英語聽力教程(第2冊)Unit 4 聽力原文

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1、Unit 4 聽力原文Part I BTom: What kind of school did you go to, Ann?Ann: Well, I went to a public primary school and then to a private high school. Tom: So which do you think is better?Ann: Actually, I prefer private schools because of the smaller classes and . usually you have a wider choice of subjects

2、. Tom: Yeah, I suppose thats true.Ann: And then there are usually better sports facilities. For example, the school I went to had a swimming pool and a huge gym.Tom: Yeah . well, the public high school I went to had great sports facilities. Besides, private schools are really expensive.Ann: Yeah, bu

3、t I think theyre worth it.Tom: I dont know. I think you have to judge every school individually, whether its public or private.Ann: That may be true . but children generally get a better, more . well-rounded education in a private school.Tom: Maybe, but Im not totally convinced. By the way, Ann, wer

4、e you on the debating team in high school, by any chance? Ann: I sure was! I was the captain! CSteves first morningSteve was rather nervous about his first day of the polytechnic. He didnt know any other students and he didnt know his way around the building. At 9 oclock, he was at the main entrance

5、 with a crowd of hundreds of other students. All of them seem to know what to do except Steve. Then he found a notice. There was a meeting for all the first-year students. He found them all waiting in the large hall. First, the director of the Polytechnic welcomed them. Then the head of students ser

6、vices, and finally the head of physical education. Head of physical education: Im here to tell you about the sport you can do at the Poly. Here in Edington, we have a fitness room where you can do exercises to keep fit, and weekly you can do all sorts of sports, such as tennis, football, hockey and

7、badminton. But there are also many other activities. You can go sailing. You can go down-caves. You can go climbing and many more. We hope all of you will take part in at least one of these. If you want to join, come on weekly on Wednesday afternoon. Any questions? A student: What about swimming? He

8、ad of physical education: We dont have our own pool. But you can swim in the public pools in Hanksy or Muston Ferry. After the meeting was over, Steve looked at this timetable. His first class was business studies, and was in room 316. But where was Room 316?Steve: Excuse me. Do you know where Room

9、316 is? Male student 1: Oh, I havent a clue, mate. Steve: Do you know where Room 316 is? Female student 1: No, do you? Steve: Im looking for Room 316. Male student 2: Oh, not another First year. Look at the notice board. Steve: But where is the notice board? Male student 2: Dont ask me. Steve: Could

10、 you tell me where Room 316 is? Female student 2: You mean business studies for Catering students. Steve: Thats it. Female student 2: Oh, Im looking for it for myself. Youre a first-year? Steve: Yes. Female student 2: So am I. Lets see if we can find it together. Questions: 1. Where was Steve at 9 o

11、clock? 2. How many people made welcome speeches at the meeting for all the first year students? 3. Who are they? 4. What kinds of sports are available in Edington Polytechnic? 5. What was Steves first class? 6. Where will he have the class? 7. How many students did Steve ask when he tried to find hi

12、s class? 8. Did he get the answer?Part II Home schooling Although education is compulsory in the United States, it is not compulsory for all children to get their education at school. A number of parents believe that they can provide a better education for their children at home. Children who are ed

13、ucated at home are known as “home-schoolers.” There are about 300 000 home-schoolers in the United States today. Interestingly, results show that home-schooled children tend to do better than average on national tests in reading and math. David Guterson is an American writer. He and his wife teach t

14、heir three children themselves. Guterson says that his children learn very differently from children in a regular school. Learning starts with the childrens interests and questions. For example, when there is heavy snowfall on a winter day, it may start a discussion or reading about climate, snow re

15、moval equipment, Alaska, polar bears, and winter tourism. Or a spring evening, when the family is watching the stars, is a good time for setting up a telescope and asking questions about satellites, comets, meteors, and the space program. At dinner, if the Brazilian rain forests are on the news, it

16、could be a perfect time to get out the atlas and encyclopedia. Then there might be two hours or more of eating, asking questions, looking up answers, discovering how rain forests influence the climate, what the “greenhouse effect” is, how deserts are formed and how the polar ice caps affect ocean le

17、vels.Although home schooling offers an experience that is often more interesting than regular schools, critics point out that home-schoolers miss out on many important things. The home-schooler is an outsider who, because he or she never attended school, might be uncomfortable mixing with other peop

18、le in adult life. Critics also say that most parents are not well qualified to teach their children and may pass on their own narrow views to their children. However, most parents dont have the time or desire to teach their children at home, so schools will continue to be where most children get the

19、ir formal education.Part III AJohn James: I disagree, Peter. I dont think it really matters what your educational background is. Anyone who is bright enough is going to do well whatever their education.Peter Davies: But John, . John James: In fact, I think some people carry on with their education w

20、hen they would do a lot better to get out and start building their own careers by learning things in real life.Peter Davies: Yes, but the whole point is, life is getting so much more complicated these days that unless you carry on with your studies you just cant cope.John James: For certain things,

21、and certain people, OK, but to my mind, the big problem in education is that you specialize too quickly. I mean, in England, you start specializing from the third year in secondary school, when youre about 14. And it gets steadily narrower until you do your “A” levels in only two or three subjects.

22、You either do languages, or natural sciences, or social sciences.Peter Davies: But surely these days you have to, John you cant possibly study everything because theres just too much.John James:Yes, but how many kids at the age of sixteen really know what they want to do? How many of them are convin

23、ced that the three subjects theyve chosen, or have been recommended, are the ones that will let them follow the careers they eventually decide on?Peter Davies: Oh, I think most young people who stay on at school have a fair idea of what they want to do.John James:Im not so sure, Peter. And after all

24、, thats not the end of it. When they get to university in England, the subjects they study are so narrow that they are only good for one thing, so they are stuck with it.Peter Davies: But I dont really see that there is any alternative if people are going to learn enough to be competent in their sub

25、ject. Theyve got to specialize early, and I suppose those that realize theyve made a mistake can always swap to something else.John James:Ah, but thats just it. You cant. Suppose you study languages at university and then decide that you are not cut out for it and would like to be a doctor. Youve bu

26、rnt your bridges. You cant just change horses in midstream; youve got to go right back to the beginning and you lose years. I think the American system is much better. BJohn James: . I think the American system is much better.Peter Davies: In what way?John James: Well, for your first degree youve go

27、t to study a fairly wide range of subjects, and you can choose them yourself, within certain limits.Peter Davies: Fine, but doesnt that mean that American students with a first degree dont have the depth of knowledge they should have?John James: Should have for what? Peter Davies: Well, they often a

28、rent accepted for postgraduate work in England with just a first degree.John James: Maybe not, but I dont really think thats important. They come out with a pretty good general knowledge in a wide area. After all, when you think about a lot of the stuff English students have to study, what good is i

29、t to them afterwards? Im sure the majority of British students never use 90 percent of what they studied at university.Peter Davies: That may be true of some arts subjects, but what about the sciences? John James: Even there, a lot what they do at university is so academic and abstruse that they wil

30、l never be able to put it to any practical use. Im sure they would benefit far more from on-the-job experience. And if theyve had a broader course of study theyve got two advantages.Peter Davies: How do you mean?John James: First of all, they will have a better understanding of the world in general,

31、 so they will be more flexible in their jobs, and then if things do go wrong they will be able to switch jobs easily. Peter Davies: That all sounds very simple, but I think youre still underestimating the amount of pure learning that you need these days, particularly in technical and scientific area

32、s. I mean even at school these days, children have to learn far more things than we did when we were at school.John James: All the more reason we should not try to concentrate on such a few things at such an early age. Things are changing so rapidly these days that we have to change with them. When

33、we were younger, there was a pretty good chance that we would be able to carry on in the profession wed chosen until we retired. But these days, people have got to be prepared to change their jobs and learn new skills as technology moves ahead. Take j ust the area of the office, for example. How man

34、y offices . Part Imagine being asked to spend twelve or so years of your life in a society which consisted only of members of your own sex. How would you react? Unless there was something definitely wrong with you, you wouldnt be so happy about it, to say the least. It is all the more surprising the

35、refore that so many parents in the world choose to impose such abnormal conditions on their children conditions which they themselves wouldnt put up with for one minute! Any discussion of this topic is bound to question the aims of education. Stuffing childrens head full of knowledge is far from bei

36、ng foremost among them. One of the chief aims of education is to equip future citizens with all they require to take their place in adult society. Now adult society is made up of men and women, so how can a segregated school possibly offer the right sort of preparation for it? Anyone entering adult

37、society after years of segregation can only be in for a shock. A co-educational school offers children nothing less than a true version of society in miniature. Boys and girls are given the opportunity to get to know each other, to learn to live together from their earliest years. They are put in a

38、position where they can compare themselves with each other in terms of academic ability, athletic achievement and many of the extra-curricular activities which are part of school life. What a practical advantage it is (to give just a small example) to be able to put on a school play in which the mal

39、e parts will be taken by boys and the female parts by girls! When segregated, boys and girls are made to feel that they are a race apart. In a co-educational school, everything falls into its proper place. But perhaps the greatest contribution of co-education is the healthy attitude to life it encou

40、rages. Boys dont grow up believing that women are mysterious creatures. Girls dont grow up imagining that men are romantic heroes. Years of living together dispel illusions of this kind. The awkward stage of adolescence brings into sharp focus some of the physical and emotional problems involved in

41、growing up. These can better be overcome in a co-educational environment. When the time comes for the pupils to leave school, they are fully prepared to enter society as well-adjusted adults. They have already had years of experience in coping with many of the problems that face men and women. Part

42、V Is China the worlds cleverest country?China achieved “remarkable” results in the Pisa international education tests, which measure pupils key skills: reading, numeracy and science. The results indicate that Chinas education system is not only above average, its overtaking the performance of many W

43、estern countries. But why do Chinese students get top marks? Andreas Schleicher, who is responsible for the Pisa tests, says Chinese students show incredible resilience to become high-flyers, regardless of their background. “North Americans tell you typically its all luck. In Europe, its all about s

44、ocial heritage: My father was a plumber so Im going to be a plumber. In China, more than nine out of 10 children tell you: It depends on the effort I invest and I can succeed if I study hard.” Mr Schleicher adds its a philosophical difference we should expect the whole cohort to pass with flying col

45、ours, rather than just expecting the cream of the crop to succeed. On a visit to a poor province in China, he noticed that schools were often the most impressive buildings. He says in the West, its more likely to be a shopping centre. So should other countries put their thinking caps on if they dont

46、 want their education system to flunk? When it comes to education, China might be able to teach the world a lesson. key skills核心技能 above average高于平均水平 performance成績 top marks 高分 high-flyers成功人士 social heritage 社會遺產(chǎn) invest投入 cohort有共同點(diǎn)旳一群人 pass with flying colours 高分通過 the cream of the crop頂尖人才 put their thinking caps on進(jìn)入思考狀態(tài) flunk 失?。ǔV缚荚嚥患案瘢?teach (someone) a lesson給(某人)一種教訓(xùn) Quiz 小測驗(yàn)

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