stnrfish. C. The younK mnn was unawnre ol hin ability to mnke a difference for Rtarf

41、igh. D> The wirc* rnnn thaught it impoMAiblc to iive any of the BtArfinh on the beach* 40. 77i<- writer told this story in order to (ell us that ? A# everyone of us ts gifted H. everyone con contribute a bit to our future (\ wine men are sometimes fitupid II young people nrc Actually wirr than

42、 old people V. Translalion Directions: Put each of the fol towing seiitencct into English or Chinese > using the word(B)given in the bracket If any. Write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points) 4 L (irnphologitits believe that you cn lenm a lot nhouf proplr 1 n pcrsonfllitirM by looking a<

43、the way They write \2. II you hnve to touch a person with n cold or handle something thnt the perfton han ufiedt wash yaur hnnd^ imrncchfttcly afterwards 13. If the weather " cold# I put on some warm clothes and go for long walks on the uhorc with my dog> M.歧白希堡的建議是首先解決那些造成人們無家可聞的(根本)何題.(mmck) ,

44、15.如果晚餐是非正式的.可以何一下你是否可以借點(diǎn)什么.比如唱的或者制點(diǎn)什么的. (bring) 試題答案及評(píng)分標(biāo)準(zhǔn) (僅供參考) 1 ? (20% t 2 points fur euch item.) \. B 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. B 6. B 7. D 8. C 9. B 10. H U .(20%. 2 points for cuch hem.) 11. B 12. C 13. A 14.C 15. C 16. B 17, B 18. C 19.A 20. A [Q. (20%, 2 points for

45、 each item.) 21. B 22. B 23. D 24. C 25. A 26. A 27. C 28. B 29. A 30. C IV,(20%, 2 points for each item-) 31. C 32. B 33. C 34. B 35. 1) 36. A 37. D 38, D 39. H 10. B V ?(20% ? 4 poinU for cuch Item.) (每個(gè)小Jfl答案井不一定要求與所價(jià)答案完全一樣.福體準(zhǔn)確,符合句jfi,無ffl&ffti8,得 4~3分,基本符合句意.無里

46、大沿法情俁,得3?2分,不太符合句意.有明雎尚法情俱.得1 分■不符合句意.句子無佚讀懂,拇0分.其他情況,的情扣分- 41. 站。家認(rèn)為他們時(shí)以根據(jù)人們寫字的方式看出他們的個(gè)性. 42. 如果你必須與患有感冒的人接觸或者享他用過的東西,隨后應(yīng)立即洗手. 43. 如果天氣冷,我就穿一些較曖和的衣服,帶著我的拘在海邊長(zhǎng)時(shí)間地散步. 44. The most promising suggestions are those ihai will Attack the problems that made people homeless in the first place. 45. If t

47、he dinner is infornuiL it you can bring somethings such as something to drink or dessert- 42. 如果你必德與想有感冒的人接或者享他用過的東西,隨后應(yīng)立即洗手. 43. 如果天氣冷,我就穿一些較暖和的衣服.帶著我的狗在海邊長(zhǎng)時(shí)間地散步. 44- The moiit promising suggestions arc those that will attack the problems that made people homeless in the first place. 45? If the dinner is informal, ask if you can bring something> such as something to drink er dessert.

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