北京市豐臺區(qū)王佐中學中考英語復習 Unit 4 Lesson 16 It might be a tool for cutting things教案

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《北京市豐臺區(qū)王佐中學中考英語復習 Unit 4 Lesson 16 It might be a tool for cutting things教案》由會員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關(guān)《北京市豐臺區(qū)王佐中學中考英語復習 Unit 4 Lesson 16 It might be a tool for cutting things教案(9頁珍藏版)》請在裝配圖網(wǎng)上搜索。

1、Lesson 16 It might be a tool for cutting things. (1)課題Lesson 16 It might be a tool for cutting things. (1) 課型閱讀課授課時間:12.1819教學內(nèi)容1、話題:Inventions and Inventors2、詞匯:print, birth, round, flat, hole3、語法:情態(tài)動詞表達可能性、疑惑或確定性 might/may be, must be教學目標學生能夠:1、通過1.2文段,獲取關(guān)于4位偉大的發(fā)明家的細節(jié)信息2、通過1.2文段,總結(jié)歸納文章的主旨大意3、通過1.2

2、文段,理解并推理信息4、通過體會、觀察等方式理解情態(tài)動詞表達可能性、疑惑或確定性 might/may be, must be 教學重點1、通過閱讀文段,學生能夠獲取關(guān)于4位偉大的發(fā)明家的細節(jié)信息以及總結(jié)歸納文章的主旨大意2、引導學生理解情態(tài)動詞表達可能性、疑惑或確定性 might/may be, must be 教學難點學生能正確使用情態(tài)動詞表達可能性、疑惑或確定性 might/may be, must 教學資源課本,黑板,錄音機,計算機媒體教學步驟與時間安排教學過程設(shè)計意圖Lead-in(2min)1、教師總結(jié)話題下詞匯: inventor, invention, might, may, m

3、ust, light bulb, flying machine2、教師在ppt上出示SK狀元榜的比賽圖片T: Have you seen the program on TV? Do you like it?3、學生們回答后,教師引出話題:Today were going to take part in the competition.通過圖片和提問激發(fā)學生興趣,引入話題Language input(20min)Step1.To get the general information學生閱讀1.2, 獲取文段大意。 T:Whats the conversation about? S: A com

4、petition. T: Whats the competition about? S: Inventors. T: How do you know? S: Todays competition is about inventors.(the first sentence)Step2.To get the detail information 1.學生閱讀文段 ,獲取競賽的規(guī)則。 T: 1)Who can tell us the rules? 2) How many groups take part in the competition? 3)If you want to answer, wh

5、at should you do first? 4)If you answer two questions, one answer is correct, the other is wrong, how many points will you get?2.學生閱讀文段 ,獲取歸納信息。 1) T:How many inventors are mentioned? S: Four. T: Why? S: One, two, three, four. 2) T:How many points does each group get? S: . T: How do you know? S:. (p

6、pt:We think he might be Edison.-Sorry , thats wrong. He must be Thomas Franklin.- Exactly. He must be Thomas Edison.- Correct. That must be Yuan Longping-Yes, you are right. We think they must be Wright brothers.-Yes, you are right.) Step3.學生閱讀全文并且完成1.3表格a. 獲取4個inventors的相關(guān)信息1)教師在ppt上出示1.3表格Inventor

7、1Inventor2Inventor3Inventor4nationalityyear of birthinventionsname2) 學生獨立閱讀文章,用筆把與表格內(nèi)容相關(guān)的信息畫在書上 3)小組進行討論 4)全班核對答案Step4.學生分層閱讀。1. Inventor 1.1)How did he study when Franklin was 10.2) Why he went to a printing house?3)猜測詞義:He found the nature of the electricity.2. Inventor 2.1)Did Edison study at sch

8、ool? 2)What did Edison like?3)How many inventors did he invent?4)指代關(guān)系:He often observing things carefully and he liked to ask questions about them.3. Inventor 3.1) What did Yuan Longping study in the university?2)猜測詞義:What does the phrase the father of hybrid rice mean?4. Inventor 4.1)What did Wrigh

9、t brothers do in 1903?2)猜測詞義:they stared to wonder why birds could fly in the sky. 5.教師提問:What can you learn from these inventors?Step5.總結(jié):從哪些方面描述著名人物。通過回答問題及表格填寫訓練學生獲取相關(guān)信息的能力和推理信息的能力Language focus(3min)Step1. 教師用ppt展示并引導學生理解并總結(jié)might be 和must be的意義和用法1. 教師用ppt展示文章中使用might be 和must be的句子 1)We think h

10、e might be Edison. 2) He must be Thomas Edison. 3) That must be Yuan Longping. 4)We think they must be Wright brothers.2. 學生兩人一組討論3教師鼓勵學生自己說出句子的含義4. 教師引導學生理解并總結(jié)might be 和must be句子的含義和用法Step2利用2.5練習進行反饋, 教師在ppt上訂正答案 1)It_must be_a book for children. There are many cartoons in it. 2)This exam_must be_

11、too difficult for the students. I dont think they can finish it. 3) Mr Smith_might be_in London,Paris, or Tokyo. No one knows for sure. 4) Did you hear the doorbell? It_may be_Nicholas. I am expecting him. 學生通過觀察例句總結(jié)might be 和must be的意義和用法Language in use(15min)Task 1:Describe an inventor you know in

12、 this conversation.Task 2: Guessing game. 1.Discuss a famous person in the group. 2. A competition in the class. (一組描述人物,其他組猜,猜對的組加分,猜錯的不加分)以游戲的方法激發(fā)學生想象力和興趣,同時也練習了might be 和 must be 的用法Homework利用1.3表格,介紹其中兩位發(fā)明家寫在作業(yè)本上板書設(shè)計Lesson 16 It might be a tool for cutting things. (1)We think he might be Edison.

13、 He must be Thomas Edison. That must be Yuan Longping. We think they must be Wright brothers.情態(tài)動詞表達可能性、疑惑或確定性 might/may be, must be課題Lesson 16 It might be a tool for cutting things. (2) 課型聽力課授課時間12.2021教學內(nèi)容1、話題:Inventions and Inventors2、詞匯:print, birth, round, flat, hole3、語法:情態(tài)動詞表達可能性、疑惑或確定性 can be,

14、 cant be教學目標學生能夠:1、通過2.1的聽力內(nèi)容,理解信息,推理信息2、通過2.2聽力及表格,獲取三種物品的細節(jié)信息3、通過體會、觀察等方式理解情態(tài)動詞表達可能性、疑惑或確定性 can be, cant be4、運用情態(tài)動詞表達可能性、疑惑或確定性口頭描述幾種日常用品教學重點1、通過聽力內(nèi)容,理解信息,推理信息,獲取細節(jié)信息2、引導學生理解情態(tài)動詞表達可能性、疑惑或確定性can be, cant be教學難點學生能正確使用情態(tài)動詞表達可能性、疑惑或確定性can be, cant be來描述事物教學資源課本,黑板,錄音機,計算機媒體教學步驟與時間安排教學過程設(shè)計意圖Lead-in(2m

15、in)1、教師總結(jié)話題下詞匯: CD, chalk, scarf, gloves, camera, telephone, microwave oven, knife2、教師提問T: Do you like playing guessing games?3、學生們回答后,教師引出話題:OK, lets play.提問激發(fā)學生興趣,引入話題Language input(20min)Step1.教師在ppt 上出示書中的三幅圖片,猜測信息1. 學生不要打開課本,只看大屏幕上的三幅圖,2. 聽錄音對于三個事物的描述3. 根據(jù)聽力內(nèi)容排序并猜測物品的名稱4. 核對答案Step2. 教師提問錄音是從哪幾個

16、方面描述一個事物的Step3. 完成2.2的表格 1. 教師在ppt上出示表格What size is it?What color is it?What is it made of?What is it used for?123b. 學生們再聽一遍錄音,只在表格中填出keywords就可以c. 總結(jié)從幾個方面去描述事物4. 核對表格答案通過回答問題及表格填寫訓練學生獲取相關(guān)信息的能力和推理信息的能力Language focus(10min)Step1. 教師用ppt展示并引導學生理解并總結(jié)can be 和cant be 的意義和用法1. 教師用ppt展示聽力中使用can be的句子 1)It

17、can be in different colors. 2) It can be put around your neck and keep you warm.2. 學生兩人一組討論3教師鼓勵學生自己說出句子的含義4. 教師引導學生理解并總結(jié)can be的含義和用法5. 教師讓學生自己說出cant be的含義和用法Step2利用2.5練習進行反饋, 教師在ppt上訂正答案 1)It cant be true. I think you made a mistake. 2) That cant be John. He is in New York.學生通過觀察例句總結(jié)can be和cant be的

18、意義和用法Language in use(15min)Task 利用2.4內(nèi)容進行日常生活用品的描述 1 兩人一組,一個學生可以任意挑選兩件事物進行描述,他的partner要用到表推測的情態(tài)動詞來猜測對方要描述的是什么物品。例如:A: We can use what to take pictures? B: It can be a camera. 2. 教師可再加幾個書上沒有提到的事物再讓學生們描述例如:a fridge, a washing machine以游戲的方法激發(fā)學生想象力和興趣,同時也練習了can be和cant be的用法Homework在作業(yè)本上,描述一個你身邊常見的事物板書設(shè)計Lesson 16 It might be a tool for cutting things. (2)It can be in different colors. It can be put around your neck and keep you warm.情態(tài)動詞表達可能性、疑惑或確定性 can be, cant be

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