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1、Unit 1 Nice to meet you課 題Module One Unit One Nice to meet you設計理念1、分層指導下的任務設計:面向全體學生,為不同層次的學生提供展示自己才能的機會。2、根據(jù)學生的興趣愛好設計活動,在學中玩,在玩中學,讓學生在用英語“做事”并解決問題的同時鍛煉自己的口語交際能力。3、形成性評價貫穿整個課堂,為學生“可持續(xù)學習”奠定基礎,讓學生擁有成就感。教學目標1、語言目標:教材設計的話題是個人信息,運用任務是向新同學介紹自己以結識新的朋友,相應的功能是自我介紹。2、語言結構主要是動詞be(am)與人稱代詞的強化;將介紹自我所需要的人稱代詞與動詞b

2、e與功能(自我介紹)、真實運用任務(為結識新朋友而自我介紹)有機結合。3、跨文化交際目標:國外自我介紹的禮儀以及詢問年齡的禁忌等。如美國人比較開朗,會主動打招呼自我介紹,英國人就比較保守,恪守俗話“別人不開口你就別說話”。如果沒有人幫你介紹給外國朋友就自我介紹。教學重點1、新單詞和短語:first, lesson, class, student, Miss, blackboard, year, open, close, match, write, read, listen, practice,eleven, twelve, thirteen, twenty-nine, fifty2、動詞be(

3、am)與人稱代詞的強化教學難點不同場合下的包括年齡、家鄉(xiāng)等個人信息自我介紹學習策略自學和小組合作互動學習教 具CAI 課件、小卡片Leading-in: 1制作Name Card(此任務針對中低層次而設計)2. 看誰的朋友最多(此任務針對中高層次學生設計)3. “心有靈犀”交朋友(是按照TPR進行設計,適合各種層次)完成Task One: 制作Name Card完成Task Three: “心有靈犀”交朋友完成Task Two: 看誰的朋友最多 聽錄音填空 Homework以及評價 布 置 任 務五 步 交 際 教 學 法放錄像分組 發(fā)表格優(yōu)秀卡片作品展完成第一個語言任務學會制作卡片,為后面的

4、活動做鋪墊。結 束分組練習體驗 學習語言導入、呈現(xiàn)階段:情景創(chuàng)設、布置任務、激趣導入Drill and practice:操練階段Presentation:Drill and practice:操練階段完成第二個語言任務學會自我介紹和實際的運用Nice to meet you教學流程圖:教學步驟l (1課時)一、第一教學環(huán)節(jié):情景創(chuàng)設、布置任務、激趣導入教 師 活 動學 生 活 動1. 老師可以采取 “brainstorm”的形式,通過一到兩組的簡筆畫的形式進行自我介紹。如: 教師首先畫出一個圓圈,讓學生用英語猜測是什么并大聲說出來;然后在添加一個象云朵一樣的東西,讓學生繼續(xù)猜測,這個期間對于

5、學生敢于想象的要給予語言鼓勵或者是物質(zhì)鼓勵。最后出現(xiàn)的是一個老師的形象,讓學生慢慢意識到今天的主題。同時進行小組的競爭。這個階段也就是進行課本的“Learning to learn”或者是“Speaking”階段。My name is I am a Im years old. I am from2教師出示動畫片或者英語小flash短片(最好是有關自我介紹的),向?qū)W生進行介紹或播放課件,同時教學生詞和句型結構。Whats your name? My name is Where are you from? I am fromNice to meet you.Nice to meet you too

6、.3布置本堂課的教學“任務”,要求學生完成。任務的講解要細致,讓每一個學生明白,同時要激發(fā)起每一個學生的求知欲和用語言解決任務的信心,盡量用英文加上手勢或者書面圖片形式說明,必要時可以用中文解釋。 任務一:制作Name Card 任務二:Who has the most friends?看誰的朋友最多 任務三:心有靈犀一點通1學生認真觀察,并隨著老師的畫畫動腦筋,猜測這是什么,并積極舉手發(fā)言,獲得老師的獎品。并有可能獲得本組的加分(學生課前分好組,每節(jié)課要進行競賽,看看哪一組上課最認真)2認真觀看動畫或課件,仔細聽老師的介紹:My name is I am a Im years old. I

7、am from,跟隨老師學習有關自我介紹的詞。3繼續(xù)聽老師的介紹,然后回答老師 的問題: Whats your name? My name isWhere are you from? I am fromNice to meet you.Nice to meet you too.4學生認真理解教學“任務”,在自己下定決心取得勝利的同時,與小組成員討論任務的詳細內(nèi)容,互相鼓勵,同心協(xié)力,取得小組的勝利。二、第二教學環(huán)節(jié):師生互動、培養(yǎng)能力、給予成就感教師活動學生活動I.完成第一個任務的準備:1.Presentation完成課本Activity3, 4 & 1,用Activity 4來檢測學生對于3

8、的理解程度,同時也可以用這個表格讓學生填寫,為完成Name Card做鋪墊。NameAgeJobCityCountryMiss LiLinglingDammingWang Hui2. Drill3老師范例Name: Charles HeAge: 29 自畫像City: Zhuzhou CityCountry: ChinaQQ:33068164 TL:13874188355 My favorite(我最喜愛的)_food_: chicken備注:這里介紹一下西方的文化:比如不能詢問女士和老人的年齡以及自我介紹時注意事項等等。1聽Activity3的錄音,根據(jù)所聽到的內(nèi)容,完成Activity4部

9、分的學習任務以及完成老師布置的表格。2展開Pairwork活動,完成第一個交際的學習任務。先操練所提供的對話,再進行姓名卡片創(chuàng)作,學會運用Activity2里面的Chinese, class, school等目標語言。3由小組評選,各推出一到兩個優(yōu)秀的姓名卡,老師給予小組加分。II.完成第二個任務的準備:Who has the most friends? 看誰的朋友最多1 Presentation and drill2.學習完課文內(nèi)容之后,運用所學,在規(guī)定的八分鐘時間內(nèi),以小組為單位,看誰結交的朋友最多,她將獲得一份豐厚的獎品。3 同時填寫這份表格:NumberName對方簽名他/她的名片基本

10、內(nèi)容AgeCityWhat else 其它信息12345671.學生帶著任務進行操練課本的句型,將課本上的句型運用到實際生活中來,讓學生將自己制作的卡片上的內(nèi)容按照課本Activity4 上的句子改編成符合自己實際的句子,反復操練。2. 學生拿到卡片之后,以小組為單位全班自由交流,首先要拿著自己的創(chuàng)意姓名卡片進行“自我介紹”,然后詢問對方的姓名等相關信息之后,填寫表格,最后請她或者他親筆簽名,才算自己的自我介紹成功,說明對方愿意和你交朋友??纯吹降子卸嗌偃嗽敢夂湍憬慌笥?。評選出最佳個人和最佳小組!2. 學生完成任務所需要的運用目標語: My name is I am fromNice to m

11、eet you.Whats your name? Where are you from?Nice to meet you too.3請幾組同學派代表上來進行report, 宣讀自己組的所交朋友的數(shù)量和信息。其他組做筆記。III、完成第二個任務的準備:“心有靈犀”交朋友1Presentation 呈現(xiàn)課本上的生詞,讓學生連線,弄清楚意思。2TPR游戲:讓全體學生起立,如果老師說,Polly says: read.那么學生們就要作出閱讀的動作;如果只說read,那么學生便不要動。幾輪下來,看看到底那些同學能堅持到最后,成為“心有靈犀”的好朋友?;ハ嘟粨Q名片,留做紀念。1 學生弄清楚下列生詞意思:r

12、ead, close,open,stand up, sit down, match, write, practice, listen等2 學生玩游戲之前小組反復操練,直到完全明白。3 將完成好的卡片張貼在教室一角。三、第三教學環(huán)節(jié):評價總結、激發(fā)競爭、鞏固提高教師活動學生活動1 布置作業(yè)2 評價手冊初中生評價能力發(fā)展中的一個突出特點就是十分重視同齡人對自己的評價和看法,開始將同齡人的評價和成年人的評價同等對待,因此學生間的相互評價更是形成性評價中不可缺少的一部分。附:評價表(小組成員之間進行評價,以星號 為標記,五個星為最高,但是必須小組全票才能通過生效)_小組同學姓名學習態(tài)度、習慣合作精神任

13、務完成情況作業(yè)情況綜合評價成績小組長評語: 小組長簽名:教師評語:教師簽名:注:本表一堂課一張,一周有5張,結合評價手冊進行評定,一周由小組長統(tǒng)計一次交科代表匯總登記,作為考試的加分依據(jù)。 時間:Unit 2 Im from China and Im ChineseTeaching aimKnowledge: *useful expressions in introducing and greeting *nominal genitive pronoun & determinative genitive pronounAbilities: To be able to introduce one

14、self and others and greet people Moral education: To build up students confidence and interest in English- learningKey points: Introducing others This is Betty. This is my friend, Tony.Difficult points: 1) Asking for and receiving personal information.Whats your name?Can you introduce yourself pleas

15、e, Betty?Im from America. Im 13 years old.2) To master the names languages of some countries Teaching methods: Group work, display Teaching aids: Computer recorderTeaching procedures: Step 1 Teachers self-introduction (Lead-in)Name, Country, language, Age otherKey Sentence Structures: My name is #.M

16、y first name is #. My telephone number is #.Im from #. I m #. My age is a secret. I am from Beijing. I come from Beijing. I am a native in Beijing.I come from China. I was born in China and brought up in China. I speak Chinese. In my spare time, I enjoy #.My E-mail Address is #.Step 2 Foreign teache

17、rs introduction (The same)This is our foreign teacher. (Name, Country, language, Age other)l Students Activity: Listen and get some informationStep 3. The students IntroductionNameAgeTeacherYearClassPhone numberE-mail addressCountryLanguageOtherl Listen and prepare the introduction. l Introduce them

18、selves according to the form.l Pair work; Introduce themselves.Step 4. Part 2 on the book. Please listen to the tape so that we can know more about Daming, Lingling and Wang Hui. Please dont open your books. Look at the blackboard.Listen and Answer.:1) Where is Daming from?2) Where is Lingling from?

19、3) Where is Wang Hui from?4) How old are they?NameCountryLanguageAge OtherBettyTonyLinglingWork in pairs to practise the dialogue. l Students activity: Listen to the tape; Practise their listening; Improve their abilities of get informationStep 5. Learning the dialogue. Practise the listening skill

20、& Role playl Students activity: According to the form, they work in groups to practise the dialogue.Step6. Show a map of the world to practise the names languages of the countriesl Listen and think so many foreign countries names.Step7. Read aloudl The students read aloud to practise oral English.St

21、ep8.Writing Write some sentences about the pictures. Step9. Learning the language item.1) My names /Im from/Hes fourteen years old.2) The names of the countries.l The students learn the language points.Homework: Introduce one of your pen-friends.Unit 3 Language in use學習目標:1 學習be動詞的簡單用法。(參考書本P117118)

22、2 閱讀P7 Around the world,知道西方人的姓、名位置given name(名/教名)family name(姓)和中國人的姓名位置相反。學習重難點:be動詞變臉。 課前準備:1 你會說嗎? Whats your name?My name is Where+is/are+主語+from? 主語+am/is /are from How old are you? Im(years old). Im a teacher and Im Chinese.2 完成書本P6的第2、3部分。3.完成書本P7的第4部分。 4. 才藝展示:找Partner運用第6部分的句子進行對話表演。學習過程:

23、 1 Guess game:(1)采訪2-3位同學。(2)指一生介紹剛才采訪的同學的情況,其他學生猜是哪一位同學。2 預習檢查及交流。3 學習和操練大聲朗讀Language practice, 試述be動詞的用法。4 小結:動詞be(am, is, are)的用法(具體參考書本P117118)be的用法口訣我用,你用,連著他,她,它;單數(shù)名詞用,復數(shù)名詞全用。變疑問,往前提,句末問號莫丟棄。變否定,更容易,be后not莫忘記。疑問否定任你變,句首大寫莫遲疑。5. 用be的適當形式填空。(1)He _ a teacher. His name _Lin Feng.(2)How old _ Ming

24、ming and Dongdong?-They _ thirteen. They are only eleven.(3)-_Becky from America? -No, she _. She is from England.(4)Sam snd his friend Helen _ in Class Two. They are in Class Three.(5)-_Lucy and Lily twins? -Yes,they are. And both of them _ twelve.(6)-_ you a student? -No, I _ _. I _ a worker.課后延伸:

25、 一、單詞拼寫。1.My _(第一)name is Jack.2.Guangzhou is a big _(城市) in China.3.They are all new_(學生)in this school.4.Billy is only six _(年)old.5.Today we learn_(課) One.6.Please look at the _(黑板).7._( 匹配) the worlds with the pictures.8._( 二十九) is my lucky number.9.We dont have _(十四) apple.10.There are _(十二)boy

26、s in my class.11._( 五十) chairs are in the class.二、填表:CountryPeopleLanguage單數(shù)復數(shù)(中國)ChineseEngland (英國)English/ EnglishmanEnglish/(美國)Ameriacans(日本)Japanese三、單項選擇。()1.-Whats your family name? -_.A. Petter Hall B. Hall Petter C.Petter D.Hall()2.-Are you friends? -_. A. Yes, we are B. Yes,I am C. No,we

27、are D.Yes,you arent()3.This is Mary and that is Kate._ my _. A.Shes;friend B.Theys;friend C.Theyre; friends D.Shes friends()4.Helen and Tony _ English. A.arent B.isnt C.cant D.dont()5._ are good friends. A.Mike and I B.I and Mike C.Mide and me D.Me and MikeModule 2 Me, my parents and my friendsUnit

28、1 I can speak English.課 型Listening and speaking教材分析This is the first lesson in this module. The main topic is talking about sports. After learning, the students can talk about abilities by listening and speaking.知識目標Key vocabulary: parent, can, basketball, piano, table tennis, tennis, ride, horse, w

29、elcome, internationalKey structures: can, cant能力目標1. To understand conversation about sports2. To process information of sports in the listening3. To ask and give information about what kind of sport one can do情感態(tài)度Learn to respect others when we talk with others.教學方法Bottom-up教 具Tape recorder, Multi-

30、media, PPT教學過程Step 1: Guessing gameShow some pictures and ask the students guess what they can do. Step 2: Warming up 1. Play the recording of activity 2 and check what Lingling can do.2. Check the answers with the whole class.Step 3: Listening1. Listen to the tape and answer the teachers questions.

31、(1) Who come to our school?(2) Where are they from?(3) Can Tony swim?2. Listen again and choose Yes or No. 3. Listen and follow the tape.4. Act out the dialogue in pairs.5. Explain the main points in the dialogue.1. Please welcome Betty and Tony to our school. 歡迎貝蒂和托尼到我們學校來。welcome 是“歡迎”的意思,后可直接加表示人

32、的名詞,接地點時要用to, 意為“到”,to是介詞,其句型結構為:Welcome +某人+ to + 某地,意為“歡迎某人到某地來”。如:Welcome to my home. 歡迎到我家來。2. play football 和play the piano 這兩個短語分別意思為“踢足球”和“彈剛琴”。同學們需注意冠詞the 的使用。球類之前不加the, 而樂器前須加the。(二)語法:can為情態(tài)動詞, 意為“能;會”,其后要跟動詞原形;其否定句在 can 后直接加not , 可縮寫為 cant , 意為“不會;不能”;其一般疑問句是把 can 提到句子開頭,句末用問號,讀時用聲調(diào);其一般疑問

33、句的肯定答語為:Yes, 主語 + can;否定答語為:No, 主語 + cant . 如:I cant speak English. 我不會講英語。 Can you swim? 你會游泳嗎? Yes, I can. 是的,我會。 No, I cant. 不,我不會。Step 4: Vocabulary and pronunciation1. Explain that this activity focuses on some English phonemes which are difficult to pronounce for speakers of Chinese.2. Play th

34、e recording once without stopping.3. Play it again and ask the students to repeat.4. Practise the sounds in pairs.5. Listen and repeat. (Activity 6)Step 5: SpeakingTask 1: Find a sport partner. A: Can you swim? B: No, I cant. A. What about you? C: Sorry, I cant. Task 2: Make a survey. 調(diào)查班里面的5名同學都會做什

35、么活動,然后填入表格中,向全班同學匯報。 SportCanCantBasketballFootballTable tennisTennisRiding a bikeRiding a horseSwimmingStep 7: TestStep 8: Homework板書設計Module 2 Unit 1Can Betty play football?Yes, she can. No, she cant.Can you play basketball?Yes, I can. No, I cant.作業(yè)布置1. Read and learn the new words.2. Act out the

36、dialogue of activity 3.3. Do WB. Exx. 1-4教學反思Its important to improve the abilities of listening and speaking.Module 2 Me, my parents and my friendsUnit 2 These are my parents.課 型Reading and writing教材分析This is the second lesson in Module 2. The topic is about how to introduce parents, include their

37、jobs, workplaces and abilities and so on.知識目標Key vocabulary: factory, hotel, university, hospital, office, doctor, worker, manager, secretaryKey structures: This is my friend, Tom. These are my friends Tom and Jack. Whats your fathers name? Whats your fathers job? Can he speak English? Is your mothe

38、r a teacher?能力目標4. To understand texts concerning introduction of jobs 5. To process information of jobs in reading6. To train the basic writing skill of capitalization情感態(tài)度We should respect each other when we talk.教學方法Bottom-up教 具Tape recorder, PPT 教學過程Step 1: Revision1. The teacher shows a picture

39、of a family and give an introduction.2. The students introduce their own families by showing their family photos to all the students.Steop 2: Warming up 1. Match the words with pictures.2. Lable the people in Activity 1.3. Work in pairs and talk about “What are your parents job?”e.g. My father is te

40、acher and my mother is a doctor.Step 3: Reading1. Ask the students to read the passage and lable the pictures.2. Read it again and complete the tables, then check in pairs.3. Play the tape and ask the students to repeat it.Step 4: Language pointsThe teacher will explain the main and difficult langua

41、ge points to the whole class. (On the PPT)1. These are Bettys parents. 這是貝帝的父母。 these是指示代詞,是this的復數(shù)形式,用來指代較近的人或物,意為“這,這些”,其對應詞是those,用于指代較遠的人或物,意為“那,那些”。 Bettys 貝帝的,是名詞的所有格形式。名詞所有格通常在后面加s。如: Tonys friend 托尼的朋友。2. My mother is an English teacher in a university in Beijing. 我母親是北京一所大學的英語老師。 an, a是冠詞。a

42、用于以輔音音素開頭的名詞前,如:a banana。而an用于以元音音素開頭的詞前,如:an hour, an old man。句中university開頭字母u的第一發(fā)音為/j/,故前面用a表示“一所大學”。3. My mother is a doctor at the hospital. 我的媽媽是醫(yī)院里的醫(yī)生。 at the hospital表示“在醫(yī)院”。 at 和in 都用來表示地點。in用來指較大的地方或不具體的地方,at用于指較小或具體的地方。如:at Beijing International school 在北京國際學校(在具體學校)in a university in Bei

43、jing 在北京一所大學里(第一個in表示非具體的地點,第二個in表示較大的地方。)4. This is a photo of Miss Li. 這是李小姐的一張照片。 of為介詞,常用來表示所屬關系,構成of所有格,意為 “ 的”,例如: a map of China 一張中國地圖Step 5: Writing1. Do activity 6, write sentences with full stops and capital letters.2. Do acitivty7, write your answers in the table.Step 6: Task-based activ

44、itiesTask 1: 近似家庭請同學們運用本課所學知識問一下誰的父母的職業(yè)與自己父母職業(yè)一樣的,然后組成近似家庭。Task 2: 職業(yè)調(diào)查 請同學們根據(jù)表格中的內(nèi)容調(diào)查本班同學中誰的父母是這些職業(yè),然后請大家把調(diào)查結果匯報一下。JobMumDadTeacherWorkerDoctorManagerDriverSecretaryStep 7: TestStep 8: Homework板書設計Module 2 Unit 2This is my friend, Tom.These are my friends Tom and Jack.Whats your fathers name?Whats

45、your fathers job?Can he speak English?Is your mother a teacher?作業(yè)布置4. Read and learn the new words.5. Write a short passage for you.6. Do WB. Exx. 5-9教學反思The students can get information from the reading material about personal information.Module 1 Nice to meet youUnit 3 Language in use課 型Revision a

46、nd application教材分析Unit 3 是一個復習單元,對學生在前兩單元中業(yè)已掌握的知識技能進行總結與綜合性的練習。知識目標Key vocabulary: photoKey structures: My mother is a(an) He/She/You/ They can/ cant能力目標1. To summarise and practise the language covered in this module2. To review and check vocabulary3. To complete a task about personal information 情

47、感態(tài)度Learn to respect others when we talk with others.教學方法Formal instruction and task-based approach 教 具Tape recorder, PPT, handout教學過程Step 1: RevisionSay: I can do a lot of things. Do you know what I can do? Please ask me by using “Can you ?”Steop 2: Language practice (Activity 1, 2, 3, 4)1. Show a p

48、icture of a family and describe it, then ask the students to talk about their family photo.2. Look at the pictures of activity 2. Say what Daming and you can do and cant do.3. Look at the pictures of activity 3 and complete the sentences.4. Match the jobs with the pictures. (Activity 4)Step 3: Aroun

49、d the wordTell the students that different countries have different languages. Ask them to understand the differences between languages in pronunciation, grammar and writing, etc.Step 4: Module task1. Pre-task Work in pairs and ask and answer.1. Whats your name?2. How old are you?3. Where are you fr

50、om?4. Can you swim/ speak English/?2. Real taskAccording to the information above complete the personal information about your partner.Step 8: Homework 板書設計Module 2 Unit 3My mother is a(an) He/She/You/ They can/ cant作業(yè)布置Finish off the workbook exercises.教學反思Speaking more is necessary for the student

51、s.Module 3 My new schoolI. Teaching goals 模塊教學目標 技能目標聽Listen to people introducing their new schools說Introduce your school to your friends讀Find specific information about peoples schools寫Write sentences giving specific information using short forms( Its .They re)語言目標功能句式Describing school In our scho

52、ol, there are 20 students in a class.In my class, theres a blackboard and there are 22 desks.Are there any computers on your desks? Yes, there are. No, there arent.Is there a computer on Miss Lis desk? Yes, there is .No, there arent.詞匯1. 重點詞匯dictionary , library, picture, right, science, some, any,

53、one2. 認讀詞匯 There , forty-six, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, thirty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, gym, lab, dining hall, in front of , next, behind, building語法存在句There is a blackboard and there are 22 desks. There are 46 students in my class.There isnt a computer on Miss

54、Lis desk. There arent any computers on our desks.重點句子1. In our school, there are 20 students in a class.2. In my classroom, there is a blackboard and 22 desks.3. Are there any computers on your desks?4. Is there a computer on Miss Lis desk?5. Wheres the library?6. Where are the classrooms?II. Teachi

55、ng material analyzing教材分析 本模塊以“My new school”為話題,重點學習存在句 There be 結構,介紹某地有某物、某物在何處以及方位,物體所屬關系的表達法。 Unit 1 重點學習介紹、詢問某地有某物的方法。其中活動1、2、3、4要求學生通過讀圖識別詞匯、和聽力訓練的方式初步學習“某處有某物”的表達方法?;顒?、6、7要求掌握本單元的語音和詞匯并能在課堂交際中靈活運用。活動8、9要求以pair work形式掌握物體及其數(shù)量(數(shù)字)的表達方法,并能結合存在句型There be進行交際技能訓練。Unit 2 主要通過讀圖及閱讀的方式學習有關地點及方位名稱的表

56、達?;顒?通過詞匯和圖片的匹配練習復習地點或場所的表達法?;顒?通過讀圖及問答練習學習介紹人或事物之間位置關系的表達?;顒?要求通過pair work的形式鞏固表示場所的詞匯并進一步復習方位的表達法。活動4、5、6要求通過小組活動或問答形式加深對地點及方位的理解和運用。Unit 3 對There be句型、地點及方位詞匯進行綜合訓練?;顒?要求談論教室及周圍的事物,活動2根據(jù)提示及要求完成句子,活動3填充一幅地圖復習地點詞匯;Around the world簡單介紹了解西方國家的學校概況。Module task要求通過寫信的方式描述自己所在的學校。III. Class types and pe

57、riods 課型設計與課時分配Period 1 Vocabulary ( Unit 1: 1、5、6、7)Period2 Reading (Unit 1: 3、4; Unit 2: 2、3)Period3 Integrating skills(Unit 2: 4、5、6; Unit3)IV. Teaching plans for each period分課時教案Period 1 VocabularyLanguage goals語言目標1. Key vocabulary重點詞匯dictionary, library, picture, right, science, some, anyone2. Key structures重點句式Theres There areAbility goals能力目標Enable students to describe a school.Teaching methods教學方法Listening and speakingTeaching aids教具準備 A tape recorder, a projector and a computer. Teach

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